7.4 out of 10
Talk about bad luck. Our friend, the space marine once again enters that hellish space colony only to find it overrun by more monsters than ever. Apparently someone forgot to kill them all last time (must have been on the PSX) and they have somehow revived each other. Unfortunately this evil assortment of zombies, flaming skulls and cacodemons just won't let our friend be all that he can be.
Gameplay: The object of the game remains unchanged. Find your way through a labyrinth of hallways and passages, kill everything in sight, collect keys, flip switches and get to the exit. The gameplay of Doom 64 is perfectly retro-Doom. There is no looking up and down, no precise aiming, no swimming, crouching or jumping -- just plain old Doom. The control is responsive and totally customizable. The default setup is not that great (unless you own the Super Pad) -- if you've played Turok, you will inevitably revert back to C-Button strafing and 3D Stick turning, which also works like a charm with Doom 64. The game now also has the Duke Nukem 3D map feature (with texture / or without), and all levels are completely new (and quite well-designed, I might add).
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Internet Reviews:
A strong sense of deja-vu lingers over this game. Actually, make that "deja-jou¿..." But as a conversion this is very competent, and technically well done. Doom 64 is much more scary and action-laden that Turok for example. You won't spend minutes running around corridors looking for enemies -- you will rather spend seconds trying to get out of the corridors because there are too many... As far as pure shooting action goes, this game delivers the goods. Make no mistake about it, this is the best Doom so far -- but if you've played the PC, PSX, SNES, Mac, Saturn, etc versions to death, you can do without this one. Even if you've never owned a Doom game or you are a hopeless fanatic, rent it first along with Turok and Shadows of the Empire, then decide which one's the game to buy.
from Matt Casamassina
Doom. Good old Doom. Old Doom. Very old, in fact. So Midway slaps a make-over on a game that has long been dethroned by its successor, Quake, deprives gamers of any multiplayer mode and ships it to Nintendo 64. Terrible, right? Maybe not so bad as you might think. The good news is that the game plays great and looks and sounds better than ever before. The bad news is that it's still just Doom. Sure, it's got some eerie new sound effects and some ambient new lighting effects, but the game's stale sprite-based engine never looked so ancient and when shown in the same light as Goldeneye and Turok, well, this game barely weighs in. That said, this is the best version of Doom on the market, but it's still too little too late.

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