# of watchers: 98
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Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2007-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: oh, here I found a copy of the original photograph
hardcore porn, right?
2007-01-27 [idunnosomething]: ...oh baby, that's hot...
2007-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: I hope I don't get banned for posting :S
2007-01-27 [Dead Inside.]: Oh no. It's porn. That should'nt be on the internet where my poor little 16 year old son can see it. I would love to stay and talk about it more but I have to go and buy "ass master's vol 4".
2007-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: [Dead Inside.]: I didn't recognize you. I gave the the SS comment, but I put an experation date on it so it would go away by itself after a few months. It's okay though, we all still know you are into little girls o_O
2007-01-27 [idunnosomething]: Dude... get "Ho. Ho. Santa Daddy 3"... it's got a much clearer image... and it's professionally done...
2007-01-27 [FireGypsy]: No! "The Fat, The Bald, And The Ugly" is the BEST porno out there!
2007-01-27 [RabidSphinx]: why are their hands white and thair faces golden?
2007-01-27 [Dead Inside.]: Becuase there hand's are inside there pant's all the time. Don't know why there all way's in there pant's though. >>
2007-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: it is a very old photograph, like 2000 years old, it just got messed up somehow ...
2007-01-27 [RabidSphinx]: messed up ONLY on the hands....inter
2007-01-30 [..oops..]: their horny, duh!
who knows.... maybe its because theres some telltale residue that they dont want anyone to see on the hands.
2007-01-30 [DRACE]: have you ever thought they might be wearing 'gloves'
2007-01-30 [Asrun]: I'm pretty sure they are wearing gloves, since they seem to have gold lace magically sprouting from them.
2007-01-30 [FireGypsy]: Still kinda weird though O_o
2007-01-30 [RabidSphinx]: the baby is wearing gloves? that's bullshit. gloves did not exist back then for the common people. >_< the only recorded pair was a pair found in the tomb of King Tutankhamen, but the process to cut gloves for a "precise fit" did not come about until 1834
2007-01-31 [zoloftzantac]: Yes, this authentic photograph of baby Jesus is very puzzling evidence indeed
2007-01-31 [~*Astarte*~]: ... how do we know this photo is authentic?
2007-01-31 [RabidSphinx]: it's a drawng, not a photograph...w
2007-02-01 [Asrun]: ...You do realize that those figures in the painting are in Byzantine dress, and therefore, they may possibly be gloves, since gloves were around then.
2007-02-01 [zoloftzantac]: No, it is a photo, I took that photograph of baby Jesus myself with my cell phone camera
2007-02-01 [RabidSphinx]: oh, that explains it then Zolfot...thank
and i don't think they made gloves for nursing infants since they don't even make those for babies now. they give them mittens, because you will never get a baby's squishy hand in a glove
2007-02-01 [DRACE]: actuly to be truthful, across the united states mittens are made for babies, but here in aussieland we still make gloves for babies
but to realy take in the painting, have alook closer, they have the halos around them, ever thought they are meant to look holy, I mean in some other paintings the ones with the halos happen to have parts of their bodies highlighted
2007-02-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *coughs* im itchy.
2007-02-01 [Zombiie Natiion]: oooo ooooo i have a report of some1 breaking the rules!!! who do i tell? XD
2007-02-01 [zoloftzantac]: *is sorry he gave [Enneigard Rebirth] the crabs* o_O
2007-02-01 [zoloftzantac]: I agree that there is not way you could get a little baby's stuby fat finger into a glove, but in this photo Jesus was older, I remember he was around 3 years old.
2007-02-01 [FireGypsy]: Uh huh.... O_o
2007-02-02 [DRACE]: zolo have you remembered to take your medication lately
2007-02-02 [..oops..]: wow... okay, z, time for you to go back to your room.... lol
2007-02-03 [zoloftzantac]: *closes eyes and whispers to self*
oh noes, theys talkin'bout us 'gain, whats we gonna do?
*drinks an energy drink and grinds his teeth*
2007-02-03 [~*Astarte*~]: *smiles*
2007-02-03 [DRACE]: fire solves everything, remember that... *hands zolo some matchs and fuel*
2007-02-03 [FireGypsy]:
Yes, listen to the man, fire solves everything!
2007-02-03 [zoloftzantac]: *dumps fuel all on and around [DRACE] and sets him on fire*
you know, you were right, I feel better already :D
2007-02-04 [FireGypsy]: See ^_^
2007-02-04 [idunnosomething]: ...but to answer your question, it's not gloves... the painter was just out of paint and had to leave the hands white.
2007-02-04 [Mental Terrorist]: QUESTION!!! How come no one has edited God Registration in a long time and there are alot of people waiting to get their names on it
2007-02-04 [zoloftzantac]: or absent... [Ultra Hunger] last seen 28 days ago
2007-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: good ridance to bad rubish if one were to ask me....
2007-02-04 [DRACE]: *rolls his eyes* smartass
2007-02-04 [zoloftzantac]: *daydreams about a mermaid's ass*
2007-02-04 [RabidSphinx]:
2007-02-04 [zoloftzantac]: oh yeah *sucks on your flipper*
2007-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: *splashes*
2007-02-04 [FireGypsy]:
I was eating these the other day while hanging out with my friends, and I took a picture of it for you ^_^
2007-02-04 [Hedda]: I thought Mermaids ate Sushi and such stuff, and not corn.
2007-02-04 [FireGypsy]: She is the model on the box! Doesn't mean that she eats the stuff!
2007-02-04 [RabidSphinx]: lol! thanks sasha!~ i have that box myself actually. i cut the picture out and it's on my wall. XD
2007-02-04 [FireGypsy]: Sweet! ^_^
2007-02-05 [Asrun]: My friend was a mermaid for halloween and I was a geisha. kept telling her i was going to turn her into sushi... it was funny at the time..
2007-02-05 [RabidSphinx]: lol
2007-02-05 [zoloftzantac]: *thinks about eating the little mermaid*
2007-02-05 [RabidSphinx]: okay...eww...>_<; lol
2007-02-05 [FireGypsy]: O_o
2007-02-06 [RabidSphinx]: hey, this is silly, but my sister is stupid, is there any way i could be messages my sister's password? she forgot it. >_<; [StarDance]....oh, and she's standing right here, yelling at me for calling her stupid. lol. THE TRUTH HURTS!~
2007-02-06 [RabidSphinx]: lol, alright, i'll message him.
2007-02-07 [zoloftzantac]: Why is she mad at you? It isn't your fault that she is stupid :p
2007-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: god i wanted to f*cking kill her the other night, you have no idea. she is taking this attitude of hers well-far-beyon
she wanted to dye her hair and mum said no, and she bitched and bitched and bitched until mum gave in. she saud "Sarah's allowed to dyye HER hair," and i'm like, "No shit, i'm 21 years old and paid for the dye myself!" anyways, she wanted brown hair but not as dark as mine, and so my mum got her the dye and did it for her and it turned out really dark like mine and now my sister is bitching up a storm and my mum went out and bought MORE dye to try and fix it, which it didn't and now my mum is mad because she spent all that money and my sister is not thankful, and i'm just sitting here like "i was against this from the start" and i had pointed out to my mum that this was a bad idea before hand, making note of the fact that my sister had bullied her into getting fake nails done for 20bucks and how my sister ripped them all off within a week because she broke one and didn't like that they were not all even and shit...so i feel little sympathy for my mum doing this AGAIN, but i still want to beat the snot out of my sister.
i got my nails done at the same time as her and i still have mine, and i thanked mum and paid her back for them...i did my own hair AND mum likes it...and yet my mum still get on my case about not having a job when my sister can't even clean up after herself of keeo her shit out of the f*cking living room...
2007-02-07 [Asrun]: Don't you think you should get a job though? I mean, I don't know what I'd do at 21 with no job.. I wouldn't be able to do anything really.
Mind you, most of my money goes towards school... -_-
2007-02-07 [FireGypsy]: I need to get a job again. Everything is an hour away though and I dont want to drive an hour away. And I wont subject myself to a low paying job working a register somewhere.
2007-02-07 [Ihsahn]: My schedule is busy, I go to school then go to work at the hospital.
2007-02-07 [FireGypsy]: I just applied at a hospital XD
2007-02-07 [Ihsahn]: cool, hospitals pay good money, I am working full time and going to school o.O it sucks.
2007-02-07 [..oops..]: Hey, my older sister did, too.
She went back to school for radiology and she has to switch school up with working. It's kind of awkward but, w/e.
2007-02-07 [Ihsahn]: I'm studyting neurology as well as psychology, with a minor in pathology....
2007-02-07 [FireGypsy]: Haha the funny thing is, that I owe that hospital money for going there for the shingles! XD And I applied there online haha! I am just applying for a receptionist position, nothing special.
2007-02-07 [Ihsahn]: I'm sure one of the doctors would love to hire you...
2007-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: see, the reason why i want to scream is that my mum acts like i am not LOOKING for a job. can't go "gee, i want a job" and then twenty minuts later have one. i have been looing for months and no one will hire me. *screams*
2007-02-07 [Ihsahn]: I'm sure [zoloftzantac] would hire you :P
2007-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: if being fat is a paying job and Zoloft would hire me for that, hey, that works.
2007-02-07 [Ihsahn]: that made no sense but ok.
2007-02-07 [FireGypsy]: Sarah, do you have a resume?
2007-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: nope. never had a job before, so it's hard to make one up...
2007-02-07 [FireGypsy]: A resume isn't just about what jobs you have had. It contains your education history, skills, hobbies, certifications
2007-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: i have no schooling/edgu
2007-02-07 [FireGypsy]: You never graduated high school? You don't have anybody that you have known at least 1 year who is not related to you that could tell a possible employer that you are a good person (personal) or a good worker(professional) even if you just mowed their lawn or took our their trash? Someone to say that you would be a hard worker and a good person?
Everyone has skills, even YOU! You are computer literate! AWESOME skill to have in the working world. You could be a secretary somewhere answering phones and going online all day.
The difference between having something to put in a resume and not having something to put in a resume is the will to do so. You went to school, you have skills, you just need to think long and hard and make a list.
What type/version of microsoft word document do you have on your computer?
2007-02-08 [zoloftzantac]: heck yeah, I'll hire you right now. Pay for your job will be a room at my place, food, internet access on a decent computer + $400 a month for your clothes, cell phone and whatever.
All you have to do is keep the place tidy and cook from time to time, walk around in your underwear and pee with the door open.
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
2007-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: nope,, never graduated high school, i have NO ONE that is not related to me (or online) that can give a referance for me, no i have never shovleed or mowed a lawn or taken out the trash for ANYONE, not even my mum.
i cannot work with computers, i do no answer phones, and i cannot type.
2007-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i don't own bras though....but i'm good at cleaning....me
i refuse to pee with the door open, sorry.
2007-02-08 [zoloftzantac]: no peeing with the door open for no bra?
Sounds like a fair trade to me :D
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: You didn't graduate? Why not? Are you still in High School? Seems to me girl like you have a dependancy problem.
Omfg ZZ You are outrageeous!
2007-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i think my boobs have gotten bigger...maybe they make training bras small enough for me now...
and it is none of your damn business why i never finished high school. i just didn't, thus why it is hard to write up a resume
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Hey no need to get pissy! I just thought you did because last year you told me you were trying to graduate because you stayed back. I figured it was a minor thing that caused you to not graduate that's all. I almost didn't graduate due to fighting, the way I drive, and not doing most of my work ^_^ Then again, I did wing it throughout HS!
What I think you really lack, isn't a diploma, but initiative. You make all these excuses as to why you cant get a job. You need to learn how to sell yourself. If you walk in somewhere dressed all gothed out and just ask for an application(not saying that's what you do), then no, you wont get the job. Get some slacks and a blouse, tie your hair up, put on some slight makeup, be confident, and speak. Dont let them do all the talking, ask questions, and tell them that you know you can do the job. You dont need a resume for smalltime jobs such as the mall or the like. After you submit your application, wait 2 days, then call and ask them if they have review it or not. PERSISTENCE is what get's the job. ^_^
2007-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i am not AT that stage yet...all i can do is fill out aplications, i have not even gotten as FAR as an interview. i don't HAVE to dress up nice to fill out an online application, or walk in and request one from the chashier there. i have never gotten a callback...eve
2007-02-08 [zoloftzantac]: Happy Valentine's Day Sarah, love ya ;)
(has got to go)
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: If you walk in to a place dressed to impress and fill out the application there, they will get an impression of you. If you walk in there all gothed out, ask for an application, then come back all gothed out and hand it to them, they will crumple it up and put it in the trash. Even if you do come back in a day to give it to them, dress nice. If possible, hand it to the manager. If they dont call in 2 days, call them back, ask if they have reviewed your application. Interview or not, you still need to impress and sell youself.
2007-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: do you honestly think i dress "gothed out" or in any way outragoius? i wear blue-jeans and t-shirts, with a black wool coat and no jewlery! do you really think i'm that fucking stupid to dress like some goth whore and ask for an application somewhere?
you sound like my fucking father...omg, i wear black t-shirts i must be fucking goth....
burn in hell.
2007-02-08 [Asrun]: My boyfriends' mom never graduated high school, and yet she makes 6 figures a year working for IBM because she worked her ass off to get there.
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: You regularly dress in goth attire and dont even try to deny it. I cleared myself earlier by saying "(not saying that's what you do)" so you can't be all pissy about that anyway. Blue jeans and a t-shirt is not dressing to impress. Blue jeans, high heels, and a blouse or a button-up shirt is.
I am already in hell and I burn everything but myself ^_^
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: OooOoOoOoOo [Asrun] what does she do there? Diplomas dont really matter if you have MAD skills!
2007-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: i do NOT dress in "goth attire", so yes, i WILL fucking deny it. you don't know me, or how i dress, so you can go to hell. no one can see my t-shirts because i live in Buffalo, meaning my nice black wool coat is all they would EBVER see of me, and i wear high-heels all the time anyways in not my wedge winther boots, so once again, fuck you, you do not know me or how i dress!
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Do you shop at Hott Topic?
Wearing goth attire isn't just wearing spikes and 2 foot heeled boots with trench coats and spiked hair. In my opinion, if someone wears strappy boots with black as their main clothing colour and wears dark makeup with either band t-shirts or hott topic shirts is goth. It is a matter of opinion and what one considers a specific label to be. You may not see yourself as being goth, but I do. I have never seen a picture of you wearing normal make-up or wearing normal clothes. It is alway black, dark, and goth-like. Sure I dont know you or how you dress, it is the fucking internet. For all I know you could be posting images of some German chick. But from what I have seen, to me, you dress in the goth attire. Everyone has their own opinions and view, dont get pissy about it, it is just how you appear to people by your profile and pictures.
2007-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: no, i do not shop at hot topic because i cannot afford anything they sell there. i have a scarf from there though...does that make me goth?
i wear fucking pokemon t-shirts and jeans! what pictures are you talking about? god, you ARE like my father. i wear a black t-shirt and some eyeliner and i'm a fucking goth
you are a fucking druggie and a whore. but that's just what *I* gather from YOUR pictures.
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Uhh these pictures!
Correction, I am a succesful and self-dependant druggie and a whore (since apparently it is whoreish to sleep with the man I have been living with for almost 2 years now). And I really have no idea how MY pictures reflect either of those...
Yet you have no idea how your pictures of you wearing ALL black all the time besides the blue in your jeans causes others to view you as a goth...
Please, you really don't want to start this shit over something so stupid...
2007-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: those are fucking 2-4 years old! i was still in HIGH SCHOOL when those were taken you moron! i do not dress like that, other than the fact i wear dark coloured clothing, i'm not a fucking "goth" god, stop sounding like my dad because honestly, you are sounding stupid.
no, i don't want to start shit, so go to hell and leave me alone. go take some more naked pictures of yourself, whore.
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: The pictures don't have a date, and your recent pictures don't even show your attire.
My boyfriend took THAT ONE picture of me for the contest and I was NOT naked ^_^ Could you SEE any of my private bodily parts? I was more covered than you! I didn't choose to stand with my legs wide open. I chose to sit and cover my breasts because I felt more comfortable naked and scrunched up being small and covered than I would wearing my underwear standing for the world to see my every curve. So YOU can go take more pictures of yourself wearing nearly nothing, I will settle with curling up into a ball and covering my boobs thanks.
You only think I am a whore because I have someone who loves me with all his heart and would do anything for me. After all, I beleive it was you who said, "i would totally fuck a guy though just so he would pay attention to me." I only fuck my boyfriend because I have moved 1500 miles away from everything that I have EVER known to be independant with him. Because I am an adult. And because I LOVE him and he LOVES me. So call me a whore all you want, but we love each other and there is nothing in the world that could change that.
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: Can we take these to private messages please?
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: No need, I have been blocked for proving a point and defending my honor ^_^
So what have you done all day? Mine has been pretty uneventful. So I am having a beer, because beer is <3
2007-02-08 [RabidSphinx]: you have been blocked for being a fucking cuntrag and using pictures of me and old quotes in a public place.
you are a whore and a bitch.
you have no honor, otherwise you would not have used private things like that against me.
you are fucking worthless
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Anywho, the movie "Employee of the Month" is a pretty rad movie so far. Anyone else seen that movie? I liked the movie "Crank". That one was pretty bitchin'!
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: can we take it to another wiki then please? You can message me if you wish.
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Anybody seen those movies? O_o *hides* [Ihsahn], I think that you should change your name to "Ihshy"! I think Ihshy shuits you better ^_^
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: haven't seen either, and ihsy is kind of old.
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Not ihsy, Ihshy ^_^
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: sounds cheesy, but what ever floats your boat.
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: *is floating*
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: *pokes hole in boat*
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: *sinks* -_- Party pooper...
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: haha!
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: *kicks your shin* ^_^
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: you missed... haha.
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: *punches you in the face* Barfight! XD
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: 2. You go to punch Ihsahn but they move. (22304 life)
3. You take a massive swing but only hit cold air. (22304 life)
4. You go to punch Ihsahn but they move. (22304 life)
5. You go to punch Ihsahn but they move. (22304 life)
6. Ihsahn pwns you with his walking stick (0 Life)
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Omfg! I forgot about hobowars! Ima bad hobo! Walking stick? Cmon' now! I favor the Ranger's position. I usually attack from afar ^_^
*firebreathes in your face, causing your facial skin to fall off* ^_^
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: you missed, yoour poi doesn't work on me.
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: I didn't use poi, I used my mouth! And you really suck at rp...
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: No, You just keep missing... haha.
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Ppttthhhhhpppt
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: owned?
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Never
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: haha pwned!
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: *kills you and throws you into the spiked pit of DOOM*
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: *ressurects like Jesus* haha what now!
2007-02-08 [Asrun]: BurnoutHappy: I'm not sure what she does, she's a sales rep of some sort... She's quite high up in the ranks though
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Nice ^_^ Good for her! Lot's of hard work pays off!
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: some one already stole my soul, you just killed my sperm count :(
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Hey, you died, okeh? Got it! Ihshy = dead
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: I might as well be dead, I can not reproduce....
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Perhaps that is a good thing?
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: meh I will just ressurect again...
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Well, the only conclsion I have for your stubbord body to not die is that you are a zombie. *cuts off your head and tears out your heart* There ^_^ that should do it!
2007-02-08 [Ihsahn]: *grows back* ah shit...... not again...
2007-02-08 [FireGypsy]: Wtf kind of demon are you? O_o *hides*
2007-02-09 [Ihsahn]: I don't know. it all happened when I was young...
2007-02-09 [Ringbearer]: *sends [Ihsahn] to Dr. Phil to talk about his troubled childhood*
2007-02-09 [Ihsahn]: *kills DR phil*
2007-02-09 [FireGypsy]: O_O
2007-02-09 [Ihsahn]: sorry, normal reaction when I see a bald ugly shrink wannabee...
2007-02-10 [This member is dead. Sorry.]: Hey, I was wondering if you could put a notice at the top of my page saying I won't be on here anymore? I would really appreciate it.
2007-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: i'm sure no one cares if you're gone, and your profile already makes point enough that you are an inactive member.
i have a feeling i'm just talking to air though. haha!
2007-02-10 [This member is dead. Sorry.]: Um... please?
2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: No, if you are leaving Elfpack there is no need for an ss comment stating you are leaving.. It should be obvious enough from your profile.
2007-02-10 [FireGypsy]: XD
2007-02-10 [-------]: Can I have one that just says that I asked for one?
2007-02-10 [Ihsahn]: no, it serves no purpose.
2007-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: i could "serve" your "purpose" ;D
2007-02-11 [zoloftzantac]: [This member is dead. Sorry.]: Anyone one who can't figure out that you are gone from your user name, real name, mood, discription and place of living won't benifit from any additional clues anyways ... I did make you an official beggar though ;)
2007-02-11 [zoloftzantac]: [RabidSphinx]: I'm in need of some servicing ;)
2007-02-11 [Ihsahn]: she charges extra now days ZZ.... be careful... shes a fisty one.
2007-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: i have to support my habits some how!
2007-02-11 [zoloftzantac]: fisty? o_O so kinky XD sorry, that was a funny typo to me ;)
I'm sure she is worth whatever she wants to charge, the question is only how long will I have to save up to get that kind of money
2007-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! i'm easily bought...spong
2007-02-11 [zoloftzantac]: okay, how about you make me a complete list so I can start working on it
2007-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: i was about to add "dlowers" to that list, but that with the My Little Pony would already mean you have done 2 of those things...>_>;
2007-02-14 [Enneigard Rebirth]: aaaaaahhhh what happened? the front page is all flowery and pink!!!
2007-02-14 [FireGypsy]: It is Valentine's Day, duh!!
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: that or EP went GAY all of a sudden.
2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: If it's so gay, you are more than welcome to leave ^_^ No need to be negative on official wikis. It's cute, but I don't know if I could stand it for more than a day XD
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: you can go to hell you stupid bitch.
i was making a joke. dumbass.
when have "flowery and pink" been gay?
god you are a fucktard.
don't tell me what to do you fucking cuntf-rag and don't talk to me
2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: I am pretty sure I live in hell already O_o Oh man I AM a total fucktard for not being able to read the emotion in your text! What was I thinking!
I never told you what to do, but now I am. Stop spamming the Guards wiki with your curse words and negativity. Got it?
*goes back to customizing her myspace*
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: again, DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO, you are just a lying whore and you are not a guard either, so i have just as much a right to be here as YOU do.
2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: I never lie ^_^ True, I may not be Guard, but it is my duty as Council to make sure there are no ruffians about making pages inapropriate for viewers, especially on Official wikis, which you are doing, and to report them accordingly. But since you are being psycho on the Guards wiki, I suppose I don't need to go through the trouble of reporting do I?
With that being said, and you being psycho, we definately do NOT have an even right to be on this wiki. So be nice, and well-behaved, or leave...
And bitches have more fun you know ^_^
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: you are short, and ugly, and worthless and i hope your drown in your audition.
don't tell me what to do because YOU are a bigger psycho than the two of us and no one even LIKES you. you are a suck-up and a fake, and annoying.
2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: I am short hehe ^_^ But it's not that bad really. Ugly? I think so, but other's tend to argue differently. Drown? Not a chance, the audition isn't what you think it is, just a bunch of swimming without coming up for air and holding my breath methinks, but there might be more to it. Psycho? What actions have I performed that would deem my psychotic? Do I blow up on people/friends all the time and spam curse words/negativi
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: It takes two to argue, genius. Don’t come here and play it off as you trying to uphold the rules. If you were really the “bigger person” in the situation you would not have said anything to me after my initial message telling you off. You responding was meant to be antagonistic, making you just as guilty as I in whatever mess ensued. The fact that you could not take my insults without retaliating with your own snide and antagonistic remarks shows that you are a total lummox unfit for the position you were given (not earned) because AS YOU POINTED OUT ALREADY, this IS the guards wiki, and if you really wanted to do your job you would have just left me with my insulting message for the guards to deal with. Now you have put yourself in the same situation as me to be reprimanded.
And the saddest part is you STARTED it all by antagonizing me, making you doubly responsible.
Doesn’t that make you sound like a dumbass? :)
2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: Ahem, YOU responded to MY initial message with "that or EP went GAY all of a sudden." Therefore, YOU were the antagonistic one in the situation. So how does that make me sound like a dumbass when you just tried to turn this WHOLE mess around on me when clearly you started the initial antagonistic message? My my you are a a manipulative one!
The reason I didn't just "go away" is because I am bored and you are the only one talking XD Besides, our conversation is quite humorous so far! I think the Guards may get a bit of a giggle out of it!
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: i was adding to your messages, not responding too it. Moron. i was not acknowledging you as the poster, just answering the comment above, so once again, it was YOU that started it with YOUR response to MY message, so don't try and BS out of it.
The only thing humorous about this is your stupidity and the people that are messaging me and laughing at your expense over this.
God, does ANYONE like you? I know I have a few, but I’m not going around thinking “I’m the shit” while utterly oblivious that most everyone around you thinks you are a moronic loser that is irritating and a suck up.
It really sucks to be you
You should find some meaning in your life. :)
i'm still waiting you to be the "bigger person" here...or are you going to keep arguing and proving my point over and over again?
2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: You dont have to "acknowledge" the poster to have a comment be antagonistic. Your whole comment was antagonistic itself being so negative. Stop making excuses...
Blah blah blah useless insults blah blah. Sure I'm irritating, but only to those who irritate me ^_^ I don't think i'm "the shit" XD But it's flattering to know that you think I think that! I don't care who thinks I am a loser XD Almost everyone on Elfpack IS a loser! It's a damn internet community! Only losers register for internet communities!! Cmon now XD
Meaning in my life? That would be to live in the moment, party hardy, always be happy, Love comes before all, and go out with a BANG! *sighs* Life is great!
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: i see a lot of "blah blah blah" coming from you and it's really quite sad when a council member doesn't know when to stop antagonizing someone so that an argument will end. i guess *I* have to be the bigger person. yup, you showed me, i'm totally in the wrong here and you are totally in the right. :)
good of you to prove my point though that you would take me saying that you THINK you're the shit by how you BS and turn it around itnto ME somehow thinking YOU'RE the shit. you just proved my point so nicely.
you make showing what a worless fake you are SO EASY! i LOVE it! :D
say bye-bye now Sasha and run along to bed.
2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: I do know when to stop, but like I said, I am bored, and you are humorous! XD It is no use carrying out my Council duties around you, first off, you don't abide by the rules, second, you dont listen to those who enforce them, and third of all, I dont think you will ever get punished for the day-to-day bullshit you put Elfpack through. So in my eyes, getting you to do ANYTHING is pretty pointless.
I didn't say that I thought you thought I was the shit, I said it's flattering to know that you THINK that I THINK I am the shit. Totally different!
The only thing fake about me is my hair colour ^_^
Damnit! I have yet to give anyone a Valentine's gift! Well, besides Adam of course. Hmmmm.... *grabs a box of chocolates and a dozen roses and waits for [Big Brother]'s arrival*
2007-02-15 [Ihsahn]: god damn I am getting a head ache just reading this......... :S
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: Here, eat this: *hands you chocolate* it will make you feel better.
2007-02-15 [Ihsahn]: *eats* hey this is............
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: oops...wrong chocolate...th
2007-02-15 [Ihsahn]: urgle *is dead*
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: *drags body away to touch inappropriatel
2007-02-15 [Ihsahn]: *stays dead*
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: *touches with tailfins*
2007-02-15 [Ihsahn]: *is still dead*
2007-02-15 [FireGypsy]: *is stood up by Jon* *gives box of chocolate and roses to Ihshy*
2007-02-15 [Ihsahn]: *respawns then eats* o crap, I am alive again.....
2007-02-15 [zoloftzantac]: [FireGypsy] and [RabidSphinx]: Since you two can't get along please just ignore each other.
I'm not getting a giggle out of it. How does it look to members who come to this wiki and see you two acting like the assholes they came here to report?
Next time I may ban both of you just to get some piece and quiet. (lets all try to make sure there isn't a next time)
2007-02-15 [RabidSphinx]: *swims around*
2007-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: you know them Alert has a typo "100 new members last week. Say hello to then! ;)" i think should say "them" but hey, that's just me... :)
2007-02-16 [zoloftzantac]: heh *fixes it* thanks ;)
2007-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: u now me. i hat it wen people cant spel good. :)
2007-02-16 [zoloftzantac]: OMG INO IS LKE ALMORNS RND HRE!!!ONE!LOL
2007-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: jesus zoloft, my cat can run across on my keyboard chasing a moth and type better than that.
2007-02-16 [zoloftzantac]: The people who type like that on EP seem to all gravite to the sex forum for some strange, and I'm sure purely coincidental reason ...
2007-02-16 [Ihsahn]: http://www.alb
Noob translator.
2007-02-16 [zoloftzantac]: haha, yeah, the really sad part is that it isn't a joke
2007-02-16 [RabidSphinx]: lol. silly noobs.
2007-02-17 [dont panic your in control]: I need the sectert sevice to tell EVRYONE ME AND [oH eM gEe its Erica*] ARE ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED!!!!!!!
2007-02-17 [dont panic your in control]: I need the sectert sevice to tell EVRYONE ME AND [oH eM gEe its Erica*] ARE ENGAGED TO BE MARRIED!!!!!!!
2007-02-17 [dont panic your in control]: PLEASE
2007-02-17 [FireGypsy]: Well Congratulation
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