This is a page where you can add your character and its attributes. Just edit this page and add your character and attributes under where it says characters. Also, this isnt *just* for Vampires, your character could be anything (human, lycan, witch, etc.)
Name: Victor
Bloodline:pure (or it could be half and such)
Status:Turned (or you could put half human or half whatever.)
e hair down to chin, Blue eyes, Black trenchcoat, combat boots, Torn shirt, black pants, pale skin (and such)
Abilities:Flight, Can control fire, immune to sunlight, (and so on)
(you can add more to the list if youd like instead of just using {features, Abilities, bloodline, and so on})
And remember to keep your abilities within reason. If you claim to be absolutely immortal and have every power and ability you can think of, it ruins the game for others. So please keep your abilities around 3 or 4. And no Vampire is completely immortal so dont write that down.
Name: Ariana Snow
Sex: Female
Race: Vampire
Bloodline: Pure
Features: White hair and red eyes, a feature retained from her human form, crosses burned into her hands and feet.
Abilities: Shapeshifting (Any feline), Immune to sunlight (But she can get a nasty sunburn without sunblock, lol), Pyrokinetic and telekinetic.
Username:[Bloody Tears]
Name:Maci Blare
Features:blackhair,redeyes,crosses burn so does holy water.
Abilities:walk in sunlight,and shapeshifting of any hound,telekinetic.
Username:[tears of blood]
Name: Morgan Tracey
Features:Black bellybutton-length hair, Purple eyes, Wears an Amulet around her neck of origins unknown, has on a black tank top with tight black pants and boots.
Abilities:Pyrokinetic, teleportation, flight, and seduction.

Name: Gabrielle
Sex: Female
Age: Who knows? Own's body of an eighteen year old
Race: Vampyre
Bloodline: Pure
Status: Turned by Isis herself in the dawn of time
Features: Beautiful, naturally english looking, but since being turned, long brown hair changed to natural white. Sometimes obscure colours are played about with for a while... Blue eyes, Medieval and victorian dresses, boots, Blue skin, heavily but beautifully scarred.
Abilities: Enchantment, Flight, seduction, invisibility, shape shifting, Teleportion, energy taker...
Username: [Katherine]
name: lauryn D'aubigne
sex: female
age: 327 (mortally 16)
race: vampire
status: turned vampiric by an elder vampire
features: long dark hair, pale skin, bright green eyes, quite short in height, slim. wears a long black dress with knee high boots and her hair loose.
abilities: flight, mind reading, telekinesis, extreme speed and agility, skilled fighter.
username: leola
Name: adolven swordsteel
Sex: male
Race: Vampire
Bloodline: Pure
Features: black hair, always wears sun glasses gloves and a trench coat,
Abilities: flight, can control animals and fire
Username:[grim death]
Name: vlad smith
Race: vampire
Bloodline:pure (vlad draculs true heir)
Features: jet black hair, always wearing black, only have a life at night.
Abilities: Levatation, control of fire.
User name: [vlad_the_vampire]
Name: Catriona Evelina
Sex: Female
Race: Vampire
Bloodline: Pure
Features:short red hair, dark, capturing gree eyes, long nails, wears tight leather pants and rides a motercycle
Abilities:flight, can control the weather and ice, can mesmerize anyone with my singing
Username: [Dragon Martial Arts Babe]
Bloodline:Vampire(1/2),Thunder Demon(1/4),Dark Elf(24/100),Human(1/100)
Features:lower back legnth dark brown hair,black shirt,dark blue jeans,black vest,black trench coat,green eyes,pale skin,hates people
Abilities:flight,see the future,control people,camands thunder,lightning,and wind
Username: [Ħαρρy €αггøŧ Mαηҳҳ_♂]
Name: Dutch
Sex: Male
Age: 17
Race: Vampire/ Fey
Bloodline: -0 Pure
Features: Shaggy Black and Purple hair, fair skin, knee high boots, a tight black shirt, black baggy cargo pants, 5'6, 130lbs
Abilities: Teleportation, Telepathic, Ice powers..anything else a Vampire can do.
Username: [Roosey]
Name: Baydonian
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Race: Night Elf
Bloodline: none
Freatures: Blue chest length hair, tanned skin, light plate armour, Adamite Daggers on belt, 6' 2 160 lbs, Magical ablities, silk underclothing, leather boots. silver gaulets.
Wool cape.
Username: [notcher]

Name: Luciana Jones
Sex: Female
Race: Vampire Valkyrie
Age: 18
Features: Average Height with long pink hair with white highlights,pink eyes,a pink birthmark running from her forehead to her cheek,a white kimono with red lining and a red sash, trimmed in black, with a shapely body that's meant to tempt any man
Personality:She has amazing speed and strength although even Luci is a tomboy, almost the youngest in the royal family and plays pranks on her sister's she knows when to get serious and is often known to be stubborn
Lightning speed,Healing,and Teleportation
a Shioux longsword
Features:six feet two, long black hair, black eyes, thin, seems like he is insane, dresses in all black all the time. no one knows much about him(not even himself)
Ablities: he can do anything with his mind but his insanity is his weakness. He can never reach his full potential while insane(comes and goes)
Name: Shilenne Kianarn A.K.A. Kia
Sex: Female
Age: Looks 18 (100 years)
Race: Vampire
Bloodline: Pure
Features: Blood Red hair to waist and deep green eyes. A poet style shirt with a black vest and black pants. Concluded with dark brown boots and lots of jewelry. Five piercings in each ear.
Abilities: Can stand the sunlight for short time periods unlike her relatives in her clan. She can move things with her mind.
Username: [This is a Deleted Account]
Name: Dark Moon
Sex: Female
Age: 15
Race: Vampire
Bloodline: pure
Features: Black hair that goes to the lower back, Dark blue eyes, White skin, Thin yet strong, tall, wears black makeup, I have a black mini skirt with black pleather pants underneath, and black semi high heeled combat boots with a knife on each, and I have a sword within easy reach upon my back, and a longsleeve black shirt. I also wear a black cape where the hood is always up, unless i am engaged in battle. I aslo have black fingerless gloves. I love to sing, not for the control, but for pleasure of hearing something. I tend to stay in the dark, I can stand light, but I try to stay withdrawn from it...
Abilities: Flight, minipulates water, excellent swordfighter, telepathic, can heal any injury, Some magic powers, used sparingly *grin*, shapeshifter, can talk to animals 9especially wolves and red-tailed hawks), Her singing is known to have a lulling effect, and tends to let her gain control of most people.
Other: I have two companions that go wherever I go, My red-Tailed Hawk named Black Rose and my Black wolf named Midnight Galaxy. They are my gaurdians, and will attack when they sense danger to me or themselves or anyone close to me. They are my only friends for now, but one must treat them kindly....
Username: [Sabrina Catherine]
Name: Courtney
Age: 16
Race: Witch/Vampire
Bloodline: pure
Features: short blonde/pinkish hair, Blue eyes, Black pants, thigh high heel boots, Lace shirt, fair skin.
Abilities: Fight, Seduces victims, immune to sunlight.
Username: [Hearts of Flame]
Age:Looks 16(1,452)
Blood line:Pure
Features: Tall and slinder,black hair that comes down to his chin and allways spiked up in the back.Black sweeter and bagy black pants.Pale skin.
Abilities: Hipnotic eyes to play with victims.
Username: [Gaara]
Name: Chelle
Sex: Female
Age: Looks 19 (400)
Features: Long blonde hair, blue eyes, very diff vampire, mini skirts, boots, and tops, 5'5 125 lbs jsut cuz im small doesnt mean i cant kick ur ass!
Abilities: Easily seduces victims (as well as other vampires), immune to sunlight, Can move things with my mind.
Age:17(really 244)
Bloodline:pure, grandfather was merlin
Features:Long brownish hair, brown eyes,5'11", wears long beautiful robes, always carries spellbook, wears bloodred pendant that is believed to be his source of unusually long life.
Abilities:uses spells to kill enemies,can summon spirts and demons to do his bidding, also has telekinesis.
username: [The_Black_Dahlia]
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