# of watchers: 113
| D20: 8 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss (Badge Credits) The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss (Badge Credits) Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice |
2005-07-20 [654dghs]: oh ok and the wiki page, Stupidest Comment of The Month, it should b easier like SCOTM
2005-07-20 [Ihsahn]: ok
2005-07-20 [654dghs]: you should have advisors to like some1 like me, u know the common ep person, not the smartest and knows what others want
2005-07-20 [654dghs]: i'll shut up now
2005-07-20 [Teddy Bear 89]: can one of u counsil members help me?
2005-07-20 [Yuriona]: with?
2005-07-20 [Ihsahn]: what do you need help with?
2005-07-20 [Teddy Bear 89]: well i had a name on here and something happend and i cant get back onto it
2005-07-20 [Ihsahn]: the name is?
2005-07-20 [Teddy Bear 89]: i made this one so i could tell u guys and girls
2005-07-20 [Teddy Bear 89]: its was this one but its got all mest up
2005-07-20 [Ihsahn]: the name is?
2005-07-20 [Teddy Bear 89]: it was teddy bear 89 or this one but some how it got completly deleted
2005-07-20 [Ihsahn]: doubtful to be honest you just don't remember the name Edit: well this is odd [Far from grace] hasn't been on in over 5 years o.o
2005-07-20 [Teddy Bear 89]: ok then thank u very much its much appreciated
2005-07-20 [Teddy Bear 89]: ok so can u delete this name?
2005-07-20 [Far from grace]: the name teddy bear 89 delete it if u can please
2005-07-20 [Solitiaum]: No, we cannot delete a username for you. The most we can do is advise that you change the username in your change attributes page.
2005-07-20 [Whim]: Or eat your own head.
2005-07-20 [654dghs]: that would b really hard cuz ur mouth is on ur head
2005-07-20 [Solitiaum]: That works too...
2005-07-20 [Asrun]: I like Whim's suggestion!
2005-07-25 [The Epitaph Of Necrosis, Decase And Zeal]: pardon concil i was wondering if we could add something new to elfpack you could get married to another person
2005-07-25 [654dghs]: you people should have a request page wiki where members can tell you what they want you to add to ep
2005-07-25 [Sunrose]: We do: elfpack suggestions.
2005-07-25 [654dghs]: oh ok sorry thats my bad sorry bout that sunrose
2005-07-26 [thelast1]: i have a question. is [First Wizard] still banned?
2005-07-26 [FireGypsy]: no
2005-07-27 [654dghs]: lol
2005-07-28 [miss red-head]: how can i get sum 1 to guard my house????
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: why?
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: I think people need to be guarded from you 0_o
2005-07-28 [Asrun]: Hehe
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: ^_-
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: ah, isn't it fun how we sometimes react like a pack of wolves? hahaha
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: ^_^
2005-07-28 [654dghs]: you need americans in the council cuz they don't put up with any thing
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: 0_o wtf ?
2005-07-28 [FireGypsy]: lol that was weird!
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: And you think Americans will solve what?
2005-07-28 [De'ladrei]: ...
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: ?? Weird stuff.
2005-07-28 [De'ladrei]: very
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: dutch don't put up with much either.. after all, we spend most our days being pissed at the government, so we have lots of training =P
2005-07-28 [De'ladrei]: neither do the Scottish :p and the govt will one day be overthrown here <.< >.>
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: Why don't we start our own goverment ;)
2005-07-28 [De'ladrei]: heh my friend in RL is going to take over the world and then give me a big chunk of it. we can do that there....and then take over the rest of the world while he is not looking
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: ehm... isn't that kind of what we're supposed to be here? ;-)
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: hahaha
2005-07-28 [De'ladrei]: ehe *cries* i have a comic to make and lots of other work, taking over the world will have to wait
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: *drops weapon* Party Pooper... ';)
2005-07-28 [De'ladrei]: eh as soon as i get the comic done,..which i cant do til tomorrow. im going to try and do all my other pages just now so i dont have a mental breakdown. i cant find a lot of my workers >.>
2005-07-28 [Amalaswinta]: gah, we'll just start by taking over EP, then ET, then the rest of the internet. The computer that rocks the internet is the computer that rules the world (yes, I know, bad movie name rip-off heh)
2005-07-28 [Dwemer]: haha! :D
2005-07-28 [De'ladrei]: lmao @ ama ^^
2005-07-29 [654dghs]: im here!!!!!!!!!!
2005-07-29 [654dghs]: i always mis-spell council when i try to get here
2005-07-29 [Dwemer]: C-O-U-N-C-I-L ;) Not that hard ;-)
2005-07-29 [De'ladrei]: *coughs* the really funny thing is...theres a link on mainstuf to here lol
2005-07-29 [Dwemer]: Yeah indeed :D
2005-07-29 [654dghs]: it is very hard to spell council
2005-07-30 [Ihsahn]: I am a cactuar! my precious! *bites* >8[
2005-07-30 [RabidSphinx]: i love Cactuars...and Chocobos
2005-07-30 [Ihsahn]: I am a cactuar, love me =)
2005-07-30 [RabidSphinx]: *loves ihsahn*
2005-07-30 [Ihsahn]: I am the cactuar!!! >8[
2005-07-30 [RabidSphinx]: *hugs the cactuar*....(O_o)..............
2005-07-30 [Ihsahn]: >:D *a thousand needles*
2005-07-30 [Dwemer]: *licks needles*
2005-07-30 [654dghs]: ok then
2005-07-31 [*_*]: hey all i have not been in heier for a long time whats new
2005-07-31 [654dghs]: idk u
2005-07-31 [Alexandra the Great]: There I finally updated the council banner
2005-07-31 [Ajsinnott]: [Alexandra the Great] nice work on the new banner
2005-07-31 [Amalaswinta]: nice :D
2005-07-31 [De'ladrei]: very *falls over*
2005-07-31 [654dghs]: u changed it?
2005-07-31 [Dwemer]: You mind them doing ?
2005-07-31 [De'ladrei]: ja ja
2005-07-31 [654dghs]: umm... sure
2005-07-31 [De'ladrei]: it was made bigger clearer and people changed
2005-07-31 [Dwemer]: *nods*
2005-07-31 [654dghs]: sure
2005-08-01 [De'ladrei]: hehe alexandra will be happy...not. lol she just updated the banner, oh well
2005-08-01 [Sunrose]: I know, it always happens when the banner is updated. And maybe it is best she waited a while now too...because of the apply to the crew-campaign (unless it is replaced right at this minute). Sorry Alex :(
2005-08-01 [Sunrose]: News: Some inactive members have been retired from the council because they either haven't been here in a long time or quit their jobs. And we now have two new members: [FireGypsy] and [Firenze]! Congrats! ^^
2005-08-01 [De'ladrei]: YAY!! *dances*....*a
2005-08-01 [FireGypsy]: Thankies! *Dances*
2005-08-01 [RabidSphinx]: way to go ravendark! *hold up a glass of vodka* here's to you and high hopes that you will last longer than i did! *downs the drink*
2005-08-01 [FireGypsy]: lol thanks Rainey!
2005-08-01 [Asrun]: Good choices! Welcome! <3
2005-08-01 [FireGypsy]: Thanks =D
2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: I'm having serious doubts about the Mainstreet Poll, it's a very good poll, but, I just know sure that Elfpackers like Toggery and Giffie-Pet Store more then Elfpack Houses. At least that's what I think.
2005-08-01 [FireGypsy]: yeah, something seems fishy about that....
2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: Not that I don't like what I see on the poll, but it's like you said, fishy...
2005-08-01 [FireGypsy]: definately =)
2005-08-01 [Asrun]: I like the art exchange. ^_^;
2005-08-01 [Asrun]: I bet Joost is making clone houses. ;D Hehehe
2005-08-01 [FireGypsy]: lol!
2005-08-01 [Asrun]: XD Hehehe
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: uh-huh, especially when you look at the number of votes for EP houses, and then look at the number of people who actually signed up there =P
2005-08-01 [Asrun]: Blame Joost! XD
2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: Yeah, that's fishy, can we see who voted? Someone ?
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: ^o^
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: don't think so... :(
2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: Hmm...I want to know =P
2005-08-01 [FireGypsy]: maybe they think that elfpack houses means the houses of actual members? Maybe they never clicked on the link to see what it really was?
2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: *blames himself* bad Dwemer
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: raven: that could very well be the answer
2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: Yes, I think that could be it. Well, that explains a lot :)
2005-08-01 [FireGypsy]: =D maybe we should add a caption to it?
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: hehe.. could work.. but who made the poll?
2005-08-01 [FireGypsy]: dunno
2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: [Love like Winter.] is the Mainstuff Poll Caretaker.
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: exactly... I could easily change the poll/topics, but I myself would not be too happy about someone messing with something I made without my permission to do so (and that's putting it mildly hehe)
2005-08-01 [De'ladrei]: *blinks* why isnt the EPI on it?
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: I just sent her a message
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: good point dela
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: although I believe this poll is just to figure out the order for fun pack ;-)
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: ugh... got the name wrong... it was something like it though.. hang on
2005-08-01 [Love like Winter.]: Hello, I heard me name being utterd... (sorry, I'm just freash from a RPG so i'm a little weird at the moment).
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: Elfpack's Funpack. that's it ;)
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: [Love like Winter.]: we were wondering who made the current mainstuff poll, but I too believe it was [Stephen]...
2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: *nods* for the project [Amalaswinta] mentiont.
2005-08-01 [Ihsahn]: isn't [Love like Winter.] sopposed to be in charge of polls though?
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: I also sent [Stephen] a message, so he should be in here pretty soon too :)
2005-08-01 [Love like Winter.]: Yes, I am... I'm the boss so to speak. But its open to be changed by people who have the right amount of privs... Though, I'd appreciate it if people tell me first because I myself have no way of finding out who changed them.
2005-08-01 [Ihsahn]: meh btw does it really matter?
2005-08-01 [Love like Winter.]: I dunno, does it?
2005-08-01 [Ihsahn]: not to me =/
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: hmmmm... it's not too big a deal, but since we were discussing it, I thought it'd be fair to have the people involved here too :)
2005-08-01 [Love like Winter.]: Oh, I see :)
2005-08-01 [Ihsahn]: gah! this convo is coming out wrong <.<
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: coming out wrong? how so?
2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: Yeah, I see nothing wrong with it ?
2005-08-01 [Ihsahn]: I commented at the wrong time making it seems like I didn't care about [Love like Winter.]'s opinion when I in fact actually do I was talking about the polls itself not her opinion sorry it is just another bad day
2005-08-01 [Love like Winter.]: Meh, its Ok.... I didn't pick up on that.
2005-08-01 [Dwemer]: Well, I own Elfpack Houses, so I should be glad, but face it. I think the members really think we mean the profile houses.
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: [Ihsahn]: to me it was clear you were talking about the poll, and not about [Love like Winter.] ;-)
2005-08-01 [Ihsahn]: I am not thinking straight right now, sorry, it has been a bad day....
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: *hugs [Ihsahn]*
2005-08-01 [Love like Winter.]: I know the feeling *also hugs [Ihsahn]*
2005-08-01 [Stephen]: Wow... such a happy, huggly place :D Yeah, I made it for Elfpack's Funpack, sorry [Love like Winter.], I'll keep you informed.
2005-08-01 [Love like Winter.]: Huggly? lol... Its ok :)
2005-08-01 [Amalaswinta]: [Stephen]: read back a bit more ;-)
2005-08-01 [Ihsahn]: It's not your fault it will be alright in a while I presume
2005-08-01 [Stephen]: Okay, I got it, sorry again [Love like Winter.], I'll remember you are in chrge of them.
2005-08-02 [654dghs]: broken finger!!!!
2005-08-02 [Asrun]: wheeee!! :D
2005-08-02 [FireGypsy]: *dances*
2005-08-02 [Dwemer]: People, you have to see this: http://louhi.k
2005-08-02 [Love like Winter.]: Holy crap! Thats talent....
2005-08-02 [Dwemer]: Yeah :P Wow!
2005-08-02 [Sunrose]: Whoaa! :D
2005-08-02 [Dwemer]: Is it real ?? :P I wonder!
2005-08-02 [Sunrose]: There are people who can do some freaky stuff :p
2005-08-02 [Dwemer]: Yeah :P
2005-08-02 [FireGypsy]: thats kewle!
2005-08-03 [654dghs]: lol no i really broke my finger
2005-08-03 [Skadia]: ..After that harmonica thing.. I'm not sure if anyone really minds.. o.o;' Wow... just... wow...
2005-08-03 [654dghs]: yeah im lost
2005-08-03 [Alexandra the Great]: blah! i finally update the council and you add more people??? gah... the irony...
2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: 0_o
2005-08-03 [Skadia]: Add meh, I'm awesome. <3 Lol, jks.
2005-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: i shall rule you ALL some day!!! mark my words! *shakes fists at yall*
2005-08-03 [De'ladrei]: ...not if my bunny army gets there first :p
2005-08-03 [Love like Winter.]: oooooh o,O killer bunnys?
2005-08-03 [De'ladrei]: with bow ties and tails Dela for Dictator
2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: *bows*
2005-08-03 [De'ladrei]: *pats Joost on the head*
2005-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: damn...i guess i fail again....*shuf
2005-08-03 [De'ladrei]: aww *gives Raine a pair of bunny ears* cheer up
2005-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: i hate bunnies...now die...i hate you...*sighs*
2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: Thou will not touch the Bunnies!
2005-08-03 [De'ladrei]: meh your loss *hop hop*
2005-08-03 [Love like Winter.]: I want bunny ears :(
2005-08-03 [De'ladrei]: i htought you didnt like em
2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: ? This is Erin :)
2005-08-03 [FireGypsy]: im confuzzled?
2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: me too!
2005-08-03 [Firenze]: Everyone is Confuzzled
2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: *hugs confuzled members*
2005-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: because you all suck
2005-08-03 [Love like Winter.]: I was in awe of the killer bunnys! >.<
2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: We don't suck.
2005-08-03 [De'ladrei]: damn straight ;)
2005-08-03 [FireGypsy]: why do we suck? yeah [RabidSphinx] just stomped on my killer bunny!
2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: Ah, I took care of her ;)
2005-08-03 [FireGypsy]: lol 33rd window eh?
2005-08-03 [Love like Winter.]: Can I have a set of bunny ears too? *sniffle*
2005-08-03 [Dwemer]: Yes, 33rd.
Number of comments: 6810
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