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Final Fantasy Music [Logged in view]
2009-06-03 05:33:52
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Final Fantasy Music
Names and websites to download. Thank you [Dint] for contributing this as a part of the Final Fantasy wiki.
[Dint]'s Recommendations
Remember kids, if you download any of these tracks onto your computers, you're putting yourselves at risk for illegal downloading. DOWNLOAD AT OWN RISK. On the other hand, if you're up for just a listen, by all means. Nothing wrong with streaming the songs to experience the goodness that are game OST's.
Hands down the best site for RPG tracks in general. It lists all of the template:FFtem
Final Fantasy OST's along with other games like Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill, Shadow of The Colossus and a ton of others.
Over 200 Sheet Music arrangements of our favorite Final Fantasy tunes.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles OST
(Kazenone is a great listen FYI. Further FYI: Click on a song to listen, copy and paste the song URL in your house/wiki with these tags:
<sound:(SONG URL HERE, YO)>
Behold the song featured in your house and/or wiki! Sweet.
Pretty much all the FF's.
FYI: Click on a song to listen, copy and paste the song URL in your house/wiki with these tags:
<sound:(SONG URL HERE, YO)>
Behold the song featured in your house and/or wiki! Sweet.
You will crap your pants. Period.
This has some of the orchestral stuff if you click on the compilation link.
Compilation > Symphonic Suite > track 7 = EPIC

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