Page name: BAMF! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-11-09 02:15:10
Last author: KillChasityDead
Owner: KillChasityDead
# of watchers: 60
D20: 9
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Aiden: [WonderTweek], Ali: [d o n e] &&& Chasity: [KillChasityDead]

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2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: Same here. to early to be playing my guitar :/

2009-08-03 [Neurotic Obsession]: 1:12 pm here. Not too early for me.. but my brother took my guitar and forgot it at his gf's. Plus, I still didn't get my BC Rich in yet -.-

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: *Noms Ramens*

2009-08-03 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Sits and waits for Bekah*

2009-08-03 [fu**(fuse)]: *comes in and smiles* Ah, what did you do to your brother once he got home?

2009-08-03 [Neurotic Obsession]: Nothing, the whole family attacked so I went to my room and cried myself to sleep >.>

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: ?

2009-08-03 [Neurotic Obsession]: They all ganged up on me because I have low-self esteem.

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: That's not cool.
I would've smacked a hoe!

2009-08-03 [Neurotic Obsession]: I was tempted but I decided just to lock myself in my room and go to sleep.

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: D:
I would've been all "GRR"

2009-08-03 [Neurotic Obsession]: Ah wells :)
Shit happens^^

2009-08-03 [fu**(fuse)]: >.> yeah.

2009-08-03 [Neurotic Obsession]: *noms the wall*

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: *Hands out Slushies, Bekahs is Orange and Raphael's is warm*

2009-08-03 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Noms slushie and watching Simpsons*

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: *Slurps mine*

2009-08-03 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Goes to Stickam room* ding ding dinga le ding ding ding!

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: xD

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: *Sits alone in BAMF* <<;

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: *pokes Aiden* oh hai der

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: o.o HIII!!! *Punches you to the ground and sits on your body* How're you doing today my friend? ^_____^

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: x.x *is knocked out now and can't respond*

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: Hmm.. I think I broke him. *Pulls out my tools and starts poking screw driver at him*

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: OUCH!!!!

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: O_O HI THAR!!

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: HELLO DER. how r u?

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: I is okay, you??

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: I r teh gud, hoping 2 get me some foodz, how bout dat sir?

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: Uh..

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: I don't know about all that sir.

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: FREAK!

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: Not me, no wai.

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: YEAH!

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: your the freak with you freakyness freak stuff!

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: *Cries in corner*

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: *runs over and hugs* it's ok, I still think your awesome!

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: *Sniffles* You promise?

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: I promise, and we'll have nachos!

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: NACHOS!!

2009-08-03 [fu**(fuse)]: Nachos????!

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: yes Nachos, with good stuffs.

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: NOMNOM

2009-08-03 [fu**(fuse)]: nachos wif cheeseness!

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: yes thats what nachos have,

2009-08-03 [fu**(fuse)]: AND!!! and and and, with sour cream and chives! 8D

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: I don't know about the sour cream part, we can try it though.

2009-08-03 [fu**(fuse)]: its good that way *nod*

2009-08-03 [Ihsahn]: WE need aiden's input on this.

2009-08-03 [fu**(fuse)]: he'll be here..

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: SLUISHIES!

2009-08-03 [fu**(fuse)]: see?

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: YES!

2009-08-03 [fu**(fuse)]: *is jelious of aiden's beauty..pouts in corner*

2009-08-03 [WonderTweek]: O_o;

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Watches, arms crossed*
Nothing like a good helping of repressed emotions
*Lays on the sofa*
Best served cold

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *goes and sits beside hims on the couch* Whats wrong?

2009-08-04 [WonderTweek]: *Pokes*... I.. I'm sorry

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Smiles* Nothing wrong. Read it earlier, it seemed like a cool slogan for my life^^

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: mmhm..

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Nods*

2009-08-04 [WonderTweek]: *Grabs Raphaels hands and dances around the room*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *raises brow* okies... soo now what?

2009-08-04 [WonderTweek]: NOW WE SING!
Or.. don't sing
either one really.

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Moves hand away and leaves* Bye bye now.

2009-08-04 [WonderTweek]: D:

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *frowns and looks over at aiden*

2009-08-04 [WonderTweek]: *Looks at Bekah*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: .... >.>

2009-08-04 [WonderTweek]: *Leaves*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *sits there alone*......*sad*

2009-08-04 [WonderTweek]: Blurg..

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: I sowwy I was asshole..

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *looks up to everyone walking in and grins*

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Eats some of the food his cat left him*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: I gosta go. I'm getting back on though! I shall! >:D

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Nods* Imma go for a bit too, get some music in me to calm me down.

2009-08-04 [WonderTweek]: *Hugs Raphael*

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *hugs Aiden* <3 you, remember that.

2009-08-04 [WonderTweek]: *Smiles*

2009-08-04 [lulu dinobot]: can i join?

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: :O You's no Bamf! *Huggles* ^^ <3 You's UBER BAMF!

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *walks in* Well, someones very huggable today ^^

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Gomps Bekah* <3333333333 *Licky face*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *stumbles back a bit, but catches self* Well, Hello to you too ^^ <3

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Cuddles* I love you like a fly loves shit :D

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Oh, thats nice. ^^

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Kisses your cheek* I love you more than I love my own hair.. and trust me, that's a lot. I cry whenever I have to get my hair cut.

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *smiles* You have stolen my heart with one glance of your eyes, All beautiful you are, my darling. My lover, you are radiant and ruddy, outstanding among ten thousand. You are altogether lovely.

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Has corn partials all over his face and smiles at you* ^^

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: ..why?

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Is noming corn in chibi form*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: ...Yes, well you have fun with that. I'll be back later. <3 *leaves*

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Blinks*.. ok?

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Crawls on the sofa and goes to sleep*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *walks in and smiles at the sleeping Raphie on the sofa*

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Wakes up*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *grins and walks over to you, and pushes your hair back from your face* Hey.. Good evening. ^^

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Cuddles* I love you^^

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: ^^ I love you too.

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: Yeah but.. my love is better >.>

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Is it now? *smiles, brow raises a bit*

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Nods* Yup, because it's better because it's going to you and no one else. *Cuddles*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: ...*cuddles back* ^^ Ah. Well then, I guess mines better, cause my love went to you and no one else.

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: Lies! *Covers ears*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *smiles and rolles eyes* fine.

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Smiles and makes a sign stating, "No adult, cars, children, balls, house, and curbs allowed" and puts it above the sofa*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *reads it*...well then, *takes your hand and leads you away from the couch, then goes back and lays on it* ..It doesnt say no teens. :P

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: ... DAMN IT! >.< *Sits on the floor*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *smiles over at you and gets comfy on the couch* Ah.. so much better than the floor...

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Noms Snowman Poop.. or what you normal peoples call.. Marshmallows*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Snowman poop *laughs* Wow. ^^ *looks up at the sign, the takes it down and scribbles out 'adults' and hangs it back up*

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Runs to the sofa and shares my Snowman Poop with you*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *grins and cuddles you* ^^ No thanks. I dont like snowmen poop.

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *cuddles back* I can eat 3-4 then I get sick of them, but if they're melted or roasted.. then I can eat them all day *nods*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Yeah me too ^^ I only have the miniture ones *noms on them* and i can only eat like.. 3 or 4 hand fulls before I'm all bleh ><

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Nods* Another thing we have in common^^

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: I think thats what most people feel like if the eat to many snowmen poops.. *nod*

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: Not my family, they eat and eat and eat them, but then again, I sat down and watched [Dalmatar] eat a whole spongecake once Oo

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: Well then.

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Nods* And then they wonder why diabetes runs strong in their blood line -.-

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: ha. Yeah.

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: Awww.. Bandit gave me a hug^^ *Huggles kitteh*

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: He gave you a hug? How do kitties give peoples hugs?

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: He rubbed against my foot^^ He was all, "I give you affections... you leave me alone today, k?"

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: *smiles* awh ^^

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: Ha! My step-mom was all, "Come see mama? Mama loves her Bandit.." He looks at her and walks off, "Well, fuck you then!"

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: hahahaaa xDD Awwwh.

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: Now she's mad at him because he hugged me again XD

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: hahahahaha xDD Awh poor step-ma.

2009-08-04 [Neurotic Obsession]: XD

2009-08-04 [fu**(fuse)]: x3

2009-08-05 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Runs around shooting things with his water gun*

2009-08-05 [Grave Robber]: Ooga booga booga!!!

2009-08-05 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Squeals and squirts Gangrel*

2009-08-05 [WonderTweek]: *Walks in* O_o;

2009-08-05 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Blinks and walks away with an "I didn't do it" look on my face*

2009-08-05 [WonderTweek]: *Sips my coffee* Hallo! ^^

2009-08-05 [Grave Robber]: O.o

2009-08-05 [WonderTweek]: xD
Guess what.

2009-08-05 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Attempts to hide in a cupboard*

2009-08-05 [Grave Robber]: What?

2009-08-05 [WonderTweek]: Not your leg... Or your face!

*Looks at Raphie* O_o;

2009-08-05 [Grave Robber]: Lol ~~"<3"@_

2009-08-05 [WonderTweek]: Lawl _@" ♥ "~~

2009-08-05 [Grave Robber]: Think your so cool with your little super heart.

2009-08-05 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Is stuck*
..where my Bekah?

2009-08-05 [WonderTweek]: Maybe.. <<

2009-08-05 [Grave Robber]: Well you are. XP

2009-08-05 [WonderTweek]: I dunno.
*Looks under rock* Bekah? Oo;

2009-08-05 [Neurotic Obsession]: *One leg sticking out of the cupboard* She not in here.

2009-08-05 [fu**(fuse)]: *walks in* hallo! ^^

2009-08-05 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Is asleep in the cupboard*

2009-08-05 [fu**(fuse)]: *pouts and sits on the couch* NEVER, trust ><

2009-08-05 [WonderTweek]: *Pokes Raphael's leg*

2009-08-05 [Grave Robber]: Lol whats

2009-08-05 [WonderTweek]: *Shrugs*

2009-08-05 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Wakes up and tries to get out*
*decides to sing 99 red balloons*

2009-08-05 [Grave Robber]: Lol thats a good solution.

2009-08-05 [fu**(fuse)]: *gets up and pokes the cupboard, it falls apart*...Me and my luck. -.-

2009-08-05 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Is free* yay!
*Huggles Bekah tight* You're my hero!

2009-08-05 [fu**(fuse)]: *smiels* Yeah, I guess my overly distructiveness is good at times.

2009-08-05 [WonderTweek]: *Is on floor tired*

2009-08-05 [fu**(fuse)]: *goes back and sits on the couch*...

2009-08-05 [WonderTweek]: <<

2009-08-05 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Sighs and goes to the window for a cigarette*

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: HALP! It's an nemergeny!

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: O_o; hmm?

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Runs around squealing*

2009-08-07 [fu**(fuse)]: *watches from window sill, waves at Aiden*

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: *Waves*

2009-08-07 [fu**(fuse)]: Hows you?

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Trips over the coffee table and lands with a crash*

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: *Sits on Raphael's body* Tired, you?

2009-08-07 [fu**(fuse)]: *jumps up and goes over to Raphie, kneeling down beside him* You okay love?

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Reaches for baseball bat for the death of others by immense beating*

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: O_o;

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Hits Aiden in the head*


2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: HIII!!!!

2009-08-07 [+ Panzer King +]: has anyone hear heard of Terrorfakt?

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: *Shakes heads no*

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: :O OMG! *Glomps Aiden*

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: *Clings to Raphael* Hello ^^

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: Hai!! *Twirls Aiden around* Isn't everything just fantabulous? :DD I'm so happy I could shit on the floor

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: :3 Mhm!!
*Twirls you now* I'm so glad you're happy! ^__^
Sadly I gotta go in a few, I be painting house!
But but but I will be back later! :D
*Hands you warm slushie*
Enjoy that until I get back! :P

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: :O I wanna paint tew! *Paints body and slams self in the wall* Yay!^^ I calls it.. "Raphie en repose"

*noms slushie*

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: :O

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Wakes up*

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: Hi sleepyhead!

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: Hai Aidenface! *Glomps* I missded juu!

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: *Clings* I missed you too! :D

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: Ohhhhhhhh♥ :D

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: ^____^
So how're you??

2009-08-07 [fu**(fuse)]: *walks in* Aiden! ^^ *waves from doorway*

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: I am awsometastic! Ohhhhhhhh♥ *Twirls around* I am filled with so much love that I have to give everything! *Hugs lamp*
How are you? *Throws rose petals around you while skipping merrily*

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: *Blinks* Uhh.. I'm good! xD Tired though *Waves at Bekah*

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: *Picks up Bekah and sits her on the sofa* Pretty girls shouldn't walk

2009-08-07 [fu**(fuse)]: Dang it >< I gotta go eat..we're eating out ><!! bye *peace sign and leaves*

2009-08-07 [Neurotic Obsession]: Bye darling! I'll miss you! I love you!

2009-08-07 [WonderTweek]: Everytime I get on without fail she leaves!
Worst timing ever lol.

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