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Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss ![]() (Badge Credits) The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss ![]() (Badge Credits) Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice |
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: when i stop listening to people, i am called a "bitch" and people like sunrose have to tell me off...i can't win whim...i *have* rebelled, you know what that got me? a bloody lip, no internet for 5 months, and no one to turn to...you know what heppened recently? i was told off by so many people, that i triued to kill myself, *again*....if i break away, i lose...if i stay here, alone, i'm better off....people can't hurt me this way....not like they used to
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Do you really think that books and schools and diplomas are what makes a person knowledgable? Almost everything I know I learned from my own thoughts. You will declare me an idiot and use that fact against me simply because you don't agree with me and don't like the way I present the facts, but your doctors and sister and whoever the hell else are not necessarily smarter than me. Raine knows this too, if she takes a moment to consider it because she knows how to learn without school and books just as I do.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Raine, I don't know why you listen to people on the internet and take things to heart so much. This world is just words and pictures. You can't even prove that these peeople are real.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: no your not your just ignort ass thats needs to luren a lot u an d raine and me are all in the same bot ok
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: just because i know how means i can....i can't do anything anymore...i can't even do the one thing that ever brought me happyness...i haven't writtin anything in 2 months...i just can't focus on anything anymore...i sit for hours alone in my room, staring at a wall, i have stopped eating, sleeping, blinking...i can't even talk to people any more...it just fails in my throat...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: no, I am not as ignorant as you wish me to be. You want me to be wrong because you don't like what I say. Because if what I say is true, then that means a horrible creature such as myself would be right.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: no it is not what u say is tru u think all u say is true but i dont think i know i have my life exprens to back me up on most of this wim i have had a bad life and ya thats alll iu need to know man ok look u neded to stop saying that your helping your not tery this be postive for once
2005-02-02 [*_*]: look i am uut for the nigt i have school drivers ed and work ttyl
2005-02-02 [Whim]: what good are experiences without logic to sort them out? I don't claim that ALL I say is true, but I do claim that I know a lot more than you give me credit for. And you also assume that you and raine are the only ones who have had hard times or struggled emotionally. What makes you assume this? Is it because I'm not like you? Should I have conformed to what you and her are if I did have bad experiences?
2005-02-02 [*_*]: no u are liek us just like us thats what i am saying your hiding it all and u think u can help in the nagtivce way that what you where tat was the right why so was i but u did notgo tru what i di trust me is one of the worst thing u can ever go true ok
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i never said, or claimbed to have had a bad childhood...yo
2005-02-02 [Whim]: get it through your head. I wasn't "taught" anything. I created this knowledge in my own mind.
2005-02-02 [Whim]: well, did you have a bad childhood, raine? I never assumed it until someone mentioned it.
2005-02-02 [*_*]: ok well let it go we need to luren from oneanther ok
2005-02-02 [Whim]: What do you think I've been trying to teach this entire time? lol
2005-02-02 [*_*]: not that but look i need to go i finsh this tomaro ok
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i always thought it was fine...i had a friend growing up...her name was nicki...then she left me...um...then i spent my summers on a farm where my only company was my cousin shannon who is 3 years younger than me...(she is one of those people that does *everything* and does it well) and um...i have been in 4-H sewing since i was small...my mom taught me how....um....i went to church 3 times a week where there were no other kids, wait, there were, but they all hated me, so i never got to play with them unless their moms forced them, then they were just mean to me...i was always bad at school, and didn't have any real friends there, but, um, my teachers all thought i was sweet
2005-02-02 [Whim]: regardless of how you grew up, it's getting close to time for you to re-evaluate your entire way of thinking. If you choose to stay exactly as you are then that is your choice and you will suffer or be rewarded with the consequences. But perhaps you can do better. I do not know, but it's probably worth a good think because you really have nothing better to do than think, now do you?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i don't think, i daydream...tha
2005-02-02 [Whim]: daydreaming only gets you so far. You have to figure out how to achieve those daydreams. And you should probably stop doing weird things to your eye...lol.
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: it's from my contacts...i never take them out, and now i have torn some layes for my cornia off my right eye and it is VERY painful because i have a little flap of it on my eye and gets pulled when i blink or move my eyes....and i don't daydream about me, but my book...that is how i write, i day dream, the write what i see in my mind...played back like a movie in my head...
2005-02-02 [Whim]: hmmm...that's better, but still, what do you intend to do with the book when it's finished?
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: nothing...read it i suppose...but i really have to go...my eye is dripping on my keyborad and it's icky
2005-02-02 [Whim]: hmmm...oh well. I'm done. I quit. I'm gonna stop talking to you now.
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: -sighs- [*_*] could you please use punctiation, because your posts are unbearable to read! RD: I take up for [Whim] because I agree with his point. It may not be my method, but it is the point I agree to. I tell you off when I don't agree with you. That's how I am and RD you're not special there. I do that to Everyone. // And [*_*]: do you actually know [Whim]? No you don't. // What I can't stand most is that you both are acting like victims of the past or presence! WTF! I had bad times when I was younger and recently as well. And who is to say what [Whim] went through. Just because we don't sit around like victims, doesn't mean we know no pain. But feeling sorry for yourself ain't got..
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: ....nobody nowhere. I can't stand this whining how you are a victim of your circumstances. You are only a victim of your circumstances if you wait around for a miracle and you actually being sad because nothing happens. You are the one who can take control and fix the situation. And I KNOW what I am talking about. I did it several times. It is hard if no one helps you out of it, but that's the bitter pill you're going to have to swallow and move on. No one helps you out? Then you will have to stand up and do it yourself!
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: It is hard if no one helps you out of it, but that's the bitter pill you're going to have to swallow and move on. No one helps you out? Then you will have to stand up and do it yourself!
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: Think I was never scared? Think I knew what to do? I did not! I thought long and hard what I was supposed to do to get myself out of a hostile situation and choose an option that no one, not even me, forsaw. But I had no choice and had to take the risk. That's what it means when you're an adult! Living your life on your own, independent. Even when it involves taking risks and being scared. And I was not even 18 at that time. It may not be easy to do, but it can be done!
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: why does everyone think that i have this idea that my life is so hard, or that i'm the *only* one to ever have problems? when have i ever said that? when have i ever complained about my childhood? or my current life other than the fact that i'm unhappy and a *little* trapt at the moment? i don't know whim, thus why i don't try to give him advice on his life...don't know hy he feels he is all knowing and can do that with me...and his help is nice, but if being called "wrothless, ignorant, and a waste of time is "help" then no thanks...i don't reallly want anymore "help" then...i am working on things...i tried to get a job, but my mother stopped me...i tried to leave, but ran out of places to
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: go and money REAL fast.....why don't you all under stand that i see things differently than you, and think deifferently than you? i'm not hard as nails like you...i can't just stand up and go, i'm out of here, and do it....i got 1/2 way down my block before i failed...late for school...grrr.
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: The 'bad childhood/my life is hard' part was also directed at [*_*], since he keeps mentioning it and almost saying he knows that applies to you. Of which you say it doesn't, so [*_*] should stop talking about that since this is not about him anyway. And my comment also had that goal. // You sound more than a little trapped. Basically everwhere I go I see you commenting negatively about yourself, your life or people around you. If you do so, people reading that will respond AND read it as if you are asking for their response. Why else would you write it? Seems to me you want some sort of reaction to it, else writing it would have no point at all. And thus you get a variety of...
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: ...reactions and some of them you don't like. I understand you see things differently, but I don't think you understand we do as well. Why do people assume I am made of iron, just because I take control of my life? I have a friend who once told me: 'this girl (name) is more vulnerable than you, she is like glass. And you are not, because you are strong'. So..that means I can't break like everyone else? I can break in as many pieces. However I had no choice but to go on even when it broke me doing so. Breaking a chip off of myself was better than staying in a situation that would kill me.
2005-02-02 [Evocobra]: i know what you mean sunrose, you bottle things up, instead of wearing your emotions on the outside. and when it breaks, it's difficult to compose yourself?
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: Actually I don't. What I mean is that putting pressure on glass can make it break. Putting pressure on a person can make a person break. However in a way I didn't have much choice but to fight back if I didn't want to be dragged along. But fighting alone can cause pain and tears in your person/emotion
2005-02-02 [Evocobra]: you'd be a good case study then, that'd be interesting to see
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: See what?
2005-02-02 [Evocobra]: how you cope with your strugges.
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: Very interesting. And so, RD: is fighting for your daydreams worth it or would you rather be dragged along and not even try at all?
2005-02-02 [birdsong]: This is a Very interesting conversation..
2005-02-02 [birdsong]: Is it ok to speak here if you have similar experiences/is
2005-02-02 [De'ladrei]: im just watching it and its making for a very interesting read indeed
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: I don't really mind, though it's not a chatwiki, it's used as such anyway even by me and we're on Elfpack after all/anyway, so go ahead! ;) (as long as people don't start to comment with 'hi' 'sup?' etc, because that's just boring and pointless ;)
2005-02-02 [birdsong]: I agree...It's good to ' stay On-Topic'
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: Indeed or at least saying something other than random chat without it even being funny or deep or something like that heheheh... :P
2005-02-02 [*_*]: ok what get out of this is we are all alike ok
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: Uhm..like..wha
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i say things, and complain here, because i can't do that anywhere else in my life...if i don't vent here, then i can't vent at all....i more than anything just vent out in the open, not to anyone paerticularly, and not really expecting a responce...i tried a diary, but that has never worked for venting...but also, i have *nothing* else to say....i can say i got detention today...that is it with my life...i guess since you are all, yet again, tired of hearing about me, i will start being quiet again
2005-02-02 [De'ladrei]: do what i do, vent in diary
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: did i not say that didn't WORK for me? damnit read...
2005-02-02 [De'ladrei]: *sigh* dont get touchy with me, it wont go down well. and i have given up reading every single word now. so create your own little rant wiki, bitching wiki or something
2005-02-02 [*_*]: hey whats the f back of of her u
2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i was thinking about a rant wiki, but all my rants are spontanious, usually brought on by what someone *else* says...thus why rant wiki, and diaries don't work for me....on a happy note for once...lets all wish my BF's daughter Falica Happy 4th Birthday...(^_^)
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: It's not getting tired of hearing about you, but if you let people hear about you here, they will respond. And you didn't answer my question: are your daydreams worth fighting for? // but instead of putting the rant in response to what those people say, you could put it on the wiki..? // Happy Birthday Falicia! ^__^
2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: Someone stop me before I kill a certain person please! :)
2005-02-02 [Whim]: Do it! Wait...who is it? Anyone important? Otherwise, DO IT!
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: my daydreams? they are just random stories i come up with to distract me from my less than substantial life...so no, they really aren't worth fighting for or over...and i will tell her you send her a happy birthday
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: LOL! I don't think it's an important person, don't know if people agree! :P // Okay what about fighting for a 'better' life then? The life you want to have...
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: i'm not very good at fighting...i just lose, fail, and am kicked around for a while...
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: That's not the question: is it worth to fight for what you want in life?
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: actually, you just asked "what of fighting" now you have changed it... :P....anyways.
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: No, I didn't change my question.. :S // And you aren't proud of yourself that you put up a fight?
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: no...because i fought and lost, making a fool of myself, yet again, and i would have been better off, and people around me would have been alot happier if i had done nothing at all
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: I rather fight and die trying, then die without putting up a fight at all. You then simply give up and let others win.
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: they win anyways...if i don't fight, they are happier, and i don't get hurt...win-win
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: You do get hurt...more so than if you fought..
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: no no no...you see, when you are alone no one can hurt you...i don't want to be alone...but no one accepts me...so we are all better off you see?
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: Just because no one can actually hurt you, doesn't mean you can't get hurt. I think I was hurt because I was alone.
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: i'm not lonely...i have my mirror
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: I wasn't talking about loneliness per se..
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: well, if it my way...i would get money (some how) and just move to be with eli and try for a decent life in the south...but he has already told me i wasn't allowed to...so, i'm here
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: Being here doesn't mena you can't still get money and go on your own..
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: what would be the point of being on my own, alone...when i can be here, and not have to worry about such things
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: Because you could still be better off alone?
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: no...because i am no good at taking care of myself alone
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: Who says and why not and how do you know that?
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: because i have *never* been able to do it before, i *can't* do it now...and no one believes i can do it later...i need someone looking after me to some extent...i am too incapable to make my own doctors appointments..
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: What does that have to do with anything.
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: i can't make doctors appointment, get my own perscriptions, hold a job, pay rent and utility...the very idea of being responcibal for all that on my own frightens me to no end
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: But you haven't even done all that and keeping doctors appointments is irrelevant really..
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: not for me who is ill and needs to see a doctor regularrly for check-ups and tests....(i HATE tets)...and i *hae* done some of them, to an extent, and it all was too much for me to handle
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: That has got nothing to do with taking care of yourself. I miss docterappointm
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: still, i am unab;e to do it...life where i have to shop for myself, do all my own laundry, and cooking, and work a job, and pay bills ONTIME and taxes (those blow my mind...do one wrong and the IRS is after all your money) it is all too much...
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: You don't know that since you haven't tried it yet..
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: i have tried...i took a taxes/economic
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: I never did taxes/economy in that context. I can't cook either. You can get any job you want, depending on your standards..
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: or tairs...they don't higher highschool drop outs for the really good paying jobs...
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: There are jobs for highschool-dro
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: really? name one...because in my little bying city, there are enough jobs for college grads...highsc
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: Cleaning.
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: you want me to become a hit-man (or woman)?
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: Err what?
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: a "cleaner" is a term for someone who kills (hits) for money...
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: and that's what you think I meant? :PP
2005-02-03 [Kaosaur]: Being a "cleaner" can't be that bad really. I think it would be a cool job.
2005-02-03 [De'ladrei]: and Sunrose...if its the person we were talking about, then by all means kill them lol please, i wont stop you ^_-. and [*_*] who were you telling to back off of who back there?
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: If you mean cleaning the non-Rainedrop-
2005-02-03 [De'ladrei]: hehe :D
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: Hey RD..do you still get emails with your password??
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: not today i haven't....(^_^) woot! no emails at all actually...i feel loved.....and there are no cleaning jobs around here....people here are like me and living from paycheck to patcheck and can't afford to have a home cleaner...and janators don't pay well...i know, i know 3 people that are them....
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: I meant company cleaners actually, not private ones :) Glad you didn't get any new ones!
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: EP and ET were messed up this morning, what was up?
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: They were just slower..not messed up..I could log on anyway..
2005-02-03 [De'ladrei]: i couldnt, but meh alls good now
2005-02-03 [Whim]: that's why you just do like me and work or sleep during the mornings.
2005-02-03 [De'ladrei]: meh i woke up too early, and had nothign to do....im actually bored lol
2005-02-03 [Whim]: hehe...well, that's why you stay up till at least 4 am...lol.
2005-02-03 [De'ladrei]: .......meh lol. i dont think i could be bothered doing that
2005-02-03 [Whim]: EP and ET don'treally lag that late at night...hehe.
2005-02-03 [De'ladrei]: i know, i log the next day and im lost >.< its like "nooo" think of us that live in a different time zone...or cant stay awake for more than an hour without coffee
2005-02-03 [Whim]: psh...panzies.
2005-02-03 [De'ladrei]: hehe :p
2005-02-03 [Sunrose]: :D
2005-02-03 [RabidSphinx]: well, EP and CH were totally down at 7 am for me, and i was like, grrr...because i couldn't check my messages befotre school
2005-02-04 [Trevnor]: moo
2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: on second thought, lets not go to Camelot...tis a silly place....
2005-02-04 [Orestez]: killer bunny!!! run away!!!
2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: And the Lord spoke, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out! Once the number three, being the third number be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thou foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."
2005-02-04 [Orestez]: "Oh Lord, bless this thy hand grenade, and with it thou may blow thy enemies into tiny bits, in thy mercy"
2005-02-04 [De'ladrei]: lmao i know i shouldnt find that funny but i do
2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: Monty Python roxors my sox
2005-02-04 [De'ladrei]: i love "life of Brian" hehehe ooh the laughs...*goes off to watch monty python*
2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: i love SpaceBalls...b
2005-02-04 [De'ladrei]: XD
2005-02-04 [Larova]: One... Two... Five! (Three, sir.) Three! *Disappears from the Council again*
2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! i love that part!!
2005-02-04 [The Dark Lord]: holy grail is best lol
2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: BRING OUT YOUR DEAD!
2005-02-04 [Yuriona]: I'm not dead yet!
2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: he says he's not dead yet...
2005-02-04 [Yuriona]: Yes he is.
2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: I can't take him like that.....
2005-02-04 [Yuriona]: Well he's almost dead. He's sure to die any time now.
2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: I'm feeling better...i think i'm going to go for a walk...
2005-02-04 [Yuriona]: No you're not. Lie down.
2005-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: i don't want to go on the cart...i feel happy, i fell happy...*gets hit in the head and thrown on the cart*
2005-02-04 [Yuriona]: Ah thank you.
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: o_O AHHHH!!! MONTY FLASHBACKS!!! *runs around screaming till she knocks herself out on said mallet*
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: god help us all... when did *i* become council?!
2005-02-07 [De'ladrei]: presumably when you became "Scandalous" also XD
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: no, ive been that for a loooooong time... have you seen my pic on the Independent banner?? im nude with lil stars covering my nips and uhm... other womanly parts >:) but seriously though... god help us all... lmao
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: and font wondered what i meant when i said i was biding my time.... *cackles*
2005-02-07 [De'ladrei]: lmao! i must have words with my hubby about that pic :p lol
2005-02-07 [De'ladrei]: hehe well he knows now !! ^_-
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: hehe...
2005-02-07 [Sunrose]: I did that like 10 mins ago babe :P
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: yeah good lord, come back from break, log into my computer, bring up elfpack again, and squeel so loud it scares my boss into running to my cubicle to see if im having an asthma attack or something!!
2005-02-07 [Sunrose]: LMAO!
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: and god help us all, still, because now her hubby has to add my nakie lil elvish self to the counsil banner too XD
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: although it would help if i didnt mistype council. -_-
2005-02-07 [owly]: wow... we've expanded... welcome, my new fellow councilites.
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: ty, teehee
2005-02-07 [Orestez]: Dang...now I gotta make a new banner...lol
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: hahaha! sowwy sweety!
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: uhm for the record though... i DO wear glasses, and im not in the independent banner... just stars...
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: woooo hoooo im up there, lmao
2005-02-07 [Orestez]: New Banner!!!Woot!
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: thanks for keeping up with that, even though its godawful early (late?) in the morning where you are!
2005-02-07 [Sunrose]: LOL! well I have glasses too when I watch tv or leave the house...but it's fine the way it is! Great work [Orestez]!! *smoochers*
2005-02-07 [Hependipherous]: Why is it trying to link to a funny file? It doesn't even have an extension... that's strange.
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: nakie me an heppy inna bag, hehehe
2005-02-07 [Hependipherous]: If it's because of size issues, try using the <img:url?y
2005-02-07 [Hependipherous]: I'm naked and in a bag! ^_^
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: or < imgx=>
2005-02-07 [Orestez]: I can upload a smaller version...
2005-02-07 [Hependipherous]: no... that lets the thumbnail function work... makes it link to the acutal image... which for some reason beyond my understanding, has no file extension... and really probably shouldn't load. o.0
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: oh oh oh, nvm... i thought that was part of this... nvm nvm!
2005-02-07 [Hependipherous]: well... I've seen .txt files loaded as images... I supose that the file type is embedded in the actual file... the extension must be for our benifit... and for file associations with certain programs... *shrugs*
2005-02-07 [Solitiaum]: you mean like in meh house? mines an image...
2005-02-07 [Sunrose]: Uhm heppy, it's supposed to have no extension when you click on it :)
2005-02-08 [Hependipherous]: I know this. But why? it's odd... don't see many images w/o file extensions floating around.
2005-02-08 [Sunrose]: Hmm I don't know..you upload to a website so it gets it's own url. But why there's no extension..I have no clue..YOu do get the extension when you go to properties..
2005-02-08 [Asrun]: hey guys.... what's going on in this council? :O
2005-02-08 [Hependipherous]: You mean ? That's not the actual image. That doesn't do anything... Image location is still just stuff/EPcounci
2005-02-08 [Hependipherous]: basically what it means is that when the image was uploaded somone put in an alternate name but not the extension... But I didn't think it was supposed to do that. 0.o
2005-02-08 [Sunrose]: Wow, I see what you mean now. During the uploading no extension was added. It shouldn't work... :S
2005-02-08 [Hependipherous]: did you ever hear of the .txt work-around for geocities efforts to stop bandwidth stealing? You could change the file extension of an image to .txt then load it from elsewhere as an image... here it would be <img:http:
2005-02-08 [Sunrose]: errr... @.@ me n00b! ;)
2005-02-08 [Hependipherous]: In other words... as I said before the file extension is for our benifit as well as for programs when dealing with file associations..
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: hello everyone! i'm back for a moment
2005-02-08 [Whim]: you're a council member. You don't have to announce your presence.
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: but i don't have internet, so i won't be so active for a short while like i have been in the past
2005-02-08 [Whim]: what's your point?
2005-02-08 [hello]: dont try to deny it....you know you love her
2005-02-08 [Whim]: well, yeah, but I don't care if she leaves...lol.
2005-02-08 [hello]: yeah, you do....you cant deny it....
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i will be on, probably at night...but my school blocks EP and i can't get on till after my father goes to bed...and drop dead whim
2005-02-08 [Whim]: why? For not caring?
2005-02-08 [hello]: you know you care....[RabidSphinx] really loves you [Whim], dont let her tell you otherwise....
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: love? only if love is taking in the context of "i love to see whim in massive amounts of pain"
2005-02-08 [Whim]: You've never seen me in massive amounts of pain so you don't know that for sure...hehe.
2005-02-08 [hello]: see, i told you...
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i heard you used to get hit in soccer every day...
2005-02-08 [hello]: hahahaa....yea
2005-02-08 [Whim]: Yeah, I laughed. It only hurt a little...hehe.
2005-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: and that everyone thought you were gay....are you really as ugly as they say? because from what i hear, your body is no nasty and lanky, you can't get a girl, and thus why you only have a headshot in your house...lol!
2005-02-08 [hello]: people still think hes gay....
2005-02-08 [hello]: o well....he doesnt think you are that great either....
2005-02-08 [Whim]: lol...you know you like them thin, Raine...hehe. And I do believe I got some girls. Granted it wasn't really until senior year of high school, it still happened. But I did graduate from school and I'm not a scared little girl trapped in her room like a little piss ass panzy goth.
2005-02-08 [hello]: hahahahahaaaaa
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