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2013-03-27 03:29:01
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Stephen
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The Council are the team of people who keep the site running smoothly. They host official contests and features, and are here to answer any questions you have about Elfpack, and how it works.

Please note: The Guards are the people who enforce the Elfpack Rules, and the Mainstuff Bosses are the people in charge of what goes on Mainstuff.


(Badge Credits)

Malevolent [Stephen] - Warden
Roaring [kittykittykitty] - Deputy Warden

Mystique [Amalaswinta] - Senior Advisor
Insane [Cerulean Sins] - Public Relations Boss
Mischievous [Deg] - Goofy Elfpackers Elfpacking! Boss

(Badge Credits)

The Obsessed [Orestez] - Captain of the Guards
Minister of Destruction [HeAVenShallBuRN] - Role-Playing Contests Boss

(Badge Credits)

Whammie [sammie h!] - Elfpack Awards Boss
Mischievous [Schlachter] - Magicians Apprentice

**To see the members who use to work on the Council, look at Retired.**


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If you think your badges are messed up or you are missing a badge you deserve, then message [Stephen] or [kittykittykitty].


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2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: we were doing just fine without you while you were gone

2005-01-10 [Whim]: not elfpack, silly. I was talking about all things. The world! Not just elfpack.

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: the world would be a better place without you whim...i personally wouldn't mind taking you out, for the good of man kind...

2005-01-10 [Whim]: just because you don’t like me doesn’t mean I don’t bring a smile to the hearts of other people.

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: they only smile because they are thinking of all the grotesque and agonizing things the want to do to you...

2005-01-10 [Whim]: you’re just making assumptions. I think you’re just being selfish right now.

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: selfish? how? i just dislike you greatly

2005-01-10 [Whim]: well, you want me to be dead without even thinking about how it might effect other innocent people.

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: oh, well, they will get over it...i will buy them poptarts and they will be happy again if they were even sad to begin with

2005-01-10 [Whim]: but you don’t even know who they all are. You can’t possibly give pop tarts to people you don’t know unless you somehow gave pop tarts to everyone in the world, but then the people who were affected by my death wouldn’t know any difference cause they wouldn’t feel special cause everyone else would have pop tarts too.

2005-01-10 [owly]: lovely to see what mature conversations take place over here.

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: oh well, they will get over it then...and the amount of people over joyed by your death would out-weigh the it would be for the greater good anyways...(^_^)

2005-01-10 [Whim]: just because you don’t like me doesn’t mean that there is a vast majority that also doesn’t like me.

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: oh, i know there is...

2005-01-10 [Whim]: prove it

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: i would, but we are not allowed to have anti-member wiki here, and i'm too lazy to run a servay...but we all hate a jackass...and that's you whim...(^_^)

2005-01-10 [Whim]: Whim Haters United There. I made the wiki. It’s allowed. You’re in charge of it. Have at it.

2005-01-10 [The Dark Lord]: hehehe...sorry too interupt this heated debate lol! Why cant you just kiss and make up!!??

2005-01-10 [owly]: seriously...

2005-01-10 [Whim]: because it's funny. You're not laughing?

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: i'm laughting...(^_^)...whim knows i hate him in a loving way...(^_^")

2005-01-10 [*_*]: lol

2005-01-10 [owly]: no, I think it's rather silly, actually.

2005-01-10 [The Dark Lord]: i know lol i was bieng sarcastic!

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: wow whim...i thought *i* had no sense of humor...these others are even WORSE! damn...

2005-01-10 [The Dark Lord]: who me!??

2005-01-10 [owly]: I think she means me.

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: muhahahaha!

2005-01-10 [*_*]: o noo she 's evel now runn

2005-01-10 [The Dark Lord]: whoops

2005-01-10 [RabidSphinx]: i've always been evil, well, actually, just insane, (^_^)

2005-01-10 [*_*]: yay me to kool well mabe nuts crazy what ever u call it

2005-01-13 [Trevnor]: Ha im bigerer and betterer in the deah neht uoy

2005-01-13 [1st Font]: Crap deleted. Council wiki. If the sentence you intend to type has nothing to do with contacting the council about a suggestion directed to the Council activities, don't even think about posting it. And if you are not a council member and see a post, dont even think about replying to it.

2005-01-13 [RabidSphinx]: sorry about yesterday...i was being stupid...i had forgotten that no one cares so i shouldn't whine...(^_^) i annoyed people...sorry everyone...

2005-01-16 [EmJ Taylor]: Bloody hell. Talk about a waste of comments here in this wiki. [1st Font] - *bats eyelids*  *Gropes* Now, council business, only please! No pleasure allowed! *girly giggle*

2005-01-17 [Fearless Dragon]: hello

2005-01-17 [RabidSphinx]: ello

2005-01-17 [Sunrose]: yello

2005-01-17 [cobwebb]: Grrr, it says I can't get into cathug because I havnt installed cookies! When I joined it was can I get in?

2005-01-17 [RabidSphinx]: hmmm...i don't know...i have never had that problem before...*thinks*

2005-01-17 [cobwebb]: I don't have a clue what they mean by "cookies"....well not in that sort of term lol

2005-01-17 [Sunrose]: checking for you :)

2005-01-17 [Sunrose]: Try

2005-01-17 [cobwebb]: Ok, thanks :)

2005-01-17 [Sunrose]: Is it working?

2005-01-17 [cobwebb]: Oh soz, didn't see the last comment lol xP

2005-01-17 [cobwebb]: No it's not working....

2005-01-17 [RabidSphinx]: (>.<) cookies ate temp files that save things like passwords and things, so you don't have to sign into a page everytime you go back to it...try going to internet options and clickthe button about cookies...

2005-01-17 [cobwebb]: Ohhhh, right? So still which way do I get onto it? lol

2005-01-17 [Sunrose]: This is a cookie: . And somehow your computer doesn't have the CatHug cookies. I don't know how to fix that: [Hedda] does though, ask him :)

2005-01-17 [cobwebb]: Ok :)

2005-01-18 [Trevnor]: Cat hug wont put cookies on my comp

2005-01-18 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...that is a problem with that site...

2005-01-18 [Trevnor]: Um more like the

2005-01-19 [Trevnor]: Hey why doesnt elfpack crash as much as elftown?

2005-01-19 [Sunrose]: Because Elfpack has less members and thus doesn't have ytouble with 900 members being online at the same time, nor does it need to be upgraded concerning speed like was done with Elftown.. :)

2005-01-19 [*_*]: hey what seed net is elftown on t1 ???

2005-01-19 [Sunrose]: Seed net??

2005-01-20 [Trevnor]: I WANT A ELFTWON SEED!!!!!

2005-01-20 [Trevnor]: I WANT A ELFTOWN SEED!!!!!

2005-01-20 [Hependipherous]: I just realized that I'm not pictured in that image up there. LOL, Yep, I guess that's what I get for having a secret identity. You could have at least put a bag on my head or something. How difficult is that? :P

2005-01-20 [Whim]: yeah, but at least everyone roughly knows your race. They think I'm hispanic.

2005-01-20 [Sunrose]: ROFLMAO! :D

2005-01-20 [RabidSphinx]: not the mention really short whim...

2005-01-20 [RabidSphinx]: woot! it's changed!!!

2005-01-20 [The Dark Lord]: Yep

2005-01-20 [Sunrose]: LOL!

2005-01-20 [Solitiaum]: Heppy is in the bag!!! LMAO!!

2005-01-20 [RabidSphinx]: he has no picture posted, and complained about not being in the picture...what else could be done?

2005-01-20 [Solitiaum]: Its CUUUUUTE!!!

2005-01-20 [Solitiaum]: But if I ever get added, Im gonna need, like.... me naked with uhm... stars over the important parts... o_O

2005-01-20 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha...i'll never be added, so what i would be wearing is really not importent to concern myself with...(^_^)

2005-01-20 [Sunrose]: or leafs! ^__^

2005-01-20 [RabidSphinx]: leafs would work...hahaha...she* could be holding a twig or something...(^_^)

2005-01-20 [Sunrose]: should could what? :p

2005-01-21 [Trevnor]: HEy you for got the dog...

2005-01-21 [Hependipherous]: I likes my new picture. ^_^ Bag headed, black wearing, yellow person! ^_^

2005-01-21 [Orestez]: what dog...?

2005-01-21 [Trevnor]: The Dog

2005-01-21 [Orestez]: Snarf! what dog!? who's dog!?

2005-01-21 [dark_sin]: ok hello im sorry i messaged your wiki if this is for only memebers but um i have a problem i have been taken from et which ep is way better but thats not the problem i dont know hwo to pasword protect my wiki well my friend and i both made it but my ex gf is like hacking into my stuff and messing with my home and wiki please please help me message me if you can help thank you for your time

2005-01-21 [Sunrose]: If she is messing with your home you should change the pw of your house (Change personal data). The wiki can have a password if you click 'Edit this page' and then you see a white field with 'password': enter a password and submit changes to the page...

2005-01-21 [dark_sin]: i have looked and cant find the pasword for the wiki my friend jesika made it would she be the only one who has the pw to the wiki?

2005-01-21 [Sunrose]: If she made it, then yes.

2005-01-21 [dark_sin]: well then i would like to report a member of elf pack and elftown how wouldi do that talk to you guys?

2005-01-21 [Sunrose]: There is a button on members houses: send report to guards. (You can't see it on your own house)

2005-01-21 [dark_sin]: oh ok thank you and will they get banned? i just dont want to be made fun of on the computer i get enough of that at home

2005-01-21 [Sunrose]: uhm I don't know what you are reporting exactly and bannings are up to the guards :)

2005-01-21 [dark_sin]: well thank you for your help and i did not meen to waist your time its just i like ep and dont want to have to leave like et

2005-01-21 [Sunrose]: that's okay :)

2005-01-21 [RabidSphinx]: yay! actual business! woot!

2005-01-21 [Whim]: Everything is actual business. This situation happened to be some form of assistance. Most other things are public relations.

2005-01-21 [RabidSphinx]: oooohhh...alright....whim, i hate you

2005-01-21 [Whim]: That's ok. See? Me and you talking like this is public relations because I'm a council/guard member and you aren't high enough to be considered more than the general public.

2005-01-21 [RabidSphinx]: awww...i'm just a lowly rat....*sighs* oh-well...*crawls up whims leg and stats biting him with my sharp little teeth*

2005-01-21 [Whim]: *squishes the tiny rat*

2005-01-21 [RabidSphinx]: aww...(x_x)

2005-01-21 [Morgoth]: *takes the rat and puts it on the menu at Bob's Diner*

2005-01-21 [RabidSphinx]: yum! come eat me!

2005-01-21 [owly]: oh how cute Heppy!

2005-01-21 [RabidSphinx]: i have the out...=^_^=

2005-01-22 [*_*]: yay me to

2005-01-23 [TheSignOfFire]: alrighty, council-like important people. I have a question for ya.

2005-01-24 [Hependipherous]: next time, just ask. comments like that serve no real purpose but to annoy us. :P

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: and we all know that's MY job here...

2005-01-24 [Whim]: Yep. No one is quite as annoying and worthless as Raine.

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: woot! *throws arms up in the air*

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: hey whim...i have a relative here on ep now! [StarDance] is a sibling of mine...hahaha!

2005-01-24 [Whim]: why are you telling me this?

2005-01-24 [Sunrose]: roflmao..[Whim] strikes again!

2005-01-24 [Sunrose]: Cute sis RD :)

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: hehehe...thanks...(^_^)...because she is cute whim and you can't pick on her...she is just too cute...(^_^)

2005-01-24 [Whim]: hmmm...that's an interesting theory. We'll see if it works.

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! i don't think she would talk to you...i told her to message me with the names of anyone that harrasses her...

2005-01-24 [Whim]: well, I don't go out of my way to harass people anyway. We'll see if she crosses my path.

2005-01-24 [Sunrose]: Why would [Whim] start to message her? @.@ The kid is 11.

2005-01-24 [Whim]: yeah, for real. What kind of monster do you think I am? She's only 11. Damn, raine.

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha1 i don't know...she already got a message from a 22 year old that said, and i quote, "Hey cutie, wot's up?" and i was like,

2005-01-24 [Sunrose]: Well she is cute isn't she? ...

2005-01-24 [Whim]: Are you implying that I'm a pedofile?

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: yes whim...that i am...(^_^)....

2005-01-24 [Sunrose]: >.>

2005-01-24 [Whim]: Oh well.

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: *shrugs* i still think it's odd that she is here...i have sent her some messages calling her a stupid head already...(^_^)

2005-01-24 [Whim]: so what you're saying is that I could be friendly with her and use the "sibling rivalry" factor to screw with you in real life by influencing and encouraging pranks and malicious actions for her to use against you?

2005-01-24 [*_*]: hey all

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: she is too much of a loser to pull a prank with me...she knows i will just tackel her and beat her face into the carpet...

2005-01-24 [Whim]: That's why she'd have my genius to back her up. Duh!

2005-01-24 [Sunrose]: You accused [Whim] that he might harass her, yet you called her a stupid head in messages already? @.@

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: hahha...i'm her sister, i'm allowed...and it was a joke...i said "hey stupid head, i'm WATCHING you!", what are you all doing tonight?

2005-01-24 [hello]: hehe...[Whim] is a pedophile...

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: hehehe...*rapes [hello]*

2005-01-24 [Sunrose]: LOL..[hello] is late tonight.. :P

2005-01-24 [hello]: YAY!! does anyone know the formula for surface area of a rectagular prism??? the calculus is especially hard tonight.

2005-01-24 [Sunrose]: <.<

2005-01-24 [hello]: should have known you would be happy about that

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: i only know area of parallelograms...sorry

2005-01-24 [Whim]: I hate useless math so much.

2005-01-24 [hello]: well i am just going to do the SA of each side and combine them, no worries...

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: i hate math too, but i have to learn it

2005-01-24 [Whim]: psh...I don'

2005-01-24 [hello]: i never said i hated is just hard somedays

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: well, *i* hate math was all i was saying

2005-01-24 [*_*]: yay math sucks

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: ever see the girls= evil equasion?

2005-01-24 [hello]: does english suck for you also, [*_*]?

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: leave him alone hello or no more rapes....and hello...what are your views on catholics?

2005-01-24 [hello]: i guess i will have to make sacrifices to make fun of him then...and catholics sit down and stand up too much, i have bad knees so it its good on me, hehe...

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha...alright...i'm in a "heated" discussion about masturbation, good or "evil" with a group of

2005-01-24 [Whim]: But you're so bad at heated discussions. Do you need someone to bail you out? lol.

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: naw...i'm doing good's just funny that they say it's bad, i ask why, and they say "because it's evil" i ask what makes it evil and they say "because it's bad" and they never once are able to tell me why touching any part of your body is worse than touching another

2005-01-24 [Whim]: oh, so both parties are crappy at heated discussions. You're in the zone.

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: hey, i'm not bad...i was annoyed...but in any case...i just gave up on them...i was never trying to change their minds, just figure it out...and they got defencive, then mean, then i was like, alrighty then

2005-01-24 [hello]: haha...she lost

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: *looks around* am i? oh-well. *tackles and rapes [hello] in a bush*

2005-01-24 [hello]: ouch...the bush hit me in the face

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: just the hazard of the fun [hello] are lucky i didn't bash the back of your head in with a brick before dragging you into the bush to rape you...(^_^)

2005-01-24 [TheSignOfFire]: okay. say i'd like to be part of a wiki, but the owner hasn't logged in to elfpack in a month or so. there are many others like me, trying to join, but unable to, seeing as the password hasn't been on in a while. is there any way the ownership of the previously mentioned wiki could be transferred to someone who knows what's going on, and is on frequently, so that the business of the wiki could continue as usual?

2005-01-24 [Whim]: It is possible, but obviously we can't just hand control of wikis over to other people just because some random guy asks for it.

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: what if i ask for it? i work on the wiki, but the owner didn't share with me more than one password, and they haven't been on in a month, and people are messaging me to join, and i can't help them...a temp change would work...until the owner returnes...

2005-01-24 [hello]: let me have it...hehe. it will be a wiki from hell or you should go to the bush haters association wiki and bash them...hehe, they are trying to ban me from it....its a joke, hehe

2005-01-24 [TheSignOfFire]: i was just the messenger boy, pretty much.

2005-01-24 [Whim]: hehe...well, I'm pretty sure the owner would have to make some notification at least.

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: thanks some random guy...(^_^) you did good...*pats back* and hahaha...they tried to ban you? can they do that?

2005-01-24 [TheSignOfFire]: yay, i did good!

2005-01-24 [hello]: i dont think they can...cause its not working...

2005-01-24 [Whim]: they can only delete messages and possibly make it a private wiki.

2005-01-24 [hello]: haha...o well

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...hehehe...and WHIM, can something be done with the Hogwarts and maybe the temp change in owner so people can become members and make their hogwarts profiles?

2005-01-24 [Whim]: If the owner didn't take steps to make their wiki grow before they left, then they apparently don't care about the cause. However, if the person is dead, banned, or simply not coming back, the wiki name could be handed over to another person I suppose.

2005-01-24 [hello]: i want it, hehe...i know about harry pottery or whatever....

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: well, [Firenze] has dropped off the face of the earth...she was here oneday, and then without any sign, she didn't come back...i assumed it was because of computer or internet connection problems and didn't worry, but it has been 27 days, and the wiki was in the middle of construction when she dissapeared

2005-01-24 [Whim]: i'll check it out and give it to a proper owner.

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: alright...that's all i ask...

2005-01-24 [Whim]: it now belongs to [*Lone Wolf*] since someone saw fit to declare him the headmaster.

2005-01-24 [hello]: damn it, that sucks...

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: Whim...could it atleast be someone who knows whow the wiki WORKS? he was just named that because he *asked* to be...the first members have a pick at whatever title they want

2005-01-24 [hello]: haha....thats funny, i want it...

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: well, i wouldn't mind it either...(i'm head girl after all) but choseing an ACTIVE member of the wiki would be best whim...

2005-01-24 [Whim]: eh...sounds crappily run to begin with. Go headmaster coyote!

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: it was run fine until the owner dissapeared...leaving me with passwords to sections of the wiki the applying members wouldn't need

2005-01-24 [Whim]: he's an active member of elfpack and it's not even an official wiki. It's good enough for me. The owner should have made a decision before they left.

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: fine...i will inform the wiki to pester that guy for the profile design...

2005-01-24 [Whim]: he is allowed to pass control on to anyone he sees fit.

2005-01-24 [hello]: haha...damn, thats funny. would of been funnier to hand it over to me, though

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...i just hope he knows why he will be getting all the messages from the members with Years and Houses, expecting him to build a wiki for each and follow the same format as the rest of the wiki

2005-01-24 [Whim]: hehe...true, but I think I may have gotten in trouble if I didn't use some sort of rational method.

2005-01-24 [hello]: i doubt it

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: what was rational about what you did? you picked a *rabdom* member from the wiki and made them the owner...

2005-01-24 [Whim]: no, I picked the headmaster of hogwarts. He's a wise man. I saw the movies.

2005-01-24 [TheSignOfFire]: I vote Raine for opinion's not worth much, but she knows what's happening...

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: woot! i feel special...and no picked a member that named himself as headmaster...he has no power or say over the wiki

2005-01-24 [Whim]: but the person who originally owned the wiki allowed him to become headmaster. If she has that kind of faith in him, then so do I.

2005-01-24 [hello]: hehe...that reason is close enough to absolute for me

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: she allowed anyone to have *any* position they wanted...she herself is a dementor in Azkiban...i'm Head what?

2005-01-24 [Whim]: so you're saying I should have chosen an Azkiban prisoner?

2005-01-24 [Whim]: Johnny Carson died. What crap is that?

2005-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: i think you should have chosen a member that knows how the wiki works, or has commented on the wiki before...i didn't even know the new ower was a member because they don't participate on the wiki!

2005-01-24 [hello]: what?! when did that happen?

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