The game is split into six worlds, each with four stages, sub-bosses and end-bosses. Gamers play as Bomberman, who is sent on a mission to save his world from a clan of evil alien dudes who seemed to have enslaved his race. As usual, Bomberman must collect bombs and power-ups throughout these worlds to find his way out, or complete the stage. There are five gold diamonds to collect in each stage, special power-ups that you'll need to beat the final boss, timed bombs, mega-bombs, special Ultimate Bomberman pieces, and loads of secret environments to discover. Bomberman himself is also capable of tremendously cool new abilities. He can pump up his bombs, create bridges to cross random caverns or reach high constructs, kick, throw, and catch them.
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Internet Reviews:
All in all, Bomberman 64 isn't a pillar of originality or perfect brilliance like Super Mario 64. The game, on the other hand, maintains the unique qualities that made the series so popular in the past, and manages to provide just-short-of-
brilliant adventuring, while turning up the learning curve a notch from previous games to ensure tons of replay value. The unusual bomb bridging and tower-building techniques stand out as bizarre and strangely unique, and honestly can be said to be innovative and create additions that bring Bomberman 64 firmly into the age of 3D platforming.
Douglass Perry
from Matt Casamassina
Bomberman 64 attempts to bring the series into a 3D world, adding a single-player game while focusing less on the multiplayer experience. Not a very bright idea, especially since Bomberman is known and loved for its multiplayer mode. That aside, this game is just a 3D platformer that falls somewhere between Chameleon Twist and Super Mario 64 in terms of gameplay and graphic finesse. This is not a bad game. In fact, it's an above average title by first generation standards. Still, what happened to the classic multiplayer mode?
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