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2008-08-10 03:17:27
Last author: wolvie
Owner: wolvie
# of watchers: 1
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Wolvie glares and throws the wallet into an incinerator
BigT66 scream as he feels the spirit of the wallet burn to death
Wolvie laughs at BigT66 for he screams like a sissy girl
BigT66 finally wakes up...he stretches and farts
Wolvie gasps then dies from the horrible stench
BigT66 lights the fart with a lighter and watches the fireball
Wolvie is still dead from the horrid reek
BigT66 gives Wolvie the kiss of life
Wolvie wakes up then screams when she realizes she ish in hell
BigT66 stops kissing and looks at Wolvie and says glad ur alive again
Wolvie asks for a scooby snack seeing as how she is hungry
BigT66 says Wolvie has the scooby snacks
Wolvie slaps BigT66 for trying to steal her scooby snacks
BigT66 says that he never tried to steal the scooby snacks...but that he is guilty of tryin to steal Wolvie's heart
Wolvie smiles and informs BigT66 that he can't steal her heart for JoJo has already stolen it
BigT66 informs Wolvie that he bought it from JoJo when she sold it cuz she needed gas money
Wolvie laughs and informs BigT66 that JoJo would never ever ever ever ever sell my heart
BigT66 smiles and says that he tried
Wolvie smiles and pats BigT66 on the shoulder
BigT66 smiles and asks for a cookie
Wolvie smiles then hands BigT66 Rogurts dog named Cookie
BigT66 puts down Cookie and says he cant eat a doggy
Wolvie smiles then hands BigT66 a chocolate chip cookie
BigT66 thanx Wolvie then wolfs down the cookie and burps..excuses himself
Wolvie looks at BigT66 and looks all sad like
BigT66 asks wuts wrong
Wolvie informs BigT66 that that was the last cookie
BigT66 apologizes and says he didnt know
Wolvie smiles and tells BigT66 to head to the store
BigT66 says he has no cash and that Wolvie burned his wallet
Wolvie glares at BigT66 then kicks him out of the house
BigT66 cries then runs away to where Wolvie will never find him
Wolvie feels bad then goes on an epic quest to find BigT66
BigT66 doesnt wanna be found
Wolvie cries for she can't find BigT66
BigT66 sneaks back into the house and goes to sleep in Wolvies bed
Wolvie keeps searching for BigT66 and gets lost in the woods
BigT66 wakes up and Wolvie still isnt home...goes looking for her...finds her in the woods
Wolvie huggles BigT66 and is uber happy to see him
BigT66 huggles Wolvie and carries her home
Wolvie smiles and thanks BigT66 for saving her
BigT66 lays Wolvie on the bed and says no payment is necessry
Wolvie smiles then falls asleep
BigT66 kisses Wolvies forehead...then crawls into bed with her cuz its theo nly bed in the house..falls asleep
Wolvie ish deep asleep and smiling a little
BigT66 puts his arm protectively around Wolvie but doesnt notice cuz he's too asleep
Wolvie is too deep asleep to notice BigT66
BigT66 cuddles right up to Wolvie
Wolvie starts having a bad dream and pushes out her claws
BigT66 feels Wolvie tense up and kisses her neck so she'll calm down
Wolvie moans and slashes at BigT66's arm
BigT66 grimaces and heals but stays asleep cuddled up to Wolvie
Wolvie slowly starts to calm down and retracts her claws, still deep asleep
BigT66 cuddles closer and sleeps deeply

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