Page name: cursed [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-03-21 03:10:35
Last author: Ritsuka-Kun
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 5
D20: 7
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The year is 2009, mutant rights have fallen dramaticly, by law they are required to be registered wtih the govermnent but very few if any follow this law. Rivalries are growing ever stronger and normal people are getting more and more restless about the mutant "problem" many have resorted to violence in an effort to eliminate the mutants even when they have done nothing to deserve the violence. Mutant blood flows freely while the government turns a blind eye, some of the mutants which to eradicate the humans, to exterminate them, other mutants however our joining forces with the common people in an effort to prove that they are not all the same and that mutants deserve and need to be treated like the rest of the people.
Peace is something that many fear will never come...So some hide their ability cause they feel its a curse more than a gift those who find it a gift embrace it and show it openly without fear plus deal with other daily issues.

[yes this was a stolen plot from another rp so get over it xD with a mini change xD yes i got bored shut up xD][i stole it from wolvie's the day that never comes xD]


None cause we're all big boys and girls and can handle it so there :p deal with it xD

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2011-10-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "all the time"

2011-10-12 [wolvie]: Nina giggles, "yay"

James sighs laying on the bed and frowning he couldn't be bi or gay that was just...sick

Logan smiles, 'me two darlin'

Bruce smiles back nodding as he goes to make it

Rocks wags his tail nuzzling tiki

2011-10-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah smiled. "Hey Nina, I had a great time last night."

2011-10-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled when the bell rang "finally this class was so boring"

Gackt hummed lightly "breakfast is done if you're hungry"

Rogue smiled 'one class down only 4 more to go'

Tiki nuzzled back.

Shinya smiled as he sat down.

2011-10-12 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "Me two and woo"

James ignores him rolling on his side frowning

Logan smiles, 'thank god'

Remus stays asleep

Rocks wags his tail, 'i like you'

Bruce walks out a few mins later with a kettle and some mugs

2011-10-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled heading to his next class.

Gackt "come on you need to eat"

Rogue smiled 'i know right' she shook Remus "Hey you get up"

Tiki smiled 'i like you too'

Shinya smiled "thank you"

2011-10-12 [wolvie]: Nina smiles following Hyde

James, "Fuck you"

Logan smiles, 'right'

Remus yawns, "huh?"

Rocks wags his tail, 'well awesome'

Bruce smiles back, "No problem"

2011-10-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "now i can see why you dislike it here"

Gackt "well if time permits but seriously you need to eat i made smiley pancakes they've got egg eyes bacon smile strawberry nose and hash brown hair you'll love em"

rogue smiled "next class dork"

Tiki 'sad that i'll have to go when my owner leaves'

Shinya smiled sipping the tea "this is good"

2011-10-12 [wolvie]: Nina giggles, "Told you"

James rolls his eyes ignoring him

Remus, "Already?"

Rocks nods, 'it's not fair'

Bruce smiles back, "Thanks"

2011-10-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde giggled "hush"

Gackt "come on now quit acting like you're five"

Rogue smiled "yep"

Tiki 'so not fair'

Shinya smiled nodding "welcome"

2011-10-12 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "I'm not going to"

James sighs, "Just leave me alone" he says and frowns, I'd never be attracted to a guy thats just sick and wrong and that little fucker out there just wants to get in my head and I'm not gonna let him win he thinks to himself frowning more, i'm not gay he had no fucking right to say those things

Remus yawns, "Alright thanks"

Rocks nods nuzzling her

Bruce smiles back, "The dogs are emo"

2011-10-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "I know"

Gackt "for what its worth im sorry for what i said its just ive been there in your position sleeping with a different woman every night but in the morning i'd look over at them more disgusted with myself that i kept doing this stuff knowing that no matter how many i slept with that the other gender was still kinda intriguing me now im gay fully and without a doubt but that doesnt mean you are you might just be bi then again you might be straight but you cant say that you're not wondering about it"

Rogue smiled "Welcome" she headed to her next class.

Tiki nuzzled back.

shinya "i think they're just sad that when i leave that tiki will be going with me i think they really like each other"

2011-10-12 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "But it's not that bad really"

James pulls a pillow over his head trying to block out gackt's words not wanting to listen

Remus stretches heading for his also

Rocks, 'it'll be ok though'

Bruce, "Awe poor things"

2011-10-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "true a lot of cute people"

Gackt wrote his number down on a notepad "well imma go i guess i'll be back tomorrow if i still have a job but call for anything" he said as he grabbed his jacket "dont let breakfast get cold it doesnt taste good heated up"

Tiki nodded 'cause i'll come back'

Shinya smiled "awe puppy love its cute"

2011-10-12 [wolvie]: Nina giggles, "cha"

James sighs a little

Rocks smiles, 'you better' he licks her muzzle

Bruce smiles, "yeah it is'

2011-10-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde giggled "of course"

Gackt put his jacket on then headed home.

Tiki smiled 'i will' she wagged her tail.

Shinya smiled nodding.

2011-10-12 [wolvie]: Nina smiles softly, "See ya" she goes to her class

James frowns walking out awhile later to get some breakfast

Rocks wags his tial, 'good'

Bruce smiles, "They make a cute couple"

2011-10-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled heading to his class as well.

Gackt lit a cig on the way home.

Tiki pounced Rocks.

Shinya smiled back "yea they do"

2011-10-13 [wolvie]: James sighs looking at the pancakes and frowning starting to feel bad

Rocks offs and giggles

Bruce smiles nodding

2011-10-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt turned back around heading back to James' he did after all have a job to do he couldnt just leave "i'll do my job then go i wont hang around like i normally do"

Tiki nuzzled him.

Shinya smiled "makes me feel bad now when we go home"

2011-10-13 [wolvie]: James frowns a little eating th breakfast

Rocks nuzzles back lovingly

Bruce, "Awe you could always like spend a night or something'

2011-10-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt started on the dishes he had messed up while making the food.

Tiki smiled wagging her tail.

Shinya smiled "I wouldnt be in the way?"

2011-10-13 [wolvie]: James, "Sorry" he mutters

Rocks smiles back licking her muzzle, 'mine'

Bruce shakes his head and smiles back, "Of course not"

2011-10-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "you have nothing to be sorry for i stepped over my boundary im just the help i have no right or reason to poke and prod you and make accusations like that without actually knowing you i just...i found some stuff when i was cleaning and you seemed like really happy in these pictures and the letters were so romantic..." he went quiet for a moment "so who was Jackson? he looked nice"

Tiki smiled 'of course'

Shinya smiled "then sure sounds fun"

2011-10-13 [wolvie]: James feels a rush of anger and slams his fist on the table, "I don't know what your talking about" he snarls, "Ever make that kind of accusation to me again and I swear it'll be your last" he snips getting up and kicking his chair aside before storming back upstairs, he couldn't believe that Gackt had found..they were private and he had no right to look and prod into his personal life

Rocks smiles back and barks hapapily

Bruce smiles and nods, "Awesome"

2011-10-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt flinched like he was gonna be hit he took a deep breath before straightning the chair and went back to cleaning.

Tiki smiled wagging her tail 'you hear that my human can spend the night'

Shinya "does tonight work?"

2011-10-13 [wolvie]: James shakes with anger and worry, what if gackt went to the press and told them what he'd found his reputation would be ripped to shreds. He shakes kicking his door open then slamming it shut and collapsing on his bed

Rocks smiles brighly, 'aweome!'

Bruce smiles, "of course"

2011-10-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt jumped when he slammed the door dropping the plate he had been holding "shit"

Tiki barked running around.

Shinya smiled "someone is happy"

2011-10-13 [wolvie]: James sighs shakily and whimpers slightly starting to have a panic attack as he thinks of what would happen to him if gackt told anyone

Rocks barks and chases her

Bruce smiles back, "So fuckin cute"

2011-10-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt cleaned up the plate then headed up to James' room slowly opening the door "James? you ok?" he asked softly.

Shinya giggled "I know right"

2011-10-13 [wolvie]: James looks over, "What do you want?"

Bruce smiles nodding

2011-10-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "just checking up on you"

Shinya smiled "too cute"

2011-10-13 [wolvie]: James, "Just...look I'll pay you whatever the fuck you want to keep your mouth closed"

Bruce smiles, "yeah yo--they are" he blushes

2011-10-13 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "I wouldnt say anything anyway its not my place to out you like that im sure when you're ready you'll let the world know but that'll be on your own time im sorry i was just curious i didnt go looking for that stuff it really was an accident i went to put something in the closet and it kinda fell on me"

Shinya smiled "what?"

2011-10-13 [wolvie]: James sighs a little not sure what to say

Bruce blushes, "Nothin"

2011-10-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "well i'll just finish my work then go"

Shinya smiled "Did you just say i was cute?"

2011-10-14 [wolvie]: James sighs, " don't have to"

Bruce blushes, "no..."

2011-10-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "ya sure? i think ive done enough damage today"

Shinya smiled "you're pretty cute too"

2011-10-14 [wolvie]: James, "Your really sorry...right?"

Bruce blushes more, wha?

Rocks barks nibbling Tiki's ear playfully

2011-10-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt nodded "extremely sorry i just you seemed so happy in the pictures you dont seem that happy now i was just i was trying to do something nice for someone it kinda backfired didnt it?"

Shinya smiled "you heard me"

Tiki smiled as she playfully bumped Rocks.

2011-10-14 [wolvie]: James doesn't reply just frowns

Bruce blushes, "Thanks"

Rocks barks and wags his tail then promptly mounts her

2011-10-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt covered his mouth then wrote down 'imma just stop talking now'

Shinya smiled "you're welcome"

Tiki jumped then growled a little.

2011-10-14 [wolvie]: James sighs not sure what to say

Bruce smiles, "Your a good guy"

Rocks hops off and barks, sorry

2011-10-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt got up motioning that he was gonna go back downstairs squeaking when he tripped over the rug falling on his ass.

Shinya smiled "so are you"

Tiki nuzzled him sorry you just scared me a little

2011-10-14 [wolvie]: James looks over and chuckles softly

Bruce smiles, "pffft wrong"

Rocks nuzzles back, i didn't mean to

2011-10-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt started to laugh "dammit"

Shinya giggled "am not"

Tiki licked his muzzle its ok

2011-10-14 [wolvie]: James, "you ok?"

Bruce smiles, "Are so"

Rocks starts to wag his tail, 'ok'

2011-10-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "yea im ok my ass might be bruised but im good"

Shinya smiled "nope"

Tiki smiled nuzzling him.

2011-10-14 [wolvie]: James chuckles softly

Bruce smiles, "Shut up"

Rocks nuzzles back

2011-10-14 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt chuckled "well imma get back to work"

Shinya smiled "gonna make me?"

Tiki 'our humans are weird'

2011-10-14 [wolvie]: James smiles a little, "Alright"

Bruce throws a pillow at him giggling

Rocks, 'yeah they are'

2011-10-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah smield and headed to his next class.

2011-10-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [lol just cause im bored with the school part its the end of the day xD]

Hyde smiled as he waited outside for Nina.

Gackt smiled as he headed downstairs

Shinya giggled "how mean"

Tiki barked at them.

2011-10-15 [wolvie]: [epic xD]

Nina smiles trotting outside

James goes to his desk and starts to write trying to come up with some good lyrics

Bruce gasps, "Am not"

Rocks giggles

2011-10-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "where's your friend?" he asked Nina.

Gackt called upstairs "hey what do you want to eat?"

Shinya smiled "are too"

Rogue smiled as she hopped home quickly.

2011-10-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah smiled and s tepped out with them. "Right to grab somethiugn from the chem lab."

2011-10-15 [wolvie]: Nina tilts her head, "What on earth did you grab?"

James, "Not hungry" he calls back

Bruce giggles, "no!"

2011-10-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde "do we really wanna hear that answer?" he chuckled.

Gackt "i'll make something anyway cause you'll be hungry in like fifteen minutes anyway trust me"

Shinya smiled "meanie"

2011-10-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Stuff for my medical condition that the teacher helped me work on."

2011-10-15 [wolvie]: Nina tilts her head but doesn't say anything

Bruce gasps, "Am not"

James, "alright"

2011-10-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde "I guess you can come if you want to" he said to Jerimiah.

Shinya smiled "maybe?"

Gackt started on lunch.

2011-10-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Where?" Jerimiah asked.

2011-10-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde "My house"

2011-10-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Oh, well cool, thanks." Jerimiah spoke.

2011-10-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde "you're welcome"

2011-10-15 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "Oooh yay I forgot"

Bruce smiles, "So rude"

2011-10-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Totally." Jeri said.

2011-10-15 [wolvie]: Nina giggles, "Totaly?"

2011-10-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yes, totally." Jerimiah smiled, flirting with her a bit.

2011-10-15 [wolvie]: Nina, "Totaly what?"

2011-10-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Totally awesome!" Jerimiah smiled.

2011-10-15 [wolvie]: Nina giggles, "I'm so lost'

2011-10-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "You're too cute to be lost." Jerimiah smiled.

2011-10-15 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde fake gagged "Lets go and thanks nina im so loved you forgot about me" he smiled.

Shinya smiled "Nuh uh"

2011-10-15 [wolvie]: Nina tilts her head then nods, "Alrighty"

Bruce giggles rolling his eyes

2011-10-15 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah chuckled.

2011-10-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled heading to his house with them "hey nina can we talk privately a moment?"

Shinya smiled "lucky you're cute"

Rogue smiled getting home "wont be home long logan should be here any minute if you want he can come in and you could talk to him get to know him a little better"

2011-10-16 [wolvie]: Nina nods, "Yeah sure Jerimiah you stay here"

Bruce giggles, "Why? no wait am not!"

James looks over, "Yeah have him come in"

2011-10-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled goin somewhere a little more privately "well maybe you've guessed by now but while gone i found out somethings about myself one is im gay" he looked around a moment "but dont say anything not even my parents know yet i dont even know how to tell them"

Shinya smiled "yea ya are"

Rogue smiled "will do" she texted Logan 'hey james wants to meet you is that ok?'

2011-10-16 [wolvie]: Nina smiles back and nods hugging him gently, "Hyde you know I won't say till your ready but that's good and I'm happy for you honestly"

Bruce throws a pillow at him

Logan texts back, 'sure no problem when do you want me to come?'

2011-10-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde hugged back "thanks hun you rock"

Shinya giggled "Jerk throwin pillows"

Rogue smiled 'whenever im ready now'

2011-10-16 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "I know"

Rocks barks at the pillow

Bruce smiles, "its lovable?"

Logan smiles, 'on my way then'

2011-10-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "you better"

shinya smiled "thats right get it rocks get the pillow and yes its lovable"

Rogue smiled "He's on his way"

2011-10-16 [wolvie]: Nina giggles and hugs him, "I love you Hyde"

Rocks barks again wagging his tail

Bruce, "So I win"

James nods, "Alright"

Logan drives to Rogue's and parks knocking on the door

2011-10-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "i love you too"

Shinya smiled "fine you win"

Gackt answered the door "hello well come on in"

2011-10-16 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "My best friend"

Bruce giggles, "Woooooooooooooooo"

Logan smiles and walks in, "Thanks"

2011-10-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "you're my best buddy too"

Shinya giggled "Nice"

rogue smiled "logan this is james james this is logan"

2011-10-16 [wolvie]: Nina smiles back, "I'm honored'

Bruce smiles, "Wha?"

James nods, "Hi"

logan nods, "Hi"

2011-10-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "as you should be"

shinya smiled "Nothin"

Rogue smiled.

2011-10-16 [wolvie]: Nina smiles back, "I so am"

Bruce smiles, "I see"

James, "So your the boyfriend?"

Logan nods, "Kinda"

2011-10-16 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah stayed behind, keeping to himself.

2011-10-16 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "k your friend can follow now"

Shinya smiled "you better?"

Gackt smiled "kinda? either you are or you arent do you want to be?"

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina smiles back, "Alright come on Jerimiah"

Bruce giggles

Logan, "Well's kinda complicated"

2011-10-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah hurried up to her, like a loyal dog would, except...with the tail wagging..the tongue hanging out, and the panting.

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "a little weird he's like a puppy not being mean i swear its just me"

Shinya giggled "see i win"

Gackt smiled "I know whats going on do you like her? she apparently likes you she's willing to stay a weekend with you so where are you? and to lighten the mood well if it doesnt work between you two im available kidding by the way"

Rogue face palmed at Gackt being so forward.

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "Yeah but he's cute"

Bruce smiles, "No?"

Logan raises a brow, "And who are you?" he asks Gackt

2011-10-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Woof woof dude." Jerimiah chuckled, shoving his hands into his pockets and following Nina, eya hyeah like a lost puppy.

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "in your own definition of cute maybe but in mine not really"

Shinya smiled "yes?"

Gackt smiled "the maid nothing more nothing less"

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina smiles back, "Whatever"

Bruce smiles, "shut it"

Logan smiles back, "So shut up"

2011-10-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah smiled and walked with them.

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "dont whatever me"

Shinya smiled "gonna make me?"

Gackt smiled "make me"

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "I will if I want so shut up Hyde"

Bruce smiles, "Nah"

Logan smiles, "Ugh your annoying"

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "make me"

Shinya giggled "then i wont shut it"

Gackt smiled "ive been told that many times"

Rogue smiled "so its ok that we go now?"

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "you got it" she smiles covering his mouth

Bruce smiles softly, "Well damn"

James nods, "yeah just have fun"

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled licking her hand.

Shinya smiled giggling "so?"

Rogue smiled "will do k lets go logan"

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina giggles letting go, "Ewwwwwwwwww"

Bruce, "So I win"

Logan smiles and nods, "Alright" he goes out opening the car door for her

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "Ha i win"

Shinya smiled "nope"

Rogue smiled getting into the car.

Gackt smiled "I like him not like that though"

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina giggles, "noooooooooo you don't"

Bruce smiles, "Damn"

Logan smiles back closing her door then getting in also

James, "He's ok I guess he better be good to her though"

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "hell yea i do"

Shinya giggled.

Rogue smiled.

Gackt "he seems to be good to her"

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina pouts

Bruce smiles, "damn you"

Logan smiles back driving to his cabin

James, "He better be or I'll kill him"

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "oh no you're not winning this one"

Shinya smiled "you like it dont deny it"

Rogue smiled "im so excited"

gackt smiled "she'll be fine"

2011-10-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I think she should." Jerimaih said nodding.

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina looks at Hyde all sad like

Bruce giggles, "I...forgot the conversation" he confesses

Logan smiles, "me two"

James nods a little

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "no"

Shinya smiled "ditto on that one"

Rogue smiled "This is gonna be fun"

Gackt "so you hungry?"

2011-10-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yes." Jerimiah smiled.

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina sniffles, "Ok I'll just go home then meanie"

Bruce giggles, "Damn we suck"

Logan smiles, "of course"

James, "Kinda"

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "but i have new clothes for you they're european and all the rage right now"

Shinya smiled "i can do that"

Rogue smiled back nodding.

Gackt handed him a plate "knew ya would be"

2011-10-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah chuckled. "Better let her win."

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "Im not dating her anymore its not a requirement"

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina pouts and goes to the front door acting all emo

Bruce giggles then blushes figuring out what he means

Logan smiles, "What do you want to do?"

James< "Thanks what is it?"

2011-10-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I guess Im' dating her then? I mean..we went on a date, not sure if...ya know? She wants to go on a second."

2011-10-17 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde "one date does not mean you're dating her" he smiled leading them up to his room.

Shinya giggled "awe you're blushing"

Rinoa smiled "i dont know"

Gackt smiled "I made some steak and potatoes"

2011-10-17 [wolvie]: Nina giggles softly giving up and following Hyde

Bruce, "I am not"

Logan smiles, "Well think"

James smiles back, "Sounds good"

2011-10-17 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I Said I guess." JErimiah smiled. "But I would like to take her out on another."

2011-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "yes i won!" he chuckled "she gave up"

Shinya smiled "are too"

Rogue smiled "you think"

Gackt smiled making him a plate "see i was right i knew you'd be hungry"

2011-10-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Um...gratz?" Jeri said.

2011-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "damn skippy"

2011-10-18 [wolvie]: Nina smiles smacking hyde on the back of the head, "Shut up I let you win"

Bruce, "Are not so there I win period end of dicussion" he giggles

Logans miles, "I know"

James nods a little

2011-10-18 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "Im so abused"

Shinya smiled "look in a mirror"

Rogue smiled "what do you know?"

Gackt "so whatcha doin up there?"

2011-10-18 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah chuckled softly and gently shook his head.

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Nina rolls her eyes giggling

Bruce, "I refuse"

Logan smiles, "I'm no longer sure"

James, "Working"

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "you cant deny it"

Shinya smiled "well i win then"

Rogue giggled "weirdo"

Gackt "on what?"

2011-10-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "I can!" Jerimiah said triumpantly.

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "I can deny everything stupid"

Bruce smiles back, "Nope"

Logan smiles, "Am not"

James, "Songs"

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled starting to pull clothes out of his closet "what do you think of em Nina?"

Shinya smiled "of course"

rogue smiled "are too"

Gackt smiled "oh you write to?"

2011-10-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah watched >>

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Nina smiles softly, "I love em"

Bruce smiles back, "I win once again"

Logan smiles back, "Are so"

James, "I try to"

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "They're all for you"

Shinya smiled "nope"

Rogue giggled "are not"

Gackt smiled "you in a band?"

2011-10-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jermiah picked up one. "I dunno..I think this one would look better on me..." he'd say, trying to make a joke...

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "dunno dont think you'd made a cute girl"

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Nina smiles brightly, "Wow...thank you Hyde and shhh you're too bald to be a girl" she giggles

Bruce smiles back, "damn how rude"

Logan smiles, "Are totaly so"

Logan smiles, "Are so I love you"

James starts getting annoyed, "Yes"

2011-10-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah "I am not bald...I has hair!"

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde chuckled "you're welcome nina"

Shinya giggled "what?"

Rogue smiled "I love you too"

Gackt smiled "awesome whats your band called?"

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "Your bald as bald" she holds a dress up to her looking in the mirror

Bruce giggles, "Not sure"

Logan smiles, "Good"

James, "I'm trying to work would you leave me alone?"

2011-10-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah looked at her through the mirror. "It matches your eyes." he'd smile.

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "i thought you might like em nina"

Shinya giggled "lovely"

Rogue smiled nodding "yea"

Gackt "Looks like you're trying to eat to me but sorry for trying to be social"

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Nina smiles back, "I love them thank you so much"

Bruce smiles giggling

Logan smiles

James, "Sorry but I can't concentrate on more then one thing at once"

2011-10-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jonathan smiled. "Hey Nina?"

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "anything for a friend"

Shinya smiled "you're cute"

Rogue smiled back giggling.

Gackt "sorry"

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Nina looks over, "huh?"

Bruce smiles back, "I kn--am not"

Logan smiles, "Well damn"

James nods a little pushing his plate aside

2011-10-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "wanna do sometning tonight?" Jerimiah asked

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya smiled "so im right"

Rogue smiled "what?"

Gackt got the plate and washed it.

Hyde "i thought she could spend the night here i havent seen her in months figured we'd catch up and watch movies and shit"

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles rolling his eyes

Nina smiles, "That'd be fun Hyde maybe tomorrow night Jerimiah"

Logan, "i'm not sure"

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "I can share all sordid story details im sure you're dying to hear that" he chuckled.

Shinya smiled kissing him.

Gackt "whats your song about?"

Rogue smiled "we there yet?"

2011-10-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: JErimiah nodded. "Well...I better get going." he'd say, not wanting to be in the middle of their reunion.

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "Stay safe jerimiah"

Bruce blushes furiously but kisses back

James, "i'll know when I write it"

Logan, "Almost"

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "see ya around"

Shinya smiled "Nice"

Gackt pretended to dust trying to look over his shoulder

Rogue smiled "yay"

Tonks had gotten bored and went to find Jerimiah to just hang out.

2011-10-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah was walking back to the hotel.

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tonks threw a pen cap at Jerimiah.

2011-10-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Hey whats the...oh hey...Tonks." Jerimiah smiled.

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tonks smiled "sup dude"

2011-10-19 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jeri shrugged "Just ya know..."

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tonks smiled "ssdd?"

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Nina smiles back and sits on the bed, "Sos up?"

Bruce blushes, "huh?"

James hums a little writing down some lyrics then shakes his head crossing them out and thinking

Logan smiles and parks, "Here we are"

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "the usual find a cute guy cute guy ends up to be married fun fun right?"

Shinya smiled "you heard me"

Gackt "i like the first line you had the one on the top the first crossed out it works with the tune you're humming"

Rogue smiled "awesome"

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "of course"

Bruce blushes more, "Oh yea"

James, "What?"

Logan nods, "yeah so I hope your ready for a nice relaxing weekend"

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "he was weird though into kinky things"

Shinya smiled "good"

Gackt "that tune you're humming with that first line you have on the paper but maybe slow it down make it a ballad"

Rogue smiled "we spending a lot of time in bed?" she giggled.

2011-10-19 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "Like what?"

Bruce smiles and blushes nodding

James, "Well..maybe I dunno though"

Logan smiles, "Maybe"

2011-10-19 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "Not saying i didnt like it well some of it i liked but he was into whips and chains" he giggled.

Shinya smiled softly "well imma head home and grab some things that i need if imma stay here tonight k?"

Gackt smiled "why not? every band needs a slow song a ballad"

Rogue giggled "james did say have fun"

2011-10-20 [wolvie]: Nina, "how really?"

Bruce smiles back and nods, "alright"

James smiles, "I suppose that's true"

Logan smiles, "Don't think he meant that kinda fun"

2011-10-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "apparently his wife wouldnt agree to it"

Shinya smiled "i'll return soon tiki" he said then left.

Gackt smiled "and would be amazing especially with your voice the true emotions would totally come out and your fans would automatically feel what you're trying to portray"

Rogue giggled "yea but he knows i'd push his buttons like that so he knew what i would be thinking"

2011-10-20 [wolvie]: Nina giggles softly

Bruce smiles and stretches

James nods, "yeah..yeah I suppose"

Logan chuckles rolling his eyes

2011-10-20 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "well that was my first boyfriend i guess you could call him"

Shinya smiled returning a little bit later "im back"

Gackt smiled "give it a try the worst that could happen is your fans dont like it but they wont leave you"

Rogue giggled "you know its true"

2011-10-21 [wolvie]: Nina nods, "But why'd he leave you?"

Bruce smiles back, "Hiya"

James smiles back, "I guess I could try it"

Logan smiles, "True but still"

2011-10-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "he didnt leave me i left him"

Shinya smiled "hey"

Gackt smiled "see thats the spirit"

Rogue smiled "i know i suppose we should take this time to get to know each other better"

2011-10-21 [wolvie]: Nina nods, "Why?"

Bruce smiles, "Sup mai savage?"

James nods

Logans miles, "Yeah that'd probably be good"

2011-10-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "cause i didnt want to be the other person anymore i wanted someone who'd walk out in public with me"

Shinya giggled "savage?"

Gackt smiled as he went back to cleaning.

Rogue smiled back "alright then"

2011-10-21 [wolvie]: Nina nods, "Yeah I get what you mean well we'll have to set you up with someone then won't we"

Bruce giggles, "That's right"

James writes down some more lyrics humming softly

Logan smiles, "What do you wanna know?" he asks walking inside

2011-10-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde chuckled "I can only imagine who'd you pick out"

Shinya smiled "weirdo"

Gackt smiled softly.

Rogue smiled back "well ever been in a serious relationship?"

2011-10-21 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "That's insutling"

Bruce gasps prending to be hurt

James yawns after awhile

Logan shrugs, "Possibly"

2011-10-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "im sure you'd fine someone just perfect gosh"

Shinya smiled "but its a cute weird"

Gackt smiled "take a nap get some rest"

Rogue "possibly?"

2011-10-21 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "That's better"

Bruce sticks his tongue out

James smiles, "Why?"

Logan, "I don't really remember my past to be honest"

2011-10-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "yes ma'am"

Shinya smiled "cute really cute"

Gackt smiled back "cause you're yawning and cause im starting to sound like either your parent or your lover which of neither i am"

Rogue nodded "a curse and a plus at the same time"

2011-10-21 [wolvie]: Nina giggles madly

Bruce blushes furiously

James rolls his eyes

Logan nods, "Yeah it's shitty"

2011-10-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde giggled "god you're so weird but its awesome"

Shinya smiled "awe"

Gackt smiled "dont you roll your eyes at me"

Rogue smiled "k so what do you want to know about me?"

2011-10-21 [wolvie]: Nina giggles, "damned right"

Bruce smiles, "Wha?"

James, "will if I want" he says heading to the couch

Logan smiles, "Any serious relationships?"

2011-10-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde giggled "I know right"

Shinya smiled "you know what"

Gackt "oh no you wont now you have a bed use it that couch will just make your back sore"

Rogue smiled "im what sixteen? nope you'd be my first one i have boyfriends here and there but nothing serious it never got that far well k i lied there was one but i ended up accidently putting him into a coma with my power i didnt mean to"

2011-10-21 [wolvie]: Nina smiles and nods, "Right"

Bruce giggles

James, "I'm just takin a nap the couch is always what I nap on'

Logan smiles back and nods, "I see that's not good"

2011-10-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "of course"

Shinya smiled "how are my darlings?"

Gackt "bet your back hurts when you get from naps"

Rogue "nope not at all but ive gotten control over my power since then"

2011-10-21 [wolvie]: Nina giggles and hugs him

Bruce smiles, "Tiki's good"

James, "Nope"

Logan nods, "That's good then so whatever happened to him?"

2011-10-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled hugging back.

Shinya smiled "so how are you?"

Gackt "uh huh if you say so"

Rogue "dont know i left home after that didnt want my parents to have to deal with having a freak as a daughter"

2011-10-21 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "I've missed you Hyde"

Bruce smiles, "I'm good"

James shrugs curling up

Logan frowns, "Then when did that guy come in I thought he was your dad no?"

2011-10-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled back "Ive missed you too"

shinya smiled "good"

Gackt started on the dishes.

Rogue "no i ran into him literally i was running from one of those fruit stand owners he covered for me and then took me in and sorta adopted me"

2011-10-21 [wolvie]: Nina smiles, "Never leave me again ok?"

Bruce smiles, "and you?"

James yawns fallling asleep

Logan nods, "I see"

2011-10-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tonks smiled "so whats up with you jerimiah?" she hopped over to him.

Hyde smiled back "i promise never to leave"

Shinya smiled "Im here so im good"

Rogue "yea i know i havent been the best daughter and i should have been cause he didnt have to take me in and give me a home"

2011-10-22 [wolvie]: Bruce giggles, "Well awesome"

Nina hugs him again

Logan smiles, "Yeah that was pretty cool of him"

2011-10-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Shinya giggled "yes?"

Hyde smiled hugging back.

Rogue smiled "yea it was"

2011-10-23 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yeah....SSDD." Jerimiah sighed.

2011-10-23 [wolvie]: Bruce smiles, "Well good" he yawns a little bit

Nina, "Mai brother"

Logan smiles, "Too cute"

2011-10-23 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tonks "something buggin ya?"

Shinya smiled "get some sleep"

Hyde smiled back "My sister"

Rogue smiled back "what is?"

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