# of watchers: 98
| D20: 2 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 1 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 1 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2006-12-05 [..oops..]: Uh Huh...... How so?
2006-12-05 [zoloftzantac]: *strips [Enneigard Rebirth] and then ties him to a tree until his summonings work properly* :D
(although you do get bonus points for being able to summon a cutie like kitty)
2006-12-05 [..oops..]: LMFAO.... zoloft.... I do believe that this action may be argued as non-consentual actions.... LOL
2006-12-05 [Firenze]: The truely fucktardedness of the people in my college >.<
2006-12-05 [FireGypsy]: That was truly fucktardedness lol!
2006-12-05 [Firenze]: Thankfully that lot left last year...
2006-12-05 [..oops..]: Wow.... that is VERY special.... lol
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *sits there tied up to a tree*
2006-12-05 [zoloftzantac]: while that was dumb as fuck, it was still better that 80% of the crap I see on TV ...
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: hahaha lol. *looks at self* i feel very exposed right now.
2006-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: this is the best ever.
i love Richard Simmons. i will marry him someday
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: dont expect to have much spending money though...*is glomed, naked & tied to a tree*
2006-12-05 [zoloftzantac]: I don't think he like girls ...
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]:
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: WAKE UP DAMN IT!!!!
2006-12-05 [zoloftzantac]: uh huh? uhhh, I'm up mom, I swear .... *zzzzz*
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: are we the only ones online?
2006-12-05 [FireGypsy]: Probably
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: HEY!!!
2006-12-05 [FireGypsy]: *shifty eyes*
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: sasha is kickASS! *begins to dance*
2006-12-05 [FireGypsy]: ^_^ *dances too*
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *plays music*
2006-12-05 [RabidSphinx]: i'm sure he would like me. ^_^
2006-12-05 [zoloftzantac]: maybe ... if you chop your hair, don't wear make-up, bind your breasts and never take your pants off :/
2006-12-05 [FireGypsy]: o_O
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: who would like you? jon?
2006-12-05 [Big Brother]: I HAVE BEEN SUMMONED!!! WHAT DO YOU WISH OF ME?
2006-12-05 [Firenze]: For you to dress up as a woman and run around EP like it? jk.
2006-12-05 [Big Brother]: but you didn't summon me, and when i get summoned by [Enneigard Rebirth] i only end up killing him...... *pulls out a blow-gun with a dart dipped in Cobra venom*
2006-12-05 [Firenze]: Awwwwwwww....p
2006-12-05 [Big Brother]: dead? that's the whole idea....yet he never fully dies somehow...
2006-12-05 [Firenze]: You just like being mean to him *boots Jon's bum*
2006-12-05 [Big Brother]: i guess if wanting him dead is mean...sure!
2006-12-05 [Firenze]: *pokes Jon* Meany.
2006-12-05 [Big Brother]: *hits her with a stick* me? noooo!
2006-12-05 [Firenze]: *beats him with a hardback book* You are...
2006-12-05 [Big Brother]: some chick was beating me with a book at AC3, it was funny.
2006-12-05 [Big Brother]: WOOT!!!!
Click to play sound/video
2006-12-05 [Firenze]: lol, well I beat you virtually with a book, meh...
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: him?! being mean to him?..........
2006-12-05 [Firenze]: *huggles t3h [Enneigard Rebirth], then pokes*
2006-12-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *is poked, glomed, naked & tied to a tree*
2006-12-05 [Firenze]: *puts a leaf over his testicles*
2006-12-05 [zoloftzantac]: hmmm ... it seems [Enneigard Rebirth] likes being naked in public so much that he isn't even trying to improve his summoning skills .... *kicks him again*
2006-12-05 [Romantic Rebellion]: wow that video is so kewl! lol
2006-12-06 [Enneigard Rebirth]: testicles? oh yea...um..test
2006-12-06 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *scratches self then looks down* this isnt a leaf its a snapping turtle. OW!!
2006-12-07 [..oops..]: That's a totally hot video! Okay sorry, I'm a bit hyper. Poor rebirth..... first his summons don't work, then he gets tied to a tree naked, now a snapping turtle bites him.... there's an alligator snapping turtle at my job... man, he's a bitch! It hurts like hell when he bites.....he doesn't let go for awhile.... neither does the opposum or some of the snakes....::sh
::swings fish by snapping turtles head:: there, he let go!
better now, rebirth? LOL
2006-12-07 [Nytefox]: heh... umm, people arnt allowed to have the giffie pets IN there house, correct?
2006-12-07 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yesss...slight
2006-12-07 [Nytefox]: correct me if I'm wrong, but [Drowning in life]'s house doesnt look right...
2006-12-07 [Big Brother]: looks fine to me ^_^
well now it does!
2006-12-07 [zoloftzantac]: yay! [Big Brother] freed the stolen giffies! ^__^
2006-12-07 [Big Brother]: that i did
2006-12-07 [..oops..]: How did people steal Giffies?
2006-12-07 [zoloftzantac]: Why do you want to know? :p
2006-12-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *plays dramatic music*
2006-12-08 [..oops..]: I just don't want anyone stealing my lovely Baha!!!!!
::growls:: stupid idiots.....
and you know what, zz? CUZ I CAN! XD
2006-12-08 [zoloftzantac]: oh, I see, you don't have to worry, when people steal giffies they steal them from the giffie warehouse, not from people's houses ;)
2006-12-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: dun dun dun dun DUN.
2006-12-08 [..oops..]: Oh, alright.
That works, then.
Why are there so many scary moments on EP?
2006-12-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: because its a ScArY website!!!! rrrrrooooooooo
2006-12-09 [zoloftzantac]: yikes! *hides*
2006-12-09 [Enneigard Rebirth]: hahahaha. *falls into the shadows*
2006-12-10 [..oops..]: ::plays with the baby demons::
2006-12-10 [skullhead]: "baby demons" Boy that brings back memories.
2006-12-10 [..oops..]: XD
2006-12-10 [skullhead]: Actually now that I think about it she’s more like a baby harpy
2006-12-10 [..oops..]: Aww.... how cute! Anyone seen and/or read 'The Crucible'?
2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: Hey everyone! Guess what! I am an "insensitive, immature, and very nasty person"! How about that! Let's celebrate!! *dances*
2006-12-10 [Big Brother]: awesome!!!! me too!!!! *steals her party*
2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: Lets celebrate together!! *dances with Jon*
2006-12-10 [Big Brother]: MY PARTY!!!!! *kicks sasha out* yay for being "insensitive, immature, and very nasty person"
2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: *kicks your ass* This is MY celebration for my newest compliment!!! Damn you!!! *continues her party*
2006-12-10 [Big Brother]: GO TO HELL!!!!!! I STOLE IT FROM YOU! IT'S NOT YOURS!
2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: DIE!!!
2006-12-10 [Big Brother]: NEVER!!!!!
2006-12-10 [skullhead]: yes Die and go to the party in hell
2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: Oh! And now I have to "get to know" people after they make a few stupid comments before I "bash" the fact that they made stupid comments! Oh the irony!! *wails* Oh it is too much! *joins the party in hell*
2006-12-10 [Big Brother]: *runs off to the DDR party...*
2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: *joins* DDR rocks ^_^
2006-12-10 [Big Brother]: i'm just unlocking right now.. i just moved up to standard...and not doing that great....
2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: I had DDR back in the day, but my dance pad got all screwed up and wouldn't register that I was stepping on the arrows, then the cd got all scratched from my siblings, and I stopped playing lol!
2006-12-10 [..oops..]: I do better with my fingers than with my feet
2006-12-10 [Big Brother]: that kinda defeats the point......
2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: Ya...
2006-12-10 [..oops..]: I know but, I have virtually no eye/feet coordination so, it works better for me to do it online. LOL
2006-12-10 [FireGypsy]: Online? O_o
2006-12-10 [Enneigard Rebirth]: bash my ass!!!! *stumbles* .....hic....
2006-12-11 [Enneigard Rebirth]: wow i think i killed the guards wiki. *puts a rose on the grave that says [guards @ wiki] R.I.P
2006-12-11 [Little Bi Vixen]: i need help!
2006-12-11 [skullhead]: ...
2006-12-11 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *draws sword* what is it sir [Little Bi Vixen] !?
2006-12-11 [Little Bi Vixen]: im a she... and skullhead helped me lolz but thanks... even thogh i have no answer... skullhead will this take a while?
2006-12-11 [skullhead]: Stand down Enneigard no it wont Little Les
2006-12-11 [Little Bi Vixen]: ty and is he always like that lolz naw i think its cute lolz
2006-12-11 [FireGypsy]: Lol are [skullhead] and I BOTH trying to help or what? I just sent a whole explanation on what to do lol
2006-12-11 [Little Bi Vixen]: that was for something else lol... but you helped alot too... but mom deleted pic from folder... and from cam... and im grounded for it lolz so ty anyways
2006-12-11 [FireGypsy]: Oh noes!!
2006-12-11 [skullhead]: hum..There goes a potential submission
2006-12-11 [Little Bi Vixen]: well, unless i used another fake pic... yes i do admit it all my OLD pics were fake... i just... well.. im insecure,...
2006-12-11 [FireGypsy]: Well they can't be fake!! Don't be insecure, take a picture that you feel comfortable taking. ^_^ But you really shouldn't be so insecure about it ^_^
2006-12-11 [skullhead]: Insecure!!! Trust me if some one was using the photos you had up in your house passing them as your self, the last thing that person looks like to me is “insecure”.
2006-12-11 [Little Bi Vixen]: well those girls are beautifull and im not so i used them
2006-12-11 [skullhead]: How does a three white naked lesbian girl’s gangband sound to you?
2006-12-11 [Little Bi Vixen]: hot
im a lesbian
2006-12-11 [skullhead]: insecure??? I dont think So..
2006-12-11 [Enneigard Rebirth]: BURN!>....or wait.....FREEZ
2006-12-11 [skullhead]: Ok Who's The Wise Guy That opened the asylum?
2006-12-11 [FireGypsy]: *points two comments up*
2006-12-11 [Enneigard Rebirth]: la la la la, la la la la La LA! *begins dancing around* i did i did, your all going to die!
2006-12-11 [skullhead]: You think, he looks like a nut job
2006-12-11 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i like food. mmmmmeeeeeeee llfooooooooddd
2006-12-11 [FireGypsy]: O_o
2006-12-11 [Dwemer]: /slap -.-'' Don't mess with aeris !
2006-12-11 [zoloftzantac]: Aeris?!?! [S=A]?
2006-12-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *slaps [Dwemer]*.........that hurted.......
2006-12-12 [zoloftzantac]: hells yes! cheese roxors! :p
2006-12-12 [FireGypsy]: O_o
2006-12-12 [Dwemer]: *is slapped* @.@ ...
2006-12-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: GWAR!! *stomps around like a tauren* i like CHEESE!
2006-12-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: the comment torrent of the guards wiki has been reduced to 60%, since im the only one that posts in it.
2006-12-13 [zoloftzantac]: *bans [Enneigard Rebirth]*
2006-12-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: nooooo!!!!! *is banned to the twisted nether*
2006-12-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: now its only 50 percent.
2006-12-13 [FireGypsy]: I am about to POUND one Elfpack member in two fucking seconds!
2006-12-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: im sorry! *cries & runs away*
2006-12-13 [FireGypsy]: Not you lol! Some dumb bitch!
2006-12-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *breathes heavily* oh.....*hugs [FireGypsy]* i shouldve knew you wouldnt beat the living fuck out of me!!!
2006-12-13 [FireGypsy]: Yeah, but I will out of [EmmaExCore.] if she doesn't stop spamming wikis with her argumentative antics and stupidity at me.
2006-12-13 [FireGypsy]: Heh! And she has the balls to report ME for harrassment after I told her to stop messaging me like 8 times and finally told her I was reporting her for harrassment! What a joke!
2006-12-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lol. burn her....*pulls out a flaming stick* do what the other burnouts have been doing for thousands of years. its up to you [FireGypsy]....
2006-12-13 [FireGypsy]: I don't know, but I have had to report her TWICE and nothing has been done. I am getting TIRED of dealing with her shit!
2006-12-13 [zoloftzantac]: Quite frankly I am getting tired of your drama. Relax, it is all going to be okay.
You made your reports only a half hour apart, you can't expect someone to be here 24/7. One of us will deal with it as soon as we can, I would have already gotten to it but I had to deal with an outburst on the Guards.
Also, it really isn't appropriate for you to come on to this wiki shouting while making threats and insulting another member.
2006-12-13 [FireGypsy]: Well, I need to vent somehow ^_^ And I was being sarcastic lol
2006-12-13 [zoloftzantac]: I believe you, it just didn't seem cool to me that a Council member would show up on the Guards page yelling about reporting someone and how she is about "to pound them in two fucking seconds"
I don't want members to get the idea that the crew is some sort of EP Mafia. She only reported you because she thought she was going to be banned. Did you tell her that you would get her banned?
2006-12-13 [Big Brother]: wait....not a mafia? crap, then what do i do with these bodies? we still dumping them in the river?
2006-12-13 [FireGypsy]: Banned? From message harassment? I just wanted someone to talk to her to shut her up because I couldn't stand it anymore!
Jon, the bodies need to be dumped in the everglades, with ham tied to the limbs to attract the gators ^_^
2006-12-13 [RabidSphinx]: i was on the council once. :)
2006-12-13 [FireGypsy]: I am just beginning to get fed up with idiots.
2006-12-13 [RabidSphinx]: make me a guard. :) *grins innocently*
2006-12-13 [zoloftzantac]: I would make you a guard
(but then everyone knows I'm nuckin' futz)
2006-12-13 [RabidSphinx]: *straightens halo* i would make a good guard.
2006-12-13 [Big Brother]: *puts the bodies in the official EP body van* yo, any more "bans" to take care of while i'm goin to the glades??
2006-12-13 [zoloftzantac]: throws [Gato] into the van, that's it for now
2006-12-13 [RabidSphinx]:
2006-12-13 [Big Brother]: cool, quite the load this time. almost had to hook up the trailer.
2006-12-13 [zoloftzantac]: damn, the van is full? well, I guess we'll just have to get RD next time :P
2006-12-13 [RabidSphinx]:
2006-12-13 [Big Brother]: wait! i got the trailer!! hold up for a sec *starts working on the trailer*
2006-12-13 [XxSinister MorphineXx]: How do I make a link for my diary? I want to be able to put the link in my mood
2006-12-13 [Big Brother]: PseudoHTML#17
2006-12-14 [Dead Inside.]: Is there any way I can who's on the banned list?
2006-12-14 [Dead Inside.]: *1st man* Do you suck dick's? DO YOU SUCK DICK'S? *2ed man* No I do not. *1st man* BULLSHIT! I bet you could suck a golfball through a gardenhose.
2006-12-14 [XxSinister MorphineXx]: What The Hell!
2006-12-14 [Dead Inside.]: *Is really bored*
2006-12-14 [XxSinister MorphineXx]: oh alright. LoL
2006-12-14 [Big Brother]: quoting movies eh? i didn't like that movie.
2006-12-14 [FireGypsy]: I never saw it, but I certainly recognized the quote from it. It is a pretty well known quote.
2006-12-14 [Big Brother]: ya, but that and like 4 other lines in the same 5 minute period was the only good part of the movie..
2006-12-14 [FireGypsy]: Lol!
2006-12-14 [zoloftzantac]: God, it smells bad in here. *opens a window and gives a funny look to [Dead Inside.]*
2006-12-14 [..oops..]: It's not me!
I took a shower a little while ago and got yelled at for it. LOL
Did anyone fart?
2006-12-14 [Empty~Soul]: can some one please pm me on how to keep guys from asking for msn address when i dont have one or to cyber? it would be very much appreciated thank you
2006-12-14 [Hedda]: [Empty~Soul]: Write it in your presentation and ignore the people who don't bother to read your presentation..
2006-12-15 [Enneigard Rebirth]: have you tried ignoring them? or using the deceivement way?
2006-12-17 [Dead Inside.]: Awesome. bad rp Go there.
2006-12-19 [Mental Terrorist]: who may i ask about a warning for my page?
2006-12-19 [zoloftzantac]: Why do you think you need a EP SS warning? I don't see any warnings at all in your house discription ...
2006-12-19 [Mental Terrorist]: because i dont want people to take it personally when i am opinionated and say what i think because i am outspoken and say waht is on my mind...weither they like it or not
2006-12-19 [zoloftzantac]: Those sound like good things to put into your discription about yourself on your house. Anyways, I can't change if people take the things you say personally, if you always just say what you think then some people are bound to become offended, if you like it or not.
2006-12-19 [Mental Terrorist]: k ,thanx anyway
2006-12-19 [Asrun]: I'm hungry! :O
2006-12-19 [FireGypsy]: Me too!
2006-12-19 [RabidSphinx]: i can say through personal experiance that you can have an SS comment say "DON'T GET OFFENDED BY THIS MEMBER'S OPINIONS" and i can have it written out clearly in my profile that i don't want anyone's opinions because i already have my own...and people STILL feel the need to bitch. i say block people after a fair warning in your profile.
2006-12-19 [zoloftzantac]: yeah, well, few are as offensive as you though ...
2006-12-19 [RabidSphinx]: tpp true, but i see people trying every day. ;)
2006-12-19 [zoloftzantac]: *day dreams about RD wearing mean black boots and kicking him* :)
2006-12-20 [RabidSphinx]: i have a few pairs of those. and a new leather jacket...i look quite fatass. i mean badass
2006-12-20 [zoloftzantac]: I haven't seen any photos of you in your new jacket yet *begs*
2006-12-20 [RabidSphinx]: my daddy pasworded the computer 3 ways to sunday. i can use the camera but i can't get the pictures off of it...so no sexy santa submission and no new photographs.
2006-12-20 [zoloftzantac]: :(
2006-12-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ...and? where are the orcs?
2006-12-20 [..oops..]: so, joe dreams of men...... hmmm.... what does that tell us now, boys and girls? lol
2006-12-21 [Dead Inside.]: I was in the chicken yard today and I dropped my gum. I found it 3 times.
2006-12-21 [..oops..]: wtf? eww
2006-12-22 [icebox8880]: Hello guards. Can I please have a warning on the top of my house?
2006-12-22 [glub]: Guards? Can I please please please!!!! have an comment/warnin
I want:
"This person loves [Flub] with all her freaking heart.
If you get in the middle of that or doubt it she will hunt you down and TICKLE YOUR BELLY TILL IT HURTS AND YOU DIE!
Have a good day!"
2006-12-22 [Ihsahn]: done :)
2006-12-22 [zoloftzantac]: lol
2006-12-22 [Big Brother]: nicely done ^_^
2006-12-22 [Ihsahn]: I agree...
2006-12-23 [Hedda]: Member comment Elfpack style!
2006-12-23 [zoloftzantac]: hahaha, oh my god, that is the most funny thing I have ever heard
2006-12-23 [Big Brother]: that is the best!!!! not too long ago someone got killed on my buddy's phone, he was helpin someone out, they said they had to go for a sec, there was yelling screaming, things breaking, then the line went dead ^_^
2006-12-31 [icebox8880]: Guys, please. I need a warning immediately.. 'This member is very angry! Don't message her before reading the rules of Akis'. Please please please please??? *puppy eyes*
Number of comments: 10849
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