Character Name:
Photo :D]
Cerulean Sins]
Character Name: Belle Morte (aka Beautiful Death)
Age: 2,000
Rank: Vampire Council member
d, heartless, evil. She sees anyone that isn't a vampire to be nothing but a pest.Sadistic, cold and heartless.Vain, brutal, ambitious, loyal, athletic, single-minded, boastful, frustrated. She loves seducing men. She toys with them until they are no longer any fun. Then she discards them as quickly as she got them. She is a persistent person who always gets what – and who – she wants.
Powers:Her abilities include the power to induce lust from a distance (extending to at least hundreds of people at a distance of miles), the ability to draw power from lust, and the ability to call all of the "great cats" (presumably lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, etc.).
History: She is known to be at least 2,000 years old. All members of Belle-Morte's bloodline tend to be selected for their beauty, and some of the vampires in her line are visited by the ardeur, becoming incubi or succubi that need to feed off of lust as well as blood, but able to also project the ardeur to control others. Belle-Morte can make mental contact with all new vampires of her bloodline, and can serve as a mental "bridge" between willing members of her bloodline. In some cases, Belle Morte has shown the power to actually "resculpt" the features of vampires in her bloodline, making them still more beautiful than when they were chosen.It has been speculated that Belle Morte can use her control over the vampires in her lineage to cause "problem" that always seem to work out to her benefit.

Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Character Name: Lucas duMonte
Rank:Human Servant
Personality: Cold, calculating, manipulative, Charismatic, quiet unless it serves him to be otherwise.
Powers:Just increased strength, stamina and healing from the bond to his Mistress
History:From a long line of Royalty, he was cast out of the French court when he assassinated his father, the duMonte line ending with Lucas. He was then a hired assassin, using a different name and keeping his identity hidden. He went through his life like this, but at the age of thirty, he met a beautiful woman, was drawn to her. Little did he know that she was a vampire. He made love to the woman and left the next morning, not knowing that she had intended to make him a meal after a bit of fun. She chose not to though, and eventually made him her Human Servant. He's been very useful for her, and the Council when they need him. It you want information, and you want to be sure it's correct, you ask his master for his services.. He's very close to Claire, the vampire he serves, and very protective, to a point where he's gone against the council before when he thought they were risking her. He also makes his own wealth and way in the world. He owns and is the CEO of a green energy and product company. They design them, manufacture them, and sell the products. The company does everything from providing effective and affordable solar panels, to decor made from recycled objects. His company is fast growing, making the top 50 Fortune 500 jobs in it's first year of operation.

Username: [Strawboy]
Character Name: Ethaniel
Age: 750
Sexuality: straight
Rank: Harlequin
Personality: quiet but friendly, usually keeping a certain level of distance between himself and other vampires.
Powers: Enthralling/rolling, feeding via touch. He also can call on his feral state at times boosting his speed and strength beyond even a vampires but he risks being unable to come back to his senses.
History: Ethaniel is a rare vampire as he was turned against his will. A master vampire long ago wished to research and study feral vampires more, primarily the shift from a sane one two a feral. He turned Ethaniel and others against their will and deliberately deprived them of blood to study the effects. Eventually the vampire’s crimes came to light and Harlequin’s were dispatched to end his life. However on arrival they discovered Ethaniel had already slain the vampire and the other feral, managing to regain his sanity by getting a hold of a silver cross he wore before being turned. Because of the silver he has a cross shaped burn on his hand and still carries the item in a pouch so it doesn’t touch his skin. He owes a certain level of loyalty to Belle as she was one of the vampires that agreed he should be allowed to live, his life in question due to never being taught by his master about the vampire world.

Username:[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Character Name: Dovie Laurance
Sexuality: Straight
Rank: Common Vampire..
Personality: Perky, sweet, a good ol' Southern gal, a bit sassy
Powers: She doesn't know yet, but she seems to be particularly good at seducing men..
History: She was changed a few months after her birthday, and was created purely to piss off Belle.. One of the vampires in her line was punished for going against her orders, and she didn't take it very well. When they met Dovie, Belle automatically had a dislike of her perky Southern attitude, so after being punished Victoria (the vampire) went back to Georgia and changed her before the Harlequin found and killed her. But Dovie had been changed, and had to be taken in because she's technically Belle's line.

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