# of watchers: 3
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Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
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Number of voters: 9
* a) Base Jumping!
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* b) Parking Perfection!
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* c) Tiger Golf!
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* d) Gas Mania!
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* e) TG Motocross!
Number of votes: 2 (22%) Voters: [hitmeman], [(Kishu);]
* f) Scribble!
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* g) iSketch!
Number of votes: 2 (22%) Voters: [treact], [kittykittykitty]
* h) Hapland!
Number of votes: 1 (11%) Voters: [Skittles 254]
* i) Desktop Tower Defence!
Number of votes: 3 (33%) Voters: [DeeJay™], [Ringbearer], [here]
* j) Monkey Snowfight!
Number of votes: 1 (11%) Voters: [CaptainMayhem]
Number of voters: 5
* a) White + Nerdy - Wierd Al
Number of votes: 3 (60%) Voters: [hitmeman], [ladynightengale], [MadHatress]
* b) Beautiful Day - U2
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* c) Dream Catch Me - Newton Faulkner
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* d) Louisianna Woman, Mississippi Man - Loretta Lynn And Conway Twitty
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* e) Thank You - Dido
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* f) Rudebox - Robbie Williams
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* g) Still The One/The Way - Shania Twain + Elton John
Number of votes: 1 (20%) Voters: [(Kishu);]
* h) Shalala (In The Morning) - The Vengaboys
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* i) Fascination - Alphabeat
Number of votes: 1 (20%) Voters: [kittykittykitty]
* j) Gold - Spanday Ballet
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
* k) One of the 'Almost There'
Number of votes: 0 (0%)
2008-09-14 [hitmeman]: Hapland is a piss take, i have played all 3 and only ever seen #1 completed, they do take the monkey wee.
2008-09-14 [DeeJay™]: the only time i completed it was with a walk-through xD
it's still good fun, though!
2008-09-14 [hitmeman]: They are good fun.
Some of the deaths the Stick Figures undergo are hilarious.
2008-09-14 [DeeJay™]: isnt that the idea of the game..? lol
kill the stickmen! xD
2008-09-14 [hitmeman]: No, it isnt the idea of the game.
The idea is to turn some lights on, open these 2 gates and make the stargate like gate open up.
You do that by completing the puzzles and stuff and one by one you turn this 2 switches on which lead by wires to the bigger gate and when they are both on you finish. Atleast thats what happens in Hapland 2
2008-09-14 [DeeJay™]: see.. my mate said the idea was to get the stickmen into one of the doors or something, so i was trying to do that.
no wonder i never got anywhere! xD
2008-09-14 [hitmeman]: Nah there is a door on one of them are you are ment to get him into it but its only one part of it.
2008-09-14 [DeeJay™]: first one, i think :]
3rd one has to be the best, though. i found a walk-through to it and it's like "no-one could ever guess to do this stuff!" xD
i just clicked loads of stuff; see what happened O_o
2008-09-14 [hitmeman]: I was best at the 2nd one, it was the one i saw my friend complete without a guide about 5 hours of mind numbingness.
2008-09-14 [DeeJay™]: haha, it's terrible..
i spent a whole night on one, and didnt get anywhere! xD
good times, good times.. lol
2008-09-14 [hitmeman]: I like Submachine 1 and 2 on mofunzone, they were possible atleast but challenging all the same.
2008-09-14 [DeeJay™]: uhh.. i've just completed hapland 1 O_o
i must have got the walkthrough for that one, since i knew some pretty nifty tricks on it xD
even so.. 93 seconds to complete it isnt bad! :D
2008-09-14 [hitmeman]: 93 seconds is insane
I still prefer the submachine series over hapland, theres actually a lot of very good puzzles games on mofunzone.
2008-09-14 [DeeJay™]: ah, never played either. never even heard of the site, tbh xD
i'll have to go check it out :]
so your fav. out of these is the motocross one? ^^
2008-09-14 [hitmeman]: Out of all of them it's the only one i have played properly beside Hapland and i could play Motorcross and you were right it is very theraputic.
2008-09-14 [DeeJay™]: haha, yeah.
it's actually my favourite at the moment. still cant get past the 5th/6th level <_<
2008-09-16 [DeeJay™]: yeah, they're alright ^^
cant do the face-planting like on motocross one, though :p
2008-09-16 [hitmeman]: I like Bush Shoot-out, that's a laugh. You get to play as the Queen in Bush Shoot-out 2
2008-09-16 [DeeJay™]: if you want a shoot 'em up type, try 'urban sniper'.
a friend recommended it once i showed him this wiki :p
it's pretty good, but i couldnt play it properly as my compy always lags T_T
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