# of watchers: 40
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2005-12-03 [Taking Back Jo]: i cant believe how nasty Sarah really is. the things she says are tacky and mostly bull sh!t... take a hyke.#
2005-12-03 [Taking Back Jo]: i cant believe how nasty Sarah really is. the things she says are tacky and mostly bull sh!t... take a hyke.
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: ooohh two comments ^_^ lol...
2005-12-03 [Taking Back Jo]: <3 hello my pretties!
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: Hewo.
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: hello
2005-12-03 [Taking Back Jo]: whats new?
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: Nothing much for me, I'm afriad.
2005-12-03 [Taking Back Jo]:
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: wooo!!! look at him go!!! what you afraid of Erin?
2005-12-03 [Taking Back Jo]: he is the dancin queen old and sour only like 40??
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: holy crap thats funny! lol.... What, no its just an expression.
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: 0_o thats immensely amusing
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: Which movie is that from? o,O
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: thats Prisoner of Azkaban right? it looks like it's the bogart scene
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: Damn, thats the only HP film I havn't seen...
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: what?! i wanna go see Goblet of Fire again...and Mertle was kinda scary...lol
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: Mertle was such a perv!
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: and I know! POA is my favorite book...
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: OOTP was my favorite...i love to hate Umbridge ^_^
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: Don't we all! She's such a bitch...
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: alright fine...but, on the plus side of things...Lil Poot has learned how to really annoy me...lol...i stacked some things in my room so he would have to stay on this side of my room, and he leanred how to jump over it >_<
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: Thanks.... Awww, how sweet! Smart dog...
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: anytime ^_^ yeah, but i'm gonna have to make the wall thingy bigger, or he just can't sleep in my room anymore
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: How much room does he have and what are you using as a wall? lol.
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: well he has like half my room and my room is kinda big...and i'm using just random stuff like a printer, and my sewing machine in it's case of course...lol
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: LOL!!! He must be getting big now...
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: he grew only a tiny bit...but he's learning how to jump more...it's cute but works as a disadvantage to me
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: At lest he's smart. Has he stoped attacking Duke yet?
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: nope...he does it less, but he hasn't stopped
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: What does Duke do?
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: growls and barks...he looked like he was gonna bite the pup a few times...i get worried about that
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: scary.... mabey if he did, it would make lil poot stop though.
2005-12-03 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: maybe but i don't want my puppy to get hurt
2005-12-03 [Love like Winter.]: Thats true.... :(
2005-12-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: but anywho...have we found any other pictures to put up? lol
2005-12-04 [Love like Winter.]: I made an images (I drew it on the computer). its like a banner thingy.
2005-12-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: yeah i did that glitter thingy i had it up on the members page but i took it down because i wasn't sure if it should be there or somewhere else...
2005-12-04 [Love like Winter.]:
2005-12-04 [Love like Winter.]: mabey we should make a banners page?
2005-12-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: banners page it is...shall i ask Dutch if he wants to make a banner? he's not on right now but later he might be...
2005-12-04 [Love like Winter.]: he has a "Curves are Sexy @wiki" image on his house that he must have already made lol. (ps. sorry mine is crap, I got board)
2005-12-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: no it's fine...i'll go check it out then ^_^
2005-12-04 [De'ladrei]: *joins* im curvy and damn proud *nods* :p
2005-12-04 [Love like Winter.]: woot!
2005-12-04 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: *is proud as well* lol...me and my dad had a talk about women sizes...he said even when he was skinny he didn't like skinny girls very much...
2005-12-04 [Roosey]: Do you guys want me to take that one banner thing I got down and put that one up?
2005-12-04 [Ethereal Blue]: I'm curvy...
2005-12-04 [Love like Winter.]: Sure!.... yeah, me too.
2005-12-05 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: which ever one you like...we have the one Erin made then we have one i made that i showed you before
2005-12-05 [miss red-head]: hey can i join plz ?
2005-12-05 [Dwemer]: Just sign up :D
2005-12-05 [brittany loves cuteeee boyyssss]: curves are sexxy to a certain extent
2005-12-05 [Dwemer]: Really?
2005-12-05 [Dopped up cracker]: all girlz should have curves!
2005-12-05 [Dwemer]: I agree :)
2005-12-05 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: to state once again, skinny girls are scary to me... curves are damn hotness...
2005-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: some of us can't have curves...what are we supposed to do?
2005-12-05 [Dwemer]: You are sexy for not being able to have curves ;)
2005-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: that's BS
2005-12-05 [Dwemer]: No it's not, if you can't have them, we can't blame you, and that makes you sexy :)
2005-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: no it doesn't...you can not blame me all you want, but that does not make me sexy...it makes me quite the opposite actually
2005-12-05 [Dwemer]: _< *sighs*
2005-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: Curves are Sexy?
2005-12-05 [Eyes of the Reaper]: How about Everyone's Different.
2005-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: how about "everyone sucks"?
2005-12-05 [Love like Winter.]: How about "get the Hell off my wiki, Sarah"? You only started trouble here, so we warned you not to come back.
2005-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: who is starting trouble? i do recall people saying mean things about me here, but never me throwing around such hurtful words.
2005-12-05 [Love like Winter.]: Well, take it up with them, don't start arguments over the comment box. Thats immature and annoying for all concerned.
2005-12-05 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: how about you just go away, you're about as wanted as a bad case of hemoroids on a cow
2005-12-05 [Love like Winter.]: LOL XD
2005-12-05 [De'ladrei]: *yawns*
2005-12-05 [Love like Winter.]: Hello you :)
2005-12-05 [De'ladrei]: heya love :)
2005-12-05 [Love like Winter.]: How are you? :D
2005-12-05 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: HELLO PEOPLE!!! and we banned Sarah so even after the second time you asked her to leave (i think it was the second time) she still made a comment...
2005-12-05 [De'ladrei]: I am good thanks hun, how is everyone ignoring the pointless drama?
2005-12-05 [Love like Winter.]: I will delete all comments from banned members.
2005-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: sorry, but that is not true. (do not take this comment as me picking a fight or anything....BU
2005-12-05 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: hold on
2005-12-05 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: but you're still commenting when we asked you to leave...you're ignoring your ban
2005-12-05 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: which is quite a bitch of a thing to do.
2005-12-05 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: true but please you're just provoking her to comment more, may not be intentional but still
2005-12-05 [De'ladrei]: tell you what lets play a game, its the "if I cant see it its not there" game, all bad children eventually learn their lesson when you ignore them long enough
2005-12-05 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: so how are you?
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I have started adding stuff to Famous Curves. As you can see, its not password protected so anyone can add pictures.
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: coolness...
2005-12-06 [Sunrose]: Okay, so where can I sign that I support? :p
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: CAS Members
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: woot! ^_^
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: indeed ^_^ lol...we're such dorks :-P
2005-12-06 [Sunrose]: Sorry it is on the wiki hehe, I'm tired :p
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: it's all good ^_^
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Yeah, welcome to our humble little wiki!
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: :) i like this wiki. it's so... welcoming!
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: hehe *smiles*
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: i really love this place! i need to get a picture to put on here! that would be awsome!
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol well you are welcomed here...and a picture would be appreciated...
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Yay, thats awesome... I'm happy that I made a page that someone likes.
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: :) i don't like this page!
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: I LOVE IT!
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Thats a really nice thing to hear :D Thank you.
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: well erin, it is quite the beautiful page!
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I had a lot of help from Jess too :)
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: :) anytime! i feel normal in this wiki! i don't feel fat, or skinny! lol
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Thats the whole point... Its a place for the average person to go to escape feeling alienated by the media.
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i'm glad to hear we were able to help someone ^_^ and it's fun making wiki's with you Erin ^_^
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: You too hun ^_^
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: hehe...i've rather enjoyed making the wiki minus a few bad apples...my little sister is amazing ^_^
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I big sister is even more amazing... You've been a big help and support.
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: i hate the media!!! the media warps the face of the true american person!
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: It does have a lot of influence on young people.
2005-12-06 [RabidSphinx]: 1/3 of america is overweight though. and that is not a good thing, curves or not... :/
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: i know that, but still. they make teens want to be skinny, and that makes me and other teens want to be that skinny, some doing anything, even getting anorexia or even becoming balemic because of it! (sorry if i spelled something wrong)
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Perhapes thats why the media is so keen to promote slim people in adverts. To encourage people to try to loss weight, mabey?
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: Sarah...how many times do we have to ask you to leave?!...i'm overweight and i'm healthy and not even fat...i'm not skinny but i'm not fat...don't comment here anymore
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: i'm over weight, big time. but i'm into sports, and i'm very healthy. shoot, i'm healthier than my "skinnier" sister! lol. aaah... i love this wiki
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: lol...yeah i'm like 15-20lbs overweight...a
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I have rounded thighs that I used to consider fat. That was until I realized that I could kick down doors with my my "fat thighs" that were actually slightly muscular. lol.
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: yeah most of my legs are muscle...and i have BIG ASS LEGS...it's from playing ddr a lot...and running and having to fight with my brothers...lol
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: :) i'm more like 30lbs over weight, but my b/f loves my body! lol, he's the reason that i'm happy how i am! i'm skinny looking though! but i guess it's all my legs... (i like volley ball... i guess my legs are muscle... most anyway). it's good to have a positive outlook on yourself! :) i'm happy with how i am... weightwise
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I walk everywhere. I love going out for walks... Great exercise.
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i love volleyball too and walking, omg i love it...i hate going in the village or in tonawanda because it bores me...but in the city i love it...
2005-12-06 [Ellyn]: You guys are pretty much my heros for initiating this wiki. Good job, and I raise my glasses to curves (seeing as I have quite a few :)) And speaking of volleyball, I love it as well; I play for my school's team. :)
2005-12-06 [Dirty Lil Juggalette]: i used to play for my middle school team...i loved it...my highschool team kinda scared me...i didn't know anyone on it, and they seemed all very mean...lol...s
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Heh heh. Super Jess!
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: I just joined
2005-12-06 [Ellyn]: Haha! My serve is alright, but I have a pretty awesome spike. I can smash the opposing team in the face. :) And I love to set, too, though I can't very well because I'm too tall. :( But I do love volleyball. It's great.
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: to quote the greatest rock band in history, "fat bottomed girls, you make the rockin world go round" Freddie Mercury- Queen
2005-12-06 [Ellyn]: True dat. :)
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: LOL! My dad said he was going to put a song on the CD player especially for me, he put that one on >.> I could have cried haha.
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: :)
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: i like tenis
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I LOVE badminton... So much fun and its pretty easy too :)
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: i love tennis! and volleyball... and football! lol badminton is fun too!
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: badminton is fun
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I'm quite into Tai Chi at the moment.
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: Tai Chi is sooo cool... and calming.
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: and erin, nobody could insult you with that song, anyone connecting you with Freddie Mercurie is a compliment!
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I find it very relaxing... and it gives me more energy. Its probebly the easist form of exercise (other than walking). Swiming is great too.
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: i haven't tried tai chi
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: It was funny... I just laughed.
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: swimming is hard for me. i'm good at it, but i have asthma/bronchi
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Its really cool... It helps to improve flexability and energy levels. Basic fitness really.
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: coolio.
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Thats why Tai Chi is good for you [Weirdo.Phreak.], because its easy going exercise with special breathing techniques.
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: yeah, i'm trying Tai Chi now, but it's a little tooo calm for me... i'm more into football... although that can really affect me... but it's cool... and fun!
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: right im gonna look for Tai chi classes
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I don't go to classes. I have a book about it (with pictures).
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: lol. there are none where i'm at. i have a video of what to do and all that, but it's really old!
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: tai chi is good for relaxing, as a martial arts form, near worthless...
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: hmmm......
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Bruce Lee said in an interview that Tai Chi is more for the elderly on the theroy that "running water never goes stale".
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: hmmm...
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *salutes* Bruce Lee is godlike, the best martial artist who ever lived!
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: yup
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: I love Bruce Lee! *bows down* Bruuuuccceeee Leeeeeeee!
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: He is indeed.
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: <3's to him
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: his death was a damn conspiracy! as was Brandon Lee's death. the chinese Yakuza were afraid of them, so they had them killed
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: hmmm
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Hmmmm, *looks down, not saying anything*.
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *bows down* I AM NOT WORHTY, I AM NOT WORTHY!
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Huh? o,O
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: hm... *joins [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!] I'M NOT WORTHY! I'M NOT WORTHY!
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: heh, wayne's world moment... but seriously I AM NOT WORTHY!
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Worthy of what??? Sorry, I was just thinking about how sad Brandon Lee's death is.
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: i love wayne's world! i'm not worthy either...
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *sniff sniff* we are not worthy of the Lee's... the gods of martial arts...
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: yes... so... so true.
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: meeep
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: .... :P
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I got the Crow on DVD yesterday... Its a sad film but I love it...
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: the saddest part, is that Brandon Lee was killed, because the damn prop master was an agent of the yakuza!
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: !!! :o!
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Ummmm, I'm not sure what to believe.. So, lets not talk about the Lee's deaths anymore. Its a sad subject.
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: ok... pudding! pudding is a funny word!
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: im dead serious, Brandon Lee's death was caused, because the Prop master fired a round into the prop gun, and the bullet was stuck in the tube. The next day, the WEAPON MASTER loaded the blank into the gun, with twice the gunpowder. The shot was basically twice as powerful as a normal shot. he died after 9 hours in critical care...
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: ... :'(
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: That has yet to be proven... well, anyway, can we have a quite moment for Brandom please? *sits quietly*.
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: *quiet moment*
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: *quiet*
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: ooooooo
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: (and the gunshot is listed as the cause of death)
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: ah
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: ....
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: ...
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Yes, he was shot but why we don't know...
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: it was an accident... and i do believe that bruce lee was killed because of a rumble on a set (he beat the living shit out of someone, took the entire set to get him off)
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: ah
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: ...
2005-12-06 [Roosey]: -coughs-
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: Apparently he had a headache, so he took a painkiller which caused him to have a brain hemorrhage. (a really rare allergy to the painkiller).
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: yeah, that's what i know of.
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: if im not mistaken, somebody snuck up behind Lee, and used a blunt object to cause brain damage, and the mafia used connections to cover it up
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: hm... maybe. but maybe we'll never know.
2005-12-06 [Love like Winter.]: I heard that from a documentary. Brandon reminds me a lot of Bruce. Bruce died when Brandon was only 8 :(
2005-12-06 [x_Die.Romantic.]: *dances around* ooo thats one thing Ballet has really helped me....
2005-12-06 [James Von Fugger, King of the Zombies!]: and if you think im weird about the conspiracy, take a look at my buddy aaron, he's just weird...
2005-12-06 [Weirdo.Phreak.]: ....
Number of comments: 2960
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