Page name: Fuck Beauty [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-06-17 23:44:50
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This wiki is not Anti-Beauty
This wiki is Pro-Intelligence


-Firstly, no bitching and moaning about things that don't matter.
-Don't spam the page with ludicrous statements, this is a place for people to get along.
-Joking around is one thing, but serious racism, sexism, and homophobia is not allowed.
-Do your best to use correct grammar; this is a place for intelligence.


There are few requirements that need to be met in order to be made a member of this wiki.
Firstly, you need to be able to carry on a conversation in the wiki with everyone else. I suppose with time there shall be various wiki-topics where conversations may be held.
You may also become a member based on a referral of another member, it's kind of a good faith system, so be aware that anyone you invite can influence your future referrals.

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-Fuck Beauty's Members
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The HTML and content on this page are still being worked on, so bare with me while I get this underway.

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2009-06-14 [kurtis purgatory;;]: O.o!
first comment!!!
am i going to be a member, since you love me so much?

2009-06-14 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Hah, yeah -- I know you well enough to know that you're a literate and intelligent person.
So once I have the whole thing worked on and done I'll be sure to add you as a "member"
While you're here, any idea's?

2009-06-14 [Nekko fox]: I would love to be a member~

2009-06-14 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Awesome! :] Any ideas?

2009-06-14 [Nekko fox]: We need someone with a bit of photoshop skill, or oekaki, and have some banner's made up. Perhaps, as well, some interesting lettering.

2009-06-14 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Well, I'm pretty decent at photoshop -- only I'm at my boyfriend's house, and photoshop is on my computer at home.
So I'll work on shit like that when I get home.

2009-06-14 [Nekko fox]: Good. We also need a 'Member's Only' badge in order to post in the house in order to help A.) Provoke stupid people into being stupid (because it's funny) and B.) Help socialize the wiki, spread the word, and get out the fact that our wiki exists. Hey, free coverage is good coverage.

2009-06-14 [kurtis purgatory;;]: *nods*
i agree with you Nekko.
we need badges, and a place to post the idiots being idiots because they can't be a 'member' of this. so we can make fun of the stupid people in the world.

2009-06-14 [Nekko fox]: I wouldn't say a news wiki though because latest news could just be put into these boxes here, though I think badges and wiki banner submissions should have a wiki of their own.

2009-06-14 [kurtis purgatory;;]: agree again. though it would be a good idea for a 'news' wiki, something like important information for the members to know, something like...idk...maybe news about new conversation topics...but that's just a suggestion.

2009-06-14 [Nekko fox]: But then we should have a 'Topics' wiki, and that wouldn't cover 'news' because recent news is only 'news' until it gets old, which is why I say we should keep 'news' inside the main wiki. If people are curious, they can ask about past news, or ignore it altogether. Otherwise, it would just be more work for poor Nikolas.

2009-06-14 [kurtis purgatory;;]: yeah. true...or there could be other constant elf-packers who could manage the other wiki pages. that way the work's been taken off of nik.

2009-06-14 [Nekko fox]: True.

2009-06-14 [kurtis purgatory;;]: *nods*
i know that once everyone who loves nik, and that those idiot "natiions" haven't gotten to, get to this page, this place is going to be pretty popular. i've already become a fan, and have a link in my mood to advertise.

2009-06-14 [Dornhal Dragon]: Greetings to you all!

2009-06-14 [kurtis purgatory;;]: *waves*

2009-06-14 [kurtis purgatory;;]: weren't you on bloody beautiful? i don't quite remember if you were going off on the natiions or if you were a member.

2009-06-14 [Dornhal Dragon]: I was going off on least Zombiie came to her senses and said she was sorry...the others are still stuck up

2009-06-14 [Nekko fox]: Heh heh...None apologized to me. Though I think Trend didn't bitch. she just asked what I was talking about.

2009-06-14 [kurtis purgatory;;]: well i went off on all of them. though cloud was nice enough to apologize for zombiie's ignorance.

2009-06-14 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i was actually a member for about an hour, but that was before i realized that all they are are shallow whore beasts.
though cloud told me that the only reason they act like that is because they're all sisters and zombiie came up with the idea that if they act like they're better than everyone else just so they can get a more popular wiki.

2009-06-14 [Nekko fox]: Or they cause derision and insidious hatred amongst those of us with the better half of one brain.

2009-06-14 [Ihsahn]: I wouldn't recommend provoking other members of elfpack to act out. this drama is going way to far.

2009-06-14 [kurtis purgatory;;]: sorry Ihsahn, i was writing that when i said that. i'll remove it.

2009-06-14 [kurtis purgatory;;]: let's not talk about the 'natiions' anymore, all it will do is cause drama and cause us all to be in a shit load of trouble.

2009-06-14 [Ihsahn]: If you want to talk about it message me in private. I've been in the middle of this for a while, it's nothing new.I assure you that I can give you advice on what you can do regarding the situation.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: so no one's going to talk anymore just because we can't talk about the natiions?

2009-06-15 [cowboy_94]: hello eveyone

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: there's no one online right now.

2009-06-15 [cowboy_94]: how are you guys doing

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: well i'm doing fine. though i'm still a little upset with you.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: what's all this then

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: well it seems that it's a wiki based on intelligence, instead of beauty.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: and according to rule 3, you're not welcome here. ^^ so have a nice day, you can leave now.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: shut up kurtis ¬_¬ have you not heard the news? BB and bamf! are together now

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: and? that doesn't mean that i all of a sudden like you now.
FYI, i still don't. and this wiki isn't affiliated with either wiki, and i'm no longer affiliated with any wiki besides my own on fake and this one on here.
and it's not polite to tell someone to shut up.

2009-06-15 [Ihsahn]: Let's keep it clean people.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: i didn't say i wanted you to like me in the first place.. get over yourself lol.. FYI, i wouldn't tell you to shut up if you weren't such a douche ;)

2009-06-15 [Ihsahn]: [Zombiie Natiion] please stop with the insults.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: *raises hands in surrender*
i was just pointing out that according to the rules that Nikolas laid down people that are affiliated with beauty wikis are not allowed here. and she told me to shut up. sooo, i think it's her you should be telling to keep it clean.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: ahhhhh ok fine ¬_¬ sorry

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: and btw, this isn't meant to be rude or anything. a douche is a shower.
and apology accepted. though you should probably be glad that Nik didn't see those comments, he wouldn't be as forgiving as me.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: lmao!! yeh.. i totally meant to call you a shower XD
lol oh really? well i best stop posting then.. god forbid Nik seeing my comments!! all hell would surely break loose then *rolls eyes*

2009-06-15 [Dornhal Dragon]: Guys...she is the good one, be nice

And a Douche is a female hygiene product last time I checked...

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: aw well thank you Dorn, atleast SOME people see that i'm trying to be the bigger person here

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: in my opinion Cloud is the good one, and i was being nice, but in france a douche is a shower.

2009-06-15 [Ihsahn]: I think they all can be good if they choose to be. Everything revolves around choice.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: we're all good.. it's just some people see different sides of us :) obviously we can be nasty.. but just the same we can be very nice ^_^

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: ok. i agree with you there, just like i can be a royal dick when i choose to be. and i can be the nicest most polite person that you've ever met when i choose to be. just don't cross me, then i go crazy.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: exactly :)

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: thank you.

2009-06-15 [Dornhal Dragon]: Well I must talk to cloud then...

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: for what O.o

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: why? is she online?

2009-06-15 [Dornhal Dragon]: I love nice people!

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: no.. she's still in bed

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: are you guys really sisters?
i mean all of you, not just you and cloud, but trend too?

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: ah.. nah, we don't really know trend.. we just met her here ^_^ me and cloud are really sisters though.. we're really really close we do like everything together.. more like best friends than sisters

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: oh.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: yep.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: seriously though, not to be rude or anything, but it is in the rules that anyone affiliated with a beauty wiki will not be allowed on here.
i'm sorry, but that's just the rules of this wiki. if you want to talk to me you can message me.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: -If you're affiliated with shallow, worthless beauty groups/wikis: you will not be welcome.

I think that is the rule that was posted. Third one down from the top. So, yes, Kurtis, what you say is technically correct.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i'm fairly certain that she left.
though up above [Ihsahn] said that we have to be nice, and behave. so i was being polite.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: pfft i can post where i like thank you very much

2009-06-15 [Ihsahn]: If the wiki owner tells you to leave then you must. I'd suggest getting out of here, this will only create drama.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: pfft! i'd like to see you find my facebook or myspace. and then i'll applaud you and give you a pat on the back.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: O.o i didn't say anything about facebook or myspace.. and the owner hasn't told me to leave, plus.. BB isn't shallow OR worthless so techincally, i'm not breaking any rules

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: but it is a beauty wiki. and i'm certain that if Nik were here he'd tell you the same thing that i have.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: mhmm yes it is a beauty wiki.. but the rules say shallow, worthless beauty wikis.. and like i said, BB isn't either of those things :)

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: those are just his views about beauty wikis. as well as just examples.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: scratch that, they weren't examples. those are just his views on beauty wikis. essentially he's just talking about beauty wikis.

2009-06-15 [Ihsahn]: So your saying he's calling out wikis in this wiki but isn't actually naming the said wiki?

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: righto well, i'll leave when he tells me to :)

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: ok then. i'll get him on the phone right now....

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: he went off on me for waking him up.........

2009-06-15 [Ihsahn]: It builds character.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: 3. This is a wiki for people we feel are beautiful in one way or the other, and so
you can't come in here and shout about how "shallow" we are. We will not tolerate it, this is primarily what the wiki is for.
If you want a "deep" wiki, go elsewhere.

This is under YOUR rules. "you can't come in here and shout about how "shallow" we are. We will not tolerate it, this is primarily what the wiki is for," is a general admittance to it being shallow, with you saying that people can't call you shallow because that is what it's for.

i.e. It falls under the category of 'Shallow', in the shallow, worthless wiki pages.

2009-06-15 [Ihsahn]: [Nekko fox] I also recall you wanting to be in this wiki for the soul purpose to qoute "21:34:14 (8h ago) [Nekko fox]: Good. We also need a 'Member's Only' badge in order to post in the house in order to help A.) Provoke stupid people into being stupid (because it's funny)"

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: pfft. well, i'll change that :P

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: well put Nekko

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: haha uhoh

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: hmm.. BB is not shallow, the rules have been changed

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: *smiles*

I won't deny it. But, I haven't made any efforts in doing so, nor have I badgered any wikis, nor messaged people with quips, baitings, insults, or rants since I'd been spoken to. I'll be frank. I'm still quite annoyed at the way I was treated, and I comfortably believe in the rule "an eye for an eye". In fact, The Scarring Party put it most beautifully as "We Believe in a Punishment more Terrible than the Crime." Though not accurate, I do like the message the song conveyed. that, and the song is superbly well done.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: And I personally feel that just because you changed the rules in order to avoid exclusion from a wiki hardly counts. That just means the motives themselves are shallow. But, who am I to judge.

2009-06-15 [fresafadfgadgv]: I support this wiki ;)

2009-06-15 [Ihsahn]: However you're implying that this wiki is in fact directed towards [Zombiie Natiion]s wiki if I am correct? It's not up to you to punish members, that's what the Guards are for.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i completely agree with you Nekko. or can i call you mr. fox? because i find that awesome!

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: the rules needed to be changed anyway, Nekko, get over it.. the drama is over, we are sorry.. BB is not shallow, neither is it worthless and you would know this if you spent 10 minutes actually talking to us instead of telling everyone how ridiculous we are

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: this wiki wasn't started because of the drama between BB and bamf! it was constructed to house the intelligent. if you haven't gleaned that then you need to read the beginning of the page again.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: And, if you would recall, I did speak with you for ten minutes, and I tried to avoid a fight. And, in turn, you called me a 'posh nob' and an 'arrogant bastard'. I've not heard an apology for anything, unless threats of having my account hacked and erased counts.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: no Nekko all you did was insult us and be mean.. i apologised to Dornhal because he wasn't as nasty as you were

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: Regardless, the point of the page is clear. It's not for shallow people, whoever they may be, it is for people with wit, intelligence, and comprehension. Now, it is not for me to decide who is, or is not, worthy, that is up for Nikolas, as he is the wiki owner, and not me, and what his intent is is his own.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: O.o
i do believe that would make you a i right?

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: and seriously, i wasn't nasty either. though i didn't hear an apology.
i did hear one from cloud, and i don't think that counts, considering that it wasn't her being rude to me.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: And, yes you were quite frank about that. You called me a Posh nob, and an arrogant bastard for how I wrote. I told you I'd formed an opinion, and that I would like to see it changed instead of being outright rude. Yet, you continued to pressure me, despite my evasiveness, and then told me to leave for not wanting to divulge my answer as to what my opinion was, despite me EXPLICITLY saying I didn't want to start a fight, which I knew it would. So, no, it was YOU and your girls who were mean. I simply responded with malice for a grievance I had not deserved. And, yes, name-calling, juvenile a reason though it may be, is still a grievance.

2009-06-15 [Zombiie Natiion]: mhmm.. well, toodles people, i'd best be off before i get into trouble with certain people anymore than i already am :D hehe

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: Good night. Sleep well.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: good night....

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: O.o
i'm all alone!!!

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: Does that mean I'm not here? Oooh, how existential!

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i thought you said you were going to bed.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: Me? Oh no, not at all. I was bidding Zombie good night. I can be civil even to people who get smart with me.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: oh...

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: though she's still awake. she's talking on BB as we speak.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: I know. I saw.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: *nods*
let's just hope that some of their members haven't put this on their watch list.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: *shrugs*

I doubt it would matter, for it's their choice, but hey, who are we to stop them. The guards warned them about posting here, but watching, that's a whole 'nother story.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: major paranoia issues.
my paranoia is telling me that they could watch it just to see what's being said about them, and reporting back on BB.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: *Laughs*

I suppose I could understand that.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: O.o
serious paranoia issues.
grouped with serious trust issues, i'm a threat to internet friendships.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: I suppose you could always watch their wiki whilst commenting on ours.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: *nods*
that's what i'm doing.
though i'm not commenting on it.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i wonder if zombiie's still watching this wiki.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: *shrugs*

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: she's not. and i was informed through her that if any of her members post on here or hate mail then she's going to be the one getting banned. and i told her, that if she keeps her members to her page, we will as well stick with ours.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: That works.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: *nods*
and i informed Nik of the situation. as soon as he logs on he should get the message...i hope.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: He will.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: well i'm saying that i hope he hasn't gotten any hate mail, that's listed before my message.

2009-06-15 [Nekko fox]: Ah, I see.

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: *nods*
well goodnight i guess.

2009-06-15 [VentunoVirus]: Alright, I'd quite like to join this wiki.
You guys seem interesting.
So as a sort of application, I'd like you all to consider this.

"Looks are unimportant here.
This wiki is to house the intelligent."
Why does this wiki assume that the two are mutually exclusive?

I believe looks are important, even to the intelligent.
Post-modernism. It's the society we live in. Post-modernism encourages individuality and thinking outside the box. We are no longer just intended to be parts of the larger cultural machine that rumbles along with traits like functionality and spartan aesthetics; as there aren't currently any world wars or situations where that is necessary.

So if the current culture encourages individuality and pride in the flamboyance and successes of ourselves and our fore-runners, then why are looks something that you frown upon?

I'd like to think I'm attractive. I am at university, I've had steady jobs since I was 15 and I'm socially well off. My pride in myself and my own achievements can be conceived as arrogance, but it's necessary to stand out.

I don't think this wiki is simply to make people who aren't welcome on the beauty wikis happy, because then calling those wikis shallow is hypocritical.
"-If you're affiliated with shallow, worthless beauty groups/wikis: you will not be welcome." This line, for example, directly contradicts the "Looks are unimportant" quote from earlier.

Thanks for reading.

2009-06-15 [VentunoVirus]: Sorry to double-post.
I must have been living in a hole these past few weeks.
No aggro intended.
Sincerest apologies.

2009-06-15 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Firstly; I have no issues with [Zombiie Natiion] posting on here, or anyone from her group -- as long as they're not starting problems.
As stated, looks are unimportant here, it's intelligence that I'm concerned about. Which, [VentunoVirus] you seem to have, so I have no problems with making you a member on here, though it's still a work in progress and will be for a while, so all ideas and suggestions will be taken note of.
Secondly; the rule "-If you're affiliated with shallow, worthless beauty groups/wikis: you will not be welcome." was put up by myself, because most people I've encountered from wiki's such as those tend to be very, self-centered and opinionated, and I was hoping to avoid people such as that.

HOWEVER; as I said prior this is a work in progress, so rewording and rules are welcome. So please, feel free to leave/post suggestions.

[fresafadfgadgv], I'm glad to see you like this wiki. I haven't talked to you in a looong time, how have you been?

[kurtis purgatory;;] Haha, sorry about last night -- I'm a grumpy ass. But, thank you for trying to keep the peace.

As well as everyone else. :]

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: No problem at all.

2009-06-15 [fresafadfgadgv]: Thanks for the mention! This wiki caught my eye so had to have a visit. Nice to see genuine people that care about one of the more important things in life.

Been incredibly busy - but missed EP and a lot of old friends (like yourself) who I'd lost contact with!

2009-06-15 [kurtis purgatory;;]: hello out there.

2009-06-16 [cowboy_94]: hello

2009-06-16 [kurtis purgatory;;]: what's up?

2009-06-16 [cowboy_94]: nothing and you?

2009-06-16 [kurtis purgatory;;]: getting pissed off.

2009-06-16 [cowboy_94]: why is that

2009-06-16 [kurtis purgatory;;]: trying to find an online photoshop system that can change eye color. i tried picnik, but you have to pay to change eye color.

2009-06-16 [cowboy_94]: oh wow that stinks i will message you i have a ?

2009-06-16 [kurtis purgatory;;]: i'm not going on skype.

2009-06-16 [cowboy_94]: ok i didn't know if you wanted me too ask here or not

2009-06-16 [kurtis purgatory;;]: it doesn't matter to me where you ask. the answer's going to be the same.

2009-06-16 [cowboy_94]: oh ok well i will talk too you later

2009-06-16 [kurtis purgatory;;]: this wiki isn't very popular yet. i think we should have a place where we post our suggestions to add members to this wiki.

2009-06-16 [kurtis purgatory;;]: Woo hoo! Someone else's finally online!

2009-06-16 [fu**(fuse)]: Whats up people of anti beauty?

2009-06-16 [Nekko fox]: WE ARE FUCKING AMAZING!

And how are you on this beautiful day?

2009-06-16 [fu**(fuse)]: Oh.. Im Okay ^^ lol

2009-06-16 [kurtis purgatory;;]: people of anti beauty? that's funny.
i'm rather bored...there's no one online to talk to.

2009-06-16 [fu**(fuse)]: Ahem!? And what do I look like to you??

2009-06-16 [Nekko fox]: Text and pixels?

2009-06-16 [kurtis purgatory;;]: sounds like a good description to me...though your pictures look like a person who's been encrypted into html graphics and uploaded onto a website.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: and i'm assuming that we're not trying to be douches, at least i'm not, i'm just trying to be funny...though i'm assuming that i'm going to fail in that department.

2009-06-17 [Nekko fox]: I was aiming at funny too...

Did it fail? I hope not.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: nope. i though it was pretty funny. though i think she didn't think it was too funny.

2009-06-17 [Nekko fox]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/9698/1245197065.jpg>

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: wow. talk about pixellation....

2009-06-17 [Nekko fox]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/9698/1245197738.jpg>

2009-06-17 [Nekko fox]: That's my addition to the pixelation which is really the dissertation of emancipation of the declaration which leads to my graduation into the fascination of the dramatization towards my lack of concentration.

Is that a good explanation, or do you need a better demonstration?

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: @.@
whatever you just said...i may be well spoken, but my vocabulary isn't that extensive.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: [fu**(fuse)], as I said previously I have no issue with any one from Bloody Beautiful. talking here. I, however, have a particular dislike for fakes. Therefore, I respectfully ask you to no longer speak here.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: O.o
you invoked the wrath of Nikolas!!!!!
steer clear of the bloody wrath of Nikolas!!!!
by the way, *cuts arm...*
enjoy! ^^

2009-06-17 [Ihsahn]: Fakes.. wha?

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: are you 'wha'-ing about what i said? or what Nik said?

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: if it's about what i said, that's an inside joke.

2009-06-17 [Ihsahn]: Nik.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Some time back, before she was actually who she was -- she had a profile on here where she donned the persona of a male; who's photos she found online.

2009-06-17 [Ihsahn]: wow..

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: O.o!
and she's on my friend's list...maybe i should think more about my friends...what was the screen name of that person?

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Yes, so I'm not fond of her -- nor her speaking on my wiki.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: This is after she changed all the shit on the page but [XxbekahxX] Simply look under the "Cool Points" for when she was known as Ben.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: hmm. that's fucked still have a relation with her on there.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Oh??

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: yeah.
you're in my mutual friend's list on there.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Problem Solved.

2009-06-17 [Zombiie Natiion]: what?! so fuse was known as ben?? so she's a fake?

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: ok. did you read my comment about 15 minutes ago?

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: seems so zombiie.

2009-06-17 [Zombiie Natiion]: i see..

2009-06-17 [Cloud Natiion]: Hmm.. but she has loads of pictures on her house o.O where would one get these if not able to take them herself.
Confusing matter.
Plus, [a demon in her eyes] knows her in person :S

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: well i guess you should just follow the link the Nik posted earlier. and you will see that she was, at one point, known as ben.

2009-06-17 [Midori]: I'm so glad there is a wiki like this. It seems everywhere I go, there is some pressure coming from somewhere for women to look beautiful. Fuck it if she's talented, or smart, you gotta be beautiful to survive in this world.

I hate that mentality, and all who have it.

2009-06-17 [Zombiie Natiion]: that link doesn't show anything O.o

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: it shows something when i click it. go to the coolpoints. and you'll see there, in huge letters that she was once called ben.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Look here Natiion's, I'm not causing problems. I'm solving them before they start.. I was friends with "Ben" as she was known -- to find out this person was a total lie, there were photos of "Ben" too.. I know nothing of Bekah, and I have no desire to know her, because in that act I've been repulsed by the thought of her.

I don't want to argue about her, what she did in the past or anything of that matter.. I'd just prefer for her to not post here.

2009-06-17 [Cloud Natiion]: Ohh right I understand, my apologies entirely I got it wrong, its late here and I'm sleepy xD
I wasn't trying to cause any problems for the record, I was just curious as I thought you were calling the pictures Fuse NOW has up of the girl the fake pictures. My bad.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: sorry [Midori] we're currently dealing with something. things will *hopefully* go back to normal soon.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Don't fret about it; I have several friends in your part of the world; I know it's at least five hours ahead of me.

2009-06-17 [Cloud Natiion]: Okeypokey, Im no good with time differences I just know its 02:13am here :|
Again, my apologies

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: actually 6. i have a world clock so i know what time it is when i talk to [Mr. Oogie Boogie] and other people from the UK.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: It's five for me. :P I'm an hour ahead of you Kurtis; haha.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: oh yeah...i forgot to check the clock for the east coast....

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: I have several friends from the UK you silly billy, I'm aware of the time difference for me. :P

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: @.@
silly billy?
that's a new one...

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: this is amusing.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: lmfao, I saw it on TV like a week ago.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: family guy?

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Nope! Haha.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: *thinking...thinking...thinking...thinking...*
nope, i got nothin'.
i don't watch tv, so i wouldn't know.

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: oh. i don't know if you saw, but i had an idea about having a place where we can post our suggestions for membership.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: I'll probably make an area for only "staff"-type people to post in; which I think both you and Nekko can count on being if you'd like. Haha

2009-06-17 [kurtis purgatory;;]: ok. that works for me.
and also another thing Nekko and i were talking about was having other people own the conversation wiki's that way the work's taken off of your shoulders alone.

2009-06-17 [Young Nik, The Atomic Bomb]: Have either of you read the small print on the conversation page? O_o :P Haha

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