Blaidd Drwg Mafia characters
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The Blaidd Drwg Mafia
Jobs with the Mafia:
Criminal war lord :taken by] [
Contact killers/Hit men
Drug dealers
Mafia whores]
Jobs at casino royale:
Show girls
Waitresses or waiters
Barmaids or Bartenders
Casino game dealers
EP name-
Character name-
Sexual like-
EP name- [
Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Victoria Carr
Age- 28
Sexual like- Bi
Job- Casino show girl
Weapons- Her cuteness
Personality- Sweethearted gal but with a temper
History- Victoria went to college to study dancing in the arts but she got kicked out because her grades where not that good, so she got a job in casino royale as a show dancers at the age of 23. So she has been working at casino royale for the past 5 years and in all that time she has been a star at the casino, she has been asked on countless times to dance for the Blaidd Drwg mafia. She is pregant was Satyricon's babies.
EP name- [
Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- William Hayre
Age- 29
Sexual like- Straight
Job- Contact killer/hit man
Weapons- Anything anf everything
Personality- Cold, mean, quite and a loner
History- William was in the army until he left because his family died in a house fire and that is when he lost it and joined the Blaidd Drwg Mafia.
EP name- [
Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Penelope Black (But she gets called Penny.)
Age- 25
Sexual like- Bi
Job- Drug dealers
Weapons- Guns
Personality- Cold hearted woman with a verry nasty temper
History- Penny grew up with the Blaidd Drwg Mafia because her parents where in it but then they got killed when she was only 18. So she stayed with the mafia because they asked her too, so she took up her father's old job of being a drug dealer.Penny is really protective of her little sister, Anna. She has no problem pointing a gun at someone and killing him or her that want to hurt her sister. Penny has troble showing her emotions other than coldness.
EP name- [
Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Maya Walker
Age- 22
Sexual like- Bi
Job- Hustlers and Mafia whore
Weapons- Anything and everything
Personality- Sweet, bubbly but has a dark temper.
History- Maya is best friends with Annabelle Black. So Maya got involed with the mafia threw Annabelle. Now after some years of hard work she is now head hustler but she is also a mafia whore.
EP name- [
Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Luke Smith
Age- 24
Sexual like- Gay
Job- Mafia whore
Weapons- His manhood XD
Personality- Flirty
History- He just loves sex and he got a job with the mafia whore thanks to his friend Anna. He has best friends with Maya, Ruby and Anna.
EP name- [
Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Ruby White
Age- 25
Sexual like- Bi
Job- Mafia whore
Weapons- Her sexualy
Personality- Honerable, loyal, caring, dark temper, hides her emotions.
History- Ruby White is best friends with Luke, Maya and Anna. Ruby was one of Satyricon's lovers but he got rid of her because he was bored with her. But she has hidden her true feelings for him cause she truely loves him and is very jealous of Penny and Satyricon. But she would never get in the way of there love because she has too much honer.
EP name- [
shadows of life]
Character name- Zak
Age- 27
Sexual like- girls
Job- Contcat killer
Weapons- lots
History- Doesn't take about it.
EP name- [
shadows of life]
Character name- Jax
Age- 23
Sexual like- girls
Job- Gangster
Weapons- guns
Character name-Mickey
Sexual like-bi
ry quiet and laid back. He gets ticked off really easly. He hates when people bug in his pesonal life
History-He ever since the age 15 he has never much cared for the rule. He robbed a small town store at age 16. He loved to fun a sneaking around

Character name-Falina
Sexual like-Guys
Job-Casino show
Personality-Very high spirited person. SHe can be very goofy. She loves to chat and have fun.
History-to come

Character name-Benjamin
Sexual like-Bi
Personality-Quiet, sneaking, quick witted, Will pick fights if you annoy him to the point. He can be very talkative once you can get through that wall he putt up.
History-He has always been sneaking around his family's back. Taking things and nec\ver getting caught. He had done prison one time for stealing. He has things in his past that he never talks about. Not to even his close friends

EP name-[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Character name-Rosetta Morrelli
Sexual like-Straight
Job-Mofia Whore and Contact Killer/Hit man
Weapons-guns, knives... Sometimes poisin
Personality-She's flirty but can also be ruthless. She has a major temper and when one of her fellow mofia members pisses her off- she slaps them in the back of the head. She uses her good looks to get closer to male targets.
History-Rosetta was born in Italy, being raised there until she was around three years old. Running from the Italian government, her parents moved to America(New Jersey to be exact) and she finished growing up there. Her father made a good name for himself, but already past the family bussiness onto her brother. She joined the Blaidd Drwg Mafia as one of the contacts between the two Mafia's(They work together sometimes).
EP name-[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Character name-Shane Koale
Sexual like-Straight
Job-Casino game dealer also a contact killer
Weapons-Whatever he choses for that day
Personality-He's a jokester and obviously doesn't believe in respecting authority, but he's also very charming and knows how to act around certain people
History-He's new to the Mofia, just brought in by Rosetta. He worked for the Morrelli family, but got sick of not seeing his best friend, Rosetta. He works in the casino so he can hear all the gossip going around and be able to let the others know if one of their clients is actually working for someone else. He's always been good at what he does.
EP name-[MadHatress]
Character Name- Tony Kakko
Age- 22
Sexual like- no preference (in otherwords; bisexual)
Job- Smuggler
Weapons- 9mm
Personality- honest and deliberate in what he says. Tony likes to joke but takes his job and position in the Mafia seriously.
History- he grew up in Finland with his Mother and older sister. He left when he was 13 and had to learn to live and a new language virtually by himself; until he found his calling with the Blaidd Drwg Mafia
EP name-[MadHatress]
Character Name- Jakobe Kunder
Age- 16
Sexual like- Gay (straigh for pay)
Job- Drug Dealer
Weapons- Poisons. (minimal skill as an assassin)
Personality- Bit bashful unless it's work related. (Smokes his own pot in private) Loves To be out of the center of attention; since it makes his job a lot easier at the end of the night.
History- he grew up in Germany, being Romanian born. He suffered amnesia as a little child and can't remember much more than relearning how to walk after being severely hurt. He joined the Blaidd Drwg Mafia after recovering a year ago as one of their dealers.
EP name- [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Character name- Satyricon
Age- 25
Sexual like- Has gone bi!
Job- Warlord
Weapons- Anything you can think of
Personality- Dominant, demanding, selfish, hateful, spiteful, cruel, bloodthirsty, violent, passionate, loving, caring, sneaky, cold hearted,
History- There is soooo much history, so let’s just say… he took over when his father was murdered and has been running shit ever since, with an iron fucking fist.
Picture-[To come later]
EP name- [Tis gone but never gone]
Character name- Annabelle Black
Age- 23
Sexual like- Bi
Job- Mafia whore
Weapons- Anything
Personality- She is a very sweet girl with a big heart, she can be selfish at times and act all dumb blond but she is kinda wise and smart too.
History- She is the sister of Penny and she has the same history as her. She is very loyal to her sister and Satyricon, who she see's as a older brother but she would never tell him that though. But her parents haven't told her everything about her brith.

Character name- Maximus
Age- 13
Sexual like- Male now xD
Job- none yet
Weapons- none
Personality- He's loud and likes to mess with his brother ^^
History- He's Satyricon's little broter and was sent to him to watch.

minus the eye patch xD
EP name- [Tis gone but never gone]and [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Character name- Luke and Elizibeth, Liz for short.
Sexual like-N/A
Job- to be loud, cry, scream, giggle and be cute
Weapons- Cuteness
Personality- To be loud, cute.
History- The twins are the chlidren of Satyricon and Victoria.