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All-Star Baseball 99 [Logged in view]
2011-10-15 20:43:26
# of watchers: 1
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8.2 out of 10
Acclaim and Iguana are breaking new grounds again, only this time around it's not with Turok or even NFL Quarterback Club, it's with the latest addition to Acclaim's sports division, All-Star Baseball '99. Like QB Club before it, All-Star Baseball runs in high-resolution (640x480) mode, utilizing unsurpassed animation techniques and clever texture design for an end result that is nothing short of breathtaking. But the question remains: does the game play as good as it looks? Last year NFL Quarterback Club dazzled gamers with lush graphics, but came up short in the gameplay department, especially when compared to the likes of Madden 64. All-Star Baseball delivers on both accounts.
•All 30 Major League Baseball teams and more than 700 MLB players. In addition to that, expect to see all the official MLB stadiums in beautiful rendered detail.
•Hi-res graphics (640x480)
•A completely new, fully polygonal 3D graphics engine (enhanced of QB Club)
er option
•Roster management: trading, signing and releasing players, creating new teams, farm system prospects Player injuries affect season
•Track season-long statistics, including in-game highlights with color photos and updates
•Rumble Pak support
•More than 500 motions: catcher and baserunner collisions, wall catches, running throws, sliding catches, jump and pivot throws, broken bats, injuries, dives and kneeling throws. There is even more than 100 unique batting stances
•Pitchers scouted by 1997 NL MVP, Larry Walker of the Colorado Rockies
•Rain, dust, airborne hat and mask animations
•Advanced in-game strategies -- hit and run, bunt and slash, the squeeze and suicide bunt, or the double switch
•Multiple camera angles and spectator views
•Play-by-play commentary by John Sterling and Michael Kaye
•Seven game modes: Spring training, season, playoff, world series, All-Star game, home run derby and trivia game
•End of season awards
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Internet Reviews:
Despite its flaws, which lie mainly in character, I'm recommending All-Star Baseball over Ken Griffey and Mike Piazza Baseball. Why? Because it has tight, realistic gameplay, more options than the competition (including a create-a-player mode) and graphics that push the limits of Nintendo 64's hardware. Gamers shouldn't be asked to settle for anything less than a next-generation baseball game, and this is exactly what Iguana and Acclaim have delivered
from Peer Schneider
All-Star Baseball '99 is a beautiful example of what happens when a developer really pushes the system. The hi-res graphics are second to none and, with the exception of the too stiff swing animations, the player movement will probably set a new standard. The gameplay is solid -- but don't expect fast play and exciting camera angles like in Griffey. Good game.
~User at IGN64.COM

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