Deg for Crew!
Yes, you read that right. Deg wants to have the power. Don't be afraid, however; she's got the experience to at least know that with power comes great amounts of tasty cookies responsibility.
What makes me think I have what it takes?
.~Active member since
.~I'm one of Elfpack's magnificent Quoters, Elfpack Poets, I've been on Elfpack Jokes
twice and I won third place on the Halloween Costume Contest 2011!
(What does this mean, exactly? It means that I participate! I'm an active Elfpacker, always interested in joining contests and trying to earn pretty badges!)
ed understanding of the PseudoHTML commonly used on this site, and what I don't know I'm willing to learn!
.~I'm a grammar Nazi well versed in the English language and respect it more than necessary (aka, you'll never see me using "text talk". I'm professional!)
.~Although I do have a slight crazy side to me (I am, after all, the FREAKLE FRUNK SUGAR GLIDER O' DOOM!), I'm patient with others and genuinely like lending a helping hand whenever I can.
.~I've made several (way too many) wiki-pages and watch over 400 altogether. For example, I've run (and since retired) a wiki known as Deggles is a drug dealer.

Show your support by adding your name and a short statement on why you think I'd be good for Crew!
[Raiyr] :) we need all the active help we can get!
[wolvie] - deg is very active and always willing to help :D ((plus she threatened to steal my cookies if i didn't add my name D:))
[Member#327] - I think she'd make a great crew member :D
[Commandaaah] - Deg never gives up on Elfpack and is pretty much the BOSS. So...she should be the WINNER.
[Stephen] - +1
[BlueRaven] - deg goes on ep all the time and she's not nice to people just kdding she is.
[GlassCasket] - Meow. That is all.
[Cerulean Sins] - You have my vote, doll :)
[sammie h!] - I think [Stephen] should accept her as one of the Volunteers as I think she will make a good one like me, come on now, who doesn't like her, she is funny, sweet, likes to help people, she will be good on our team, she is perfect for the job, you can never have to many Volunteers, You have my vote hun. :)

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If you have any questions, please feel free to SHOVE THEM UP YOUR--I mean...politely contact me!
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