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2007-07-23 [cpt.jack sparrow24]: i like this one mom
2007-07-23 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you. ^_^
2007-07-28 [kittykittykitty]: I love it :,D I'm far from perfect, but I can definitely relate to this It just strikes a chord *nodnod* Very well-written.
2007-07-28 [Bookwyrm]: Well, no one is/was perfect. ^_^ But I think just about every woman can relate to this. ^_^ -hugs Kitty-
2007-09-06 [Midori]: *is in awe* I...I don't know what to say. This is just too good for words.
*begins applauding*
2007-09-06 [Bookwyrm]: XD -hugs- Aww, thanks dear! I just wish that both genders would recognize their faults and work to FIX them, instead of bitching about the other gender. But, of course, that's not going to happen until people acknowledge the fact that they do have faults and/or they CAN fix them.
2007-09-06 [Midori]: Can I have your permission to put this in my diary?
2007-09-07 [Bookwyrm]: Of course! ^_^ I originally wrote it in my diary. XD I finally moved it to a wiki so others could see it.
2007-09-07 [Midori]: Yay! *copies and pastes*
2007-09-23 [- xX - Raychel Anne - Xx -]: omg i love it can i put it on my page??
2007-09-23 [Bookwyrm]: Yes, you may. :)
2008-06-10 [Midori]: It really, really means so much more now, than it did the first time I read it.
2008-06-10 [Bookwyrm]: ^-^ The more of life you experience, the truer it becomes.
2008-06-10 [Midori]: Well, Derek and I split again. Yeah, I feel the same as I did then, but I'm feeling a little better now. I think he's just frustratd with how dramatic (truly, dramatic in the event kinda of way, s.S, job, money, apartment, you know)
I've depended on him to bring me to work from the homeless shelter, and he just doesn't know how to deal with the stresses of my life, because his is so flawless. I'm goin to give him time this time.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Eh...men are like that sometimes. -_- Women can be too, but it's a trait I've seen in men more often (perhaps I've just been around the wrong men, though, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt). Good idea, just give him time, and if he can't be there for you then he's not worth your time.
2008-06-16 [Midori]: That's true. some friend. He called taking me to a work a "hassle" when I was going to pay him gas money, AND I'm paying for his way and mine at ruby Tuesday restarant this Thursday. That's a hassle. 60 bucks, down the drain, and all because i'm a fool.
2008-06-17 [Bookwyrm]: You're not a fool, you're a good woman who tries to see the best in those around you. Unfortunately, some people's "best" leaves something to be desired. -_-
2008-08-18 [Love like Winter.]: Oh my, I LOVE this! Everytime I see that "a tribute to the nice guys" thing, it just makes me scoff! Its pathetic, half my male friends who claim to be the "nice guys" really arn't. I've seen them use women, I know how shallow they really are.
Can I link to it on my house? (I promise to give credit, where credit is due *smiles*)
2008-08-19 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you. ^-^ I've seen the same thing happen, that's why I decided to write this up. Got sick of us being the "bad guys" all the time. Please, feel free to link it. ^-^
2008-08-19 [Love like Winter.]: The more I think about it, I realise that the fake "nice guys" are far worse than the bad guys. They are sneaky because they simply know better and know to be nice around their female friends. At least with the bad guys, we have a chance to see them for what they are and not be used. *hmph!*
2008-08-19 [Bookwyrm]: Agreed. -_- Plus, the fake "nice guys" are particularly good liars, and good at guilt trips.
2008-08-19 [Love like Winter.]: Sadly, only experience teaches you how to tell the differnce between the fake "nice guys" and the decent, genuine men. I've had my share and I still get fooled lol.
2008-08-19 [Bookwyrm]: Yup. -grumbles- Been there, done that.
2008-08-19 [Love like Winter.]: Your lucky now, no more hastle! =D
2008-08-19 [Bookwyrm]: Mmm...-refrain
2008-08-20 [Midori]: Jesus Christmas, haven't we all!
2008-08-21 [Love like Winter.]: Worse case of "nice guy" drama that has happened to me is when a good friend of mine asked me out but I declined (I have a little flame for someone else) and so he stops being nice o_o I was like "Oh, your so obvious *tuts*"
2008-08-21 [Love like Winter.]: I'm sorry, I could go on and on....
2008-08-21 [Bookwyrm]: -shakes head- Idiots. -_- It's okay. XD If you need to rant, there's usually an ear here. XD
2008-08-21 [Love like Winter.]: Hehe, thank you.. Its just really good to know that other people feel like this too and I'm not just being a "super-bitch" =)
2008-08-21 [Bookwyrm]: XD No, you're not being "super-bitch." Though I think all of us feel that way sometimes. x_x Which is another trait of not-so-nice "nice guys." They have a wonderful ability to make us feel like shit. -_-
2008-08-22 [DeeJay™]: (is sorry to interrupt) xD
nice wiki. some interesting points :]
i would comment further, but i'd probably get bitched out.. :p
2008-08-22 [Bookwyrm]: Thank you. :P Not necessarily, unless you intend to bitch first. :P Honestly, I've got nothing against nice guys. Real ones. Not the whiny ones. :P Honestly, I was just tired of feeling attacked by "nice guys" for being a woman, and thought it was time to turn the tables a bit and shove a mirror in their faces. :P
2008-08-22 [Love like Winter.]: Amen sista! I agree.. There are REAL nice guys out there. Its just a matter of filtering out the fake ones :P
2008-08-22 [DeeJay™]: nah, i dont intend to bitch :]
but, when i was writing it, it did sound pretty bitchy xD
i dont really mind the piece overall. i think that the vast majority of it is accurate. and the bits i didnt agree with, i couldnt come up with a non-bitchy-sou
but, why do women stay with guys who everyone else knows are bad for them? why, once they've found out they're 'illogical, ignorant, lying, abusive assholes', do they then stay with them? :S
i guess that kinda makes the 'illogical' bit redundant. or, it does for me <.<
2008-08-22 [Bookwyrm]: Well, not all of them do. :P Frankly, a lot of women are illogical. Nearly all women have confidence issues, and so they often seek the approval of those around them--particul
Then there are the women who are afraid of change. They know that they shouldn't be with this person, but they've been with him so long that they don't know how to say goodbye, and they don't know how to be with anyone else. This is basically pure fear in one's abilities. She's not sure if she can handle life without him, because she hasn't had to for so long. She's grown used to having him around, bad qualities and all.
More than likely it's a co-dependency problem. We often feel the need to attach ourselves to someone because we don't feel like we can take on the world ourselves. This is a flaw in ourselves, not in the men in our lives. The only time it becomes the mens' fault is if they use it to their advantage. Some women make themselves very easy to manipulate because they're afraid of being alone. It's stupid, and it's dangerous, but it's true. Now, it's easy for an "outsider" to see where the problems are, and sometimes it's easy for her to see where the problems are, but to take the advice and face her fears? That's where it becomes a problem...so instead of admitting that there's a problem and that she's just too scared to get out of the relationship, she'll make shit up. ^^'
2008-08-22 [Bookwyrm]: Oh, and if you're upset with the tone of the writing, forgive me, I was just mimicking the tone from the "Nice Guys" ode. :P
2008-08-23 [DeeJay™]: if he's hit you once, he'll do it again. if he berates you constantly, it'll just get worse. how can anyone possibly think that the relationship is going well? or it'll get better?
and why would anyone want to make excuses, 'cause he said one looked pretty afterwards?
no logic could ever justify staying with them. none at all. so why do women keep themselves in that position?
another thing i dont understand; why do all women have confidence issues? (and dont blame it on guys, it's not true..) xD
surely if they had some self-confidenc
oh, and the tone was fine. it was honest :]
2008-08-23 [Bookwyrm]: XD Like I said, women are often illogical. There is no justification. I was merely explaining what goes through a woman's mind during situations like that. She knows it'll happen again more than likely, though some part of her might hold out hope that he'll change (yeah, whatever). Typically she simply feels that she isn't good enough for anything better than what she's receiving, and more often than not the man is reinforcing that belief by telling her that she's scum. It's a vicious cycle, and is very hard to break. It typically starts with lack of confidence in oneself.
I don't blame it on guys. Well not all guys. There are some guys that do that. My step-father was one of those abusive assholes who made the women in his life feel like shit. It started with me at a young age. I was already sick all the time and picked on at school for different reasons, and when I was home he'd tell me how awful I was and how no one could want me and blah blah blah. Bunch of bullshit, basically. But when you're told that every day, you begin to believe it, even when you've done nothing to prove it.
Other than that, it's a curious question. The media doesn't help with their airbrushed photos of super-models that (no offense) most men drool over, so we feel like we need to at least be comparable to them to feel desired and pretty. Plus, I believe it is in the mindset of most women that they have to be "prettier than her." It's stupid, but it's how most women seem to be wired. We compare ourselves to other women constantly, and usually can't be satisfied with ourselves until we stop doing that, because there's always someone "prettier" in our eyes. No matter how much nipping, tucking, plucking, and pruning we do, we never feel like we're "enough." Women are illogical. :P
It starts with us, it is enhanced by men. XD I know that sounds like I'm blaming guys, but I'm not. It's simple fact. We're already stupid enough to believe we're not good enough, and then we see things like Playboy, or even just a pretty "girl next door," and we feel like we have to be better to be considered attractive in the eyes of men.
Honestly it's something even I have to work with. I have huge jealousy issues, not because I don't trust the man I'm with, but because I have to feel like I'm the best. XD I'm working on not comparing myself to other women. Honestly, it's not their fault they're beautiful. XD
2008-08-23 [DeeJay™]: but, with just a shred of self-respect, and a smidge of confidence, it shouldnt be hard to work out she'll be better without him in her life, right?
yet, even when they've established that, they stay. whyyyyyy? D:
im sorry to hear about you and your step-father's relationship :x
the same thing happened with one of my friends, actually. her step-dad was calling her nasty names; completely ruined her confidence. she eventually managed to move to her grandma's, but everytime anyone compliments her, she doesnt believe it, 'cause his words are still in her head :S
may i be nosy enough to ask how you got out of that situation?
yeah, i know women always compare themselves to other girls. it's why there's a section in most women's magasines showing celebs looking terrible xD
...dont ask me how i know that o_o
but it really is pointless thing to do; compare yourself to billions of women, on the hope of being prettier than all of them x]
why not just accept one will never be the most beautiful, and focus on other things about their person?
and good luck! i hope you succeed :3
2008-08-23 [Love like Winter.]: Yeah, also many women who are abused have children. A family to think of. They can't confront their partner about it out of fear and can't afford to leave the house because they may have no where else to go. Many also get threatened that if she leaves, he'll go after her. So they stay quiet and put up with it in hope that things don't get worse (never mind getting better).
Of course, women can also be the abusers. My family was more like this. My parents would drink heavily and then my mum would get aggressive. My Dad never hit her, not even in retaliation. But he would try to defend/protect himself and she would get the odd bruise out of this. I would then have to listen to her play the victem and tell her workmates about how my Dad hits her -.- This has taught me a valuable lesson in life: you never know quite what goes on behind closed doors.
2008-08-23 [Bookwyrm]: Exactly, [Love like Winter.]. It comes from both sides...and really, there is no justification or reasoning behind it that truly makes sense. It's just the way people are. People get used to living a certain way. A lot of times, people get used to being miserable, so they just put up with it. A lot of times, change can seem a lot scarier than your current situation...an
That's how I got out of it. Well, my mom and step-dad would drink and fight, drink and fight. He was an abusive drug-addict, and sort of influenced my mom toward that path. The drugs addled his brain, I think, because he started doing other things I'd rather not mention here...let's just say he was an asshole. I ran away a few times, but always came back because I didn't think I had anywhere to go. Eventually I ran away to my grandmother's, told her some of what was going on, and she wouldn't let my mom take me back. My mom hated me for a long time, and I hated her. Eventually, after she left the dirtbag, we were able to forgive one another, but I refused until she left him. By then she'd already had two kids by him. -_- I had that same problem, though. For a long time I couldn't accept compliments, because I didn't feel I deserved them. I had a really rough high-school career because of that as well. Eventually I got over it and learned what a wonderful human being I am. :P I still have confidence issues sometimes, but I'm a hell of a lot better than before. Basically it came down to realizing that it wasn't my fault that he did what he did, and I should've never paid attention to what a scumbag like that had to say in the first place. :P Personally I'd be disappointed if he thought highly of me, because then I really would be trash. XD
Oy. -hugs [Love like Winter.]- Sorry about your mom. Sometimes I think that abusive women are worse than men, because the women play the victim card so much more. I have a friend who used to date an abusive girl. He was, of course, much stronger than her, and could've easily done the same back, but he wouldn't. Only thing he would do would be to hold her back so that she couldn't put her full weight into the attack. When she got bruises from that, she'd tell people that he beat her. -_- What a bitch. People like that make me sick.
2008-08-23 [Love like Winter.]: Hmm, its probably worse for men. Because men have problems admiting their feelings anyway, never mind social expectations. They think others will think they are lesser men for taking abuse from a woman but if anything, they are obviously more strong willed and decient than most.
*hugs [Bookwyrm]* I'm sorry to hear about your step-dad. My Dad's GF after my mum was aggressive too, she took it out on me as well. I understand how detrimental to someone's self-esteem that is. The worst thing for me was that she seemed to get away with her behaviour, because my Dad loved her, he would welcome her back. It's hard when its going on in your own home and theres no where to get away from it. It's hard seeing someone you love being treated like a doormat. It made me lose a lot of respect for my Dad, which in turn, I felt guilty about. Whats important is that you still have your mum and you guys talk now. I'm glad you don't have to live with that anymore and you can move on :)
2008-08-23 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- Precisely. -kicks the women who give good women a bad name- It's disgusting.
I'm sorry about your Dad and his girl. I don't understand why people act that way. I don't see myself getting any pleasure out of making someone else's life hell. I can't see how other people do. -grimace- It's hard not to lose respect for someone who continues to subject themselves to such treatment, or subject people they love to said treatment. You can be sympathetic for as long as you like, but after a time, you get disheartened. It's just the way we are. I am happy I was able to get out of that situation as early as I did, and glad I didn't turn out to be a complete monster after it. -hugs- Here's hoping you never have to put up with anything like that again.
2008-08-23 [Love like Winter.]: You know its bad when it starts to feel "normal" and when you tell friends about it, they are tottally shocked and you can understand why but it dosn't feel appauling to you anymore.
But everything that I have been through has only made me s stronger/tough
2008-08-23 [Bookwyrm]: I know exactly what you mean. ^-^ But like you, I'm thankful. It'd be nice to have learned the lessons another way but experience is life's greatest teacher and all that. :P
2008-08-23 [Love like Winter.]: I agree.. If it wern't for how I've been treated in the past, I would probably be a worse person. To think I wouldn't be who I am today is strange, I'm more than happy with how I've turned out =)
2008-08-23 [Bookwyrm]: -grins- I could toast to that. -offers you tea- XD
2008-08-23 [Love like Winter.]: Aha, I like this wiki more and more. *brings out the teacups*
2008-08-23 [Bookwyrm]: -brings out plate of cookies- Might as well...XD
2008-08-23 [Love like Winter.]: Tea party!! =D
2008-08-23 [Bookwyrm]: Heck yes! I haven't had one of these since I was little! And my only guests then were teddy bears. T_T
2008-08-23 [Love like Winter.]: I know... My dolls were all very pretty but useless at making conversation.
2008-08-23 [Bookwyrm]: Dolls scared me. x_x I stuck with plushies. I didn't mind kitties, puppies, and bunnies at the table. XD
2008-08-24 [Love like Winter.]: Haha, that seems cutier... Rather than being surrounded by plastic figurines that would bearly be able to stand if they were real women >,>
2008-08-24 [Bookwyrm]: -shivers- Exactly. Ugh. Dolls. I had a few people give me porcelain dolls once...those went up into the highest part of my closet and stayed there. In fact, I think they're still there at my grandma's...XD
2008-08-24 [Love like Winter.]: I love porcelain dolls... At least they are actually pretty and not fake or cheap looking. Even if they are creepy :P
2008-08-24 [Bookwyrm]: They are pretty...they'
2008-08-24 [Love like Winter.]: Thats probably why I like them so much ^_^ I have a friend who's room is FULL of them. Creeps everyone else out ut me. For ages, I was the only friend who would stay over xD
2008-08-24 [Bookwyrm]: ...-shivers- No no no no no. -hides in closet-
2008-08-24 [Love like Winter.]: They were everywhere... Didn't help that I bought her a set of 8 little ones for Christmas. Haha xD
2008-08-24 [Bookwyrm]: XD Well as long as y'all liked 'em I guess...
2008-08-24 [Love like Winter.]: Yeah, would have been hilarious if I gave them to someone who's terrified of them. Imagine their face on Xmas morning xD
2008-08-25 [Bookwyrm]: -adopts expression of utter and complete horror- Something like this, I imagine. XD
2008-08-25 [Love like Winter.]: Yeah, something like that! That would be a kick ass Christmas =D
2008-08-25 [Bookwyrm]: XD Maybe for you!
2008-08-25 [Love like Winter.]: My holidays are never exciting unless I'm tormenting someone else. hence why I love Halloween! :P
2008-08-25 [Bookwyrm]: XD My holidays are always exciting because I love to decorate. XD Mind...after the decorating is done it's kind of a bummer.
2008-08-25 [Love like Winter.]: Yeah, and having to take 'em all down. I just wanna keep 'em there =)
2008-08-25 [Bookwyrm]: I know! XD Putting them up is great fun...taking them down is like admitting defeat!
2008-08-25 [Love like Winter.]: I once tried to keep the Christmas ones up but they all fell down anyway.. I just don't think it was ment to be :P
2008-08-26 [Bookwyrm]: XD I had icicle lights up in my room for years...eventu
2008-08-26 [Love like Winter.]: Me too! I have fairy lights that came with translucent curtains (but I took them out I just have no where to put them) so I put the lights all over my ceiling but they keep falling down :(
2008-08-26 [Bookwyrm]: Boo! It'd be neat to wire those into your ceiling...
2008-08-26 [Love like Winter.]: Not only is it annoying, it freaks me out in the middle of the night! lol... I'd be half asleep and feel these wires hit me and get tangled in them.. In the dark! >.<
2008-08-26 [DeeJay™]: sticky tape? blue tack?
or, if you're really posh, hammer some of those wire clip things in. they work a treat :D
2008-08-26 [Bookwyrm]: XD I've had that happen to me before too...flipping scary!!
Sticky tape = stops being sticky after a while...
Blue tack = also stops being tacky after a while, I think, as it dries out, and if you're not careful you'll have blue dots/streaks all over the place.
Wire clip things = possibility. XD
2008-08-26 [DeeJay™]: tape - keep the air out, should be fine
blue tack - hardens as it dries :p
2008-08-27 [Bookwyrm]: XD Yeah...for tape...you can't keep the air out. Most ceilings/shelv
Blue tack does harden as it dries. :P Doesn't mean it's perfect.
2008-08-27 [Love like Winter.]: I know blue tack and sticky tape don't work =(
I live in a high-rise flat so (thankfully) the ceilings are pretty impossible to hammer through :P
2008-08-27 [Bookwyrm]: XD So basically...yo
2008-08-27 [DeeJay™]: or not, as the case may be.. xD
2008-08-28 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Oh very clever!
2008-08-28 [Love like Winter.]: I will find tha way... one day -,-
2008-08-28 [Bookwyrm]: -shakes fist at ceiling- One day!
2008-08-28 [DeeJay™]: you could always like, hammer a couple of nails just under the ceiling, bend them into an 'L' shape, and hook the lights around them :D
2008-08-28 [Love like Winter.]: ... Or get the super-glue out? =D
2008-08-28 [Bookwyrm]: Hot glue fixes everything.
I mean...everything...
2008-08-28 [Love like Winter.]: Heartache? :P
2008-08-28 [DeeJay™]: i dont know about you crazy cats, but i'd rather not stand there for an hour waiting for it to set :p
2008-08-29 [Bookwyrm]: Yup. Fixes heartache on the spot! Just apply a thick layer of hot glue to your heart and it gets all warm and fuzzy again. XD
Hmm, no, not when it's going on your ceiling. But it still fixes everything. XD
2008-09-28 [Bookwyrm]: -pokes the heart- Oooo
2008-09-28 [Mango Pickle River]: (giggles) I loved that. It was absolutely beautiful. && its so true, I feel like my perspective has been sharpened. Thank you!
2008-10-02 [Bookwyrm]: Aww, thank you. :) Just fighting back a bit. Got tired of being called a bitch just for my gender. :P
2008-10-02 [DeeJay™]: :O
we dont call you a 'bitch' 'cause of your gender, hunny..
2008-10-02 [Sister Creep]: Very nice wiki. Also. [DeeJay™], that was uh...a bit rude.
2008-10-02 [DeeJay™]: no, it wasnt :]
i know i dont call her a bitch because of her gender. i dont call her a 'bitch' at all xD
2008-10-03 [Sister Creep]: You said "we". And the way you said it implied that you were, indeed, saying she's a bitch.
2008-10-03 [DeeJay™]: <_<
jees, okay. yes. i implied [Bookwyrm] was a 'bitch'. it was only supposed to be a joke, and i'm sure she would have taken it as one. thanks for ruining the camaraderie
2008-10-03 [Bookwyrm]: XD Oh I am a bitch. But I'm not a bitch because of my gender. I'm a good bitch though. :P
2008-10-03 [Love like Winter.]: She's our bitch ^_^ (sorry, felt left out >,>)
Hehe, hiya!
2008-10-04 [Bookwyrm]: Pah! I am no one's bitch! Well...-stares at dog underneath her chair- Er...maybe her's...but no one else's! XD
2009-05-30 [Rajani Tora]: I love it. I am glad someone found one for us gals that are good.
2009-06-01 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ I thought good women get a bad rap all too often.
2009-06-02 [Rajani Tora]: Yes they do. Just as males do.
2009-06-02 [Bookwyrm]: -nod- Agreed.
2009-06-03 [Rajani Tora]: Though its nice when people think of the others that arent like that. I have had my fair share of both.
2009-06-04 [Bookwyrm]: Oh I agree with that as well. I'm one who does her best not to generalize. This was basically my response to the thousands of "nice guy" quotes that make all women sound like pretentious, bitchy whores. We're not all like that.
2009-06-04 [Rajani Tora]: NO we arent and it is sad that there are those that are.
2009-06-07 [Dornhal Dragon]: *hugs Tora gently* and you are good, you deserve so much better my sweet...
2009-06-07 [Rajani Tora]: *I smile and hug back tightly* No, I have you. That is all I need.
2009-06-07 [Dornhal Dragon]: You deserve better then me...I cant be there in your arms...
2009-06-08 [Rajani Tora]: *I tilt my head* You are here in my heart and in thy spirit.
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