Basiclly your pics pack neatly in one spot for millions of strangers to see and comment on. So post today!
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*POINTS UP* Didn't I already explain what you SHOULD of done by now?!
Keep it neat people.
Monster Master]'s anime drawings....
I only took a picture of one of my anime drawings since all of them turned out like crap when i took a pic of them. >No, i don't trace.
Fetish Dolly Koneko™] <33 Anime! Here's my stuff!
So this..i made for a contest..i like it. <3 Pokemon.

I LOVE this one!! ^_^ *is proud of self*

they are adorable.
This is a fanary of Sakura and Ino from Naruto.
Well, Aisha Clan Clan, a Ctarl Ctarl from the anime Outlaw Star..I kida like it...I'll color her someday.
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