# of watchers: 113
| D20: 8 |
Wiki-page rating | Stumble! |
Informative: | 0 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 0 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss (Badge Credits) The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss (Badge Credits) Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice |
2005-06-20 [Whim]: So someone actually personally handles the polls? Wow...I thought they magically arrived from the hearts and minds of true believers everywhere. Does the poll live off of happy thoughts or clapping?
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: seems so...although it is elfpack, so im not sure its so much happy clapping and so on that keeps them going
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: Aly: Okies. :3 What do you want me to do?
2005-06-20 [Whim]: More like disgruntled fist shaking, you think? hehe.
2005-06-20 [Solitiaum]: go to the Artist's Corner and make an epi -- tutorials type wiki thing, then in time for july 3rd, copy and paste the code from one of yours into that one
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: possibly that yes, although judging by some of the poll results its more than just that
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: What do you mean a tutorials type wiki? :o
2005-06-20 [Solitiaum]: make a listing there that matches the format of the other listings, and then go to it and paste in your tut.
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: Okies.o.o;
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: I think.. >.o;
2005-06-20 [Whim]: hmmm...true. The polls may also survive on masturbation and violent beatings as well.
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: ^o^
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: hehe! I hate people who are 16, agree?
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: ...why, we were all 16 once :p and yes Whim, my thoughts exactly
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: hmmm... 16 ey... hmmm... that would've been like.. um.. 14 years ago... ugh... right, I feel old now...
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: hehe aww you are not old :p
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: ^_^ Joke people, I'm 16. Don't tell me you changed your minds ;)
2005-06-20 [Whim]: Just think of it in bible years, ama.
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: ok the heathen that i am i need to ask, bible years?
2005-06-20 [Whim]: well, in the bible, people apparently lived a lot longer. Up to about 300 years or so--so I’m told. So in bible years, Ama would be like 10.
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: ...thats quite true actually, id go find a bible to check it but in this house thatd be a bit of a push. aww...wait that makes me like....minus years of age then
2005-06-20 [Whim]: no, you wouldn't be negative years....just maybe still in the womb...hehe. Which technically is negative years by our standards.
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: YAY! I'M PETER PAN!!!!
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: Can I be Wendy?
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: ...oh god, the idea of still having a connection to my mother *shuders*. i thought thats what i just said :p
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: dwem you can be anthing you want to be sweety....
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: Yaah! :)
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: although why Wendy?
2005-06-20 [Whim]: Dwemer, you have an odd habit of wearing feminine wigs growing here.
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: I wanna be Tinkerbell. XD
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: i was just thinking that
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: Two Tinkerbells! :D
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: Allright, allright, I want to be Roscoe P coltrain of Dukes of hazard
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: No, wait, you can be Tink. I wanna be Tigerlily. :D
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: dwemer = peter; me = wendy; asrun = tinkerbell... there, fixed :D
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: yaah!
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: O.o
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: okaaaaaaaay...
2005-06-20 [Whim]: The real question is, which version of Peter Pan are we talking about?
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: YAY! :D
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: ^_^
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: The Disney one, I hope...
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: Amalas version.. Ptth.. Of course..
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: rofl!!!
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: Which of course would mean the version with the whips and chains. :O
2005-06-20 [Whim]: Well, we could just go straight from the original book, the disney cartoon, the newer live action one, Hook, the one from the 60s or 70s that had a girl playing the part of Peter Pan....there’s probably others.
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: whips... ah yes.. that sounds like me alright *grins*
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: ;)
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: oh my >.>
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: *tries to walk off*
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: ^__^ just ask the Toggery staff when there's a job to be done ;-)
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: Who me? 0_o
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: *dev'lish grin*
2005-06-20 [Whim]: I sit back and watch the Toggery crew daily beatings...heh
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: I like it
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: *siddles towards the door*
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: *clings to De'la* ^_____________
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: ;'-)
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: eeh hello Aswun
2005-06-20 [Asrun]: :9
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: *cuddels*
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: GROUPHUG
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: *^.^*
2005-06-20 [De'ladrei]: woot
2005-06-20 [Dwemer]: D-boy has to sleep ;) Bye you all, Sleep well!
2005-06-20 [Amalaswinta]: nite nite :)
2005-06-20 [Sunrose]: [Solitiaum]: you can take care of polls that are needed for crew-informati
2005-06-20 [Sunrose]: Also EP Custom Comical Characters is now a recommended page that is allowed to use the treasury inventory to put the characters in :)
2005-06-20 [Sunrose]: Oh! And [Hedda] is deputy warden...well...beca
2005-06-21 [Asrun]: Who was it before? o.O
2005-06-21 [djxmonster]: That would be [Anvikit]
2005-06-21 [Asrun]: Oh. n.n;
2005-06-21 [Sunrose]: [Anvikit], but she's hardly ever here anymore and so I changed that. But [Hedda] didn't take her job. I had removed it from her without him knowing about it or that the title even existed. Then today he asked for some sort of title like warden or vice warden and so I suggested dept. warden...
2005-06-21 [djxmonster]: So, [Sunrose]... does that mean if I want a job, all I have to do is ask?? :P
2005-06-21 [Sunrose]: Haha, you like spankings don't you? :p
2005-06-21 [djxmonster]: ^_o was that an offer?
2005-06-21 [Solitiaum]: I just wanted to be asked, is all... Does this mean I can ask to be a guard?? :P
2005-06-21 [djxmonster]: Ah... I have a wiki for that: Can I be a Guard?
2005-06-21 [Sunrose]: I see you changed your name back [djxmonster], do you phear me? :P /// Honestly [Solitiaum] I just didn't remember you were in charge (it doesn't say anywhere officially either) and as [Hedda] said there should be a mainstreetpoll caretaker and made lists of people who created and answered the most polls I just picked [Love like Winter.] from those lists as one of the people who answered the most polls, (people who created most polls were mostly crew or unknown members and the amounts were very low. The amount of answered polls were much higher, [Love like Winter.] being second in that list) and I know [Love like Winter.] myself as a responsible member so I felt she was a good choice .... >.>
2005-06-21 [djxmonster]: [Sunrose]: I just like to please you any way I can :P
2005-06-21 [Solitiaum]: Well there goes my chances :P *isnt patient by half*
2005-06-21 [Sunrose]: *grins* :P
2005-06-21 [Solitiaum]: NO FAIR!!! *ca-lings to Deb-san* I wanna be a guardy type person!! If only in privs >_<
2005-06-21 [Whim]: What about only in badge?
2005-06-21 [Solitiaum]: No, cause see, then everyone would be bugging me about this person did that shit, and that person did this shit... I just wanna see my priv level go up some :P
2005-06-21 [djxmonster]: you mean down :)
2005-06-21 [Whim]: But if you have the badge, that's about as good as the priv level cause then you can command respect from the badgeless.
2005-06-21 [djxmonster]: Ok, this might be a dumb question but: On wiki pages under the # of watchers, it says D20.... what does D20 mean??
2005-06-21 [Lerune]: I believe it is a random number, usable for RP on wikis. D20 = twenty sides of a die.
2005-06-21 [djxmonster]: Hmmm.... interesting
2005-06-21 [Alexandra the Great]: Everyone on here check out EP Custom Comical Characters. Its grand!! yeah and [djxmonster] you need to advertise the wiki so it becomes official ^^ its getting close though
2005-06-21 [djxmonster]: Oh I do huh? Hmmm.....
2005-06-21 [Lerune]: Don't give in to the temptation! ;o)
2005-06-21 [Asrun]: *tempts people* :o
2005-06-21 [Lerune]: ;o)
2005-06-21 [Amalaswinta]: ... I can resist anything... except temptation...
2005-06-21 [Dwemer]: Wow ! That wiki is so cool! We have to get it totaly official, check it out people!
2005-06-21 [Sunrose]: Uh? [Alexandra the Great]..that wiki is already official. Check even older comments of this wiki, as I stated it in there....
2005-06-22 [Alexandra the Great]: Deb it says its only recomended, not official yet...
2005-06-22 [Dwemer]: *nods* yes, that's what it sais.
2005-06-22 [Sunrose]: Yes and that is what it will stay. Toggery is also a recommended page. I meant that it is officially a recommended page. It is a recognised page by Elfpack's officials.
2005-06-23 [Amalaswinta]: Like Toggery: we're not official, but we are recommended, and we get to put pretty thingies in the Treasury Inventory :D
2005-06-23 [Dwemer]: Yeah ^_^ That totaly rocks ^_^
2005-06-24 [the girl with kaleidoscope eyes]: i have a problem and i dont know where else to get answers
2005-06-24 [Amalaswinta]: what's the problem then?
2005-06-24 [the girl with kaleidoscope eyes]: for some reason i can only put one picture up in my house at a time and i was wondering if this is typical and how i might be able to avoid it
2005-06-24 [Amalaswinta]: one picture? you have a photoslot and an imageslot, that makes 2 images...
2005-06-24 [the girl with kaleidoscope eyes]: i have one up on each but i cant put more than one picture up at a time like i see it on other peoples houses is this normal?
2005-06-24 [Amalaswinta]: see Elfpack Wiki Pseudo HTML Guide, the part about "Inserting Other Elements"
2005-06-24 [the girl with kaleidoscope eyes]: thanks i think i have it i think
2005-06-24 [Amalaswinta]: ^_^
2005-06-29 [forgotton fool]: council so gay....
2005-06-29 [Dwemer]: You think that? And what's wrong with being ''gay'' little...
2005-06-29 [Amalaswinta]: ?
2005-06-29 [Asrun]: How is "gay" a derogitory word?
2005-06-29 [FireGypsy]: i dont know, but people use it like it is nowadays.
2005-06-29 [Asrun]: It pisses me off.
2005-06-29 [FireGypsy]: same here.
2005-06-29 [Yuriona]: I was always under the impression that 'gay' referred to a state of bliss or happiness. You know, to be merry and 'gay'?? I guess the dumbass figures we're a happy bunch. :P
2005-06-29 [Dwemer]: *^.^*
2005-06-29 [Amalaswinta]: no matter, I'm gay both ways =P
2005-06-29 [Asrun]: *LMFAO* XD
2005-06-29 [Amalaswinta]: ^_^
2005-06-29 [FireGypsy]: hehe =D
2005-06-29 [Dwemer]: :)
2005-06-29 [the girl with kaleidoscope eyes]: lol as am i
2005-07-01 [Madame_Farerr]: HELLO PEOPLE
2005-07-01 [Solitiaum]: yo
2005-07-01 [the found thing]: plz can i be in the council
2005-07-01 [Asrun]: No.
2005-07-01 [Amalaswinta]: and yet another EP member that doens't know to read first and ask questions later... *sigh*
2005-07-01 [Dwemer]: Haha! :)
2005-07-01 [Rowan]: hello, um, i have a slight problem with the ccc request page, it says my ip is banned
2005-07-01 [Amalaswinta]: ehm... if your IP is banned you wouldn't be able to log in to EP... (?)
2005-07-01 [Dwemer]: Indeed, could you please make a screenshot and upload it?
2005-07-01 [Rowan]: well, i'm not sure whats wrong, it might be my server, but it was working fine about an hour ago, it also say someone was banned for uploading porn and i know for a fact that no one else has accessed EP on this ip
2005-07-01 [Dwemer]: That sounds really weird... Ever accesed EP on school or on another public place?
2005-07-01 [Amalaswinta]: and there are no reports on your house either, so that's just plain weird...
2005-07-01 [Rowan]: where should i upload it to?
2005-07-01 [Dwemer]: I don't get it either... But I guess you wanted a CCC Character?
2005-07-01 [Dwemer]: Photo slot, image slot , whatever suits you best :)
2005-07-01 [Rowan]: yea i do, ok, it might take a bit because dial-up is not fun
2005-07-01 [Asrun]: He's on AOL, that's why. Someone in the same area with AOL must have been banned.
2005-07-01 [Asrun]: I've put you on "Anti-Ban" which means you can log in from banned IPs. It shouldn't be a problem now
2005-07-01 [Rowan]: ok cool, thanks, i kept trying to upload a screenshot but it was too big, thanks again
2005-07-01 [Amalaswinta]: [Asrun]'s a sweety :D
2005-07-01 [Asrun]: :D Not a problem!
2005-07-01 [Dwemer]: You both are sweeties :D
2005-07-01 [Amalaswinta]: *giggles*
2005-07-04 [XxSephirothxX]: what is the difference between ep and et? message the answer please!
2005-07-04 [Ihsahn]: elfpack is more liberal then elftown that is the difference no need to message you in private about it
2005-07-04 [XxSephirothxX]: liberal how?
2005-07-04 [Goodbye EP]: How is it more liberal? I figured they were about the same....but i'm probably wrong, so......
2005-07-04 [Ihsahn]: it allows more the guards are more laid back read the uploading art rules from both et and ep and you will notice the difference
2005-07-04 [Goodbye EP]: Ahh....I see. ^_^
2005-07-04 [XxSephirothxX]: ah ok thanks
2005-07-05 [miss red-head]: hello .but i keep trying two make a new user name but it keeps say that my ip is baned ...even though it isnot ... i want a new user name plz helo me
2005-07-05 [Asrun]: There's no reason for you to have more than one username. If you'd like to change your username to something new, you can do that in your "Change Personal Data" option at the top of your house.
2005-07-06 [kirbi]: how do get elfpack on ya moblie phone?
2005-07-08 [Adorable Ducky]: Will it be ok with the Council if, whenever she returns, [Alexandra the Great] hands out badges for the Elfpack Daily Poem? She has asked to spruce up the pages a little and do that such stuff and, if she agrees of course, she could do that as well. Just a suggestion!
2005-07-08 [Ihsahn]: I could do it........yet I see no problem ;) but of course that is up to [Sunrose]
2005-07-08 [Amalaswinta]: [Alexandra the Great] got the privs that allow her to place badges solely for the purpose of Toggery. If she's to do any other deliveries, [Sunrose] has to give her permission first
2005-07-09 [Sunrose]: Thanks [Amalaswinta] :) and I see no objections for Alex to deliver these poet-badges IF she has time...don't overwork yourself :)
2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Hi everyone, for those of you who do not know me, my name is Richard. I'm in Virginia until tomorrow and today when I signed on to EP, one of the wiki's I own, Cutters Poetry, I found some comments about some banners being deleted because they incourage suicide. I deleted the comments to stop any further arguments; but what I was wondering is if I could please know the exact reason they were deleted, like for instance, they weren't deleted just because they said "Cutter" or something along those lines. I believe the name of the guard that several members were lashing out at was [Stephen], but I could be wrong. I removed those comments as well because I didn't want any problems arising.
2005-07-13 [Dwemer]: *hands for eyes* oh oh...
2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: I am not mad or anything, I know that one of the last things I would ever want to happen is for one of my wiki's to give EP a bad rep, but I was just curious as to what is really going on. Any replies I can get would be greatly appreciated. Tomorrow I leave for Texas and will not be online until Friday evening, so I will not be able to check for any comments on this subject until then, so please do get the idea that I am angry or anything. Thanks again for all of your help! Sincerely, Richard.
2005-07-13 [Ihsahn]: It is up to [Sunrose] weather or not it goes I myself see nothing wrong with the banner but it is for her to decide
2005-07-13 [Yuriona]: I don't see anything wrong with those banners either but as you say, that is up to [Sunrose] to decide.
2005-07-13 [Stephen]: Those of you that can, look in the guard forum if you do not believe me. [Hedda] told me to remove anything in member houses that delt with sucuide.
2005-07-13 [Dwemer]: You have? Well, that's settled.
2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: I have just spoken with the guard, he says it is up to [Hedda]. I'm doing everything I can, I messaged Debby, and right now I am trying to calm down the guard but he's over reacting about the font the banners are in.
2005-07-13 [Stephen]: I am? I don't think I am overreacting..
2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Well from what I have been hearing from my Asistant Manager, you were arguing with her over the welcome mat and the reason you are deleting them is because of the font they are made in.
2005-07-13 [Ihsahn]: every one settle down, let [Sunrose] take care of it any further comments about this will be deleted
2005-07-13 [iCh3wi]: Ok, I'll wait.
2005-07-13 [Solitiaum]: PEOPLE! HEDDA has asked that the cutting banners be removed, on the basis that he does not want to encourage suicidal thoughts.
2005-07-13 [Stephen]: ...I don't care about font.... I never even mentioned the font..... hell, when she said font, I thought she was talking about [fresafadfgadgv]!.... what welcome mat?
2005-07-13 [Solitiaum]: Isahn, do NOT delete this comment. Angelo's actions were approved by [Hedda], as per a discussion in a forum. End of story. Everyone who's images were deleted needs to grow the fuck up and deal with it.
2005-07-13 [Goodbye EP]: >_< *points to posting* 22:07:04 Ihsahn: every one settle down, let [Sunrose] take care of it any further comments about this will be deleted
2005-07-13 [Stephen]: Yep, I know, I just said something in my defense. I don't want to argue. That would not be very 'guard-like' ;)
2005-07-14 [RabidSphinx]: meow...*hugs all around*
2005-07-17 [individual thought]: put Ihsahn's little dude in the council thingy
2005-07-17 [Alexandra the Great]: i would love to do that.. but sadly because my main computer died.. i cant... :*(
2005-07-17 [individual thought]: aw.. well i could do it myself if i had permission and everything
2005-07-17 [individual thought]: but i doubt thats gonna happen
2005-07-17 [Alexandra the Great]: *shakes head* no way in hell, ive got my style of characters and i do the banners for these things or [Orestez] we are the only two for that job, sorry...
2005-07-17 [Dwemer]: Speaking of those, I realy need one.
2005-07-17 [Alexandra the Great]: need one for what hun?
2005-07-17 [Dwemer]: Poet of the Month :) Moi and Kelly. If it's possible, seeing your PC problems. Please :)
2005-07-17 [Alexandra the Great]: ill get on it right away
2005-07-17 [Dwemer]: ^_^ Thank you :)
2005-07-17 [Alexandra the Great]: you are welcome hun *smiles*
2005-07-19 [Dwemer]: 2
2005-07-20 [654dghs]: ok im being serious, do any of you get paid for your jobs?
2005-07-20 [Alexandra the Great]: no hun we dont...
2005-07-20 [Ihsahn]: none of us do this place is run by volunteers
Number of comments: 6810
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