# of watchers: 31
Fans: 0
| D20: 13 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Here are the winners of Best Wiki for the previous period! First place: Index Second place: Support our Soldiers, Let it snow! Third place: Volunteers, Council, Guards |
2011-10-15 [Stephen]: Congratulation
Your trophies will be delivered shortly!
New nomination period is now open!
2011-10-15 [Bookwyrm]: Congrats all :D
2011-10-16 [Stephen]: As a heads up to people -- starting the next contest period a new rule will be in place.
Unless there are at least six nominations for an award, the award will not end up going into the voting phase at the end of the nomination phase.
This is to make sure people encourage others to nominate, in addition to putting some fun into the awards so every nominee isn't instantly guaranteed to win.
2011-11-02 [Stephen]: Polls are open!
2011-11-03 [kittykittykitty]: I want to vote for many :(
2011-11-03 [Stephen]: I wish you could vote for more than one, sometimes. xD
2011-11-14 [Stephen]: Congratulation
The nominations are once again open, for the month of November.
Remember: Anyone who was a winner last month cannot be nominated again for the same award.
2011-11-14 [Morgoth]: Come on! Why am I bored...? doesn't deserve to beat out An Empty Wiki That's All Empty And Stuff!
2011-11-14 [Stephen]: Ya'know, that wiki technically isn't owned. :P
So I don't know who's entitled to the trophy, since we're putting trophies in houses now. Someone should take the wiki so they can get the trophy. :3
2011-11-15 [Morgoth]: Now delete that one page version. >:o
2011-11-15 [Stephen]: I can't actually make it a default empty page, sadly. D:
2011-11-16 [wolvie]: just realized i didn't get a trophy :O or does 3rd place not get them since their were ties?
2011-11-16 [Stephen]: No, you do. :P
I just didn't deliver them all. xP I'll finish 'em today.
2011-11-16 [wolvie]: well thats incredibly lazy of you xD
2011-12-20 [GlassCasket]: »»───(Knee)───►»»───(Knee)───►»»───(Knee)───►»»───(Knee)───►»»───(Knee)───►»»───(Knee)───►»»───(Knee)───►»»───(Knee)───►»»───(Knee)───►»»───(Knee)───►»»───(Knee)───►»»───(Knee)───►
2011-12-22 [Stephen]: Ah, Skyrim.
"I use to be a pro gamer just like you but then I took an arrow in the »»──Knee──►"
Dylon's put that in all his IM personal messages. x)
2011-12-30 [GlassCasket]: bahahahahhahaa YESSSS!!! We rock so damn hard!
2012-02-01 [Stephen]: Regarding the new page appearance and Quarterly Periods
The Elfpack Awards pages, like all other official pages, are being redesigned using the new official template.
Also, the new four times a year system was implemented both to reduce the workload for the Awards Staff, and to make it harder to win these awards, in an effort to make them seem more "special".
2013-10-04 [kittykittykitty]: Poor non-existing wiki page :( We'll remember you in our hearts for at least 10 minutes.
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