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Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss ![]() (Badge Credits) The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss ![]() (Badge Credits) Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice |
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i'm not in my room...stupid.
2005-02-08 [hello]: HELL YEAH!!!
2005-02-08 [Whim]: oh well, it's irrelevant. At least I can say that I've met the people I've dated. You've never been withing a few miles of your supposed boyfriend. I've had contact with all 5 of the people I've dated and I will have contact with a 6th in less than a month. Sounds like you're the sad one. I don't care who called me gay. I've gotten laid several times by two different girls. You've never even touched your one supposedly true love.
2005-02-08 [hello]: hahahhaaa...da
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: wow...are we supposed to congragulate you on getting laid whim? you were oftly fast to throw that out on the table...you think that makes you more of a man? just because i haven't had sex, doesn't mean i would have if the opportunity had come up...and no, i haven't met my BF, and so i haven't dated before, mostly because guys are pigs and all they want, as you have demonstrated, sex...i am content with my dating life, and you oviously aren't with yourown if you are willing to blurt out some personal details like that to try and prove some sort of point
2005-02-08 [hello]: damn....what you got to say about that whim??? you going to let her call out your manhood like that?
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: shit whim shes dissin you
2005-02-08 [Whim]: Actually, I'm persuing a girl who will not be giving it up. In fact, if she gets caught up in the moment and does get carried away, I'm still not having sex with her. You assume a lot about me and my past before knowing anything at all. The fact is, you know nothing. I've spent over $400 for a plane ticket to go see a girl who I have no intention of having sex with for a very long time. If all I want is sex, then damn, I must be making a huge mistake.
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: yeah i wouldnt do that shit either
2005-02-08 [hello]: damn $400!!! you can get a few good hookers with that shit!!
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: man fuck that i wouldnt pay all that money to see a girl
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i don't doubt for a minute that you will screw her when you meet...and i am saving money to see my BF too, but unlike you, i don't have a job, so it takes a *little* longer for myself to do so
2005-02-08 [hello]: why doesnt your BF get a ticket to come see you?
2005-02-08 [Whim]: think what you want. I don't need your approval or opinion to do this and I don't need to impress you either. But if you want to call me into an insult match, you can't win because you know nothing about me.
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: he must be slack unlike the count
2005-02-08 [hello]: i dont think henry green will let you off to go see her
2005-02-08 [Whim]: hehe...Henry has bosses too, believe it or not. He'll be irritated that I won't be there to fix his pictures, but other than that, it's no problem.
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: well, you don't know anything about me either whim, so i doubt you could really win yourself...and my BF can't come up here because unlike me who is 19, he is only 16 and his parents wont let him just leave to visit his girl...so i have to get the money to go see him
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: henry is a old ass cock sucking son of bitch
2005-02-08 [Sven Welkenson]: So you robbed the cradle then huh?
2005-02-08 [Whim]: I know a lot about you. We've spent the past month or two learning all about you, Raine. The difference is that during all these talks, we almost never talked about my life. It was all you, you, you, because when you enter a wiki, you immediately talk about your own life and never take much interest in the lives of others.
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: *giggles* yeah...he's my little jailbait
2005-02-08 [Whim]: lol...Sven, me and you robbed the cradle just a tad bit too...lol.
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: hey my gf robbed the cradle too but its ok cause if she ever tried to leave shed pay
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: well, my BF has a 4 year old, so i am actually the "innocent" in the relationship..
2005-02-08 [hello]: and your little jailbait has a little child...and the such. whim has a point, we know alot about you, but you know very little about any of us
2005-02-08 [Sven Welkenson]: Bean, I am not on trial here.
2005-02-08 [hello]: no...bob robbed the dog pound.....haha
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: but, you only know what i tell you, and you can only go on the faith that what i have told you is true...but regardless, what sorts of things do you know about me? what i'm afraid of, and how unhappy i am...can you two actually name something about me that, say, a friend or schoolmate would know?
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: man that boy got a chick pregnant when he was 12 shit
2005-02-08 [Whim]: hehehe...oh, I wasn't talking about tessa. Sven knows who I'm talking about cause I know her REALLY well too...lol.
2005-02-08 [Sven Welkenson]: hehe Bean was refering to a...I guess you could call it a conquest from the past year. hehe
2005-02-08 [hello]: that you are afraid and unhappy???
2005-02-08 [hello]: o yeah, i heard about that shit...
2005-02-08 [Whim]: probably if I cared to think back, Raine. You've probably told a lot more than you realize and I don't have to go off faith cause I've pissed you off far too many times for it to all be fake.
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: raines hot though it would be fun to **** her
2005-02-08 [hello]: HAHAHAHAHAHAAA
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: well the stars meant like her see it was not dirty at all
2005-02-08 [hello]: whats that i smell??? i believe its bullshit!!
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: (0.0)
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: and my BF actually knocked up his GF at 11-1/2 because there was the 9 month pregnancy and Falica was born when he was 12... :/ he is my little jailbait man-slut
2005-02-08 [hello]: damn, i dont even remember if i could shoot the boys around at 11
2005-02-08 [Whim]: you probably could, but just hadn't gotten around to learning how to fire it...hehe.
2005-02-08 [hello]: hell i remember when i was 6 i could piss in the tiolet like a mile away....i dont know why the fuck i just said that, but i dont care
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! awesome [hello]...my brother still missed at 15....
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: hell i did i hit it at ten and it was fun i wante dthe babes at an early age just like rains guy but i kept the snake in the cage
2005-02-08 [Whim]: Rainedrop, make Iron-wulf and hello a wiki.
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha!, my BF wasn't that smart...i like to blame the fact that he drinks, but that itself started because he was stupid
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: fuck you whim, i am not someone to be ordered around by you....but out of curiosity, what sort of wiki is it you want made? a hate wiki? that isn't allowed...besi
2005-02-08 [Whim]: no, it's a fan club or honor wiki or something to their liking. Now do it. I outrank you.
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: drop dead whim and make it yourself...i would be a happy member if i had my own little corner reserved for raping them, but i am not your bitch so you can go to hell
2005-02-08 [Whim]: so do it anyway. They'll be sad if you won't.
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: make it yourself woman...*cross
2005-02-08 [Whim]: I'm too busy. You're a horrible council member.
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: and you're a horrible person...what'
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: please make us a wiki raine we love you
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: sorry doll...i only have limited time on the net now, and i already have 10 wiki i made that i need to watch over...i made We Love Battlefield and that is as much as i will do...
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: but dont we mean that much to you we will look over it if oyu just put up all the cool pics and stuff we will pay u with love
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: no...i won't...you can do all that yourself...mak
2005-02-08 [hello]: i dont want a love wiki dammit!! i want a cool ass one...hey goob. i am going to make the asshole counsel wiki...im not sure what we will do but i will just steal their badges and manipulate them, hehe....hold on, i have already done that....shit
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: *rapes [hello] in the dark corner*
2005-02-08 [hello]: *enjoys every minute of it*
2005-02-08 [Iron-wulf]: come on i dont get raped too
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: *continues to rape [hello]* unfortunatly, as a woman, i can only do one at a time...men are the ones that can gangrape....*r
2005-02-08 [hello]: haha...sorry she has known me longer....
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: that is true, i have been molesting him for weeks...i'm his personal serial rapist
2005-02-08 [hello]: its been the best few weeks of my life, haha
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: lol....i think my BF is jealous, because he doesn't have net and so i can't cyber rape him anymore...and now you are getting it...lol
2005-02-08 [hello]: haha....his loss
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: he really liked it to...lol...but i was a *little* more graphic with his rapes that yours...sorry [hello]....lol
2005-02-08 [hello]: that is quite alright
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: (^_-) you know you would have liked it...i have nothing better to do with my time than write graphic sex scenes for my book...lol
2005-02-08 [hello]: maybe...
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i miss my Eli...*sighs* i need some of his love
2005-02-08 [hello]: im sorry
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i just wish he hadn't been a jackass, gotten wasted at a party, then grounded...oth
2005-02-08 [Hependipherous]: Wow, you sure can pick 'em! o.0
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i love him...i just really he hadn't lied to me about drinking, and i *really* wish he hadn't been caught, because now he is grounded AND he is not getting that cellphone he had been trying to get for weeks by helping out and behaving, trying to get on his mother's good side....yeah..
2005-02-08 [Hependipherous]: see, the deal is simple. You say that all guys are obsessed with sex. Yes, we are all sexual creatures but you cannot blame the guys you pick for thinking like that... rare is the girl who really wants the good guys.
2005-02-08 [Asrun]: n.n my guy is a good guy....
2005-02-08 [Hependipherous]: My girl's got a good guy too! LOL ^_^
2005-02-08 [Asrun]: Says you! XD
2005-02-08 [De'ladrei]: *glomps entire room*
2005-02-08 [De'ladrei]: i thoughts my ep title was "psycopathic" [Sunrose] :D but " Mischievous" will work too ^_-
2005-02-08 [Orestez]: banner updated!
2005-02-08 [*_*]: hey
2005-02-09 [Hependipherous]: and once again the file has no extension. @.@
2005-02-09 [RabidSphinx]: i like good boys...unforti
2005-02-09 [Whim]: what a retarded thing to say. You don't like good boys. You only say that so you don't look like you want bad guys.
2005-02-09 [RabidSphinx]: no, i really would rather have a good boy...i hate drugs, and drinking, i don't like tattoos, and i don't like haveing to pay bail for my "bad boy" boyfriend...
2005-02-09 [*_*]: hey all whats new
2005-02-09 [Whim]: then why are you dating one? Because he likes you? Psh...anybody can find a drunk, drugged up guy who likes them.
2005-02-09 [*_*]: ya but it's what u feel inside
2005-02-09 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, and i can't find any "good boys" that like me...and he is a sweet boy...i just don't like his choices all that much
2005-02-09 [Whim]: right...whatev
2005-02-09 [RabidSphinx]: "whatever"? that was rather dismissive and unlike you...normally you would drill this into the ground and make fun of me over something...
2005-02-09 [Whim]: and?
2005-02-09 [RabidSphinx]: are you sick or something? because that was rather unlike you
2005-02-09 [Whim]: sick? Why would I be sick?
2005-02-09 [RabidSphinx]: that means you're not? damn...i had my hopes up....oh-well.
2005-02-09 [Whim]: Yup.
2005-02-09 [Hependipherous]: You know... if you like the good boys but only the bad boys like you then perhaps... well no... you certainly do have issues. You can't just "settle"! it doesn't work like that. It shouldn't work like that. if you're paying his bail and dealing with all that other crap, I say you drop him. You don't need a guy to complete you anyhow. Find somone who's worth your time.
2005-02-09 [hello]: aww damn... now you are going to get her started....jus
2005-02-09 [Hependipherous]: Yep! ^_^
2005-02-09 [Hependipherous]: Actually I'm going to be mean and go as far as to say that RD (at this point in her life) isn't worth anybodies time. So perhaps they're perfect for each other.
2005-02-09 [hello]: yeah, that was rather mean....o well
2005-02-09 [Hependipherous]: nah... not even worth my time... comments retracted.
2005-02-09 [hello]: well shit...mine are just sitting there all alone and make no sense...o well
2005-02-09 [Hependipherous]: what comments? :P
2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: i like penises...
2005-02-10 [*_*]: hey rain
2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: raine*....and ello...i'm cold
2005-02-10 [*_*]: aww find your cat shell worm u up
2005-02-10 [leaflet]: Hello people, and raine, how is it going?, Congrats on all the awards you won raine
2005-02-10 [Angela Scene]: hello
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: lol...i love how "people" are addressed, then me seperatly...go
2005-02-11 [hello]: hahaa....you are not a person
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: i'm not...i'm a Raine...i hate humans...woot!
2005-02-11 [hello]: im human :(
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: *rapes*
2005-02-11 [hello]: :)
2005-02-11 [Asrun]: I want to be separated. I hate conformity. :(
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: but then you are just conforming to the nonconformist!
2005-02-11 [Asrun]: .. OMG! There's no way out!
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: true...so, be yourself and don't let others label you...that's all you can do really
2005-02-11 [Sunrose]: How can you not let others label you. It happens, since it's human nature to do so. You should just not let it effect who you are..
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: well, yes, that is what i meant...sorry. like, don't let what other's label you, effect you...people call me goth, but i never claim to be goth because of them...that sort of thing
2005-02-11 [Whim]: exactly. Just embrace who you are. If you are goth, so be it. We're all different in our own ways but ultimately there's a subgenre out there that we can all be classified under just as science can classify any living thing on this planet.
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: meow...somethi
2005-02-11 [Whim]: there's no something about it. That's dead on natural social fact.
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: *rolls eyes* i wasn't disagreeing with you whim so back down...damn
2005-02-11 [Whim]: then praise my insight, damnit!
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: drop dead whim
2005-02-11 [Whim]: this is why no one likes you. You're constantly wishing their untimely death.
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: just yours...(^_^)
2005-02-11 [Whim]: then why the hell are you constantly complaining that no one likes you? Damn, you're retarded.
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: there are some that get to me and make me feel that no one likes me...(sort of hard with depression *not* to believe people when they are mean and put you down) but in school, the general consciences is i'm a nice girl who glares a lot....not saying *everyone* likes me...far from it...
2005-02-11 [Whim]: wow...you're so full of it...
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: am i? how would you know? you go to my school and ask people? because my friends did, and that was the result....most people *do* like me...amazing as that sounds....so, since you don't know me Bean, why don't you keep your mouth shut
2005-02-11 [Whim]: No, I wasn't talking about that. I'm talking about the way you present yourself constantly despite what people say about you. "I'm fat. I'm ugly.
2005-02-11 [Whim]: No, I wasn't talking about that. I'm talking about the way you present yourself constantly despite what people say about you. "I'm fat. I'm ugly. People don't like me." That's why you're full of it.
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: i *am* fat....and i do think i am ugly, and i do often feel no one likes me, but i usually can get over that point by talking to myself about it and reassure myself that that one isn't true...
2005-02-11 [Whim]: Cause you're full of it.
2005-02-11 [Sunrose]: I thought you said people at school hated you...?
2005-02-11 [Whim]: Yeah, she says a lot of things cause she's so freaking full of it.
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: depends,...who are the "people" you are talking about? if i was upset over it it was probably one of the people there that *does* hate me and *does* pick on me...they often get me down in the dumps over myself...but they are not the majority...tho
2005-02-11 [Whim]: because you're bad? Don't do your work? Could be any number of things. Everyone who gets written up always says "oh, the teachers hate me. They write me up for no reason at all." It's more BS.
2005-02-11 [Asrun]: I actually had a teacher that hated me cause I didn't wear slutty shirts in his class.. :O He almost failed me in english, so I switch teachers and got an 85%. :I
2005-02-11 [Whim]: that's also just ONE teacher. She's implying that teachers are trying to conspire against her.
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: well, they haven't told me yet why i was written up the first 3 times...i'm sure they will fill me out on that soon, even though i have already served those detentions...t
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: and it isn't "all the teachers" whim...i made it plural because it's 2...Mrs Hanny, and Ms Gracey...
2005-02-11 [Whim]: still, odds are there's a reason why they "hate" you if it's more than one.
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: actually, Mrs Hanny *told* me she hated me right out...she said it in this really disturbing flat tone that made it very clear that she was *not* joking….she is the school Librarian...an
2005-02-11 [Whim]: well what are you doing to make her look bad? I made my art teacher look bad on a daily basis and she still liked me.
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: she thinks me having a relatively low grade (though still passing) is me trying to make her look like an incapable teacher...i don't know if it has occurred to her that it may be that I’m just bad at math and that my efforts don't get me as far as most other peoples’...i do try, i just take longer to learn new things than others...so far, my average has been i need two years to everyone else’s one year, to get the material and pass the exam...
2005-02-11 [Whim]: so quit taking math classes
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: i have to complete a mandatory 3 years of math according to the NY state regents curriculum...s
2005-02-11 [Whim]: you don't intend to graduate anyway. So what's the point of taking "necessary courses"?
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: because i *was* planning on graduating at the time of being assigned classes...and if i dropped that class, why not just drop *all* my classes since i'm "not going to graduate anyways"?...my mother *wants* me to finish up this year, pass or fail...just be a good girl, go to class, learn what i can, and come summer i will sign up to get my GED...that is why i am still in all my classes...the problem is, my math teacher has to keep busting my ass and getting me in trouble for not doing good in class, pissing my father off at me...i do try in the class, and her getting on my case has to be wrong...my mother wrote a long letter to the the school about her, and Mrs Hanny...
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: hahah...i have never had that problem other than one teacher always sitting on my desk and asking me to stay after with him to grade papers...(>.<) i was 13 or 14...he was just busted a little over a year ago for having child porn on his school computer...*sh
2005-02-11 [Asrun]: I know, that's your job, Sunrose. XD
2005-02-11 [Sunrose]: LOL! is it now? where are my pics? ;)
2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: sunrose is a bunny [Asrun]!! we must pet her! *pets pets pets*
2005-02-11 [Asrun]: *petspets* ^.^ No pics
2005-02-11 [Sunrose]: oh my!
2005-02-11 [Solitiaum]: *pet pets*
2005-02-12 [horneygal]: hi can i ask who adjusted my url on my pic at "show me your boobs" as its not a fake its me!
2005-02-12 [*_*]: hello
2005-02-12 [Whim]: That wiki is not an official EP wiki and therefor is not our concern. You should speak to the owner. However, if I see the pic, I can tell you whether or not it's fake.
2005-02-12 [Asrun]: Whim just wants to see boobs. ;D
2005-02-12 [Whim]: lol...if I reallly wanted to see boobs, I'd look up porn...hehe.
2005-02-12 [Asrun]: True. So you're a conosieur of real boobage? :P
2005-02-12 [Whim]: hehehe...in a way. Actually I think I'm more a conosieur of real photography...
2005-02-12 [Asrun]: Oh, as in.... Pornography. No worries, I understand your sneaky lingo. XD
2005-02-12 [Whim]: lol...oh yeah. Can't put anything past you. Damn, I have to be more cryptic next time.
2005-02-12 [Asrun]: Definately. :O I can't let anything slip past!
2005-02-12 [Whim]: and that's why you're Asrun--bringer of letting nothing slip pastness.
2005-02-12 [Asrun]: Uh... yes! Of.. Course.. o.O
2005-02-12 [*_*]: ok so whats going on in here
2005-02-12 [Whim]: read and I'm sure the answer will come to you.
2005-02-12 [*_*]: ok i well
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: i need to get me some boobs...where can i find some?
2005-02-12 [Sunrose]: Go to a doctor!
2005-02-12 [Whim]: That's why I'm going to california. I want some professional implants.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: but i have no moneys....*is sad*...i guess that means no boobies for RD...
2005-02-12 [Sunrose]: Then go make some money!
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: my mom said i might be allowed to get a job....but even so, boob jobs are expencive.
2005-02-12 [Asrun]: Boobs get in the way... No shirts fit properly
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: you think shirts fit any better when you are flat chested but the shirt is cut and designed for a woman that is *supposed* to have boobs?
2005-02-12 [Whim]: wear guy shirts. Guy shirts are pretty unisex.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: i do...but that just means i have lots of t-shirts...har
2005-02-12 [Sunrose]: a lot of shirts I have are flat, but my boobs just stretch it. so you would fit fine.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: i have tanktops, that are supposed to do that...my firneds love to borrow my clothing because it makes their boobs look big when they "streatch accross"...but me, the shirts are just flat, and sometimes loose
2005-02-12 [Asrun]: Actually, most of the styles that I like are meant for women without boobs.. b.b;;;
2005-02-12 [Sunrose]: they don't actually stretch like that! what I meant was that any size boob can fit.
2005-02-12 [RabidSphinx]: i don't mind being casual, even though y-shirts just make me look 20 lbs heavier, sometimes i want to feel sexy...i never found a promdress that fit...they all had this idea that 18 year old woman should have boobs, so made all their desses to require them
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