# of watchers: 98
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Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2006-12-31 [zoloftzantac]: maybe less people would bother you if you didn't have a main photo of yourself in your bra ... besides, a lot of people are morons who wont read anything before they send messages to girls. SS comments won't stop people from messaging you.
2006-12-31 [pixie_dust68]: *pouts* ya'll are never around when i need something, lol
its ok i just block him. take care guards. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
2007-01-01 [..oops..]: HAPPY NEW YEAR, GUARDS!
2007-01-01 [Dead Inside.]: The new year all ready suck's...
2007-01-01 [FireGypsy]: Not for me hahaha!
2007-01-01 [Dead Inside.]: You did'nt get busted for being druck at 19 and blowing up a mailbox.
2007-01-01 [FireGypsy]: You did what! Loser. I waited untill 6 am when I was felt sober enough to drive home! I woke up at noon today and I swear I was STILL drunk! So I went back to bed and woke up at 4 ^_^
2007-01-01 [Asrun]: I don't feel so well. :/
2007-01-02 [FireGypsy]: Why not?
2007-01-02 [Asrun]: I only had 3 drinks, but they didn't sit right. :/
2007-01-02 [Hedda]: Maybe because they were Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters?
2007-01-02 [FireGypsy]: I had 4 jell-o shots, 4 beers, two shots, and nothing to eat! ^_^ I can drink most men under the table =D
2007-01-02 [skullhead]: Im done
2007-01-02 [FireGypsy]: Lol!
2007-01-03 [Asrun]: my BF drank a 26-er of rye and some vodka and didn't even get a hangover... >.>;
Normally, I Can drink a lot more, but I wasn't feeling it too much cause I ate SOOO much that night.. (we had a potluck)
2007-01-03 [FireGypsy]: I NEVER get hangovers ^_^
2007-01-03 [..oops..]: I don't think I have gotten a hangover since 2005..... and that was because I only drank vodka with a little coke that night. My sister was stupid enough to mix vodka and water together that night.... anywho, needless to say, she no longer drinks.... lol. I still do. In fact, I went to work New Years day and was one of the few who didn't call in. I had 3 beers, 2 bacardis, 2 smirnoffs, a shot of bailey's and a shot of goldschalger(sp?).... there were so many people at the party and all the alcohol disappeared before 1 am! We were so sad. DX
2007-01-03 [RabidSphinx]: i have never been drunk.
2007-01-03 [..oops..]: too bad. It's actually pretty fun for the most part.
2007-01-03 [RabidSphinx]: how about fuck you. :) i don't do drugs.
2007-01-03 [zoloftzantac]: I don't really like being drunk, but I do love beer ;)
2007-01-03 [RabidSphinx]: beer tastes yucky. X(
2007-01-03 [zoloftzantac]: I agree, most of it is total shite, but some of it is like mothers milk to me :)
2007-01-03 [RabidSphinx]: lol. i like chocolate milk. :))))
2007-01-03 [FireGypsy]: I like Bud Light, that is my beer ^_^ I like the taste. It takes a lot for me to get drunk. I mean, at that new years eve party, After ALL that alcohol, and some ganj, I was STILL spinning fire in the backyard, and I didnt mess up at all! And I was doing my hardcore moves. I think I am getting better. I need to make more videos, the ones I have are outdated and SUCK! I was like 2 weeks into it in those videos. My camera sucks and only takes 30 second videos with no sound though. So it is hard for me to get a variety of moves in. O_o I love chocolate milk too! ^_^ I am drinking Ovaltine right now.
2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: i'm drinking water, because i'm on a diet. *le sigh*
2007-01-04 [Asrun]: Br0k3n : There's no need to use profanities against people who did not even say anything even remotely offensive to you. It's rude.
2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: i found what was said to me HIGHLY offensive thank you very much.
2007-01-04 [Asrun]: If you find someone saying that getting a little drunk is fun if offensive, you need to take a breather hun. He never told you to go off and get drunk, that's totally your choice.
2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: being told to go and abuse drugs at the expense and risk of my own safty and wellbeing and health is offensive to me. don't get on my case just because your morality is obviously lacking in that department.
Go smoke a joint, shoot up some heroin, do a line of coke, and pop some X...
2007-01-04 [FireGypsy]: kjsdhvtusvjkse
It is proven that a glass of wine a day is AMAZING for your health. Some of the oldest people say that is their secret to living so long. Getting drunk IS safe as long as you dont overdose or drive. Smoking a joint IS SAFER since you CANNOT overdose. Just don't drive. It wont harm you.
Education is the key. If you don't know what you are talking about, don't talk about it.
2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: i disagree with your opinions on this matter. and you know that sasha.
2007-01-04 [FireGypsy]: I know you do. But I am saying, absuing drugs, and using drugs are two different things. Sure you dont like beer, but you have never gotten drunk, so you really dont know. Besides, beer isn't really a drug, more of a jar of fruit juice that has been sitting for a long time ^_^
2007-01-04 [FireGypsy]: *twists off a beer cap with her forearm* That's more like it ^_^
2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: using drugs is abuse in my opinion, no matter the drug, no matter how often, and no matter how much
i HATE that excuse "you have never done it, so you don't know" FUCK THAT! there are a lot of things i have never done that i'm better off not doing!
2007-01-04 [FireGypsy]: True, there are many things that you are better off not doing. And you are a smart and safe girl. I, on the other hand, am a rebel without a cause. And I will do anything for an adrenaline rush. I live life in the fast lane and I know no consequence. I live to be dangerous and I love it. BUT I am smart about it ^_^
2007-01-04 [zoloftzantac]: Use of drugs is abuse of ones self, but use of drugs is not always drug abuse
2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: *dance dances*
2007-01-04 [Asrun]: Br0k3n: I suggest that you take a different attitude towards me, since you don't even know who I am. I have never even tried drugs OR even a cigarette. I drink only on social occassions, and not even in excess. You are the only one on here that is being offensive and can't seem to get your opinion across without belittling others and using offensive language towards people you don't even know. If you can't have a conversation on this wiki without doing those things, I think it's best that you leave this wiki before you really anger someone.
2007-01-04 [RabidSphinx]: Yes mother.
2007-01-04 [zoloftzantac]: Well, someone has to watch over the children ...
2007-01-04 [Dead Inside.]: WOW! A real live cat fight. *Screams out "Popcorn, Get your your popcorn right here"*
2007-01-05 [..oops..]: broken, I was not talking about hardcore drugs like x, heroine, pot, coke, and such, i was merely saying that I thought once in awhile getting drunk is fun because yes, your judgement is impaired; however' when you have a lot on your plate, sometimes its nice to forget about stuff. And Asrun, I am female, if it was me who you were referring to.
I wasn't trying to be a bad influence or anything and I was merely having my input on the conversation that was going on. So, I apologize for an grief I caused to any and all.
*Now I remember why I stopped talking to people. ::sigh::*
And burnout, I agree with out on Bud Lite. XD
2007-01-06 [Asrun]: flameable: sorry, i don't check people's sexes, i was just sticking up for you. :) Some people tend to over react.
2007-01-06 [FireGypsy]: Whoa... O_O
2007-01-06 [RabidSphinx]: i ate sponge candy today. that si totally NOT on my diet...>_< but it was so tasty.
2007-01-06 [FireGypsy]: Sponge candy? What is that? O_o
2007-01-06 [RabidSphinx]: i type of candy.....
2007-01-06 [FireGypsy]: Well I figured that much!!
2007-01-06 [RabidSphinx]: http://www.spo
2007-01-06 [FireGypsy]: Strange... Never heard of it
2007-01-07 [..oops..]: Thank you, asrun, I appreciate you sticking up for me, I was just letting you know I'm female. XD
What does sponge candy taste like?
2007-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: old moldy socks
2007-01-07 [FireGypsy]: XD
2007-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: honestly, if Sponge Candy TASTED like anything elsew that i could use to describe it, it wouldn't be Sponge Candy, it would be that something else. it is not flavored like some kind of fruit so i can't say "ithas an orange-like taste" it does not take like Caramel, or marshmellow, or anything. it tases like Songe Candy and people either LOVE it or they HATE it. i think it may be an aquired taste, i'm not sure. it's dipped in chocolate though, white, dark, milk, whatever, so if yoy like Chocolate you MIGHT like Sponge Candy. it is amazing
2007-01-07 [Asrun]: Sponge Candy is something that we have up here in Canada too, as a mainstream chocolate bar made by Cadbury Canada. "Crunchy" bars are awesome. They arn't true sponge candy, but they are as close to the real thing that you can pick up anywhere. I've never see these chocolate bars outside of Canada.
2007-01-07 [FireGypsy]: I have never seen sponge candy at all.
2007-01-07 [Asrun]: It's good. It melts in your mouth, but the Crunchy bars tend to cut up your tounge and the roof of your mouth
2007-01-07 [RabidSphinx]: it is kind of a regonal thing. some places have it, others don't. they have it around here because we have candy facotries that make it locally. you should check out actually chocolate stores. they will have it if anyone does.
2007-01-07 [jnmnmng]: hi everyone :)
2007-01-07 [Dead Inside.]: http://www.fun
2007-01-07 [FireGypsy]: I killed Paris ^_^
2007-01-08 [zoloftzantac]: If only he would dump on Dubya for real :p
2007-01-08 [..oops..]: seriously.
Who hears votes for emancipation?!
2007-01-11 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ME~!!!!!
2007-01-11 [FireGypsy]: Lol!
2007-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: Hello Guards. i need your help.
i am the new "owner" of Hogwarts but i do not actually "own" the pages, and half of them are passworded and the password i was given only woks on some of the pages. i can't update the long list of pending members without owning the pages. could someone take the time and make me the owner of the wikis so i can run the place?
also, i can't seem to upload images directly on to wikis like before. the option that used to be at the bottom of the page is just nt there anymore. is that new, or something that just extends to me? because i can say that it really sucks since i kind'a need to upload art on my art page and images onto the hogwarts wiki...
2007-01-12 [FireGypsy]: Umm, they are my passwords, I CAN change the page owner over to you since I AM the owner lol! Why did you not contact me?
2007-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: because you were not the original owner, so i was not sure if you were even the current owner. >_<
and i stil want to know why i can't upload images anymore. :(
2007-01-12 [FireGypsy]: I was given ownership of the whole Hogwarts setup. Firenze was the previous owner I beleive and she handed it over to me. She didn't go to every page and change ownership to me though, but they ARE my pages. I am changing ownership to you since you won my contest and removing all the passwords.
2007-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: okay, thank you bunches. i was trying to actually add members and i couldn't and i was like, "grr"
2007-01-12 [FireGypsy]: No problem ^_^ The passwords should all be the same lol. At least all the ones I have been removing are all the same.
2007-01-12 [FireGypsy]: It should be all set. If you encounter any problems let me know ^_^
2007-01-12 [zoloftzantac]: Burnout, only people with custodian privs or better can even see who the owner of a wiki page is, so she had no way to know you were the owner. (not everyone sees what you see)
2007-01-12 [Dead Inside.]: http://www.bol
2007-01-12 [zoloftzantac]: oh yeah, kinda makes you proud to be an american ....
2007-01-12 [Dead Inside.]: Don't worry about. When he's 18 he will be bubba's next girlfriend.
2007-01-12 [De'ladrei]: The sad thing is when I worked the front desk in my old work, we had kids like that coming in. When some Brittish child tries to act American "gangsta" it's just worse >.o
2007-01-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lolif.
2007-01-12 [FireGypsy]: I know she can't see who the owner is ^_^
2007-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: i feel like i'm being ignored now. >_<
2007-01-12 [FireGypsy]: Since you are the owner of the pages now, can you upload images? Or is it not there still?
2007-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: no page i own can i upload images on. the whole grey box where the option was is just just THERE anymore.. :(
that is a screencap of the bottom of a page i own and have uploaded pictures onto before. like, before as in yesterday morning. >_<
all the pages i own look like that. the option is just not there. was the priv taken away from me for some reason? because if it was, then i wish someone would have messaged me saying so and why...>_<;;
2007-01-12 [FireGypsy]: Hmm, it seems that your privs are 101, and 99 is the priv in which wiki uploading is allowed. It seems someone did change your privs. I wonder who? I would change them back, but I don't know if I am allowed to or if your privs were removed for a reason.
2007-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: see, that makes me grumpy. why would my prives be changed and no one message me about it like, "You did -this- wromg and now your prives are being removed"...i mean, i haven't even been in a "fight" recently...som
2007-01-12 [RabidSphinx]: you are the only one that ever mesages me on guard work sweet pea.:)
it's just crazy, and annoying. i want to upload art onto my art wiki! >_<;;;
2007-01-12 [FireGypsy]: I figured as much Ihshy ^_^
2007-01-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: im so uptight. *oink, oink*
2007-01-16 [RabidSphinx]: i'm crazy
2007-01-17 [RabidSphinx]: is this wiki allowed when it is linked in a person's mood and does not have a warning posted with it, or on the page itself?
2007-01-17 [Tear]: That is why we report things. So innocent bystanders like me who happen to just click on that link don't almost barf on their computers.
He is over 19, so technically he is allowed to post the pictures, but, the pictures are supposed to go in the EP 19 and up thing, not just out their in the open where minors like myself can view them.
ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew I think I'm gonna be sick.
2007-01-17 [RabidSphinx]: i found it upsetting. he messaged me asking me how old i was. i found that odd and so looked at his profile and that was in his mood telling people to click it, but there was no warning. i about cried.
2007-01-17 [FireGypsy]: *pukes* curiousity killed that cat.... *dies* GrOsS!
2007-01-17 [..oops..]: it also created kittens
2007-01-17 [FireGypsy]: Haha lol!
2007-01-19 [Mental Terrorist]: How is it fair to ask someone to give permission to take down a wiki?
2007-01-19 [RabidSphinx]: ?? not sure i follow that question fully.
2007-01-19 [Mental Terrorist]: How is okay that you asked jordan to report me wiki??
He knew about it before then and didnt care, until you messaged him asking him to take it down he didnt care
2007-01-19 [RabidSphinx]: i asked him if he knew about it, he said yes, i asked if it bothered him, he said some rather informative things about you. i informed him that the wiki broke the rules and he could report it if it bothered him, and he asked how. i told him how.
in the end it was his desission and he wanted the wiki down. since your wiki BROKE THE RULES, i don't think you have much right to complain about anything. :)
2007-01-19 [Mental Terrorist]: so every other anti wiki that is about a person breaks the rules too...
2007-01-19 [RabidSphinx]: yes. every "anti" wiki that is about a person DOES break the rules.
2007-01-19 [Mental Terrorist]: Anti-Avril Lavigne just because she is famous dont mean that she isnt a person
2007-01-19 [RabidSphinx]: then Anvil Lavigne can come on here and file a report with the Guards and the wiki will be removed. :)
2007-01-19 [DRACE]: *rolls his eyes* damn [RabidSphinx] well aren't you just the Wiki NAZI
2007-01-19 [RabidSphinx]: why am i being attacked here? i'm one of FOUR officials that had dealings with that wiki, and *I'M* not the one that made the rule, just one of the people that trys to enforce it. :)
2007-01-19 [DRACE]: I'm not attacking you, I like you to much, I'm just playing tis all ~_~
2007-01-19 [RabidSphinx]: then don't call me a Nazi. it makes me a grumpy German
2007-01-19 [FireGypsy]: XD
2007-01-19 [RabidSphinx]: supposedly Avril Lavigne is a member here. :P [Avril]
2007-01-19 [FireGypsy]: Yeah, so isn't [Paris Hilton] XD
2007-01-20 [Hinata-Chan]: could someone possibly put one of those secret service messages in my house saying that I don't cyber or reply to stupid messages saying things like u r sexy and it will just lead to them being blocked. If someone could do that for me thank you!
2007-01-20 [Ringbearer]: Those generally dont help, trust me.
2007-01-20 [DRACE]: and there is also [Chuck Norris]
2007-01-20 [Asrun]: trust me.. I'm a guard, and those SS messages don't help. lol
2007-01-20 [FireGypsy]: Pfft, it helped me tons! I havent had a cyber request in, damn I dont even remember! I think because it scares all them pervs off ^_^ Heh heh!
2007-01-20 [RabidSphinx]: i don't get them too often, but then again, posting a picture of my face probably did the trick more than the warning. :D
2007-01-20 [FireGypsy]: *rolls eyes*
2007-01-21 [RabidSphinx]: hey, i only speak the truth. :)
2007-01-21 [RabidSphinx]: [RabidSphinx] is a member here too! awesome! she is almost as cool as [Chuck Norris]
2007-01-21 [DRACE]: *rolls his eyes* you peeps are odd sometimes
2007-01-21 [RabidSphinx]: sometimes? i don't think you have a firm understanding of us if there is a timespan you believe we are not odd
2007-01-21 [~*Astarte*~]: hehe - well said [RabidSphinx] :)
2007-01-22 [..oops..]: everyone is odd.
in fact, i don't this that the word normal can be applied to the world that we live in. Because generic stuff has abnormal things in or to it.
being odd is so much more easier.
in fact, if you are odd, you fit into the 'norm'.
2007-01-22 [RabidSphinx]: normalcy is all relative.
"We are all mad here."
2007-01-22 [zoloftzantac]: But I don’t want to go among mad people ...
2007-01-22 [RabidSphinx]: "Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat, "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
2007-01-22 [zoloftzantac]: uhh ... how do you know I’m mad?
2007-01-22 [RabidSphinx]: "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
2007-01-22 [~*Astarte*~]: "And how do you know that you're mad?"
2007-01-22 [RabidSphinx]: "To begin with," said the Cat, `"a dog's not mad. You grant that?"
2007-01-22 [DRACE]: *runs nakkid through the room with his hands over his head wiggling wildly and screaming, 'THE PENGUINS ARE ATTACKING', turns around and runs back out*
2007-01-22 [RabidSphinx]: "I suppose so," said Alice.
"Well, then," the Cat went on, "you see, a dog growls when it's angry, and wags its tail when it's pleased. Now I growl when I'm pleased, and wag my tail when I'm angry. Therefore I'm mad."
2007-01-22 [DRACE]: lol
2007-01-22 [FireGypsy]: Last, night, the moon was the Cheshire Cat.
2007-01-22 [RabidSphinx]: [Someone cyber with me] i say this member is really a guy, what do yal' think?
2007-01-22 [FireGypsy]: Probably
2007-01-22 [Tear]: I would think so as well.
But I also think that is just sad.
2007-01-23 [RabidSphinx]: i found it very sad myself, thus why i shared it
2007-01-23 [~*Astarte*~]: "I call it purring, not growling," said Alice. :)
2007-01-23 [DRACE]: you should refere that [Someone cyber with me] freak to http://fake.sw
2007-01-23 [zoloftzantac]: Hey! Someone cyber with me! please please please! :p
2007-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: sorry, mermaids don't have vaginas. :P
2007-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: arg! damn it! >.< why is god so crual!
2007-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: oh wait! they don't have feet either?!?
2007-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: nope. no feet. :) but i have seashells!
2007-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: oh yeah? well come on over and take off your seashells and I'll teach you some fancy new ways to kiss ;)
2007-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: O_o
2007-01-24 [FireGypsy]: Bahahaha!
2007-01-24 [Dead Inside.]: Should I be watching this?
2007-01-24 [FireGypsy]: I don't know, should you?
2007-01-24 [NE0]: What is "this"? How do you define "this"? If you mean what you can taste and see then "this" is simply electrical impulses interpreted by your brain.
2007-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: shut up with the ripping off of the Matrix. >_< *swims away*
2007-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: Yeah, really "Neo", if that even is your real name ...
2007-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: i like how his picture is from the movie Constantine, not The Matrix. :)
makes us REAL movie characters look bad. *shifty eyes*
2007-01-24 [RabidSphinx]:
2007-01-24 [DRACE]: hmmm... makes me wonder that, I mean mermaids having no vigina and all, do they have oral sex to become pregnate... I have way to much time on my hands >.<
2007-01-24 [Sunrose]: Fish have reproductive organs, I'd imagine a mermaid would have similar ones.
Otherwise she pretty much can't eat either, as she'd have no exit for it.
2007-01-24 [DRACE]: mmm eh oh wells
2007-01-24 [Big Brother]: i don't think this conversation is taking place in the right area, and ZZ, i removed the image you posted due to it not being appropriate in a official and public wiki.
2007-01-24 [zoloftzantac]: It was just a photo of a guy spreading open a dolphin vagina. It wasn't really a mermaid, I lied about that part :\
2007-01-24 [FireGypsy]: WHOA! Hahaha omfg! You guys are always the highlight of my day!!
2007-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: a mermaid's vagina would just be a little slit, you wouldn't see it just glancing at a female.
2007-01-24 [FireGypsy]: But glancing at a male, I don't see his penis O_o
2007-01-24 [RabidSphinx]: when you look at a whale, do you see its penis? NO. they are fucking 6 feet long, you know where it is? INSIDE him. it only comes out for mating. if only human males were so lucky. the penis is ridiculous looking.
i always thought of mermaids as being more like fish than mammals since, you know, they don't breathe air. the "mermaid purse" is an egg-sack laid by Nurse Sharks and i contains a singular egg-thus baby shark. i think that's how mermaids would reproduce, not with a pregnancy.
2007-01-25 [zoloftzantac]: really? I always thought they were mammals, I mean they have hair and breasts :3 I didn't know they didn't breathe air though ...
2007-01-25 [RabidSphinx]: look, this video was made about me!
i'm so pathetic. >_<;
2007-01-25 [Hedda]: You'rre verry nice girrl! Me handsome man. You gife me goot priyce!
2007-01-25 [FireGypsy]: I <3 Family Guy!
2007-01-25 [RabidSphinx]: i love Meg. she and i have everything in common. XD
2007-01-25 [Rainedrop]: meow meow meow meow!
2007-01-25 [RabidSphinx]: kitty! *pounces*
2007-01-25 [~*Astarte*~]: Starbucks original logo was a twin-tailed mermaid with bare breasts. In 2006, the company temporarily re-introduced their original brown logo (twin-tailed bare breasted mermaid) in honor of the company's Pacific Northwest heritage and in celebration of their 35th anniversary as a business. Apparently there was some controversy over the vintage logo because of the mermaid's bare breasts, including a principal at an elementary school asking the teachers to cover the Starbucks' vintage logo with a cup sleeve to hide the mermaid's breasts... I'm continually amazed by our society's hang-ups about the human body...
2007-01-25 [FireGypsy]: Haha! That is so sad! "oh no kids, you can't see the cartoon breasts on this cup that you will someday grow anyway!" "Omg! Janet Jackson's boob just fell out! My child saw that! Let's create an outrage!"
It almost poses the question, Whom does the breast offend, you, or your child?
I am not going to keep my children in the dark. I have SEEN what it does to kids. They are blind, they dont know right from wrong because they never see wrong. And eventually, they WILL want to know what those lumps are on their mommy's chest that they don't have. But you cant hide it from them forever! Just tell them! I wont lie to my kids and tell them that there is a Santa or an Easter Bunny. My kids are going to be tough bastards!
2007-01-25 [..oops..]: Same here.
Although, what I do is only if my daughter asks, do I tell her. I'm a bunlt person so, I'm just like, yup!
2007-01-25 [RabidSphinx]: if parents don't want their children seening nudity it is their right. a woamn expos9ng her breasts can be arre4sted for indecent exposure, so i can perfectly understand why a princapal at a school would ask his staff to keep nude art out of sight from the students. i'm sure he was not looking forward to being sued.
2007-01-25 [Dead Inside.]: I have a question. Why was the S.S message about my house taken down?
2007-01-26 [Asrun]: There's a HUGE difference between art and a woman flashing her breasts.
2007-01-26 [RabidSphinx]: they are still of naked breasts and i do not expect young children to know the differance like an adult can.
what's next, nipples on barbie?
2007-01-26 [FireGypsy]: That would be hawt!
2007-01-26 [RabidSphinx]: i think she would look perpetually cold, and it would be gross since barbie is fat and flat chested now.
2007-01-26 [FireGypsy]: Barbie? Fat? I heard that if she were blown up to human size, that she would have like a 15 inch waist or something crazy like that! I think it would be hawt! I might even buy a few! XD
2007-01-26 [RabidSphinx]: that was in 1998...the barbie had a new mold and she looks nothing like her old self.
2007-01-26 [FireGypsy]: Well, that tells you about the last time I even held a barbie haha!
2007-01-26 [FireGypsy]: D00D, all of the google links are about mermaids XD
2007-01-26 [RabidSphinx]: that's because i am hawtsex
2007-01-26 [Hedda]: I've heard that some women let very young children suck on their brests! People like that should should be shot!
And then we have those women who put even younger children through their pussy!!! I mean: The kid is just halfborn, and is already in the worst porn-movie ever!
2007-01-26 [Hedda]: My ads are about Christian clipart... "Jesus, doves, bibles, crosses and more!". I've heard that Jesus started his life by sucking breasts, so I guess that's why they put their ads at pages taking about breasts.
2007-01-26 [RabidSphinx]: you mean a woman's breats have a purpose! no way! ewww! gross!
2007-01-26 [skullhead]: Actually you can say they are multipurpose
2007-01-26 [FireGypsy]: Hell yeah! *pokes her boob* Squishy!
2007-01-26 [..oops..]: hedda, you crack me up.
2007-01-26 [FireGypsy]: My ads still contain Mermaids lol! One time I looked though, they all contained the word "stress" for some reason XD
2007-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: [Dead Inside.]: I have no idea why, or even who you are ... did you change your name or something? What did it used to say?
2007-01-27 [Dead Inside.]: It was [Dorkfish69] when the S.S. comment was put over my house. Then it was [trueno]. And you said that you were the one who put it up there.
2007-01-27 [zoloftzantac]: Oh, and you're right, I saw a photo (or maybe it was a painting) of Jesus putting his mouth and hands on a woman's breast, he was one of the first porn stars.
2007-01-27 [idunnosomething]: Haven't you seen cave paintings of naked women...? ...now that was the first porn...
2007-01-27 [RabidSphinx]: you guys are contradicting yourselves now. either nudity is "natural" and breasts are fine, or it's "pornography".
2007-01-27 [idunnosomething]: ...it's naturally pornography.
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