Special thanks to [Zombiie Natiion]!
- I've been a member here since 2006
- I speak fluent English
- I have helped create and run one of the most popularly used wikis on EP
- I know all the html codes and would be more than happy to show new members how to use them correctly
- I have quite a lot of friends on EP
- I'm nice, friendly and am always around to help out on the site
- I'm a regular member, I sign on at least once a day to at least check my messages
- I par take in things that are regularily going on on EP and have a few badges due to it
- I think i'd be a well respected member of the Council who members could feel free to come to for help
- I know about most if not all of the badges, and am more than happy to explain each one to new members
- I've got loads of great ideas on how to improve elfpack and elfpackers elfpacking experiences
For example; changing the way messages are handled in the inbox to make them easier to access without having to delete loads.
If elected as a Council member, I could be a well respected and helpful part of the team,
always willing to help and lend a hand - especially to our new members.
I would do so with a big cheesey smile and a wave of laughter, i'd do my best to make sure everyone is happy on EP
and all being treated right by members and team members alike!
I will do my best to bring happiness, laughter and fun to EP and help ensure that this is a site where you can come
and forget the problems of reality weighing you down, come join in with the laughter and funny and totally random conversations,
and just kick back and relax, at least for a little while, before reality and the "real world" weighs you down again.
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