Page name: cursed [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-03-21 03:10:35
Last author: Ritsuka-Kun
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 5
D20: 7
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The year is 2009, mutant rights have fallen dramaticly, by law they are required to be registered wtih the govermnent but very few if any follow this law. Rivalries are growing ever stronger and normal people are getting more and more restless about the mutant "problem" many have resorted to violence in an effort to eliminate the mutants even when they have done nothing to deserve the violence. Mutant blood flows freely while the government turns a blind eye, some of the mutants which to eradicate the humans, to exterminate them, other mutants however our joining forces with the common people in an effort to prove that they are not all the same and that mutants deserve and need to be treated like the rest of the people.
Peace is something that many fear will never come...So some hide their ability cause they feel its a curse more than a gift those who find it a gift embrace it and show it openly without fear plus deal with other daily issues.

[yes this was a stolen plot from another rp so get over it xD with a mini change xD yes i got bored shut up xD][i stole it from wolvie's the day that never comes xD]


None cause we're all big boys and girls and can handle it so there :p deal with it xD

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2011-09-29 [wolvie]: Logan, "Awe why?"

2011-09-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "cause i have school tomorrow all my clothes and such are at home"

2011-09-30 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back, "Damn"

2011-09-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "I know right"

2011-09-30 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back, "Right"

2011-09-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "but the day after is saturday so i could stay over then"

2011-09-30 [wolvie]: Logan smiles back, "Sounds nice"

2011-09-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue kissed him "i could stay the whole weekend"

2011-09-30 [wolvie]: Logan kisses back, "i can't wait"

2011-09-30 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "Me either" she got up and started to get dressed.

2011-09-30 [wolvie]: Logan smiles softly getting up and dressing also

2011-10-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: JErimiah smiled and got in after her. "Someplace nice to eat. Mr. Bruce."

2011-10-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled back "you're really nice i like that"

2011-10-01 [wolvie]: Logan smiles softly, "So're you"

Bruce drives to apollo burgers xD

2011-10-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah smiled and stepped out.

2011-10-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled softly back as she headed out to the car.

2011-10-01 [wolvie]: Nina stretches getting out

Logan opens her door

2011-10-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah smiled and opened the door to Apollo burgers for her.

2011-10-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: rogue smiled "thanks" she said as she got in.

2011-10-01 [wolvie]: Nina stretches walking in and looking around

Logan smiles back, "Anytime" he closes it going around and getting in

2011-10-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah glared at people who had said the word 'freak' Loking to her he'd take her hand in case she got uncomfortable. 'IF you wish to leave...we can."

2011-10-01 [wolvie]: Nina frowns but ignores them, "No"

2011-10-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah nodded and walekd to a chair, pulling it out for her.

2011-10-01 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled softly.

2011-10-01 [wolvie]: Nina sits down debating on what to eat

Logan smiles back driving her to James'

2011-10-02 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue kissed him "night" she said before getting out of the car and heading inside "im home james" she called out.

2011-10-02 [wolvie]: Logan smiles softly then drives home

James is snoring softly on the couch

2011-10-02 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah smiled and walked across from her, sitting down.

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "ok then" she headed up to her room.

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: Nina smiles softly, "This is nice"

James stays asleep

2011-10-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Yeah it is, NIna." Jerimiah smiled.

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [time skip to the next day soon ^^]

Rogue got into bed.

2011-10-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [after our date?\]

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: [k ^^]

Nina smiles nodding

Logan texts her, 'miss you'

2011-10-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: JErimiah smiled. "Wnat a burger?"

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [fine but dont drag it out please im running out of things to do with my characters well character ^^]

Rogue smiled softly 'miss you too'

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: [i'm trying to end it xD]

Nina nods, "yeah just a cheeseburger that's all" she says yawning lightly

Logan smiles back, 'good'

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [though with my new character it would give me something to do xD im tryin to figure out how to bring him in xD]

Rogue smiled as she stripped down to her bra and panties taking a picture of herself in the mirror then sent it to Logan.

2011-10-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: JErimiah noded and got two cheese burgers. So he'd eat his whilte occasionally chatting with her when his mouth wasn't full, getting to know her better.

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: [nice xD]

Logan shivers looking at the picture, nice

Nina giggles softly

Duke sits up and whines nuzzling Tonks' hand wanting to go on a walk

2011-10-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [lol!]

Jermiah smiled and chatted with her. "Gonna eat your food?"

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled 'did ya like the pic?'

Tonks smiled "ok then let me get your leash" she said looking for the dog's leashes.

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: Nina eats a few bites

Logan texts back, 'i love it got me all excited damn you'

Duke barks loudly fetching it for her

Remus was sitting on his porch feeling slightly hurt that Rogue hadn't informed him what kind of baby she was having

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue giggled 'i'll text back in a moment i gotta call Remus today's been a pretty fast going day' she texted then called Remus hoping he'd pick up.

Tonks smiled putting the leashes on Duke and Macy.

2011-10-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jermiah ate.

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: Logan smiles, 'alright who'se that?'

Remus frowns a little but answers, "Hello?"

Duke barks trying to run out the door

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: Nina pushes her away, "Thanks"

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue "oh remus im so sorry the day just got away from me...forgive me? please? i forgot to tell james to til like right before i got home anyway i am pregnant and you're gonna be the godfather to a little baby girl"

Tonks smiled "oh no you dont duke"

2011-10-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah smiled and stood up. "Home now?"

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: Remus smiles softly, "you..a girl? really? that's great and wait I'm gonna be what now?"

Duke whimpers and barks

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: nina smiles, "yeah"

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "her godfather in case something happens to me and logan and james cant or isnt around to take care of her you'd be the one person i'd trust to take care of my child"

Macy barked impatiently.

Tonks took the dogs out for their walk.

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: Remus, "Are you sure? I mean...did you talk it over with the father?" he asks but smiles happy she thought of him

Duke wags his tail pulling on his leash as he walks

2011-10-03 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [I'm lost again... lol, sorry >.< I have the attention span of a goldfish.]

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [lol totally k ^^ i know derek and isolde left damien and astrid at the club ^^ its about to be the next day soon once nina/isaac's date is done ^^]

Rogue "i'll tell him but he's not gonna be able to change my mind you're my best friend and are pretty my family too and yes im sure"

Tonks giggled "be gentle duke"

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: Remus smiles softly, "Thanks Rogue"

Duke slows down and barks

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "welcome remus you know you're the best dude like ever"

Macy dragged Tonks over to Remus.

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: Remus, "I'm not rogue really but thank you" he looks up at the dogs and smiles

Duke barks loudly wagging his tail as he follows macy

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "you are so now quit arguing with me i'll see ya tomorrow at school k? have fun with your guest bye" she smiled hanging up then texted back to logan 'he's my best friend in the world and i want him to be the godfather to our child he's like a brother to me'

tonks smiled "well hey again"

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: Remus hangs up and smiles back, "hi"

Duke wags his tail happily

Logan, 'oh ok sounds good to me'

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tonks smiled "sorry about them" she said referring to the dogs.

Rogue smiled 'sorry for gettin ya all excited with the pic'

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: Remus smiles, "Nothing to be sorry for their cute"

Duke wags his tail licking remus' face

Logan smiles back taking a picture of his privates and sending it to rogue, 'here's payback'

2011-10-03 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tonks smiled "see someone thinks you're cute guys"

Macy barked lightly.

Rogue shivered 'oh no fair'

2011-10-03 [wolvie]: Remus giggles softly and pets Duke, "Ugh dog drool"

Duke wags his tail

Logan smiles, 'sorry'

2011-10-03 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah lead her to the limo, so Bruce could drive her home and him where ever.

2011-10-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: tonks smiled "and oddly he's proud of his drool"

Rogue smiled 'you're not sorry'

2011-10-04 [wolvie]: Remus smiles back, "it's ok I don't mind"

Logan smiles, 'true'

Bruce smiles softly driving to the hotel

2011-10-04 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tonks smiled "ya sure?"

Rogue smiled 'jerk lol'

2011-10-04 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah yawned and stretched.

2011-10-05 [wolvie]: Remus nods and pets Duke gently, "I don't mind"

Logan smiles, 'my bad'

Bruce smiles softly, "night Jerimiah"

Nina nods, "night"

2011-10-05 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tonks smiled "he seems to really like you"

Rogue smiled giggling 'you're right your bad'

2011-10-06 [wolvie]: Remus smiles back, "Well that's good"

Logan smiles, 'you love it'

2011-10-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tonks smiled "Yea it is"

Rogue giggled 'true true'

2011-10-06 [wolvie]: Remus smiles and pets both dogs

Logan smiles, 'goodnight rogue'

2011-10-06 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled 'night' she put her phone on the nightstand next to her bed then curled up under the covers falling asleep shortly after.

Macy barked happily then yawned.

Tonks smiled as she wrote down her number handing it to Remus "here my number call whenever"

2011-10-06 [wolvie]: Logan stretches putting his phone on his nightstand also curling up in bed and falling asleep

Remus nods, "Thanks" he writes his down also and hands it to her, "here's mine"

Duke yawns also

2011-10-06 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Night Bruce..." he'd say looking to Nina, pulling out a piece of paper, writing his number down and handing it to Nina. " me sometime." he'd smile, st epping out and winking at her.

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Tonks smiled "I will definitely be calling and damn they're getting sleepy better get em home and to bed see ya around sometime"

2011-10-07 [wolvie]: Nina nods, "Good bye"

Remus smiles and nods, "ok see ya"

2011-10-07 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah smiled and went to bed.

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [k next day after next comments from people ^^]

Tonks smiled as she took the dogs home getting into bed.

2011-10-07 [wolvie]: [sounds good :D]

Bruce drives nina back home

Remus smiles softly and goes home

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: [Ok... >.< Lol, sorry, been distracted, but it'll be a good place to get back in.]

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [its totally k ^^]

Rogue yawned as she got up and started to get ready for school brushing her hair she had a suitcase already made up for when Logan came by after school to pick her up she had yet to tell James that she was gonna stay the weekend at his place yet but she was gonna this morning.

Gackt stood outside taking the last few drags on his cig before knocking on James' front door amazingly he had gotten there early this time he thought he might be a little ill he was normally never on time.

Derek blinked at Damien "are you wearing cologne?" he asked Damien finding it surprising that his normally hateful brother who never really tried to hard to look nice or sometimes even smell nice actually taking the time this morning to look decent.

Damien hissed at him "shut up"

Hyde was putting on his make up well it wasnt heavy make up he was just putting on some eyeliner and lip gloss he had his hair all nice and done in a feathery way over his shoulders it was his first day back to his old school he wasnt sure how everyone would see him or if they would even remember him he was just hoping that his best friend nina would remember and at least accept him for how he was now.

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Isolde yawned, picking at her food and tried to wake up so she could get to the shop.

Astrid looked at herself in a mirror and sighed a little. She pouted a little, then went to Isolde,"How come dead people gotta look like how they died?"

2011-10-07 [wolvie]: James stretches going downstairs and answering the door, "Your early"

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Derek chuckled at his brother "so weird" he said as he gently packed what he had done for Isolde to the cash register "well now hurry up i need you to drive me cause someone has to hold this so it doesnt move around that much"

Damien "fine fine im ready im ready quit whining"

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled putting out his cig "got bored this morning but i come back later whatever works for you"

rogue hopped downstairs "hey James im not gonna be here this weekend if thats ok"

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Isolde tilted her head to the side, "No idea actually." She looked at the clock, "Oh piss!" She jumped up and went to door and hoped as she pulled on her heals, "I gotta go." She said, "You coming today?"

Astrid nodded with a smile, "I'll be right there."

2011-10-07 [wolvie]: James nods a little, "you can come in" he says to Gackt then looks at Rogue, "Where are you going?"

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Derek carefully got the box into car "hurry up damien!"

Damien walked out getting into the car "fine fine gosh"

Gackt walked in.

Rogue "i meant to tell you yesterday but i forgot um logan invited me to stay with him this weekend but i'll be back on sunday promise"

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Isolde nodded a little, checking in the mirror on the back of her door and then set ran down to her car to get to the shop on time.

Astrid sighed and tried to get her look to change, when it didn't she used the mirror to get to the shop. The advantage of being a ghost was mirrors were a transport system.

2011-10-07 [wolvie]: James frowns a little, "I dunno Rogue...where does he live?"

Nina smiles heading to school happily

Remus stretches getting up and walking to school frowning lightly

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue told him where he lived "I can give you the address i can even give you his number so please can i?"

Damien drove to Isolde's shop.

Hyde smiled a little as he headed to school he stood outside looking up at the school "im back"

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Isolde got to the shop and unlocked the door, propping it open to get some air moving.

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien arrived a few minutes later just chuckling as he enjoyed watching his brother get out of the car.

Derek grumbled "damien dammit help"

2011-10-07 [wolvie]: James frowns and thinks about it, "Well...welll...alright"

Nina smiles walking inside the school going to get a drink

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Boo!" Astrid said from behind Damien.

Isolde looked up and smiled a little, going out to help Derek.

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled hugging him "oh thank you i'll call and check in"

Hyde walked in after a few minutes he got a few looks as he knew he would as his heels clicked against the floor as he walked.

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien jumped a little but tried to play it off "what?"

Derek smiled "why thank you at least someone is kind enough to help who is able to"

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Astrid giggled, "You jumped."

Isolde smiled a little, "Mm, well. He can't change entirely overnight." She chuckled a little.

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "i did not"

Derek smiled "no i suppose cologne is good enough for today"

2011-10-07 [wolvie]: James hugs back and nods, "you better everynight"

Nina stretches and walks spotting Hyde she walks over not recognizing him at first, "Hi"

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled "i promise"

Hyde smiled facing Nina "hey"

2011-10-07 [wolvie]: James smiles back, "Alright then"

Nina gasps, "Oh my god...Hyde?"

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "I wont tell anyone." Astrid smiled a little.

Isolde raised a brow, "Well, he's got a girl that made him smile last night..." She nodded.

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Rogue smiled as she headed to school.

Gackt "so what shall i be doing today?"

Hyde smiled "It is me back from....a few different states, also london, japan, and russia"

Damien smiled "cool"

Derek smiled "this is true"

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Isolde smiled a little and helped him into the shop with the box.

Astrid smiled and and moved her hand through his arm, "I hate being a ghost..."

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien shivered a little but smiled "so its true it is cold when a spirit passes through you but thats ok we have the night and im more of a night person anyway"

Derek smiled "it looks exactly as you handed to me just the only difference is this one is more updated and electronic so its like a modern day register with a retro look to it"

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Isolde smiled and nodded,"Alright, thank you." She said

Astrid frowned, "Sorry, I can't really tell." Then she smiled, "Does that mean you're going to come dance with me again?"

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien "dont frown" he nodded "yea sure i will" he smiled.

Derek smiled as he set up the register.

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Astrid smiled a little and looked around, "So... You the driver today?"

Isolde watched him, to make sure she knew what she needed to do..

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien smiled "pretty much"

Derek smiled "and i took the liberty to write everything you need to know in this nice little notebook well i typed it" he handed her a small manual

2011-10-07 [wolvie]: James smiles softly then looks at Gackt, "you can just relax or whatever"

Nina hugs him tightly, "God I'm so glad your home"

Remus see's Rogue, "Hey Rogue"

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Well that's boring..." Astrid giggled.

Isolde smiled, taking the manual, "You're awesome."

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien smiled "sorta i get to scare the hell outta derek"

Derek smiled "i made it as simple as i could without compromising anything"

Gackt "but im here to do work not relax"

Hyde smiled hugging back "im so glad to be back"

Rogue smiled "Hey remus whats up?"

2011-10-07 [wolvie]: James, "You don't have to start till you normaly do though"

Nina smiles back and nods, "I missed you"

Remus, "Not much just going to school"

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Oh yeah?" Astrid asked.

Isolde smiled, "You deserve...Dinner." She nodded, "Homemade real dinner."

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "anything extra you need me to do today that i normally dont?"

Hyde smiled "missed you two and oddly i missed this school"

rogue smiled "join the club on that one"

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien smiled "he hates the way i drive he normally drives when he can"

Derek smiled "sounds nice"

2011-10-07 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Astrid smiled a little, "Oh? You a speeder."

Isolde nodded, "How about tonight?"

2011-10-07 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien smiled "yep"

Derek smiled "tonight sounds good"

2011-10-07 [wolvie]: James smiles, "No Gackt"

Nina smiles, "really? I hate school"

Remus smiles back, "how depressing"

2011-10-08 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah stretched and headed o school?

2011-10-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "are ya sure?"

Hyde smiled "yea but you've been stuck here with the same people and you know them unfortunately ive been isolated pretty much from like all my friends so its nice to be back im sure i'll hate it in a week so how's your dad?"

Rogue smiled giggling "hush you"

2011-10-08 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [Yall at school, right?]

2011-10-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [yep yep]

2011-10-08 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [k ^^]

Jerimaih walked up to Nina and some random dude he didn't know, a paper in hand looking at it. " this [Insert school name here], hey nina!" he'd smille.

2011-10-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [how dare he walk up to himself xD that vain bastard xD lol jk]

2011-10-08 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [XD meh bad!]

2011-10-08 [wolvie]: James smiles back and nods, "Yeah"

Nina nods hugging him< "I bet" she looks at Jerimiah< "hey you"

Remus smiles back, "What?"

2011-10-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "and what if i start anyway?" he smiled "gonna punish me?" he chuckled.

Hyde hugged back "smiled "yep now dammit how's your dad?"

Rogue smiled "dunno"

2011-10-08 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "How are you? Oh..thanks dude. I'm Jerimiah by the way." he'd say extending his hand.

2011-10-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde kept his hands to himself "hyde takarai"

2011-10-08 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah retracted his hand,.

2011-10-08 [wolvie]: James, "no?"

Nina giggles, "My dad's good thank you and I'm not wanting to be here"

Remus smiles, "your odd"

2011-10-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "well i think i'll start early"

Hyde smiled "So whats your first class?"

Rogue smiled "Im lovable"

2011-10-08 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: "Bet you aren't as fast as I can be." Astrid smiled a little.

Isolde smiled, "Awesome." She grabbed a paper and wrote her address.

2011-10-08 [wolvie]: James smiles, "Fine ass"

Nina, "History yours?"

Remus, "debatable"

2011-10-08 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Damien smiled "oh bet i could be"

Derek smiled "what time should i come over?"

Gackt smiled "yea i have an ass what of it?"

Hyde looked at his paper "ditto oh good we have the first class together"

Rogue smiled "is not"

2011-10-08 [wolvie]: James cvhuckles, "no clue"

nina smiles, "Good we can catch up"

Remus smiles back, "is so"

2011-10-09 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "so tell me something how come a guy who looks like you well maybe you do have someone but ive never seen a girlfriend...wife...around here well you dont have to talk about it but i was just being curious is all"

Hyde smiled "of course and you must come over after school you can see my new house its huge we have a huge pool and a game room and a whole room devoted to just my clothes and shoes plus i picked up some things from europe and japan for ya im sure you'd love new clothes"

Rogue smiled "nope logan would say im lovable so clearly he's right"

2011-10-09 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah just stood there, blinking a few times.

2011-10-10 [wolvie]: James shrugs, "I have some they just don't really last"

Nina smiles brightly, "ooooh I'd love to"

Remus smiles, "he's an idiot clearly"

2011-10-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "have? not had?" he smiled "you dating a few right now?"

Hyde smiled back "we better head to class before we're late"

Rogue smiled "he is not"

2011-10-10 [wolvie]: James smiles, "Sorta I dunno does a one night stand count?"

Nina smiles, "if we must"

Remus giggles, "Is so"

2011-10-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "ooh naughty boy and no they dont cause with a one night stand you normally dont see them again or at least you dont have sex with them again its just a one time thing"

Hyde smiled back "I know i know but we must"

Rogue chuckled "come on we got to get to class"

2011-10-10 [wolvie]: James, "Well damn then I guess no"

Nina smiles, "K fine"

Remus smiles, "I don't wanna"

2011-10-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt giggled "do you want a serious relationship?"

Hyde chuckled heading to class with her.

Rogue smiled "well too bad you gotta"

2011-10-10 [wolvie]: James shrugs, "I dunno" he says seriously, "It'd be nice but...Rogue is my priority so yea"

Nina smiles sitting at her desk

Remus rolls his eyes and smiles goin to class sittin in the back

2011-10-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "but that doesnt mean you have to sacrifice your happiness cause im sure she'd want you to find someone she wants you as happy as she is"

Hyde smiled as he sat next to her.

Rogue smiled following after.

2011-10-10 [wolvie]: James, "Yeah but...I'm happy"

Nina smiles back

Remus looks around a little sleepily

2011-10-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "if you say so but if you ask me i think you're not as happy as you say so you're not getting younger and im sure you're looking for that special someone"

Hyde smiled "so what have i missed around here while i was gone?"

Rogue smiled "do you sleep ever?"

2011-10-10 [wolvie]: James frowns a little, "I guess thats true but it's ok"

Nina smiles, "Not a lot"

Remus, "Yeah sometimes"

2011-10-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt decided to back off as he started to wipe down the coffee table "I do i want some special ya know? but its really hard so far no ones loved me for me all they see is my money so they love that but eh i figure someone'll look past that"

Hyde smiled "damn"

Rogue smiled "oh my poor remus"

2011-10-10 [wolvie]: James, "you'll find someone just keep.. wait you have money yet work as a maid?"

Nina giggles, "I know"

Remus smiles, "Oh well least no full moon tonight"

2011-10-10 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "yep but i normally dont let those im working for know that so they treat me like everyone else so i do get that normal human interaction and its nice for people to treat me just like a normal person"

Hyde chuckled "you'd think the town would liven up a bit or something"

Rogue smiled back "thats true"

2011-10-10 [wolvie]: James shrugs, "I guess your weird though"

Nina smiles, "This place yea right"

Remus nods, "yeah now shhh"

2011-10-10 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah stepped into classs too? Yep um...sitting close to Nina, waiting for his first day of classes in a long time.

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt shrugged "no weird was showing up for my first day of work in a maid outfit and even then i consider myself normal you're the weird one sir"

Hyde chuckled as the teacher started to talk and he took notes.

Rogue smiled "Make me"

2011-10-11 [wolvie]: James chuckles softly and rolls his eyes

Nina smiles jotting down a few notes

Remus yawns trying to pay attention to the teacher but falls asleep

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "how rude"

Hyde smiled attempting to pay attention.

Rogue giggled at him.

2011-10-11 [wolvie]: James smiles and rolls his eyes, "So?"

Nina smiles throwing a paper at Hyde

Remus snores softly

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt smiled "you should be nicer and you should while rogue is gone this weekend try and find you a girlfriend or something"

Hyde jumped chuckling as he threw some paper back.

Rogue poked him with her pencil

2011-10-11 [wolvie]: James shrugs, "I don't deserve a girl"

Nina giggles and throws a book :O

Remus jumps a little but stays asleep

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "well then how about a boyfriend?" he joked.

Hyde jumped "what the hell?" he chuckled.

Rogue smiled getting bored so she gets her phone out hiding it under the desk as she texts Logan 'hey whats up?'

Shinya smiled as he headed over to Bruce's with Tiki for their dog's play date.

2011-10-11 [wolvie]: James, "ewwww"

Nina giggles, "Wha?" she asks innocently

Logan texts back, 'bored as hell you?'

Rocks barks running around excidedly

Bruce smiles, "They're coming Rocks settle down"

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "oh there is nothing wrong with it"

Hyde smiled "dont you wha me you you know exactly what"

Rogue smiled 'ditto extremely bored'

Shinya smiled knocking on Bruce's door.

2011-10-11 [wolvie]: James shrugs, "it's not for me"

nina giggles, "I did nothing"

Logan smiles, 'my poor baby'

Rocks barks rushing to the door

Bruce walks over grabbing Rocks' collar as he opens the door, "Hey"

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "ever try it? maybe thats why you dont have luck with women they're just not your cup of tea and such"

Hyde smiled "you lie"

Rogue smiled 'i know right'

Tiki ran around in a circle barking.

Shinya smiled "hey"

2011-10-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Isolde smiled at Derek, "Seven thirty or so?"

Astrid smirked a little, "Bet not."

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Derek smiled "its a date"

Damien smiled "is that a challenge?"

2011-10-11 [wolvie]: James, "Bullshit women love me and I love them"

Nina giggles, "noooo"

Logan smiles, 'wish i could help'

ROcks barks trying to get to Tiki

Bruce smiles moving aside, "Come on in"

2011-10-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Isolde smiled and nodded, "Awesome." She chuckled a little.

Astrid nodded, "It is."

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "could be bi maybe you're just bored with that sex its the same in and same out" he smiled "but whatever im just rambling but you do know you have male followers to right? its not just women who find you sexy"

Hyde smiled "dont you no me"

Rogue smiled 'you can after school'

shinya smiled as he walked in with tiki.

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Derek smiled nodding "yep yep"

Damien smiled "you're on"

2011-10-11 [wolvie]: James, "I do not at least I better not"

Nina giggles, "What?"

Logan smiles, 'can't wait'

Bruce smiles closing the door and letting go of Rocks

Rocks woofs and pounces tiki

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "why?"

Hyde smiled "you heard me"

Rogue smiled 'me either'

Tiki pawed at Rock's nose.

2011-10-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Isolde smiled a little, "Can't wait."

Astrid smiled, "Tonight? The East parking garage?"

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Derek smiled "Me either"

Damien smiled "you're on"

2011-10-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Isolde smiled and got off of the counter after a moment, "So, anything you can't or wont eat?"

Astird smirked, "Meet you at nine?"

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Derek smiled "wont eat anything with mango's or passion fruit they just taste nasty"

Damien smirked "see ya then"

2011-10-11 [wolvie]: James, "Just shut up" he snips a little

Nina giggles, "no?"

Logan, 'i miss you'

Rocks wags his tail nipping her ears lightly

Bruce smiles, "they missed each other"

2011-10-11 [Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]: Isolde smiled and nodded, "Got it."

Astrid's smirk turned into a grin, "You can count on it."

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "no need to get all snippy i was just asking"

Hyde smiled "jerk"

rogue smiled 'i miss you too"

Tiki barked happily.

Shinya smiled "yea they did"

2011-10-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [soooo lost...]

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [they're still in class just read the comments]

2011-10-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: JErimiah looked toward Nina with a soft smile.

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [or at least just the nina/hyde comments i was about to end class but imma head to bed :)]

2011-10-11 [wolvie]: James, "and your threw quit asking god it's annoying I'm not fucking gay"

Nina gasps pretending to be upset

Logan smiles, 'really?'

Rocks smiles and barks two

Bruce smiles, "They're so cute'

2011-10-11 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Gackt "never said gay insinuated but i do believe i pegged you as bi or at least bi curious"

Hyde smiled "oh dont even try and pull that on me miss dickinson that wont work"

Rogue smiled 'really'

Tiki smiled as she ran around the house with Rocks.

Shinya smiled back "yea they are"

2011-10-11 [wolvie]: James, "And I believe I told you to shut up"

Nina pouts cutely

Logan smiles, 'good i love you'

Rocks barks nipping at her legs playfully

Bruce nods, "So would you like a drink or anything?"

2011-10-11 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Something wrong, Nina?"Jerimiah asked.

2011-10-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "She's tryin to make me feel bad for callin her a jerk after she threw a book at me"

Gackt smiled "gonna make me?"

Rogue smiled 'love you too'

Shinya smiled "ya got any tea?"

Tiki pounced Rocks.

2011-10-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah teased " :o why'd you throw a book at him!"

2011-10-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "I think she's tryin to tell me im dumb"

2011-10-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Jerimiah "I wouldn't know..."

2011-10-12 [wolvie]: Nina keeps play pouting

James rolls his eyes going to his room

Logan smiles, 'awesome'

Bruce smiles, "of course what kindf would you like?"

2011-10-12 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Hyde smiled "fine you're not a jerk"

Gackt smiled as he went back to cleaning and started on making breakfast.

Rogue smiled 'luv ya xoxo'

Shinya smiled "sweetened please"

2011-10-12 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: "Nina wins a lot, doesn't she?" Jeri asked.

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