Page name: Council [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-03-27 03:29:01
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Stephen
# of watchers: 113
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The Council are the team of people who keep the site running smoothly. They host official contests and features, and are here to answer any questions you have about Elfpack, and how it works.

Please note: The Guards are the people who enforce the Elfpack Rules, and the Mainstuff Bosses are the people in charge of what goes on Mainstuff.


(Badge Credits)

Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden
Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden

Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor
Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss
Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss

(Badge Credits)

The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards
Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss

(Badge Credits)

Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss
Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice

**To see the members who use to work on the Council, look at Retired.**


Do not ask to be on the Council. Instead, go apply to the crew and expect it to take a long time. We want people who are going to stick around. During that time, try to do things to prove to use that you would be a good member of the Council. Also, see how to gain an EP title for information on how to get badges.

If you think your badges are messed up or you are missing a badge you deserve, then message [Stephen] or [kittykittykitty].


Go or return to:
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Council
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Hell of the Insane
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Wiki-Index
<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_purple_blob.png> The Help-Index

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Login problems?

2005-12-01 [Ihsahn]: outstanding

2005-12-01 [Love like Winter.]: Feel free to delete this if you feel it is spamming but I think this is appropriate <img:>

2005-12-01 [Amalaswinta]: welcome to da nuthouse... please pick a jacket! =P

2005-12-01 [Ihsahn]: aha! *pounces ama* got you!

2005-12-01 [Orestez]: O.o again with the random chaos! Aren't we supposed to be doing something? <.< >.>

2005-12-01 [Ihsahn]: I forgot what...

2005-12-01 [RabidSphinx]: am i still exploded?

2005-12-01 [80's Metal Head]: Ill use my old jacket thanks any way

2005-12-02 [Ihsahn]: yes raine....sorry

2005-12-03 [RabidSphinx]: i'm better now! yay! i was fixed in my other wiki

2005-12-03 [80's Metal Head]: Im sailing away set an open course on the virgin sea cause ive got to be free free to face the life thats ahead of me.

2005-12-03 [80's Metal Head]: lmfao

2005-12-04 [RabidSphinx]: virgin sea? someone talking about me again?

2005-12-04 [80's Metal Head]: lol no its "come sail away" by styx

2005-12-04 [Ihsahn]: south park...

2005-12-04 [80's Metal Head]: lol ya i love tht episode

2005-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: "I'm sailing away"...that episode is great because he sings it SOOO fast! lol

2005-12-08 [80's Metal Head]: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

2005-12-08 [sotalean]: O___o *dies*

2005-12-08 [RedPhoenixVII]: ooh ooh!! question! so, i'm having this problem where elfpack won't work from my house (i get a search error when i try to go to any page on the site), but it works fine for everyone else i've asked, and i haven't done anything wrong that would get me banned (plus i kan log in here at school. and i'm guessing that if i somehow got banned i would be told), who do i talk to about this? is it possable that my ip address got banned accidentally somehow? 

2005-12-11 [80's Metal Head]: O___o *dies 2* lol whats the deal with the limit on how many pics r in ur desription it sux

2005-12-12 [80's Metal Head]: <img:>

2005-12-12 [80's Metal Head]: Merry X-Mas For All You Politically Correct Tofu Farting Fairys Out There =)

2005-12-12 [sotalean]: It keeps the uploading time down for people with slow computers. There's a few technical reasons to but I can't remember them off hand.

2005-12-12 [RabidSphinx]: it makes dial-up easier, makes decorating your house harder...*shrugs* we all will survive

2005-12-12 [80's Metal Head]: ya most my pics r gone now crys

2005-12-13 [RabidSphinx]: *pats pats*

2005-12-14 [.. Left ..]: ive forgot my password for my over account can ya help me plz

2005-12-15 [Sunrose]: How were you able to log in if that's the case? :)

2005-12-15 [Asrun]: I think by "over" she meant "other".

2005-12-15 [Sunrose]: Ah, then it would be better to report your other account to the Guards with the 'send report to Guards' button :)

2005-12-21 [blacky]: yaaaaaa

2005-12-21 [RabidSphinx]: It's almost x-mas!!! <img:>

2005-12-23 [Ellyn]: Jumpy. :)

2005-12-24 [Allen Barrec]: Scary... dancing... kittens.... cannot... compute... EAGAGHERKERK!

2005-12-27 [80's Metal Head]: *bangs* dead dancing kittens now hahaha

2005-12-28 [zoloftzantac]: yikes, they're back! *gets dizzy*

2005-12-29 [Vader]: Heya council peeps, can someone with the "uber powers" take the banner thing off of my house please, stopped doin that now, thanx ^_^

2005-12-29 [Sunrose]: Fixed :)

2005-12-29 [Vader]: Thanx *curtsies* ^_^


2005-12-30 [skullhead]: go to Elfpack ads

2005-12-31 [Asrun]: First, type using actual words and punctuation. Lay off the caps lock as well. ;)

2005-12-31 [angelus1989]: hi yeah my old name on this was buffyfan butu i forgot the password my email address is can u send it to me

2006-01-16 [Enneigard]: can i become a guard?

2006-01-16 [Sunrose]: Nope..

2006-01-17 [RabidSphinx]: can i? ;)

2006-01-18 [zoloftzantac]: oh no! *runs scared* :)

2006-01-18 [RabidSphinx]: *pouts* i would be a good guard...and you can muzzle me so i don't bite...>>;

2006-01-18 [skullhead]: lol

2006-01-22 [Monica2]: i wanna do this

2006-01-22 [zoloftzantac]: Hi [Monica2]: I've seen you all over EP today. You are doing a great job of working on your beggars title ;) (Guards, Custodians, Council, Rats, Giffie-Pet Staff ... ) Have you read How To Gain an EP Title?

2006-01-22 [Sunrose]: I deleted some of them after I noticed she was repeating herself :P

2006-01-22 [melfina]: uughh, my friends kyle [Enneigard] e-mailed me today saying he could not login to elfpack. he thinks someone changed his password & he cant have it sent to his e-mail. can any of you help him?

2006-01-23 [Sunrose]: He has been banned.

2006-01-23 [melfina]: huh? why?

2006-01-23 [Sunrose]: Ask [Hedda]..

2006-01-23 [RabidSphinx]: i didn't do it...>>;

2006-01-23 [skullhead]: You actually asked [Hedda] to become a guard??

2006-01-23 [RabidSphinx]: who me?

2006-01-23 [skullhead]: No I was talking about [Enneigard]

2006-01-23 [RabidSphinx]: oh, alright. lol. i was like, no, i have never asked anyone to be a guard (specifically) lol!

2006-01-30 [zoloftzantac]: hmmm ... [Enneigard] asked to be a guard on 2006-01-16 and was banned on 2006-01-22 (sorry, this kind of trivial information is interesting to me ...)

2006-01-30 [melfina]: he got banned for trying to be a guard>??

2006-01-30 [RabidSphinx]: i think he got banned for going about it the wrong way...

2006-01-30 [Asrun]: He was banned for having and additional account that was used to harrass people... Or so the report goes.

2006-01-30 [RabidSphinx]: dun dun dun...the truth comes, he would have made a shitty guard then...>>;

2006-01-30 [zoloftzantac]: heh, uhh .. yeah ... (hides his additional account) That was why I posted the dates, I thought it wasfunny that someone who was being an asshole would also be asking to be a guard ...

2006-01-30 [RabidSphinx]: i'm an asshole, can i be a guard? *hides my other account [Rainedrop]*...>>;

2006-01-30 [zoloftzantac]: oh, you are done for now, you're an asshole who has a fake account and asked to be a guard ... you've got about 6 days left on EP :p

2006-01-30 [RabidSphinx]: damn it! that's it, i'm going on a wiki deleting spree staring with I hate homosexuality because the girl that runs it is a bitch, then i'm going right for the Pokemon Lovers United!!

2006-01-30 [zoloftzantac]: true, she is a bitch, but she's also smokin' hot

2006-01-31 [melfina]: um...okay....what additional account? and how can you get one if you need new e-mail adresses to make them?

2006-01-31 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: hey can yall give me the link to fake plzzzzzzzzzzzz

2006-01-31 [zoloftzantac]: [melfina]: ummm ....

2006-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: if you have more than one email? lol......and mr. zoloft, that bitch ain't hot, she is a man! she is a big ugly man that is mean!

2006-01-31 [zoloftzantac]: really? than he is the hottest man I've ever seen ... *questions his sexuality*

2006-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, according to someone who flamed my thin wiki, i lack breasts, so therefore am not *even* a woman, but a man in his eyes, an ugly man...and so on...>< so, i'm a man now, and i guess i'm gay because i'm dating a guy...><; DOWN WITH i hate homosexuality!!!!

2006-02-01 [zoloftzantac]: Some idiots say all kinds of crazy things, why start listening to them now ...

2006-02-01 [Asrun]: Why is this nonsense chatters going on in the council wiki?

2006-02-01 [Sunrose]: *slobbers [Asrun]* <33

2006-02-01 [Orestez]: OMG! *licks [Asrun]*

2006-02-01 [zoloftzantac]: *voyeurs [Sunrose] and [Orestez] putting thier mouths on [Asrun]*

2006-02-01 [Asrun]: omg hawt. :o

2006-02-01 [Orestez]: *demands royalties for film* lmao

2006-02-01 [Sunrose]: *gets some chocolate sauce*

2006-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: i wasn't nonsense chattering! it was the one armed man!

2006-02-03 [Sketch_the_Hex]: i can't find the chat rooms to hang out in.

2006-02-03 [zoloftzantac]: have you tried mIRC?

2006-02-03 [little big man]: HI

2006-02-03 [melfina]: !!!!! oooo

2006-02-21 [Sketch_the_Hex]: Well I was woundering what was going on with the world but I don't think there is eneything going on.

2006-02-21 [zoloftzantac]: Hi [Sketch_the_Hex], did you have a question about sometihng?

2006-02-21 [sotalean]: *blinks*

2006-02-21 [zoloftzantac]: *checks out [sotalean]'s carrot*

2006-02-21 [melfina]: ?

2006-02-22 [sotalean]: My carrot? You can't have that. *whimpers*

2006-02-25 [melfina]: *takes sotaleans carrot & runs away*

2006-02-25 [zoloftzantac]: omg! no! I would never have taken it, I just couldn't help noticing how very very nice and carroty it was ... poor [sotalean] :(

2006-02-26 [sotalean]: God.. everyone is so mean. Stealing my carrots... stealing the meaning to life!

2006-02-26 [Asrun]: :I carrots are icky

2006-02-27 [melfina]: ASRUN!!!! people said they were going to lick you or something in a forum i was in...*looks around suspiciously* i wasnt part of it...*runs away*

2006-02-27 [zoloftzantac]: huh? people are wanting to lick [Asrun]? so what's new ;)

2006-02-27 [sotalean]: That's very true. :p People licking Asrun is fairly common. *winks*

2006-02-27 [Asrun]: o.o

2006-02-27 [De'ladrei]: *licks*

2006-02-27 [FireGypsy]: [zoloftzantac] message me asap.

2006-02-27 [Asrun]: omg hawt

2006-02-27 [FireGypsy]: *waves* Hi everyone! =Þ

2006-02-27 [Ihsahn]: Guess who's back?

2006-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: oh no...not you.. :P i saw you visited my house...i hope that was because you missed me SO much... ;P

2006-02-28 [Asrun]: Ihsahn! :O

2006-02-28 [zoloftzantac]: [FireGypsy]: Sorry, I did message you as soon as I woke up. *sleeps like the dead till sunset*

2006-02-28 [melfina]: *licks asrun*

2006-02-28 [De'ladrei]: zomgs! Ihsahn!! *licks*

2006-02-28 [Orestez]: Tis Andrew O.o

2006-02-28 [RabidSphinx]: someone was missed...^^

2006-03-01 [melfina]: WIKKI@WIKI

2006-03-01 [zoloftzantac]: try it like this [WIKKI@wiki] to make a link like this WIKKI

2006-03-03 [Ihsahn]: I am glad to be back I should be around for a long time..

2006-03-03 [melfina]: cool

2006-03-03 [RabidSphinx]: awesome...i missed all the cybering... ;P

2006-03-04 [melfina]: bring it to wikki. im bored & no one wants to talk anymore

2006-03-05 [Ihsahn]: Why yes!

2006-03-06 [CRIP 4 LIFE]: is elftown up and runing

2006-03-06 [zoloftzantac]: oh? did I miss something?!?! wikki is the hot new cyber wiki? I'm there!

2006-03-07 [Sketch_the_Hex]: does anyone have a dollor? becosue if you do please by you computer a big mac becouse i bet it is hungery lol. j/k

2006-03-07 [zoloftzantac]: oookay .... and where can I get a big mac for $1 anyways? <URL:>

2006-03-09 [Ihsahn]: No my house is the hottest place for cybering, reserve your seats now!

2006-03-09 [zoloftzantac]: kick ass! *reserves a seat*

2006-03-11 [butlin_boy]: helo i am woundering who i can ask about putting a vid on 2 mu houes can ne 1 help

2006-03-11 [Asrun]: You can't upload videos to EP, but you can link them to an offsite host.

2006-03-12 [iCh3wi]: I have a question, is there any way possible to where everytime you or someone else changes their name, all of their relations will be notified?

2006-03-12 [Asrun]: You change your name in the "Change Personal Data" option. Please don't make new account just to change your name. If you do it through changing your data, your name automatically changes so that everyone can see it, including those on your relations list.

2006-03-12 [Firenze]: he has changed his name [Asrun], I think he means is there a way he can use to notify all his friends that he has changed his username or if someone else changes their username...

2006-03-12 [zoloftzantac]: Oh, heh, I thought he was asking for a new feature. It isn't automatic, but anytime you make a "friends only" diary entry it will notify all of your relations. So anytime you change your name you could let them know that way.

2006-03-13 [Sunrose]: Just don't change your name :P

2006-03-13 [zoloftzantac]: wow, such a simple and elegant solution, why didn't I think of that :p

2006-03-14 [lildevil42]: how do i get a pet?

2006-03-14 [Sunrose]: Go to the Giffie-Pet Store ^_^

2006-03-15 [melfina]: a pink elephant

2006-03-16 [individual thought]: <img:>

2006-03-16 [Firenze]: *deletes cat pic* For the love of God [individual thought] stop spamming that cat picture

2006-03-17 [De'ladrei]: they are doing it on epi pages now.

2006-03-17 [Firenze]: he isn't is he...for the love of God

2006-03-17 [De'ladrei]: i got rid of them and wanred him

2006-03-17 [Firenze]: I have already given him an official warning

2006-03-17 [De'ladrei]: im going to give him another if it keeps up

2006-03-17 [zoloftzantac]: Didn't he post all of those at once? (he isn't *still* doing it is he? I just saw a bunch at once.

2006-03-17 [De'ladrei]: He did them again on the EPI pages

2006-03-17 [zoloftzantac]: hmm ... I thought I was watching all of the official pages (Custodians work) I must have missed some of those EPI pages ...

2006-03-17 [De'ladrei]: pleh no worries lol, i watch ALL the epi pages like a hawk lol

2006-03-18 [GRR. ROAR. LOL]: heyy how do i report someone if they have a bunch of fake pictures?

2006-03-18 [De'ladrei]: hit the report button on the persons house, an option will appear to type up a report then hit send.

2006-03-18 [GRR. ROAR. LOL]: ok thank you :)

2006-03-18 [De'ladrei]: y'welcome

2006-03-20 [melfina]: yes, your welcome

2006-03-24 [Whim]: The council picture is VERY out of date. It makes me laugh when I see it. Someone should really fix things like that. Says a lot about the integrity of Elfpack when the main pages are full of errors caused by laziness such as that.

2006-03-24 [FireGypsy]: *gasp* [Whim]! Dont be so harsh! *throws keyboard at [Whim]* =)

2006-03-24 [Whim]: I have to be harsh. It's my duty to be harsh.  Oh, and yes, I AM doing well. Things are great. Thanks for asking.

2006-03-24 [FireGypsy]: lol how are you doing [Whim]! lol jk I havent seen you in a while, where you been?

2006-03-24 [RabidSphinx]:'s [Whim] i had hoped you had died...damn my optimism

2006-03-24 [FireGypsy]: EEK! [RabidSphinx]! *pounces*

2006-03-24 [RabidSphinx]: merow! how are you?

2006-03-24 [Whim]: Oh, I was just banned, apparently. Pretty funny because I didn't even realize that I was banned until about a month after the fact.

2006-03-24 [RabidSphinx]: i knew you were banned, i was a partal cause of that with my reports so i heard, but i had hped you were dead, but i guess i was just being a little too optimistic, like i said.

2006-03-24 [FireGypsy]: Im good! how are you? [Whim] you and i are the same! I just got suspended!

2006-03-24 [RabidSphinx]: i'm good. i had this crazy idea of RaineDrop for Guard that i'm going with! it's a riot. ^^ i can't believe anyone would suspend anyone as cute as you [FireGypsy] that should be a sin... :P

2006-03-24 [Whim]: Yeah, I must have gotten banned around the same time I stopped caring about being banned, so it was easy for me to not notice. Turns out I still don't really care.

2006-03-24 [FireGypsy]: Yeah i was jumped by two girls yesterday as i was walking out to my car after school. One came at me from behind and grabbed my hair and then the other jumped in. I got the second girl on the ground and then threw the first off me into a car and when i stood up to fuck them up, they were running away hahaha! All i got was a scratch on the back of my neck from the girls nails! I fucking hate pussys, hair pullers, scratchers, biters, and behind attackers! They all suck! But thats okay, ill get them mua hahaha!

2006-03-24 [Whim]: Well, that's kind of what happens when you fight girls. They're trained to fight dirty.

2006-03-24 [FireGypsy]: Dirty? They didnt even hurt me lol! Oh thats right, i fight like a man, so im not used to this girly thing.

2006-03-24 [RabidSphinx]: i surprised a bunch of scratching hair-pulling girls in a fight with a right-hook in one's jaw and a knee to the other's gut followed by a simple sweeping takedown. i got introuble for using excessive force when the police showed up. it was self-defence, but they felt that i shouldn't have knocked out one of the girls teeth and nearly broke her nose... :/

2006-03-24 [Whim]: This one time, I was...oh, wait, I don't ever really get into fights because people generally like me...hehe.

2006-03-24 [RabidSphinx]: people who know me like coke-mules don't like me when i'm in their ghetto, being all white and all...good thing mules don't usually have weapons...i'm sure *i* would have gotten in more trouble assulting a minor and all, if it weren't for the fact that they were busted for posetion

2006-03-24 [FireGypsy]: Everyone likes me usually, i dont even know what these two girls look like, they were behind me the whole time. But it all started wednesday in the school parking lot. They were stopped in their car so i passed them and they started honking their horn and flipping me off so i thought "dumb retards" and kept going, so i took a left turn and was in a line of cars when they tried to squeeze next to me to pass me and they rammed their fender into my door and i was like WTF IMA FUCKING KILL THEM! So i went around then and now they are behind me and they rear end me on purpose laughing and shit so im like "ok thats effing it!" So im about 5 feet away and i put it into reverse and ram them as hard

2006-03-24 [FireGypsy]: as i can. and now they get pissed of. Psychos, its all fun and games untill i strike back right? So i left and they followed me but being the speed demon i am going down a windy road going 80 and passing cars, i loose them because my car is faster than a POS Civic lol. So all day thrusday everyone told me that they were going to key my car and fuck it up and blah blah and i was like id like to see them do that because it would be the last thing they see! So then i hear that they are going to be waiting at my car after school but like im going to believe anyone who talks tons of shit right. So im walking to my car with my friends and there are about 7 girls standing near my car, who were

2006-03-24 [RabidSphinx]: that is why i don't drive (more than just the fact that i'm too poor) i have road-rage

2006-03-24 [FireGypsy]: acutally spectators and meant me no harm but cmon now i dont know that at the time. so i get jumped from behind and these girls are punching and kicking me for about a minute before i throw them of me and then they ran away and i started screaming "come back here you fucking pussys you didnt even fucking hurt me! Ill fucking kill you! Grow some balls and come back here! So they arent moving so i grab this pipe that i was bringing home and start running at the car they are all standing by when my boyfriends step-brother grabs me and takes the bar away and the girls drive off.

2006-03-24 [FireGypsy]: But thats okay, its not like they hurt me or anything. But ill get them. And ill get them good! When they least expect it and they think they are alone, ill be there, and i WILL make them bite the curb!

2006-03-24 [RabidSphinx]: i also carry knives, so i try to avoid conflict...last thing i need is to get pissed and shank some bitch's ass...that would put a stain on my record i think... >>;

2006-03-24 [zoloftzantac]: No one ever screws with me, it might have sometthing to do with looking kinda scary ...

2006-03-25 [melfina]: whoa...lots of text

2006-03-25 [skullhead]: [FireGypsy] is my favorite one hit wonder

2006-03-25 [zoloftzantac]: umm, yeah ... :: mental note: never screw with [FireGypsy] ::

2006-03-25 [RabidSphinx]: i screwed [FireGypsy] behind the Dunkin' Doughnuts... :P

2006-03-25 [zoloftzantac]: damn it! where the hell was I ...

2006-03-25 [RabidSphinx]: you were at Tim Hortons....loser

2006-03-25 [zoloftzantac]: damn! damn! damn! I hate being a loser ...

2006-03-25 [RabidSphinx]: well, heads up, i may get to [Sunrose] behind the Crispy's up to you to figure out which one.. :P

2006-03-25 [zoloftzantac]: grr .. I have to guess which one AND when, that's too hard. hint?

2006-03-25 [RabidSphinx]: after dark.. :P

2006-03-25 [skullhead]: What’s with the eating and screwing?

2006-03-25 [zoloftzantac]: huh? you don't like eating and screwing??

2006-03-25 [RabidSphinx]: i hate eating, but screwing....oh-yeah...i'm such a slut

2006-03-25 [skullhead]: This is turning in to a Fake conversation.

2006-03-25 [RabidSphinx]: how would you know?

2006-03-25 [zoloftzantac]: lol

2006-03-25 [skullhead]: ~_~ Oops

2006-03-25 [RabidSphinx]: *sluts about*

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