# of watchers: 113
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Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss ![]() (Badge Credits) The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss ![]() (Badge Credits) Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice |
2005-09-06 [Firenze]: That is true ^_^
2005-09-06 [De'ladrei]: *nods* but on the dowside it does mean my sharp impliments go unused and start to feel neglected.
2005-09-06 [Amalaswinta]: ah, but there will always be members who just won't listen to a good piece of advice, so you can use your wits on them ;-)
2005-09-06 [De'ladrei]: yay \o/
2005-09-06 [Amalaswinta]: xD
2005-09-06 [Amalaswinta]: I just can't believe noone has voted yet... maybe no one just ever watches the stuff on Mainstuff... hmmm
2005-09-06 [Firenze]: Personally I think having your messages come up first is a pain in the backside and I miss a lot of news on mainstuff because of it...I usually read mainstuff before, I read my messages when I first log on
2005-09-06 [Amalaswinta]: my thoughts exactly...
2005-09-06 [De'ladrei]: *nods* me too. it doesnt bother me so much on et, because i dont really read the news there unless i know something is happening, but i read it on here because i need to know what is happening
2005-09-08 [Larova]: There. I revived the Council.
2005-09-08 [De'ladrei]: well done :P oh ja i was meant to present and idea for a member who wouldnt do it themselves *wanders off to find the wiki*
2005-09-08 [Asrun]: Mmmm.... *licks* :3
2005-09-08 [iCh3wi]: I have a quick question, would it be ok if I went through all of the Elfpack Graphic's pages and organized them? I noticed several are becoming to large.
2005-09-08 [iCh3wi]: Ok, well I fixed up the Elfpack Welcome Mats. Anyone care to look and tell me if it is good to do to the other pages?
2005-09-08 [iCh3wi]: EG Welcome Mats
2005-09-09 [iCh3wi]: Ok, well I went through the EG Welcome Mats Page and divided them up into sperate pages due too the size of each page. There are now 6 pages, but soon it will be 7 Im sure.
2005-09-09 [Sunrose]: Looking good ;)
2005-09-09 [iCh3wi]: And I also re-modeled the EG Bullets as well, but I wouldnt mind having the EG Dividers page 1 unlocked so I can re-model it. lol
2005-09-09 [Sunrose]: Link me =p
2005-09-09 [iCh3wi]: EG Dividers. Thanks Debb!! :)
2005-09-09 [iCh3wi]: Ok, I wil work on it later tonight, Im going out to the mall. Thanks again.
2005-09-10 [Asrun]: Buy me something. :o
2005-09-10 [iCh3wi]: Lol, all I got was some jewelry at Spencers and Hot Topic.
2005-09-11 [iCh3wi]: Okies, Im going to start working on the Dividers Pages now.
2005-09-12 [FireGypsy]: *Hugs everyone* i love you all! Hey Halloween is coming up pretty quick, i think we should have a contest with a halloween theme to it. Maybe like a costume contest where around halloween time, we post pictures of ourselves in our costumes and there will be prizes for most origional, scary, and funny =) I love Halloween! Its my favourite holiday!
2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: That sounds like a good idea to me Sasha.
2005-09-12 [Amalaswinta]: pssst.. : Elfpack Contests Suggestion Page ;-)
2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: lol
2005-09-12 [Amalaswinta]: ^_^
2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: Are non-council members allowed to talk on here? Because usually when no one replies in the Cult Forum, I come here to tell people when I am re-modeling.
2005-09-12 [RabidSphinx]: i talk here...i'm not on council....*ta
2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: Okies, I was just checking is all. I know some wiki's have like stupid rules that you can't talk there unless you are a member.
2005-09-12 [Amalaswinta]: everyone's allowed to talk in here, that's what we're here for, to hear your ideas :-)
2005-09-12 [iCh3wi]: Thats good. That way I can just tell yall (<Texas Accent) here that I am re-modeling instead of the Cult because forums are hard to me.
2005-09-13 [RabidSphinx]: i like grapes
2005-09-13 [Amalaswinta]: psssst... : Forum guide ;-)
2005-09-13 [RabidSphinx]: i can't use a forum to save my life...lol
2005-09-13 [Amalaswinta]: that's why that forum guide is alive :-D
2005-09-13 [RabidSphinx]: i looked at that...and my brain exploded out of my nose and ears...><
2005-09-14 [iCh3wi]: Forums suck ass. The same person only talks to me on the cult.
2005-09-14 [The Epitaph Of Necrosis, Decase And Zeal]: Pardon council where can i find help on html
2005-09-14 [RabidSphinx]: PseudoHTML should help you...(^_^)
2005-09-15 [The Epitaph Of Necrosis, Decase And Zeal]: thank u
2005-09-15 [RabidSphinx]: any time...(^_^)
2005-09-15 [iCh3wi]: Ok, well here is my newest Re-Modeled Areas: EG Dividers, EG Dividers 2, & EG Dividers 3.
2005-09-20 [¿thomas?]: Can anyone moderate the art donation records wiki and the art badges?
2005-09-20 [Amalaswinta]: why the badges?
2005-09-21 [¿thomas?]: because the art donation records is the page that the old moderators that aperently havnt checked it for a while, would assign badges to the aproved claims
2005-09-22 [Thunder Cid]: Where in god's name can a bum find work.
2005-09-23 [iCh3wi]: Umm...........
2005-09-23 [De'ladrei]: the epi? lets face it i can be picky anymore, a bum looking for work is better than people who are already hired but dont.
2005-09-23 [iCh3wi]: Sounds reasonable enough Fi.
2005-09-23 [Solitiaum]: *clears her throat*
2005-09-23 [De'ladrei]: well theres a sight for sore eyes
2005-09-23 [Solitiaum]: So... Do I need to come in, guns blazing? *eyes twinkle*
2005-09-23 [De'ladrei]: only if you feel you must :p
2005-09-23 [Solitiaum]: *hugs Dela sissa tight* How've you been?
2005-09-23 [De'ladrei]: *hugs* oh the usual, mental breakdown iminent, you?
2005-09-23 [Solitiaum]: Just recovering... Gaia is on the edge as well, have you noticed?
2005-09-23 [De'ladrei]: its been hard not to, although i think Mother Earth's breakdown is a tad more serious than mine. When I go I'm only taking a five mile radius with me, when shes loosing it shes taking out part of a country o.o
2005-09-23 [Solitiaum]: Who are you kidding? Through the reach of the internet, you are going to take out the entire world. -.o
2005-09-23 [De'ladrei]: aw now there goes my secret plan, thank you very much
2005-09-23 [Solitiaum]: *grins sheepishly*
2005-09-23 [De'ladrei]: :p
2005-09-23 [Solitiaum]: XD
2005-09-26 [popo]: I would like to apologize for the actions that got me banned and this intrusion and ask for you forgivness for both. I am [Mallow_29], good friend, long time member of the elftown/pack sites, and a soul asking to be allowed access to my elfpack account. In doing so i promise never to never chain message again. Please, give me back my happiness. I miss my friends that i can only talk to on elfpack. [Sunrose] has recieved many messages from people asking that [Mallow_29] please be unbanned. I am not a bad person on this site, people do miss me. All i ask is that i be unbanned or given a chance to explain my actions before judgement is laid upon me. Please send answer to my good friend [popo]
2005-09-26 [Ajsinnott]: hey im not haveing a go at you guys but ive been waiteing a little other a mouth and i ahvent got my artist badgie, if u want id do some help
2005-09-27 [iCh3wi]: WTF?!? >>Chronic Masturbation
2005-09-27 [RabidSphinx]: wow...
2005-09-27 [De'ladrei]: yea...i spotted that wiki a while back...i thought it best to stay well clear *shudders*
2005-09-27 [RabidSphinx]: *nods* but people who are members of wikis like that, i have learned, are good to watch because they tend to break the UARs more often... :/
2005-09-27 [De'ladrei]: yea...especial
2005-09-27 [RabidSphinx]: *nods*
2005-09-28 [iCh3wi]: I found the link in a chain letter. You wanna see something really ODD? Go to ET, and in the wiki name box, type "Cutters Banners" Nice images. Uh huh ;)
2005-09-28 [Dwemer]: It's not odd, it's sick...*But that's just my opinion*
2005-09-28 [The Epitaph Of Necrosis, Decase And Zeal]: pardon council i would li' 2 ask y is there such asmall mood letter limit
2005-09-28 [RabidSphinx]: It’s so people don't have exceedingly long moods. your "mood" is your mood, so technically it should say something along the lines of "sad", "angry", "horny as hell", or "be right back"...people tend to use them to write slogans or messages, which is fine, but since that is not it's intended use, the limit is set to the guidelines of its proper use. Try using shorthand in your mood messages if you can't fit them in the space.
2005-09-29 [The Epitaph Of Necrosis, Decase And Zeal]: ahh well i was just trying to get a good quote that i liked in there its, Aloth your lungs may not hold breath Your hands can grip swords so your still a use to me
2005-09-29 [RabidSphinx]: you could put it in size H1 font at the top of your house, so that it is sure to be noticed, and will fit.
2005-09-29 [Larova]: Don't settle for H1. Go for Huge.
2005-09-30 [iCh3wi]: H2? Sounds like the HumVee's
2005-10-01 [RabidSphinx]: i hate those...fricki
2005-10-02 [You Can't Save Me]: how do i get a badge for the art i donated?
2005-10-02 [iCh3wi]: I have no clue, why not try the "How to gain an EP Badge" page and see what it says? Even though I have never been there myself, so who knows what is on that page.
2005-10-02 [sotalean]: *sustains a grin*
2005-10-03 [Mildred Hubble]: If "nasty" describes my sense of humour, then "nasty" is spot on. XD Does [Sunrose] come up with what goes before the names?
2005-10-03 [Whim]: They used to all be something like "mischievious" or something like that until I changed mine to "bastardly" and then everyone had to go and start changing theirs to something else. I don't know who comes up with them now, but I know when I did it, I did it myself.
2005-10-03 [Mildred Hubble]: Aahh. I thought they all used to be the same. Well, then I admire your originality for that. :)
2005-10-03 [Whim]: Well, to a degree, my point is that if you don't like nasty, then pick something else. I don't know if you have access to the page, but if you just change that one thing, no one will really care--if they even notice.
2005-10-03 [Mildred Hubble]: lol I was just simply curious is all. I could really care less if "retarded" was put before my name. Just about any word can describe some part of me to some degree. :P
2005-10-03 [Mildred Hubble]: And yes, even "retarded." :)
2005-10-03 [Whim]: Even "terrorist"?
2005-10-03 [Mildred Hubble]: Depends on your definition. Mine is "any person who terrorizes." To that, I'd say, yes, but in a small degree. Not so much since I've graduated school and don't have any more bullies to get back at. ;)
2005-10-03 [sotalean]: What about Duckie?
2005-10-03 [Mildred Hubble]: hhhmmm......go
2005-10-03 [sotalean]: *grins* Oh yeah! I stumped you for atleast a litt- O_o My light just popped in my room. Oh my...
2005-10-03 [Mildred Hubble]: AHA! If you ask my husband, I have this thing for duck tails. I really love how they shake their bums. XD
2005-10-03 [sotalean]: *laughs* Oh man... that's awesome. Okay okay.. what about. Snootchycootch
2005-10-03 [Mildred Hubble]: Alright.....I'
2005-10-03 [sotalean]: Awh.. *hugs* It's okay Chickie. ^^ I'm not even really sure what it means
2005-10-03 [Mildred Hubble]: lol XD It sounds like modern cooty catcher.
2005-10-03 [Sinner Beanie]: how do i start a wiki
2005-10-03 [Sinner Beanie]: can anyone tell me how 2
2005-10-03 [The Epitaph Of Necrosis, Decase And Zeal]: type in ur wiki name if the page is blank then go to editpage and its just like how u edit ur house
2005-10-03 [RabidSphinx]: Wiki guide that will tell you how to do anything you like to make any kind of wiki... ^^
2005-10-03 [Amalaswinta]: Wiki guide
2005-10-03 [Amalaswinta]: =P
2005-10-03 [RabidSphinx]: ha! beat yoou to it! *DANCES* W00T W00T....wait, i forgot...i'm not on council anymore...*sto
2005-10-03 [Amalaswinta]: xD
2005-10-03 [RabidSphinx]: i don't even know why i still watch this wiki and help out...lol...
2005-10-03 [iCh3wi]: I just watch this wiki so I can talk every once in a while.
2005-10-06 [XxSephirothxX]: how can i join the council?
2005-10-06 [Amalaswinta]: you can start by reading the page...
2005-10-06 [sotalean]: What she said. ^^
2005-10-06 [RabidSphinx]: then check out this page How to Gain an EP Title and read that one too.
2005-10-08 [XxSephirothxX]: ok! thanks! i was just like really interested in joining the council! i would love to do it and do it with the right respect!
2005-10-08 [The Epitaph Of Necrosis, Decase And Zeal]: well any one just cant join u have to be tested
2005-10-08 [iCh3wi]: I have an issue I would like to bring up concerning this new "flirting" thing. Does anyone realize that by doing this, more people will be moved toward breaking the uploading image rules causing more porn to be traveling around EP?? Cybering is already a problem here on EP, as many already know, now how is it going to stop if we are allowing this cybering thing to go on? I seriously don't think this flirting thing is a good idea. Elfpack has many members who are under the age of 14, and doing this can cause them to be in danger of sexual harassment.
2005-10-08 [iCh3wi]: And now this flriting thing is on www.elf12.com?
2005-10-08 [Amalaswinta]: the whole point of this flirting thing is just that: to protect those members who are not interested in these kind of messages, since you can only read them when you yourself have written such a flirt to that particular member...
2005-10-08 [Sunrose]: Aside from that 'flirting' does not mean you are allowed to send nude images of/to minors, obviously. It means you show a person you like him or her. That person will only know about it if he/she likes you too and sent you a flirtmessage back, as Ama explained. Cybering is btw not a problem on Elfpack, cybering is not even against the rules on Elftown if both persons agree to it (and are adults). Elfpack has less rules and is a bit more shady, don't try to make Elfpack into Elftown2.
2005-10-08 [Amalaswinta]: hear hear!
2005-10-08 [Kaos101]: Well, having flirting on Elfpack is one thing, but setting it up on a website for kids under 13( i.e. Elf12)? That seems a bit wrong to me
2005-10-08 [De'ladrei]: On here its fine, but I am slightly...not sure if its a good idea on elf12...it could be seen as encouraging things
2005-10-08 [Amalaswinta]: okay, it may be just me, but when I was like... 12 or so... (*sigh* seems so far away... hehe).. anyway, when I was 12, flirting had nothing to do with cybersex...
2005-10-08 [Sunrose]: Hear hear!
2005-10-08 [Amalaswinta]: xD
2005-10-08 [RabidSphinx]: i think it is inappropriate for the younger page, but here it's fine...just, little kids are more and more sexually active at younger ages...i read in Time Magazine this month that "gays" are feeling attracted to their own sex as young as 10 (as opposed to 17-20 years of age back in the 60's) meaning the straight and gay children as young as 10 are thinking sexual thoughts about each other...giving them an opportunity to flirt and condoning it, may be very bad... :/ just my opinion
2005-10-08 [Amalaswinta]: ehm, first time I 'fell in love' was with my first grade teacher, I was 6, and wanted to be a boy so I could marry her... but I really don't see what the fuss here is all about... it's just for fun people!
2005-10-08 [RabidSphinx]: romantic "love" is an emotion someone can't even feel until they are in their late teens and early adult years since that emotion is read and interpreted by a portion of your frontal lobe that doesn't even develop until your late teen years, and what these children are feeling is just sexual lust and them repeating what they are seeing in the media...condon
2005-10-08 [Sunrose]: Err I don't see the problem: you can also flirt in messages you know? You can send crap and the member can't even do anything about it except report it. The flirtingmessag
2005-10-08 [Solitiaum]: Oh for the love of CHRIST, Raine! Most of us here on Ep ARE adults!
2005-10-08 [RabidSphinx]: i was not talking about EP soilitaum, i was talking about the little kids version...yes, sunrose, they can send messages and flirt in them anyways, BUT that is not the intended use for them...condoni
2005-10-08 [Sunrose]: Flirting is not the same as having sex. So that is all just nonsense.
2005-10-08 [RabidSphinx]: flirting leads to more things...they are KIDS...let them be kids for as long as we can...childhoo
2005-10-08 [Sunrose]: Exactly, they are kids and I think it's nonsense to assume they'll automatically solely talk sex. They can even better use regular messages for that, since then they are sure the receiver will read it. Which is not the case with flirtmessages.
2005-10-08 [RabidSphinx]: but you miss the point of my saying they CAN do that, but most don't, but telling them it's okay to flirt will open up more to the idea of it because you are quintessential
2005-10-08 [RabidSphinx]: oh nooooo! sunrose is just a CHILD!!! *covers sunrose's eyes*
2005-10-08 [Sunrose]: Kids CAN also send each other sexmessages, I actually think the risks are smaller with flirtmessages since the receiver will have to send you a flirtmessage back before he/she can read your flirtmessage. It IS OK to flirt! It is OK to tell one another that you like each other. As I said, flirting is not the same as having sex or even talking sex. A flirtingmessag
2005-10-08 [RabidSphinx]: i was voiceing an oppinion is all...i didn't expect you to change anything, expeccially since it was me that was saying it.
2005-10-08 [Sunrose]: Don't start with me, I am not in the mood.
2005-10-08 [RabidSphinx]: *backs off* sorry, forgot my place again i guess....
2005-10-08 [RabidSphinx]: ouch....><
2005-10-09 [Shatureel]: Hello all. I would like to know why I can only put 10 images in my description today, when a few days ago I was able to put as many as I wanted. I thought that Elfpack was different then Elftown, but it is starting to look the same. I like to decorate and enjoy putting lots of nice things in my house, its like being home. I just decorated my house for Halloween, and dread that when christmas comes I will not be able to do the same. So whats up, how come the change?
2005-10-09 [RabidSphinx]: they changed it a while ago i thought. it just limits the amount of stuff you can load now so that people put stuff down in their house discription rather than all under their pictures.m but also, i believe your house contains too many moving images according to the UARs but hey, your house looks very festive...^^
2005-10-09 [Solitiaum]: Raine... its me... Alysandra... >.o; And yes, even kids flirt... If they want to take that to the next level, that is between them and their parents.
2005-10-09 [honey bunny]: i must totally agree with [Shatureel]
2005-10-09 [Shatureel]: But thats no fun, its like walking into someone's living room and seeing nothing but writing on the walls. And if they changed it a while ago, how come I was able to decorate my house a few days ago.
2005-10-09 [RabidSphinx]: i said i "thought" it had been changed a while ago, i wasn't 100% sure. i guess it's new... but the fun can be down in your HOUSE still, just not under your images, right? and, i mean, we all have to live with the same ristrictions as you do.. :/
2005-10-09 [Shatureel]: Not if I can only place 10 images in my house. I put all of my personal stuff into wiki's, my poems, my graphics, my art, my useless things. most of the wiki's I join. I don't usually write under my images unless they belong to someone else, so that others know where the art came from.
2005-10-09 [RabidSphinx]: i meant images like the image slots at the top of the house. i have not edited my house recently, is the page discription limited? i just thought it was a spaces under the image slots you were talking about
2005-10-09 [Shatureel]: I understand that we all have to live with restrictions, and I have no problem with that.
2005-10-09 [Shatureel]: no the description part is now limited to 10 images
2005-10-09 [RabidSphinx]: hmm...that sucks and makes me sad....*shrugs
2005-10-09 [Shatureel]: I thought and still think that sucks. I have a great house here and now I'm afraid to go into my description, cause I can't change anything unless i remove almost all of my stuff.
2005-10-09 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...:/ sorry. maybe they will raise the limit from 10 like on Et to, like 20...i think that would be enough to make everyone happy...i don't know how many images i have on my house...i'm gunna go count...lol...
2005-10-09 [Shatureel]: Laughing. yea 20 would be good for me. I can work with that. Hope so cause if it remains 10, I might as well leave my page empty.
2005-10-09 [RabidSphinx]: aww...no, don't say that...um...ju
2005-10-09 [Shatureel]: sounds cool, will work with my scanner and images to see what i come up with. But I am very disappointed in Elfpack. I thought this was a place where and artist could come and be themselves with out to many rules, but it doesn't look that way anymore.
2005-10-09 [RabidSphinx]: well, okay, yes, EP is a lax virsion of ET, but there are still rules and such...as for the limits, i'm sure there is a reason for it, maybe something to do with the servers or something you know? and your images, well, you could take the ones you have on the computer, like the ones you want to use for x-mas, collage them togeather in sections in, like, MS Paint, and use a Photobucket account to load them and post them in your house virtically, so that you have what LOOKS like 40 images, which turns out to only be 4...^^
2005-10-09 [honey bunny]: yea that is why i invite friends from et to here i tell yhem how much better it is to live in the pack..maybe i was to quick to speak
2005-10-09 [RabidSphinx]: aww...don't say that... :(
2005-10-09 [iCh3wi]: Well....my main concern is as what Kelly and Raine stated. The safety of minors on elf12 should be kept in mind at all times while creating the website. I see what Alysandra and you Debb are saying, and I guess it doesn't seem that bad for EP now that I look at it. But still, I really think it shouldn'y be on elf12.
2005-10-09 [Shatureel]: I have no troubles with rules, they serve their purpose, I know nothing of servers so can not say a word on it. I don't have MS Paint, nor an account in Photobucket, so i can do neither.
2005-10-09 [RabidSphinx]: well, get a PB account, they are useful, and free! heheh, and as for paint, wellm that was just an example of a program i know works, but i'm sure any other image/art program could do the same
2005-10-09 [Shatureel]: nope only have the art program that came with my pc, and it does not do what you are describing
2005-10-09 [RabidSphinx]: hmmm...odd...y
2005-10-09 [Shatureel]: I see what you mean.
2005-10-09 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: I have a question about the images as well,I was trying to change dividers in my house and I couldnt it wouldnt let me.Why is our description limited to the number of images we have and when did it happen?Why is it there,I really dont like it...
2005-10-09 [iCh3wi]: It happened yesterday I believe. The image rules have been changed. Now, in our Descriptions, only 10 images are allowed, that way to help with memory. That includes Dividers, Pics, Icons, Gif's, Bullets, etc. The 2 image slots on the top of member's houses, those 2 pics are not allowed.
2005-10-09 [iCh3wi]: I think there needs to be an ad about it on Mainstuff, people are going to be noticing the change soon and unless people want to explain several hundred times what has happened, then a notice needs to be made.
2005-10-09 [RabidSphinx]: i was surprised there wasn't a news flash on it...an alarm not or something...
2005-10-09 [iCh3wi]: I was too. I didn't find anything out about this until you told me Raine. Remeber how I said I had OCD real bad last night? Well, it kicked in, lol. I remodeled my entire house, wrote new description (I like it better) and re-did pics.
2005-10-10 [RabidSphinx]: i did the same...lol! but i used the "print screen" option to take clumps of little pictues and turn them into one image in my PB account.....so my account has the max limit of pictures now without having to get rid of any...lol
2005-10-10 [iCh3wi]: Smart move, lol. Well, I have been wanting to re-do my description for a while and the pics needed re-organized and some needed removed. But, I like it better now. I love how you did the pics of you on your house though Raine!! Do you think you could make me one like that?
2005-10-10 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Well elfpack graohics is gonna be deserted now that there is a limit..if they are gonna limit it dividers shouldnt be counted..I dont want to have to move my description to a wiki...its a pain for everyone to click the link then go back to my house again,but i guess if i want to change dividers that is gonna be the only way...I hate it..this place is becoming more like ET
2005-10-10 [iCh3wi]: I don't like the fact that Dividers are counted also, but I don't think there is any way possible for the EP Hardware to tell the difference between Divider Images and Regular Pictures.
2005-10-10 [RabidSphinx]: what kind of image did you want me to make?
2005-10-10 [iCh3wi]: Hmmm....a welcome to my house one. Umm.....I have a pic I would like to have used for it, Ill sned it to you if you dont mind doing this for me.
2005-10-10 [RabidSphinx]: what do you want me to do to it? lol
2005-10-10 [iCh3wi]: Just make it like the ones in your description basically. I like Neon Green and Purple. The scrath texture is what I like most, and how the figure itself is outlined. I mainly just want it to say "Welcome to the home of the Crowe". Ill send you the pic now.
2005-10-10 [RabidSphinx]: ooooohhh, okay, i was confused...lol
2005-10-10 [Shatureel]: Hi all, hay [RabidSphinx], thanks for the idea of clumping pics together. Its not the same, but it'll work for me. After Halloween, I'm going to redo my house. Guess my decorating days are not over, LOL. Later. Hi Richard, love the way you did your house.
2005-10-10 [iCh3wi]: Hey Shay, thanks!! Thats cool RD, whenever you can get it to me is fine. Thanks!!
2005-10-10 [iCh3wi]: Can we please have a notice put up about the new image rule, I am tired of explaining. I'm on my 13th explainee.
2005-10-10 [The Epitaph Of Necrosis, Decase And Zeal]: Is any one interested in training me to be a council member?
2005-10-10 [iCh3wi]: Uh, you have to be asked to be a council member.
2005-10-10 [The Epitaph Of Necrosis, Decase And Zeal]: i just want the training
2005-10-10 [Amalaswinta]: training???? huh?????
2005-10-10 [De'ladrei]: ...we get trained to do this?
2005-10-10 [The Epitaph Of Necrosis, Decase And Zeal]: i dunno but u had to learn so how and i like to aprentice people better than looking at a wiki page
2005-10-10 [Sunrose]: As for dividers and buttons: [Hedda] can program Elfpack to make an exception for certain images. He did the same for Elftown. I'll work on that asap.
2005-10-10 [honey bunny]: okay i do not understand this 10 pic thing at all...like today my man sent me a pic to put up ..but no have to take off many things to put up one pic..i really thought ep was like the liberal version of et...more fun they said...but now all of a sudden don't join to many wikis because you cant put up the banners, i know you can combine things onto a page and put that on but likt the program my man uses to make pictures and banners he can not do this...it is like someone telling me okay you can onkly paint half your room your way the rest haas to bw wite..not nice
2005-10-10 [honey bunny]: oh one other question..how can someone visit your house when you have them blocked??
2005-10-10 [iCh3wi]: Ok, listen. There is a new image rule. To help save on memory, they are restricitng on the amount of pics allowed in houses, sort of like ET. 10 images are allowed, but pretty soon dividers and bullets will be re-allowed and will not count as one of the 10 allowed. Any other images, such as banners for wiki's, pics of u or friends, or other random pics from websites, will be counted in with the 10. Now however, the 2 image slots at the top of everyones page, those do NOT count as 2 of the 10 allowed. As for your second question, when you have someone blocked, they can still view your house. Blocking someone means they can't message you is all. And hey, you know what? If this new 10 image
2005-10-10 [iCh3wi]: rule helps keep EP running fast and stop from crashing, then I am all for it. And I think it will be better to have member houses with only 10 images rather than 50 million images of nothing but junk.Like Avatars and Random pics of bands or cats holding guns or some stuff like that. As funny as they may be, we need to keep in mind the EP hardware. I hope I answered your questions. :D
2005-10-10 [iCh3wi]: To Debb: "Coolness, I was wondering if that could be done or not. : )"
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