Page name: Adolescent Hearts Chapter 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-09 23:50:14
Last author: Pandora♥xcore
Owner: Pandora♥xcore
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Chapter 2: Blood

The next thing that I remember, was Demetrious shaking me to wake up. It was just about dawn and we needed to find a place to stay out of the sun. After looking around for awhile, we found a large secluded waterfall with a cave hidden behind it. The cave was quite cold, so Demetrious built a nice sized fire to keep us warm for the time being. We spent a great deal of time in silence . Every once in awhile I would peer over at him out of the corner of my eye and every time he would have the same distant stare. Finally after what seemed like hours, he spoke.
“Are you cold?” he asked not moving the slightest bit.
“A little,” I answered wrapping my arms around me a bit tighter.
“C’mere,” he said turning around holding out his arms. I got up and walked over to him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me down holding me close to him. I smiled at him and cuddled up close to him. He sat there forever holding me and stroking me head. Every so often he would lean down and kiss my forehead. I started getting tired and soon drifted off to sleep.
When I woke up, I found myself still in his arms.
“Sleep good?” he said smiling. I yawned and stretched a bit. My eyes grew slight tears in them yawing and he wiped them away.
“Yeah,” I said smiling back. He looked so tired when I looked up at him. “Didn’t you sleep?”
“No,” he said shaking his head.
“Why not? You need sleep.” I stared at him with a bit of an irritated face.
“If I fall asleep, then who’s going to protect you?” I blushed a bit.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry so much.”
“It’s just…” he looked somewhat hurt. From his expression I could guess what he was thinking.
“You blame yourself for not being able to protect her, am I right?” He looked a bit surprised but then sighed closing his eyes.
“Yeah…” I embraced him tightly.
“Don’t worry…I’ll be fine,” I said muffling into his chest. He held me back and kissed my head.
“Ok. Is that a promise?”
“Yes. That’s a promise,” I said smiling. “And I’ll seal my promise with this kiss.” I reached up placing my hand on his face, kissing him softly. I could feel a smile spread across his face. I broke away and stared away from him feeling stupid. He took my face in both of his tilting my head back and stared into my eyes deeply.
“Your eyes…” he said.
“What about them?” I asked blinking.
“Their so…beautiful. It’s like they put you into a reverie.” I blushed. “And your lips…” he whispered touching them softly. I turned bright red at that point. “Your lips…” he whispered again. He leaned down and kissed me deeply. My eyes widened. After awhile he stopped kissing my lips and moved down to my neck. He started kissing the base of my neck and I muffled a slight moan. I felt him move back up my neck and his fangs graze against my neck. I quivered a bit and he shoved me away. I looked at him.
“I’m sorry…”
“What?” He said nothing. I stared at him and finally understood. That’s why you’re so tired. You need blood don’t you?” He nodded slightly. I pulled my hair together and threw it over my opposite shoulder, revealing my neck to him. “Go ahead…I don’t mind.”
“No, I can’t.”
“I really don’t mind. It won’t hurt for that long.” He stared at me unwillingly and I nodded to him. He stared at me for a bit. “’Don’t worry, you’re not going to hurt me.” He stared at me and leaned down slowly. I felt his fangs rest against my neck then slowly begin to puncture the skin. I flinched and shut my eyes tight, when head drifting back. It only lasted for a minute. After he was done, he licked the blood that ran down my neck off. I opened my eyes and stared at him. “See…I’m alive…” I replied weakly before falling asleep.
When I woke up some time later, he was in a dead sleep. I smiled looking at him and kissed him lightly. He stirred just a bit, but remained sleeping. I got up and walked to the entrance of the cave. It was finally dark now.
“What I wouldn’t do for a bath right now…” I stared behind me and Demetrious was still dead asleep. I took a change of clothes and a towel with me and walked outside. The moon was a beautiful blueish white color and had a iridescent glow. The sky was filled with millions of stars that shone like city lights. I walked over to a more secluded area and set my change of clothes and the towel down on a large rock. I stripped off my clothes and wadded into the water slowly. It was freezing cold, but it felt good. After awhile of swimming around, I heard a noise and covered myself up.
“It’s ok,’ he said laughing a bit.
“What’s so funny!” I asked a bit irritated and blushing.
“It’s nothing. It’s just your so damned cute when you get like that.” I glared at him.
“Hey it isn’t funny!” I yelled splashing him with a wave of water. He was completely drenched at stared at me.
“Oh yea! Two can play this game!” He sent back a tidal wave of water at me but I ducked under the surface and popping back up again. We continued splashing each other, water flying everywhere. After awhile of a water war, we stopped gasping from breath. Demetrious stared at me, turning his head and clearing his throat.
“What?” I asked confused.
“Um…” he pointed at me. I looked down and gasped quickly turning around and going under the water. I had to forget that I was a girl. I was blushing furiously.
“I…I’m…s…sorry…” I stuttered.
“It’s ok,” he said chuckling a bit. I stayed there embarrassed. I heard him swim over, the movement of the water lapped against my body. I glanced over my shoulder and he was right behind me. My eyes widened. “What’s a matter?” he asked placing his hands on my shoulders and looking around to my face. I covered myself up and stayed silent. “Oh…yea…sorry.” He took his hands off my shoulders and swam away from me.
“No!” I said swimming after him grabbing his hand. He stared at me, wading there staring down, and still attached to his hand. I felt as if he was going to leave me. That was the one feeling that I heated the most.
“Yea?” he said. I stared at him blushing. With a hideously stupid look on my face. I was such a stupid and innocent person, I was no less than a child. I was afraid of him, of what he would say, of what he would do. I had to realize I was no mere child anymore, I was a full grown women. I needed to get past my fear or intense insecurity. I let go of his hand and latched onto him embracing him. At first he didn’t say or do anything, but then he pulled me close to him holding me. “What’s wrong…” he asked. I didn’t say anything but stayed there holding onto him like a child. “It’s ok,’ he said. “I think I understand,’ he said smiling.
“You do?” I asked surprised.
“Yeah. Your just afraid. It’s ok,” he said smiling sweetly at me. I smiled back at him baring my face into his chest and started to cry. “Hey, hey don‘t cry,” he said stroking my hair.
“But I feel so stupid and useless.”
“Don’t you dare say things like that!’ he said slightly shaking my shoulders. “I never want you to say something dumb like that again! You got it!” I nodded slightly. He whipped my tears away smiling at me. I smiled back at him and he leaned down kissing me lightly. For once I wasn’t afraid. He kissed me more, this time longer and more deeper. He still had a tight hold onto my arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and I felt him shutter a bit and a smile grow on his face. ‘Damn men’ I thought. ‘Must have enjoyed feeling my bare breasts against his chest.’ “C’mon.” He grabbed my hand and led me back to get changed. “Dawn is going to break any moment.” He gave me privacy to change and then he walked back to the cave.
By the time he got back, dawn was just breaking.
“Feeling any better sweetie?”
“Yea thanks.” ‘Hahahaha!‘ I laughed in my head. ‘He called me sweetie!
“That’s good,” he said smiling sweetly. He came over and sat next to me and stared at me. I blushed and looked away towards the opposite side of the cave.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” I said not changing my fixation on the wall.
“Oh…okay…” I felt bad and turned around seeing him staring at the ground. He flicked his long jet black hair out of his eyes . ‘Oh my fuckin God, he’s so damned hot!’ I thought. I blushed staring at the ground immediately. He looked over to me and slightly laughed.
“What are you blushing for!” he said poking my arm.
“N…nothing!” He laughed and I stared at him slightly irritated. He stopped and looked at me deeply. I stared back at him. “Y…yea…?” He twisted around , putting his arm on the ground on the opposite side of me. I starting blushing when he was right into my face. I slowly sank down to the ground, him following my face, until I was lying flat on the ground. He straddled over top of me his blue eyes gazing at me. I stared wide eyed at him. He grinned and leaned down towards my face, hovering for awhile just staring into my eyes, then kissed me. I shut my eyes and kissed him back. He played with my top lip, biting it ever so slightly with his fangs. I shivered a bit, then he continued to kiss me again. Then without even realizing, he started to slip his hand up my shirt. But by the time he started to place his hand on my breast, I pulled my head away from him quickly, eyes staring wide open.
“Sorry…” he said getting off me and staring away.
“Its okay...I’m sorry…it’s just a bit…to fast for me…” Surprisingly he smiled back at me.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m the one who should be sorry. I understand.”
“Thanks,” I said smiling.
“No problem,” he said smiling back.
“I’m kinda tired, I’m gonna go to bed if you don’t mind.”
“Nope, go ahead. I’m gonna go to bed too.”
“Okay, goodnight then.”
“Goodnight...” he said. I kinda had the feeling that something was bothering him, but what I didn't know.

adolescent hearts

Adolescent Hearts Chapter 1

Adolescent Hearts Chapter 3

Adolescent Hearts Chapter 4

Adolescent Hearts Chapter 5

Adolescent Hearts Chapter 6

Adolescent Hearts Chapter 7

Adolescent Hearts Chapter 8

Adolescent Hearts Chapter 9

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