Eurovision Song Contest 2010
Feel free to comment on this page and vote at the songs! Comments here made by [
Hedda], and I don't care if you get insulted by them.
Semi final 1: (Tuesday 25th of May)
01 Moldova "Run Away" - Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira
02 Russia "Lost And Forgotten" - Peter Nalitch & Friends
03 Estonia "Siren" - Malcolm Lincoln
04 Slovakia "Horehronie" - Kristina Pelakova
05 Finland "Työlki Ellää" - Kuunkuiskaajat
06 Latvia "What For?" - Aisha
07 Serbia "Ovo Je Balkan" - Milan Stanković
08 Bosnia "Thunder And Lightning" - Vukašin Brajić
09 Poland "Legenda" - Marcin Mroziński
10 Belgium "Me And My Guitar" - Tom Dice
11 Malta "My Dream" - Thea Garrett
12 Albanaia "It's All About You" - Juliana Pasha
13 Greece "OPA" - Giorgos Alkaios & Friends
14 Portugal "Há Dias Assim" - Filipa Azevedo
15 Macedonia "Jas Ja Imam Silata" - Gjoko Taneski
16 Melarus "Butterflies" - 3+2
17 Iceland "Je Ne Sais Quoi" - Hera Björk
Semi final 2 :(Thursday 27th of May)
01 Lithuania "Eastern European Funk" - InCulto
02 Armenia "Apricot Stone" - Eva Rivas
03 Israel "Milim" - Harel Skaat
04 Denmark "In A Moment Like This" - Chanée & N'evergreen
05 Switzerland "Il Pleut de L'Or" - Michael von der Heide
06 Sweden "This Is My Life" - Anna Bergendahl
07 Azerbaijan "Drip Drop" - Safura
08 Ukraine "Sweet People" - Alyosha
09 The Netherlands "Ik Ben Verliefd (Sha-la-lie)" - Sieneke
10 Romania "Playing With Fire" - Paula Seling & Ovi
11 Slovenia "Narodnozabavn
i Rock" - Ansambel Žlindra & Kalamari
12 Ireland "It's For You" - Niamh Kavanagh
13 Bulgaria "Angel Si Ti" - Miro
14 Cyprus "Life Looks Better In Spring" - Jon Lilygreen & The Islanders
15 Croatia "Lako Je Sve" - Feminnem
16 Georgia "Shine" - Sofia Nizharadze
17 Turkey "We Could Be The Same" - maNga
Pesky Final Cheaters: (Saturday 29th of May)
France "Alllez Olla Olé" - Jessy Matador
Germany "Satellite" - Lena
Norway "My Heart Is Yours" - Didrik Solli-Tangen
Spain "Algo Pequeñito (Something Tiny)" - Daniel Diges
UK "That Sounds Good To Me" - Josh
All the songs can be heard on
The stars under each song are [Hedda]'s rating.
Semi final 1:
01 Moldova "Run Away" - Sunstroke Project & Olia Tira
Starts cool with a violin. Then... Slow hard beat. Good, but not awesome.
02 Russia "Lost And Forgotten" - Peter Nalitch & Friends
Forgotten. Boring guy singing in "English" - whine whine and forgotten. Oh, yea, the photo? What's on it?!?
03 Estonia "Siren" - Malcolm Lincoln
Big head walking through snow. "We hate the world so we'll make it suffer for 3 minutes!" was the thought, and yes, most of the world hate you too. There are 3-4 seconds of nice music in it though, and maybe some emo guys like it.
04 Slovakia "Horehronie" - Kristina Pelakova
Wonderfully beautiful song about the Horehronie district, "where the trees are more beautiful than anywhere else". If some ballad crap is going to win, then this is the shit. I need to bring a napkin though...
05 Finland "Työlki Ellää" - Kuunkuiskaajat
From happy Slovakia's tear-dripping song to depressing Finland's fun song! Real Finnish music (Well, not as real as Lordi), speed and a totally ununderstandable language. If you're drunk enough to understand Finnish, you'll love it! Otherwise it's kind of way off mainstreem.
06 Latvia "What For?" - Aisha
Seems like some people love this rape on the English language and the waste of time it brings. I guess Latvia's second biggest town (Daugavpils) should start to regret paying for Latvia in the Eurovision for 5 years now... But of course a lot of people will vote for this just because they hate me.
07 Serbia "Ovo Je Balkan" - Milan Stanković
What? I have no idea what this is. Can't be Serbian music because that usually sounds pretty good. This is kind of some Tyrol-singing from Mallorco. Could maybe have been good, but this is just maybe not totally awful.
08 Bosnia "Thunder And Lightning" - Vukašin Brajić
Heavy, but damn so slow! Dio can speed it up from the grave! Some star for the heavy sound though.
09 Poland "Legenda" - Marcin Mroziński
Add a violin and go to Norway? This isn't bad, but it just isn't good in any way. I've already forgotten it while it's playing.
10 Belgium "Me And My Guitar" - Tom Dice
Some songs you just can't forget. This is one of them. Not the song by itself, but come on! Who the fuck is interested in you and your guitar?!? I mean, Johnny B. Goode, that's a guy with a guitar to remember! This is depressing, ugly, boring, malplaced and crap.
11 Malta "My Dream" - Thea Garrett
17 year old girl looking like she's 40 singing some stuff with angel wings... Great singing and possibly a good song, but booooring.
12 Albania "It's All About You" - Juliana Pasha
Just listen to that beat! Dunk-dunk-dunk-dunk-dunk! And it just keep on going! It's all about you! Dunk-dunk-dunk-dunk-dunk! Maybe not so interesting, but this is so damn party, that if you care about that you're off. Simple, hard and awesome!
13 Greece "OPA" - Giorgos Alkaios & Friends
Turn off the music and look at the dancers. Or switch off the video and imagine that you are the dancers. Then it's disturbingly great, but otherwise, it's just boring.
14 Portugal "Há Dias Assim" - Filipa Azevedo
She can sing on my wedding... Maybe as the bride. I don't get why she's in this contest though. Portugal just don't get this. And of course it's sung in bad Spanish.
15 Macedonia "Jas Ja Imam Silata" - Gjoko Taneski
A Rob Hallford lookalike singing very old men's rock. A horrible rapper and a nice guitar solo. It's a really nice break from the other songs, but who would vote for this? Three stars, but this will be hopelessly at the bottom.
16 Belarus "Butterflies" - 3+2
Too much. If you want to make a ballad like that, make it possible for people to sing along. It's not possible here. The English is bad and it's too complicated.
17 Iceland "Je Ne Sais Quoi" - Hera Björk
Great singer and a good disco song. But we've heard the song before and the singer just doesn't fit with the song.
Semi final 2:
01 Lithuania "Eastern European Funk" - InCulto
In the video, there is THE DANCING (bald) GUY from "We are the winners"!!! Otherwise... Not my kind of music. I have no idea. Different at least.
02 Armenia "Apricot Stone" - Eva Rivas
Planting a tree? Awful video, but how long is that hair? Sounds good, but I don't know. Sounds like something expat Armenians would vote for.
03 Israel "Milim" - Harel Skaat
You let the parliament decide what to send? Old men with dream of days before. OK, this is great, but it's no fun at all, Hebrew is crap and one starts to wonder if Israel is even in Europe...
04 Denmark "In A Moment Like This" - Chanée & N'evergreen
This song was not wanted by Sweden... We've heard it before and so has everyone else. It's not that bad, just not good in any way. Pair-singing with a pair that behave like cousins...
05 Switzerland "Il Pleut de L'Or" - Michael von der Heide
Dutch name, singing in French, from Switzerland. What could possibly be wrong? Well, few outside of the Frankofil world will love it, but there is a nice "laser sable" in the video.
06 Sweden "This Is My Life" - Anna Bergendahl
Too cute! And too pop. Where is the bite? Where is punch? Where is weight? This is a sleeping pill. A good one, but... Why can't Sweden ever send something NEW?
07 Azerbaijan "Drip Drop" - Safura
Drip drop?!? An imported song that says absolutely nothing. They could have at least make something Azerbaijanish and get some points for that. This just sucks.
08 Ukraine "Sweet People" - Alyosha
Ruslana come back! If I wanted to see whiny blond girls pretending, I would go to Sweden or something... This song hurts your ears, brain and soul, and it's also bad.
09 The Netherlands "Ik Ben Verliefd (Sha-la-lie)" - Sieneke
When everything sucks so badly, the Netherlands are always there to be the worst! They had a contest where they played this song by 5 different artists!!! Imagine to stand that torture! NL: Next time you select your song, please ban everyone that has ever voted in your country's final before! It's obvious that that the people who have picked your songs the last 10 years really really hate everyone else in your country and the rest of Europe.
Worst song in ESC 2010, even worse than the crap from UK!

10 Romania "Playing With Fire" - Paula Seling & Ovi
Two pianos and some complicated music. Paula is totally awesome, then there is a guy there too... This is very good, but a little hard to get.
11 Slovenia "Narodnozabavni Rock" - Ansambel Žlindra & Kalamari
This is fun and totally awful! A mix of I don't know what, Alp-music, rock and actually a Swedish old Schlager song. But this is bad. It's no fun if you're sober because it's painful, and if you're drunk, you don't get the fun.
12 Ireland "It's For You" - Niamh Kavanagh
Boring sad ballad. And we've heard it before, and then it was better. Bonus for the flute though.
13 Bulgaria "Angel Si Ti" - Miro
Boring ballad. Becomes some disco song later. Why? Then something else. Something for everyone and no one will like it. And sung in Bulgarian about that you're an angel. It's maybe a little like the last year's Fairytale without good music, without a story and just total crap. Not acceptable!
14 Cyprus "Life Looks Better In Spring" - Jon Lilygreen & The Islanders
Boring ballad. Guy with guitar. It's like 100 times better than Belgium... That is: Standard crap.
15 Croatia "Lako Je Sve" - Feminnem
Finally a good Balkan ballad! They will get tons of votes as all the other Yugoslavian countries send crap this year. Not my type of music though.
16 Georgia "Shine" - Sofia Nizharadze
Gah! Another ballad! Sounds beautiful, but I'm too bored to rate it. One more ballad and I'll puke!
17 Turkey "We Could Be The Same" - maNga
White flags, guitars, baseball bats and... What is this? Braindead lyrics to a too slow song, but a really nice touch to it. I just love the background riffs.
Pesky Final Cheaters:
France "Alllez Olla Olé" - Jessy Matador
Bikini babes let's move and move your bodies! Give me a beach, babes and drinks, and I'll so totally give this a 5! Well, points for bad taste, braindead music and total fail at being funny.
Germany "Satellite" - Lena
Sweden did compete with "Satellit" a long time ago. Without the cute German accent though. Yes, very cute German accent in this song. That the only thing that's worth noting.
Norway "My Heart Is Yours" - Didrik Solli-Tangen
Slow boring ballad. Not bad, but come on! Fuck off!
Spain "Algo Pequeñito (Something Tiny)" - Daniel Diges
Another somewhat boring ballad. Bah!
UK "That Sounds Good To Me" - Josh
This sounds good to be UK... But, come on! Are you kidding us? Can you please send some music from today?!? When you hear this, imagine that UK have had about 3 song that were way worse than this the last 5 years.

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