# of watchers: 98
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Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2006-10-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ^_^ ^_^ ^_^
2006-10-15 [Larova]: ^_^! <===(Area of mine godhood)
2006-10-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ^_^!!! <====(area of mine uberfinalgodho
2006-10-16 [Larova]: I'll shank you.
2006-10-16 [Tear]: Not before I do.
2006-10-16 [Larova]: I don't know, I'm a quick-shanking fiend.
I can break out the crude makeshift stabbity doom in the blink of an eye.
2006-10-16 [Tear]: I'll break your own finger and use the jagged bone as a shank.
2006-10-16 [Larova]: Nice.
2006-10-16 [Tear]: Having mad 1337 skillz comes with being a ninja.
2006-10-16 [Larova]: Yes, I've picked this up. Bwaha.
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: I hate people...
2006-10-16 [De'ladrei]: The feeling is extremely mutual for many I believe.
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: Like, why can people just, like, be nice? Everyone should just get along perfect and be harmonious! Damn I am a hippie!
2006-10-16 [De'ladrei]: I was. Then life made me bitter(ish) now I'd hug a tree with one hand while weilding an axe in another.
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: Yeah, weilding an axe at the men trying to cut it down lol!
2006-10-16 [De'ladrei]: Depends on the tree.
2006-10-16 [Larova]: Yeah, some trees are real bastards.
And hey, if you're just kinda chilled and outdo them when they're trying to start crap, they don't mess with you for long.
Especially when everyone you've done that same thing to and made friends with stand up and remove the bastard in question.
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: Yeah, the next door neighbors are having trees removed and chopped up, I want to slap them...
2006-10-16 [Tear]: Fucking hippies.
I mean, the only cool things you do are smoke pot. Jebus.
2006-10-16 [De'ladrei]: We just had an apple tree planted out the back, then we are going to move the blue berry plants next to it and then the strawberries too. We're making up for the concrete monstrosity that is being built next door.
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: Thats nice ^_^ Yeah, pot smoking, about that, I havent done it in a week, and yay for me, I might be starting a new job soon that requires a drug test! -_- I went out and bought 2 gallons of cranberry juice, some cranberry pills, and am paranoid as fuck!
2006-10-16 [De'ladrei]: I've never done it other than passive smoking, and have no intention to for various reasons. The fact that I have to have regualr check ups is one of them.
2006-10-16 [Kaos101]: .......kay? Why are we talking about smoking pot?
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: Umm, because [Tear] brought it up? Yeah I dont have a doctor. Or health insurance at that.
2006-10-16 [De'ladrei]: I wish I didn't need one.
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: Why do you need one?
2006-10-16 [De'ladrei]: Because my ed fucked me over and now I have life long problems :)
Eh I have severe aneamia, it was ok for a while there, I was out of hospital and doing ok, even been off my meds for a year. Now I'm back on them all + ones for a potassium defficiancy and a weak heart.
2006-10-16 [Kaos101]: mentioned it, I think
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: Oh man -_- Im sorry. I know why you are very sensitive on the subject now. And Im sorry for causing arguments. I dont like to argue really. I get sick all the time, I dont know why. I think it has something to do with coming in contact with people all the time. Such as working at AutoZuck. I got sick twice a month. Like violently ill. That is one reason I quit, and the fact that they suck. But this new job is a security position. And I dont have to touch people all day. So that makes me happy. But that peeing in a cup thing doesnt...
2006-10-16 [Tear]: Because pot makes the world smile?
... well... at least it makes people laugh at stupid shit.
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: Totally haha!
2006-10-16 [De'ladrei]: I get sick a lot because my immune system suffered a total collapse and is only now rebuilding. But every time I get sick with something it gets knocked down again. Its just part of my life to sneeze and end up bed ridden for days x.X
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: Ugh I know what you mean -_- Ill be fine all day, take an hour nap, and wake up violently ill! Its crazy!
2006-10-16 [De'ladrei]: Ngh I'm ill just now but its my effing wisdom tooth, again.
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: Mine havent come through for me. So Im glad, they probably will eventually, and then my 4 years of braces will have been wated.
2006-10-16 [Tear]: I'm getting mine pulled. They are pushing all the teeth in the front of my bottom row together, so my entire bottom jaw is in constant pain.
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: Urg!
2006-10-16 [De'ladrei]: My braces were waisted. My one wisdom tooth that wont fully come in keeps getting infected like a mofo -.-
2006-10-16 [FireGypsy]: I have my retainers I guess in case my wisdom teeth decide to try and fuck up the worst 4 years of my life! They were such a pain in my ass! And omg I am bleaching my hair O_o yeah I let Adam pick out my haircolour again haha!
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Vinegar shots followed by water also help clean out your system, by the way.
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: I heard vinegar is a no-go. I heard it does nothing at all, but it lowers the pH of your urine so you will fail for that. I am drinking LOTS of cranberry juice and taking cranberry pills too. Cranberries clean your urinary tract and are also anti-oxidants which help clean your system ^_^
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Oh wow.
I guess I just detox quick.
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: Lol ^_^ Im surprised your test didnt come out faulty due to the pH difference. They test for that, temp, gravity, and they now test for certain detox chemicals and such. Which is why I am trying to go natural. Also, weight, BMI, and metabolism play a big role since THC is stored in fat cells. Which I have almost none, so I should be good to go ^_^
2006-10-17 [Dead Inside.]: How do you Up-load a file of picture's? I want to show some of my friend's the picture's of me at the hospital after I was beaten. And I dont want to up load them one at a time.
2006-10-17 [Larova]: That's true. Makes sense why everything worked out. <3
2006-10-17 [Asrun]: Trueno: Zip your files you wish to upload into one zip file. Then upload album (top of your home/house page) follow the instructions there.
2006-10-17 [Dead Inside.]: Thank you [Asrun] *Huggles [Asrun]*
2006-10-17 [Asrun]: You're welcome. :)
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: I know this really easy and cheap way to pass all drug tests, it has worked for me for years and it is 100% guaranteed! All you have to do is stop using drugs ...
"The feeling is extremely mutual for many I believe." // Ha! Count me in on that list.
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: Ugh!
2006-10-17 [Tear]: That is coming from the member who has zoloft and zantac as his username?
The irony. And stop refering to marijuana as a drug. I mean, it is only classified as such because of the idiot conservative americans who won't put it in the same class as cigarettes or alcohol.
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: Lol Alcohol is 10X worse it my opinion!
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Oh, it's worse.
But it's fun. <3
*Has really been close to straight-edge for almost two months tho*
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: Idiots everywhere huh? Idiots who make classification
2006-10-17 [Larova]: It'll be legal eventually. Marlboro has already bought the rights to distribute as soon as it is, I hear.
*Thinks about the thickness of a machine-rolled joint*
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: Haha interesting! Fuckbags! I hate the Tobacco industry! Heck I could fail for taking Midol! Classification
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: And the joint is easy to put down to answer your question. I havent had one in 2 weeks because I dont have any. And its not like Im selling my body to buy some or anything. But then again I havent slept in 2 weeks either...
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Yeah, you don't have to lie. I've never been asked if I smoke, they just ask "can you pass a drug test?"
Not to mention the last one was like "Hey, we're drug testing. Can you pass it today? We can put it off if you need time."
(Nobody else got that option. Some got fired, even. Hmm...)
What I will say, though, is that it seems to be more difficult to meditate deeply after smoking.
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: All I know is I sleep like a rock!
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Oh yes.
How do you feel when you wake up?
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: Awesome!
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Nice.
I always felt half-dead. But then again, the SC stuff is horrible.
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: " I am not lying to get a good job, they havent asked me if I smoked, they just said I have to pass a drug test."
Are you kidding? This is clearly a lie. They are testing you because they don't want to hire drug users.
"... the joint is easy to put down to answer your question. I havent had one in 2 weeks because I dont have any"
The most amazing part is that you are serious ...
Law makers don't give a shit if booze or pot kills more people, they have far more data and advice on that subject then we do. That has nothing to do with it.
Marijuana is a weed that anyone could easily grow in their backyards. The ATF would never be able to regulate it or tax it if it were legalized, and the big pharmaceutical political lobbies give a lot of money to politicians to make sure cheap medical pot will never be 100% legal, they have too much to loose if you could treat yourself for free from a common plant that likes to grow all over the place.
I'm not against pot, but it is illegal, and yes you are lieing.
If you don't believe me than why don't you tell your new boss the story about how you drank all of the cranberry juice?
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: [Larova]: I hear what you are saying, but my guess is that they guy who said that to you was not the guy who made the drug test policy, nor the guy who pays/honors your paychecks. (meaning that he is also telling a lie)
2006-10-17 [Larova]: *Given to musing about genetically-al
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: [FireGypsy] - how do you know marijuana hasn't been involved in the death of someone?
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: with radio transmitter gps microchip implants ...
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: I suspect she makes half of it up as she goes ...
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Yeah, when you said it in ye larger message, Zezzy, I thought about that.
On the broader scope of universalized integrity, the system's beyond corrupt.
What'd really get one is the worker's comp issue. The first thing they do when you get injured at work is drug test you. If you're positive, you're screwed, no compensation for your injury--AND you're fired.
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: It is illegal because they cant regulate it ^_^ But thats it! So I smoke! And toke! And I will pass my tests so im all good! Who cares if I make them think I dont smoke when I do. And I dont have any because I cant afford it. Its not a number 1 priority. And [Larova] I want your boss or whatever he is! Im going to be a security guard ^_^ I sit around and make badges for people while surfing the net all day haha!
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: I said I havent heard of anyone dying from weed, not I know nobody hasnt died from it. So I dont know, and have never heard of such a case.
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Not involved in the death, that's a little far to say. People have been out of their wits and done stupid things, much in the way ecstasy causes deafness because one loves the sound of music so much she puts her ear up to the blasting speaker at the rave.
But I have also heard nobody's died of a THC overdose.
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: Ah... the politics of the pharmaceutical industry... I agree ZZ. I pay $636.00 USD for 30 tablets of the strongest anti-emetic on the market for my son (and that's just my co-pay) - not sure what one would pay for the equivalent of marijuana.
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: What is the tablet for? *is confused*
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Haha. My boss is great. He doesn't give a damn about much of anything, does whatever he feels like, and is still responsible for some impressive profits.
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: The tablet is an anti-emetic... It is commonly used to combat nausea and vomiting in those being treated with chemo. In my son's case it's used to combat nausea and vomiting, but not from chemo.
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Let's see. The brand name Marinol (it's in pill form) goes for $400 a month.
Don't know about the rest of it.
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: "not sure what one would pay for the equivalent of marijuana" // If it was legal you could pay nothing. It is a weed, once it gets going you can hardly get rid of it. You could grow it in your backyard and bake it into sugar-free cookies ...
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Or brownies, or mixed in with y
oh god
You could order super-potent strains from gardening supply places and everything.
And grow it in your backyard.
[zoloftzantac], you should get it legalized. Like right now.
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: Pfft! I pay like $60 for an ounch! Lasts me months! Why does your son have nausea if you dont mind me asking?
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: ZZ, I get that... My statement was based on the fact that I personally have no idea what it costs nowadays. I've been told butter is a better way to consume it - can be used in all kinds of baking, spread on toast, etc. Although, if one is having issues with consuming food products due to nausea/vomitin
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: $60 an ounce!?! That's after sexual favors, right?
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: It helps to stimulate the appetite also, so once you get a little down then it is easier to eat more.
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: The pill I'm talking about is not Marinol. The pill I'm talking about is called Zofran - it's available in oral and IM form.
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: [FireGypsy] - if you smoke as much as you say you do, based on what I've been told by a drug counselor I know, I'll be surprised if your drug test comes up clean anytime in the next month or so...
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: No, its Florida, the shit is everywhere! I pay 120 for Hydro, and that is top of the line one-hit-stoned weed. My $60 stuff is your mid-grades. And you are right wiccan, you have to melt the butter, and then cook the weed IN the butter because it gets the THC out better ^_^ Appetite stimulating is good, I eat and eat and eat!
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: Maybe for blood, pee tests are actually kind of easy to beat.
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: Well I havent had any for 2 weeks, and I still have 1-2 weeks before the test, so Im probably alright. And I never said how much I smoked O_o
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: Re why the nausea/vomitin
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Depends on the test.
Urinalysis, saliva tests, follicle tests--Each has its own level of sensitivity.
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: You pay $120 an ounce for good hydro bud? In CA people pay more than 3 times that for shit, your story seems hard to believe ...
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: I'd imagine saliva tests are also easy to beat ... I've heard that follicle tests catch everything
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: Psh yeah you should have seen me when I moved here! I didnt believe it either! I have good friends ^_^ Im not lying, I wouldnt lie about something as stupid as smoking. Thats just what I get it for. Up north I paid 80 for a half.
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: I, too, have heard that it's difficult, if not impossible to beat a follicle test.
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: $80 for half? WTF? around here you pay $90 for a quarter ounce of shit ... oops, I meant to say, I have no idea about that sort of thing ...
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: $90/quarter? Hmm... Guess it depends on where and whom you get it from...
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: oh? since you live right freakin' next door to me what is your idea of the price here? :p less?
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: Much less ^_^ I've never paid for it - ever.
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Yeah, all I've had is saliva tests.
Damn. It's $35 for a quarter of something that'd pass as decent around here, $25 for the everyday stuff.
2006-10-17 [Larova]: [~*Astarte*~], rock on. That's the way it's done.
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: I've never paid for it - ever // Yeah, sometimes I wish I had breasts ...
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: Maybe I could get Mexican shit-weed shake for $35 a quarter ... maybe
2006-10-17 [Tear]: I've never had to lie to anyone to get a job, and I have three great jobs right now. And all my bosses know that I smoke pot, and at the same time, they also know that, even if I go to work high, that I can still function, and I can do my job efficiently.
35$ a quarter? That must be some serious shit, because I get a hookup on some really fire as regs for only 20 bucks a quarter, and 100 for a quarter of crippy.
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: Excuse me, ZZ? You think I've never paid for it because I have breasts?
2006-10-17 [Tear]: [~*Astarte*~] I didn't know you burned. You scored coolpoints for that one.
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: I never said I did... ^_~
2006-10-17 [Tear]: Grrr, I might have to remove it then.
Oh well. Now, let me be blunt and ask (no pun intended)
Do you burn?
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Damn.
Good deals.
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: Haha you guys are awesome!
2006-10-17 [Tear]: And the only way to beat a hair folicle test is to soak your scalp in bleach, or wax your head.
If you shave your head, they can still get a folicle test from your pours.
And most of the time, if they cannot use the hair on your head, they will pluck on of your nose hairs, as most people let excess smoke out of their nose, after they have exhaled through their mouth, so it is in the strand itself, as well as in the folicle.
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: "Excuse me, ZZ? You think I've never paid for it because I have breasts?" // No, I figure I could gain a bunch a weight and have some pretty nice breasts myself, but I doubt it would help me get free pot :p
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: Good sized breasts? *Looks down* Um... I don't think so.
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: Oh? Are we going to have a show and tell? *gets a front row seat*
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: Aw... you would take a front row seat to see me show and tell, eh? :p
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: I might sit in your lap even ... but then the other kids wouldn't be able to see. ;)
2006-10-17 [RabidSphinx]: i have massive boobs
2006-10-17 [~*Astarte*~]: Well, they wouldn't miss much if they couldn't see... :p Sit in my lap, eh?
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: They take hair from your armpit too ^_^
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: *sneaks up on and bites Sarah, drawing just a taste of blood*
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: *smacks ZZ's ass*
2006-10-17 [RabidSphinx]: O_o...wait, was i just bitten? i feel the need to kick people's asses now
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: *hangs on to Raine's neck like a rabid pitbull*
2006-10-17 [Larova]: That'll change to the urge to eat brains soon. *Uh-oh cringe at the broken T-virus canister*
2006-10-17 [RabidSphinx]: *stabs over shoulder with curved blade....hit's ZZ in the eye*
2006-10-17 [Larova]: *Perched on high ground with a .357 magnum and shotgun*
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: *my eye leaks like a raw egg down my face and gets in RD's hair as I continue to suck the sweet warm nector of life from her body*
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: O_O *hides in a box ready to pounce*
2006-10-17 [RabidSphinx]: you know my blood is very unhealthy for you with all the drugs in it right? and stop oozing on me...that's gross.
2006-10-17 [Larova]: (Vampires?)
*Switches to white phosphorus rounds*
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: White phosphorus is kick ass! keep it wet and its safe, but let it dry out, and then disturb it slightly and BAM you have fire! Its great! It was a favourite of arsenists for a while ^_^
2006-10-17 [RabidSphinx]: i am wearing a cross and it's made of silver...any Vampire here want to touch it? :)
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: *lets Sarah go and removes the knife from his bleeding eye socket with a yelp* :( but you taste so damn good
2006-10-17 [RabidSphinx]: i'm full of drungs and hostility
2006-10-17 [zoloftzantac]: I know it, the thought of your boiling blood makes my mouth wet.
2006-10-17 [RabidSphinx]: hmmm...okay. next time i slice myself open out of distress i will take picutes for you.
2006-10-17 [Tear]: They can try to take the hair from my armpit all they want. I shave mine, lawl.
And a .357 cal? It better be a desert eagle. I'd rather go for the .50 cal rounds and a 12 guage with crowd control rubber shrapnel rounds, becuase they won't kill, but they hurt like a mofo.
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Bwaha. I likes this Sasha.
2006-10-17 [Larova]: .357 mag, not bad nonetheless.
But I would kill for a Desert Eagle.
Provided my arm could actually handle firing the beast.
2006-10-17 [Larova]: *Purrs?*
2006-10-17 [FireGypsy]: *purrrrrssss* *rubs up against chair leg*
2006-10-17 [Larova]: Eeeeee.
*Swirls fingertips on your neck*
*Slips a dimebag of catnip*
*Either watches the antics ensue or doesn't*
2006-10-18 [Tear]: I saw my buddy justin break his wrist shooting a desert eagle. He was skinny, but still, it broke.
I would eat someones children for one.
2006-10-18 [FireGypsy]: O_O *goes crazy with the catnip*
2006-10-19 [Larova]: BWAHA!
*Watches [FireGypsy] flip out and roll around with catnip*
Good god.
Just as I thought.
How bad was the break?
2006-10-19 [Tear]: The jagged part of the bone tore through one of his tendons.
2006-10-19 [zoloftzantac]: Guns are bad, mkay?
2006-10-19 [Tear]: If you can't handle them, maybe.
2006-10-19 [zoloftzantac]: heh, sounds like he couldn't ...
2006-10-19 [Kaos101]: seriously....o
2006-10-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *boom* oh s--tif.
2006-10-29 [Dead Inside.]: Why is it that every time I change my personal data I all so have to change my password too?
2006-10-29 [Firenze]: It is because your password was probably too common.
2006-10-29 [Hedda]: You don't have to change password every time you edit your personal data. Just select a unique password and it's OK.
I had to ban all the common passwords as they are a long term security problem for Elfpack itself.
See elftown.eu/_pa
2006-10-29 [System message]: hello
2006-10-30 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ₣.i hate elftown.₣
2006-10-30 [skullhead]: Temper, temper!
2006-10-30 [zoloftzantac]: ET isn't all that bad, it is pretty much just like here except with more color and less assholes ;)
2006-10-30 [Kaos101]: ehh, I think there's just as many ass holes over there
2006-10-30 [Firenze]: I think ET and EP are just as bad as each other except EP is full of more emos and chavs.
2006-10-30 [skullhead]: Probable
2006-10-30 [Dwemer]: No wai xD You got me so Elfpack must be a nice place !
2006-10-30 [skullhead]: lucky us
2006-10-30 [Asrun]: :O
2006-10-30 [Enneigard Rebirth]: emos come here because of the awesome gray background! :> ...please dont kick me im only here to get rid of the ants...*sniff*
2006-10-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: what?
2006-10-31 [FireGypsy]: *dances*
2006-10-31 [Tear]: It was sarcasm. Don't dredge your brain for it.
2006-10-31 [RabidSphinx]: can someone do something about the member [Gato]?
2006-10-31 [zoloftzantac]: he is an annoying asshole ... *looks into it*
2006-10-31 [Kaos101]: wow....bravo to whoever's responsible for the mainstreet page.
2006-10-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: he killed my best soldier...
2006-10-31 [RabidSphinx]: i like the main page. but it made my eyes explode out of my skull...and then i died.
2006-10-31 [skullhead]: O_o
2006-10-31 [zoloftzantac]: licks RD's cold and empty eye socket v_v
2006-11-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: poor raindrop. ARMOR FOR SLEEP!
2006-11-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: WASTE ALL YOUR TIME WITH MEEEEeee I KNOW IM A MESS RIGHT NOW dont give up beleive... ID WAIT IT OUT FOR YOUUUUUU!!!!!!
2006-11-01 [Tear]: Skullfuck? Eye socket?
2006-11-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
2006-11-01 [RabidSphinx]: oh noes, my contacts.. >_< they were new
2006-11-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: hehehehe
2006-11-03 [zoloftzantac]: *wipes eye goop off of his face*
2006-11-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ewww
2006-11-03 [RabidSphinx]: YAY! WE'RE DOOMED!
2006-11-04 [Dead Inside.]: http://www.you
2006-11-04 [FireGypsy]: Was that a dildo in the box? O_o
2006-11-04 [zoloftzantac]: it was, and it was bigger than your arm ;)
2006-11-04 [FireGypsy]: Hahahaha! Nice!
2006-11-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lol
2006-11-04 [Kaos101]: ....ouch...tal
2006-11-04 [FireGypsy]: Lol!
2006-11-04 [zoloftzantac]: huh? Think so? I bet if someone got screwed analy by one of those things that afterwards they would be able to shit faster than anyone :S
2006-11-04 [Kaos101]: you'd think that...but frm the sweling that thing wqould caus
2006-11-04 [zoloftzantac]: heh, well, I really doubt any one gets that as their first dildo, they work their way up to it ;)
2006-11-04 [FireGypsy]: No way! That thing would pack your shit so tight that you wouldn't be able to skit for weeks!
2006-11-04 [zoloftzantac]: For that reason, and the issue of avoiding a nasty mess, I advise clearing your bowels before getting anal sex :p
2006-11-04 [De'ladrei]: Not really. After the initial swelling had gone down you'd probably be running smoothly...lit
2006-11-04 [De'ladrei]: And agreed ZZ *shudders*
2006-11-04 [FireGypsy]: Pfft, I dont even think I could fit that thing in me if I had some gynotongs and a gallon of lube!
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