Page name: Council [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-03-27 03:29:01
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Stephen
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The Council are the team of people who keep the site running smoothly. They host official contests and features, and are here to answer any questions you have about Elfpack, and how it works.

Please note: The Guards are the people who enforce the Elfpack Rules, and the Mainstuff Bosses are the people in charge of what goes on Mainstuff.


(Badge Credits)

Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden
Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden

Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor
Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss
Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss

(Badge Credits)

The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards
Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss

(Badge Credits)

Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss
Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice

**To see the members who use to work on the Council, look at Retired.**


Do not ask to be on the Council. Instead, go apply to the crew and expect it to take a long time. We want people who are going to stick around. During that time, try to do things to prove to use that you would be a good member of the Council. Also, see how to gain an EP title for information on how to get badges.

If you think your badges are messed up or you are missing a badge you deserve, then message [Stephen] or [kittykittykitty].


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2005-10-10 [xoxemaxox]: i cnt delete my ex's pic of my page can any 1 help?

2005-10-10 [iCh3wi]: I can, I will message you.

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: Sorry for the random leaving. :p I went home for the holidays. Whoot for Thanksgiving!

2005-10-11 [iCh3wi]: Thanksgiving? Thats forever from now.

2005-10-11 [Mildred Hubble]: You know what's sad? I had to look at my calendar to see if I really did miss Thanksgiving after reading [sotalean]'s line. XD

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: Canada hun. ^^ Thanksgiving is in October. *pokes*

2005-10-11 [iCh3wi]: Ok....I was SO confused for a sec, lol. I almost did the same thing Mildred, lol.

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: *laughs* Well that's what you get for living in the US or other areas. ^_^ Canada is just strange I guess. :p

2005-10-11 [Mildred Hubble]: lol I live in England now (which doesn't even celebrate it at all), so I don't know why I was even worried about missing it. XD LOL

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: *laughs* Okay.. just because you neighbours don't celebrate Thansgiving doesn't mean that you can't cook a .. turkey leg for yourself! ^__^

2005-10-11 [Mildred Hubble]: Very very true. *visualizes juicy tender turky meat smothered in dripping butter and gravy* OH MAN AM I HUNGRY NOW!!!!!! (>__<)"

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: Yes! My plan has succeed! *evil laughter* Now that you're hungry.. I'm going to go and make lunch. ^_^ Mmm... food.

2005-10-11 [Mildred Hubble]: *shakes her fist in a geezer like manner* (>__<)'

2005-10-11 [RabidSphinx]: i missed thanksgiving?!!!

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: I live in Canada!!! *dies*

2005-10-11 [RabidSphinx]: (O_o) oh, i thought i just slept through October...i would have cried if i had missed

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: Hehe.. Nope Nope. You know me.. trust me Chickie. You won't miss Halloween. *pats on the head*

2005-10-11 [De'ladrei]: For starters I'm having one helluva party on here ;) no way anyone will miss it

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: I can't bloody wait. Whoot for a Mystique costume. :p

2005-10-11 [RabidSphinx]: this will be my first halloween and i can't wait! ^^

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: You're first Halloween? O.o Explain this!

2005-10-11 [RabidSphinx]: i have never celebrated it before is all. never wore a costume, or went trick-or-treating...i have never been to a halloween party, or anything of the sort actually. so this year will be my first halloween!! ^^

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: Are you serious! Oh my God! It's the birth of a Halloweener. *happy happy joy joy* ^_^ What are you being? Do you know yet?

2005-10-11 [RabidSphinx]: *giggles* i'm being a, um, green fairy with purple wings and stuff...i'm so excited!!! i get to go trick-or-treating for the first time at 19 years old!!! lol...i hope i get candy with razorblades hidden in it!!! ^^

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: *laughs* I hope so too. *grins* I'm going to the college halloween party as the old comic book version Mystique. *nods* I'm dyeing my hair.. the works

2005-10-11 [RabidSphinx]: wow...that sounds hot! i wish i had the body to be Mystigue...i always loved Gambit and Rogue...they were so frickin' cool. i wanted to be Rogue, and Gambit, well, he just kicked ass and took

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: Oh he did. Gambit was awesome! *grins* I don't exactly have the body for mystique. I'm not tall or built.. but she have be short and skinny too right? *hopes* O.o

2005-10-11 [De'ladrei]: she can be n.n

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: Whoot! ^__^

2005-10-11 [De'ladrei]: ^_-

2005-10-11 [Asrun]: I'm going as the person who doesn't want to give out treats to all of the little brats. >:O

2005-10-11 [De'ladrei]: Aww, I'm making special biscuits. Chocolate digestives with a chocolate cone fixed to the top with an icing ribbon to make up a witches hat, I love making things like that ^^

2005-10-11 [sotalean]: O.o Don't a lot of people throw out the stuff that was made though?

2005-10-12 [Asrun]: I did :3 Cuse people would put needles in them. o.o

2005-10-12 [sotalean]: Point proven!

2005-10-12 [Firenze]: Well when my mum makes cakes and gives out to people who come trick or treating at our house and they eat them straight away, so that has to say something about homemade food on halloween but then again I live in Devon, England...

2005-10-12 [Shatureel]:

Trick or Treat

 Sorry guys couldn't resist. Just praticing for Halloween. LOL

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: Ish the same here, the kiddies actually migrate to our door to get them.

2005-10-12 [Shatureel]: Sounds like loads of fun

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: oh it can be. fending the little buggers off caus you've ran out is always good for exercise.

2005-10-12 [Shatureel]: *LMAO* Yep, dressing up and leaping out at them is always a blast

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: *grins* oh it is indeed. Kiddies get a surprise when I open to door, big cloak pointy hat etc etc most people here dont bother to dress up. So seeing someone who they would class as an "adult" makes them stare at me like "coooooooooooooooool" XD

2005-10-12 [Shatureel]: thats so cool, I dress up its fun. This year I'm going to be raggedy anne turned evil.

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: oooh that sounds interesting lol

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: i can't wait to go trick or treating!!! is it fun? i don't like candy though...only chocolate... :/

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: from what i remember its quite fun, althoug more fun in america im thinking because they go so BIG with it o.o'

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: yay! *bounces up and down excitedly*

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: XD i wish i was there...but then again no i dont because the comercialisation on such a huge scale scares me <.< >.>

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: it has always been my favorite holiday i never celebrated...i mean, christmas looks fun and all, easter yeah sure, but of them all, if i got to pick one i was allowed to celebrate all out, it would so be halloween!!

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: why werent you allowed to celebrate if you dont mind me asking?

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: my mother religion. so i spent my whole childhood locked up in my house on holidays. i was not even allowed to go to school on days like halloween and valentines day because of the schools allowing the other students to celebrate it. i remember my mother cancelling the Disney Channel on television because they always went all out on their programing for each holiday. :/ kind'a sucked a little.

2005-10-12 [sotalean]: Oh wow... O.o That seems kind of harsh.

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: not harsh...just, sheltered.......

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: ...the only time my mother tried to stop me celebrating halloween was when she found out i was practicing witchcraft...after that i just never let her find out i was carrying it on...but that is quite...sad in a way

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: i would kill my child if i found out such a thing...but that's just crazy little me

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: i think my mother would have if she thought i'd kept going with it

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: there are alot of things i would kill (or just disown) my child over...hope i can raise mine right... :/

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: or that you wont have to consider such a thing because they will be well adjusted anyway :)

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: that would be my hope...well adjusted and well's hoping...^^;

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: lol *fingers crossed* i have no delusions about my kids, i just want them to be happy, and for me not to turn out like my own mother >.<

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: i have a good mother. tough, sturn, and she took no shit from me. she raised me well. morals and respect. that is what she tought me. happy is knowing i make her happy with how i act.

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: my mother can be classes as "psychotic" with a tendancy to want to crush my soul at ever given chance. I've had to learn to be numb so she cant hurt me. but still, she is a good mother...just not a very loving or caring one

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: my mum never hugs me or tells me that she loves me...actually, she is more likely to call me fat than anything, but she is still a good mother. you just have to understand your own mother and her motives. what you call "crushing your soul" she considers teaching you something...whatever it is

2005-10-12 [Kaos101]: *nods* Very nicely put Rainedrop

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: ^^ thanks...i'll get off my soapbox now

2005-10-12 [Kaos101]: lol ^_^

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: ive tried seeing that way. but still, she is not teaching me anything, i have asked her "what am i meant to learn from this" her reply was "that you are truly useless and not worth anything" i dont take notice of her anymore, but when i was younger it used to crush my heart. now i know she just goes through phases where she says things she doesnt mean. its not that shes trying to teach me anything, its just that she actually has episodes where hatred is her only emotion and she aims it at me. *shrugs* but its not something i really want to go into on a public coment box, if ever.

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: ever think she is just making you into a stonger person? more capable of facing rejection and negativity? i know i fold like a house of cards when rejected, you sound like you could handel it better than i could, thanks to your mum...

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: yes she could be, but she actually has something wrong with her though. its not that its intentional, its just that every now and then something goes lose in her head and the name of the game is "Kill all that moves"

2005-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: i have that's fun...i focus it on my sister [StarDance] god she needs it though

2005-10-12 [De'ladrei]: ppft, i dont need it :P but my mother selects me as her fave target and its either fight or flight

2005-10-12 [Kaos101]: is it actually that way or is it just what you portrude from the past few years?

2005-10-13 [De'ladrei]: its actually that way. it is nothing to do with me thinking i am a victim, its just the way my life and hers is

2005-10-13 [sotalean]: .. Sort of glad that my mom and myself have a close relationship. O.o I don't think we've ever been at odds.

2005-10-13 [RabidSphinx]: my mum thinks i'm a fat bum...^^

2005-10-13 [De'ladrei]: mines is out to kill me...but in a motherly kind of way :p

2005-10-13 [RabidSphinx]: yay for us!

2005-10-13 [De'ladrei]: hehe yup *dances*

2005-10-13 [sotalean]: Mine makes me bottled moose.... and sends it to the residence. T.T

2005-10-13 [De'ladrei]: ...bottled what now? o.O

2005-10-13 [RabidSphinx]: are you talking about the chocolate kind? or the hair kind? it's spelled differently isn't it?...muse?

2005-10-13 [De'ladrei]: *still confused* @-@

2005-10-13 [Kaos101]: or perhaps the animal

2005-10-13 [Mildred Hubble]: Hello there, would any of you other council members like to help out with Elfpack Jokes? Could really use the help! (^__^)

2005-10-13 [sotalean]: Moose! Moose! You know ... the meat? :P

2005-10-17 [RabidSphinx]: oooohhh, i was like, moose? those don't come in cans do they? lol...oh, just the meat...hmm... as for the jokes, i would help, but i'm not on council, sorry

2005-10-17 [Mildred Hubble]: That's ok, wanna help out anyway? We need people to help keep the wiki tidy and go through jokes to make sure they are in the right wiki. You get the power to choose the daily joke. You'd just have to tell it to sotalean or me so we can upload it on mainstuff. ;)

2005-10-17 [RabidSphinx]: i'll help any way i can if you like. reading jokes isn't hard right?

2005-10-17 [Mildred Hubble]: it's actually a ball. lol there's some really good one's in there. ok then, you can help out. you'll have to get a badge from the person who has the power to give them out. soti nor I have the power. :( but i'll go ahead and give you the password and make you a member of the forum. ;)

2005-10-17 [RabidSphinx]: okay, send me the pasword and stuff in a PM...but i got to go now...the library is kicking me out...ahhh! computers shutting down!

2005-10-17 [Mildred Hubble]: ok. bye!

2005-10-18 [RabidSphinx]: i'm back! the world may continue on now!!

2005-10-18 [Mildred Hubble]: XD

2005-10-19 [sotalean]: *laughs* Wow hun.. the world revolves around you? And to think.. I thought it revolved around the sun. *hits her head* God I was stupid. (This was said sarcastically and meant no to harm to animals) ^_^

2005-10-19 [RabidSphinx]: oh, trust me, everything revolves around me...i'm just so massive i have a gravitational pull stonger than the sun!...thus why i'm on

2005-10-19 [Ajsinnott]: so thats why i fell my lifes going round in circles then....hemmmm

2005-10-20 [Mildred Hubble]: XD lol

2005-10-20 [RabidSphinx]: lol

2005-10-22 [sotalean]: *laughs* That's wicked. :P Maybe that's why we fall over for no reason sometimes. *ponders*

2005-10-24 [RabidSphinx]: that could very well be it...or it could have been the fact that i tied your showlaces togeather under your computer desk while you were not looking....>>

2005-10-25 [iCh3wi]: I have a question. On google, if you type in "Elfpack", this banner comes up. Does anyone know who made it? It is really good. :D

2005-10-25 [iCh3wi]: <img:>

2005-10-25 [RabidSphinx]: idea though

2005-10-25 [Sunrose]: I can find out for you who uploaded it :)

2005-10-25 [Kaos101]: good....then I can congradulate them on a job well done

2005-10-26 [Sunrose]: [MarieFair] uploaded it to Elfpack. That doesn't mean she made it, but she probably did :)

2005-10-26 [iCh3wi]: I dont know who loaded it, I just found it on Google. the reason I am wondering is, is there any way we could possibly change the Entrance Picture of the Elf in Purple? It's really hard to sign on at school with that picture on the EP Entrance.

2005-10-26 [De'ladrei]: and the other one is less obvious?

2005-10-26 [iCh3wi]: I am meaning like the actual picture of the elf and the way she is dressed.

2005-10-26 [De'ladrei]: ....uhu...and the other one with corseted red head with flaming bonfire and weird things is less noticeable :p

2005-10-26 [Amalaswinta]: LOL!!!

2005-10-26 [Kaos101]: they're both really noticable

2005-10-26 [Amalaswinta]: indeed ^_^ (which is probably why [Asrun] and me won hehe)

2005-10-26 [RabidSphinx]: i like the images...i wanted to enter, but i didn't

2005-10-26 [De'ladrei]: the images up are really good, far better than my origional crappy one i made the previous year for my art class that got used

2005-10-27 [Asrun]: What's wrong with my entrance picture?

2005-10-27 [Amalaswinta]: *huggles [Asrun]* absolutely nothing hun ^_^

2005-10-27 [iCh3wi]: There isn't anything wrong with the pictures, it is just that it is hard to get on EP sometimes while at school because of teachers.

2005-10-27 [sotalean]: Techinically hun.. you shouldn't be logging into EP on the school computers anyway. *rolls her eyes and mimics a prof* 'You're not doing your work.. blah blah bleh'

2005-10-27 [iCh3wi]: Awww......but then what else am I going to do in Calculus and Trogonometry. It takes too much effort to fail tests, so I leave them blank.

2005-10-27 [De'ladrei]: Just log in very very fast, when I am in school I log in before the pictures have time to show up, it is possible

2005-10-27 [RabidSphinx]: i do the same at the library since that one with the fire scares me....>>

2005-11-09 [aarron]: how do we be in the council and gaurd

2005-11-09 [RabidSphinx]: right on [Amalaswinta]! lol

2005-11-10 [sotalean]: It's odd how few people ask about gaining titles when it states not to ask. *blinks*

2005-11-10 [Kaos101]: *nods*

2005-11-10 [Amalaswinta]: indeed

2005-11-10 [RabidSphinx]: OWNED

2005-11-11 [iCh3wi]: Owned? Whom do you own RD?

2005-11-11 [FireGypsy]: Hey guys! Ive missed you *hugs everyones*! Just thought id like to bring up an issue i have been seeing. Its not a big one or anything. Its the art donation records. No one is going there and awarding badges to the people who have earned it. One of the people there has already tried to get someone to work on the page but their attempts failed. Now, all the people in the comment area are starting to bicker and are getting impatient.I dont know who is assigned that job but if there is such a person i think they should get on it. Oh and by the way, RD owns me =D *tackles RD!*

2005-11-13 [RabidSphinx]: WHOA!!! *is pounced on* i was so OWNED right there!

2005-11-13 [iCh3wi]: Lost..........

2005-11-14 [FireGypsy]: hehe *dances*

2005-11-14 [RabidSphinx]: *dances too* oh, shasia...we are supposed to give jon a lapdance apparently...>>

2005-11-15 [sotalean]: ... Hmm. I'd help but I don't have the privs to do so. >.<

2005-11-17 [FireGypsy]: huh? lapdace? when? how did this come about? lol hehe!

2005-11-19 [Ihsahn]: look whos back

2005-11-19 [Asrun]: omg. :o

2005-11-19 [Orestez]: Who!? <.< >.>

2005-11-19 [De'ladrei]: *hides*

2005-11-19 [Asrun]: oh sh*t. :O

2005-11-19 [sotalean]: *is confused*

2005-11-19 [De'ladrei]: hehe its just pure councily sillyness :p

2005-11-21 [Ihsahn]: it has been far to long

2005-11-21 [De'ladrei]: it has indeed :D

2005-11-21 [RabidSphinx]: the lapdance business came about in the pet-wiki-storehouse, when i told Jon i would do anything for one of the baby pandas...i said even a lapdance. he said if i could get you to do one with me (to him) i could have "anything i wanted" but i think that went for you too...and i was like, hmmmm, let me talk to her about this! :P

2005-11-21 [Ihsahn]: ???? I must have missed something

2005-11-21 [RabidSphinx]: lol...must have...hey! welcome back! how are you?

2005-11-21 [Ihsahn]: pm me and I will tell you

2005-11-21 [RabidSphinx]: no, you pm me

2005-11-21 [Ihsahn]: fine then

2005-11-21 [RabidSphinx]: lol

2005-11-27 [80's Metal Head]: I have a question How come while i was banned people were getting banned for this reoson: [80's Metal Head] clone theres a ton of people pissed off at me now because they think i banned them

2005-11-27 [Ihsahn]: They shouldn't be using your computer

2005-11-27 [80's Metal Head]: They didnt they were people i didnt even know i live in USA and they live in UK

2005-11-27 [Ihsahn]: then you should probably speak with the Guards they would know more about it then I do

2005-11-27 [Asrun]: AOL shares IP numbers with thousands of users... One get banned, so do a bunch or people. That can usually be fixed if you ask a guard for an "anti-ban" option.

2005-11-27 [Ihsahn]: or you could ask [Asrun] <.<

2005-11-27 [Amalaswinta]: xD

2005-11-27 [Firenze]: Or you could even ask [Amalaswinta] :P

2005-11-27 [Amalaswinta]: *hides*

2005-11-27 [80's Metal Head]: EP should have a Christmas card contest... Come on people I need something to do.

2005-11-27 [Kaos101]: I never thought of that

2005-11-27 [80's Metal Head]: I did :)

2005-11-27 [Asrun]: ...>.> *bites [Ihsahn]

2005-11-27 [80's Metal Head]: *laughs at [Ihsahn]*

2005-11-28 [Amalaswinta]: [80's Metal Head]: we're already working on that, no worries

2005-11-28 [Ihsahn]: oo kinky [Asrun]!!! I like o.O

2005-11-28 [80's Metal Head]: working on what?

2005-11-28 [Ihsahn]: I wonder G what did you just mention

2005-11-28 [Asrun]: o.o

2005-11-28 [Ihsahn]: *chases [Asrun]* mwaha! :D

2005-11-29 [Asrun]: eeeee!

2005-11-29 [Amalaswinta]: [80's Metal Head]: a christmas contest

2005-11-29 [Ihsahn]: exactly, now were was I............... *pounces [Asrun]* o.O *stares at [Amalaswinta]* your next

2005-11-29 [Amalaswinta]: *jumps back into hiding*

2005-11-29 [Ihsahn]: o come on

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: >;

2005-11-29 [Firenze]: *Drags [Amalaswinta] out from her hiding place and smiles*

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: you are all rather rough with each other aren't you? gosh....>>

2005-11-29 [Firenze]: Ummmm...*thinks for a moment* Yup!

2005-11-29 [Ihsahn]: o you know it drop

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: i guess i'm lucky i was booted from council when i was...>>;

2005-11-29 [Ihsahn]: come here you

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: ahhh! *flees*

2005-11-29 [Ihsahn]: does she know she is running into a claymore mine field? o well

2005-11-29 [Firenze]: I doubt it *shrugs*

2005-11-29 [RabidSphinx]: *is exploded*

2005-11-29 [80's Metal Head]: Awesome Death Destruction Chaos this is great...!

2005-11-30 [Ihsahn]: your next

2005-11-30 [80's Metal Head]: Noooooooooooo! lol

2005-11-30 [Firenze]: *slowly creeps away from the scene*

2005-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: *is an exploded pile of mush and a bone*

2005-11-30 [Orestez]: Wow....chaos on the EP council wiki...what a suprise... lol

2005-11-30 [Ihsahn]: o crap I left [Asrun] <.< *chases her*

2005-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: we are the regects of ET right? lol

2005-11-30 [Orestez]: I don't know about you but I left voluntarily.

2005-11-30 [RabidSphinx]: well, okay, i did too, but i was still a little reject living there until i came here...>>

2005-11-30 [80's Metal Head]: I got banned from ET :) so I guess Im a reject.....YAY!

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