VIII - Dwemer Timeline
Here is an rough timeline of the Dwemer and their works in Tamriel. The dates may vary by a number of years.
??? - 1E 222
The Dwemer and the Chimer live in Velothi (Morrowind). They live un-harmoniousl
1E 240
The Nords conquer Velothi, (possibly) renaming it Dwemereth (now Dunmereth).
1E 420
Taking advantage of the Nordic War of Succession, the Indoril Nerevar and Dumac Dwarfking unite and drive the Nords out. They rename the new joined kingdom, Resdayn.
1E 420
The Rourken Clan, refusing to unite with the Chimer, leave Resdayn and <a target="_blank" href="">travel</a> westward to a desert land that is called Volenfell (later Hammerfell).
1E 668
Nerevar hears rumours of Numidium and confronts Dumac. The two races go to war, and the Dwemer disappear. The Tribunal use the power of the Heart to become Gods, and Dagoth Ur creates a link with the Heart and becomes a Mad God. Azura changes the Chimer to Dunmer, and the Volcano majorly erupts for the first time in recorded history.
3E 0
Talos (Tiber Septim) recovers Numidium and uses it to help him conquer Tamriel and begin the Third Era. However, Septim never finds Lorkhan's Heart, Numidium's power source and is forced to substitute with another one, possibly the heart of his powerful battlemage, Zurin Arctus. During this process Septim betrays Arctus, who becomes the Undead wizard known as the Underking and proceeds to smash Numidium.
3E 405
The unnamed Hero raises Numidium once more and creates the Warp of the West. In this condition, many events are said to be happening at once (the rise of the new Orsinium, the rise of the King of Worms to godhood, etc.) The Underking absorbs the Mantella (said to be his own heart) and dies a mortal death giving him the peace that he desires.
3E 427
Nerevar returns to Nirn in the form of another unnamed hero- the Nerevarine, or the Incarnate. The Nerevarine unites Morrowind behind him/her, and uses Kartanaugh's tools to destroy the enchantment upon the Heart once and for all. Lorkhan's Heart shrivels and disappears. Dagoth Ur dies and his construct Akulakhan, the Second Numidium, are destroyed.

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