# of watchers: 98
| D20: 2 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 1 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 1 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2006-09-15 [Enneigard Rebirth]: manci!
2006-09-15 [Officer Jody]: cannn i have a mesage above my house saying i dont have msn or yahoo! because its soo annoying when everyone asked me! if i did have it and wanted people to know it id put it on my house! please guards.. from jody
2006-09-15 [Ihsahn]: done.
2006-09-16 [..oops..]: Is there a way to see what my message says? I keep forgetting it and sometimes I think that people can't read or they just ignore it......I still have people send me messages occasionally but still.... in fact, one time, I even had someone afraid to message me because they thought that I would like, kill them or something. LOL
2006-09-16 [Sunrose]: 'THIS MEMBER DOES NOT CYBER.
Do not ask her to, do not message her asking if she has a WEBCAM. If you message her despite this warning, it is considered harrassment and you will be BANNED.'
2006-09-17 [Dead Inside.]: HEY! [Sunrose] is back. *Jumps for joy*
2006-09-17 [Sunrose]: lol :)
2006-09-17 [Officer Jody]: thanks!!!! thansk for the secret serivce message... when my frined goes "why have u a secret service message" i forgot about assking for one so i got really confsued!! thank u guards!! hopesfully i wont get bugged about msn adresses!
2006-09-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lollllllllllll
2006-09-17 [..oops..]: Okay, thanks, [Sunrose]!
YAY!!!!! [Sunrose] is back for some more of us!!!! XD lol
2006-09-17 [Ringbearer]: She aint bad... She is cute debbygirl.
2006-09-18 [Dead Inside.]: Kick;s [..oops..] in the ass for saying [Sunrose] is bad for some of us. The only people [Sunrose] is bad for, Are the one;s breaking the rule;s.
2006-09-18 [Kaos101]: actually I agree with bert
2006-09-18 [Dead Inside.]: Who's bert?
2006-09-18 [Kaos101]: [Ringbearer]
2006-09-18 [Sunrose]: I didn't write that SS-comment, just so you know :P
2006-09-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: binary digits.
2006-09-18 [Kaos101]: what comment? Which house?
2006-09-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: were distinguished as a separate group, as were the Gaels of Dál Riata. The terms "Brython" and "Briton" are traditionally used to mean inhabitants of ancient Britain excluding the Picts, because other cultural features of the Picts, for example their sculpture, pottery and monumental remains, differ from those
2006-09-18 [Dead Inside.]: http://www.rob
2006-09-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: in addition to the castle. The Georgian Inveraray Jail in the burgh is now a museum. Other attractions include the Combined Operations Museum and the Argyll Folk Museum. The Celtic Inveraray Cross can also been seen in the town, and the Arctic Penguin ship is moored at the pier. Shinty is the most popular local sport, Inveraray Shinty Club being crowned Scottish Champions in 2004.
Alan Bennett, the playwright, writes amusingly about his dining in Inveraray experience in his autobiographic
2006-09-19 [..oops..]: I swear, I meant to say back!!!!!!!!!! BACK!!!!!!!!!!
Please don't hate me.... I swear to anything I meant to say that [Sunrose] is back for some more....
It doesn't matter who wrote it, but I was just wondering what it said because I forgot. I'm sorry [Sunrose], I don't dislike you, you are awesome but, sometimes my writing gets messed up, I'm very sorry for the incorrect word.
2006-09-19 [Sunrose]: :P
2006-09-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: what?
2006-09-19 [FireGypsy]: ...?
2006-09-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: exactly burnouthappy. i love you.
2006-09-19 [FireGypsy]: I love you too haha!
2006-09-19 [Kaos101]: ...I feel rather unloved right now ;_;
2006-09-19 [FireGypsy]: *hugs*
2006-09-19 [Kaos101]: ^_^*hugs back* I can always count on you, Sasha.
2006-09-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: no really. i have a hot lesbian crush on you.
2006-09-20 [FireGypsy]: O_O
2006-09-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: or wait. im a guy. O_o
2006-09-20 [FireGypsy]: lol!
2006-09-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: or am i? *laughs evilishly feminine/mascu
2006-09-20 [FireGypsy]: I dunno! Are you?! *ish shcared*
2006-09-20 [Larova]: *Hears an ethereal "tee hee" echoing through his ears*
2006-09-20 [Zero Avalon]: hay i wish to report someone where would i go along doing that
2006-09-20 [RabidSphinx]: go to their profile...at the top there is a link by their Poll and Diary that says "report this member to the guards" and folow the instructions from there.. :)
2006-09-20 [Kaos101]: but make sure its credible enough to report.
2006-09-20 [..oops..]: Like harassment or inappropriate content, et cetra
2006-09-21 [RabidSphinx]: it was someone flaming the Steve Irwin wiki, saying he was a jack-ass when it was a mermorial of places for him given his recent tragic death. it was completely inappropriate and the member was asked to leave by several people including the owner i believe, several times
2006-09-21 [RabidSphinx]: dah.
2006-09-21 [Kaos101]: I think that would be legitimate
2006-09-21 [RabidSphinx]: he was warned that commenting there would lead to his being reported and he didn't listen,..*shru
i love stupid people...wait, no i don't
2006-09-21 [RabidSphinx]: http://www.you
my mind is so easily amused...>_>
i need to learn how to do that...
2006-09-21 [FireGypsy]: I used to be really good at card tricks!
2006-09-21 [Big Brother]: that's got nothing on this guy!!
2006-09-21 [FireGypsy]: OMFG!!!
2006-09-21 [Enneigard Rebirth]: steve irwin died?!
2006-09-21 [Big Brother]: yes.......quit
2006-09-21 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *puts on darth vader helmet* NOOOO!!!!!!!
2006-09-21 [Larova]: You emo Sith you.
2006-09-21 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yes.
2006-09-21 [RabidSphinx]: DV was SO fucking emo! >_<;
2006-09-21 [Enneigard Rebirth]: and now he blew up the deathstar & if he had a lightrazor he'd cut his wrists over his dead wife padme. he he he almost like me
2006-09-21 [De'ladrei]: No one can be a much of a pussy as Vader was in those films.
2006-09-21 [RabidSphinx]: i liked Episode One though... :)
2006-09-21 [Larova]: The trilogy was a lot better than the prequels.
2006-09-21 [RabidSphinx]: no argument, but is there a fucking law that states one cannot like any of the prequels?!
2006-09-21 [Kaos101]: ...no?
2006-09-21 [RabidSphinx]: thankyou.
2006-09-21 [Larova]: Fair enough.
2006-09-21 [Kaos101]: who said here was?
2006-09-21 [RabidSphinx]: Larova is the asshole that implied as much.
2006-09-21 [Larova]: Again with the phantom implications.
You're so good at coming up with them.
2006-09-21 [RabidSphinx]: you are just as good at being an asshole.
2006-09-21 [De'ladrei]: Not really it was a statement. I liked the first one as I thought it showed promise minus (Jar Jar Binks *shudder*) after that it was "zomg Lucas killed it" and I didnt bother to see them in the cinema.
2006-09-21 [RabidSphinx]: lucas should write, NOT direct
2006-09-21 [Larova]: "Bastard" is the term those of my style have adopted.
But hey, a rose by any other name, eh?
2006-09-22 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yesh quagon died.
2006-09-26 [Dildo Bus Chicken Hunter]: quagon died!?! nooooooooooooo
2006-09-26 [Larova]: Hell no.
Unless Chuck cheated. But that's against Law and Order, his left and right boots.
2006-09-26 [Enneigard Rebirth]: but if chuck norris used the force to deliver a omnigravitatio
2006-09-27 [Kaos101]: ....o.0
2006-09-27 [Larova]: Ooh.
You're right, I never thought about that.
2006-09-27 [Enneigard Rebirth]: but...then again....darth vader can move out of the way! OMFG!!!
2006-09-27 [Larova]: You've still got to assume successful delivery for sake of the argument.
2006-09-28 [Enneigard Rebirth]: and chuck norris can use the force too
2006-09-28 [Kaos101]: and Chuck Norris doesn't miss
2006-09-29 [Enneigard Rebirth]: damns right.
2006-10-03 [hello]: chuck norris lost his virginity before his dad did...
2006-10-03 [Big Brother]: WTF does that have to do with anything!
2006-10-03 [Larova]: Hehehehehehehe
2006-10-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: www.myspace.co
2006-10-03 [Kaos101]: damn...I think that might actually be him.
2006-10-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: hopefully he doesnt roundhouse kick you for your pun.
2006-10-03 [Kaos101]: I made no pun that I'm aware of
2006-10-03 [Enneigard Rebirth]: beware of the boot man...i'll pray for you...*vanishe
2006-10-03 [Kaos101]: ...0.o....he wouldn't hurt me anyway. I watch his show like every day almost
2006-10-05 [Dead Inside.]: Hey, Elftown has a thing were you can pay [Hedda] to come and visit you. Does Elfpack have a thing where you can pay [Sunrose] to come and visit you?
2006-10-05 [zoloftzantac]: Why not? If you pay me enough I'd come over and clean your bathrooms :p
2006-10-05 [FireGypsy]: Lol! Sweet! How about my bedroom?
2006-10-05 [zoloftzantac]: I think that, for the sake of your reputation, you had better keep me as far from your bedroom as you can :p
2006-10-05 [Larova]: What about my bedroom?
2006-10-05 [De'ladrei]: Aww but wheres the fun in that zolof :P
2006-10-05 [zoloftzantac]: [Larova]: Okay, how much will it cost me to clean [De'ladrei] in your bedroom ;)
2006-10-05 [FireGypsy]: Hehe!
2006-10-05 [Kaos101]: ...that's sounds like a good deal no matter what.
2006-10-05 [De'ladrei]: *snerks* agreed.
2006-10-05 [Kaos101]: I'd be happy to clean you in your bedroom, [De'ladrei]. Just name your pay ^_^
2006-10-06 [Dead Inside.]: I'm bored. Someone, Anyone, call me please. 1-409-363-0998
2006-10-06 [Larova]: Hmm.
So I pay you to spongebathe her in my room when I'm done with her, eh?
Sounds like a plan.
Hope you know how to dress wounds well. If so, I might even have you patch up my own clawmarks.
2006-10-06 [De'ladrei]: Pft, you're claw marks? Honey you'd be lucky to make it out of there without a scar :p
2006-10-06 [Kaos101]: lol lucky for you both my father passed down some of his medical training to me.
2006-10-06 [Larova]: Oh, I don't plan to. ;)
2006-10-06 [Kaos101]: *places on surgeons mask, holding a box of band-aids* ready ^_^
2006-10-06 [De'ladrei]: Hah.
And just bandaids? Tsk tsk.
2006-10-06 [Kaos101]: Well these I carry in my pocket. *points to giant metal safe with a red cross on it* I didn't want to dig into my stash ^_^ I'm always prepared, dear.
2006-10-06 [De'ladrei]: Ah good stuff, as long as there is a good supply of medical stuffs all should, should, be well.
2006-10-06 [Kaos101]: Indeed. There's some things that just can't be fixed...like death
2006-10-07 [..oops..]: You know, I was going to reply to all of that but.... I reread and now, I just can't think straight..... LMAO.... I can't bring myself to reply to any of that.... LOL
2006-10-07 [zoloftzantac]: [De'ladrei]: If you taste half as good as you look I'd be glad to lick your wounds. *is a little worried about [Larova]'s fluids*
2006-10-07 [FireGypsy]: Speaking of fire!! This is me doing Fire Poi!!
2006-10-07 [De'ladrei]: Thank you zolf! Although if you really don't want to I'd do Larova's :p
2006-10-07 [Ringbearer]: *hands out torches* Ok, lets see if we can light a pyre here ^_^
2006-10-07 [FireGypsy]: *Grabs her Poi*
2006-10-07 [Larova]: That.
2006-10-07 [De'ladrei]: Pier? bwuh?
2006-10-08 [..oops..]: OMG!!! I love fire!!!!! ::dances around:: ::grabs lighter and starts fidgeting with it:: XD YAY!
2006-10-08 [FireGypsy]: Hehe ^_^
2006-10-08 [kittykittykitty]: Ok... seriously... is my name posted somewhere weird that I don't know about? Or somebody is redirecting people towards me? e.O
"hello sexy ill give u sex anyday if u want it cuz i do
That's THREE messages of similar calibre in the past fifteen minutes >.> ... <.<
2006-10-08 [Kaos101]: that's kind of a little creepy
2006-10-08 [kittykittykitty]: I know "^^ It's funny how somebody might think I would respond to that.
You know 219 people on EP currently have the word 'horny' in their mood XD
2006-10-08 [Kaos101]: well that's actually not as suprising as one might think. Did you know there's 107 people on EP who have the word 'cyber' in their mood? That's strange
2006-10-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lol. and there are almost no people on fake that have "cyber" in their mood, just some raunchy invites to have [insert inuendo here] with thier [insert genital or body part here]
2006-10-08 [Kaos101]: lol very well put
2006-10-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yup. try finding an anime wiki on fake that doesnt include anything about sex, hentai, yaoi, anal sex, sex talk, in-wiki cybering, & sexual harassment.
2006-10-08 [Kaos101]: I've never tried. I'd end up taking hours out of my day.
2006-10-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lolif.
2006-10-08 [..oops..]: lolif? What does that stand for?
2006-10-08 [Dead Inside.]: That's it! I'm bored and I'm calling someone.
Should I call [FireGypsy] or [Big Brother]?
2006-10-08 [Dead Inside.]: Awww. Headbagging kiddies. http://myspace
2006-10-08 [FireGypsy]: GAH!
2006-10-08 [Dead Inside.]: GAH! what?
2006-10-08 [FireGypsy]: *shrugs*
2006-10-08 [Dead Inside.]: Fine. I'm calling [FireGypsy]. What's your name and number again?
2006-10-08 [FireGypsy]: Lol my phone is off because im skipping work today haha! No luck calling me today ^_^
2006-10-08 [Dead Inside.]: Then I will leave you a VERY naughty voice mail. BWHAHAHA!
2006-10-08 [FireGypsy]: Lol!
2006-10-08 [Dead Inside.]: "Hey sexy. How are you doing to day baby. I can't wait untill I can talk to you and hear your sexy voice while I am masterbateing!
2006-10-08 [FireGypsy]: Uhh Adam would have a COW!!! Haha!
2006-10-08 [Dead Inside.]: Who's Adam?
2006-10-08 [FireGypsy]: My boyfriend whom I live with ^_^
2006-10-08 [Dead Inside.]: You have a boyfriend? Screw that dude. I'm looking for single chick's. I'm not calling someone who's all ready taken...
2006-10-08 [..oops..]: lol.... wow, and these are the kind of things that the guards talk about (with of course random people interjected) lol
2006-10-08 [zoloftzantac]: heh, actually these are the things that radom people talk about on the guard wiki :p
2006-10-08 [zoloftzantac]: [kittykittykitty]: I have no idea why all the sudden attention. Someone took down your SS comment, although that has been up for months and it was never a problem ...
2006-10-08 [FireGypsy]: [Dead Inside.] if you have even breifly viewed my profile, you would know I have a boyfriend lol! *shakes head*
2006-10-08 [Ihsahn]: he was to busy drooling over your pictures sasha.
2006-10-08 [FireGypsy]: Lol! Prolly!
2006-10-08 [Dead Inside.]: There's no prolly about it. Red hair, Green eyes, Light skin, Freckles, And glasses are my turn-on's...
2006-10-09 [Kaos101]: Not to mention a nice smile.
2006-10-09 [FireGypsy]: Lol *smiles* It took 4 years of metal to get this smile!!
2006-10-09 [Asrun]: 5 years for me.. And I still have a small space between my front teeth. >.> Lingual wire snapped shortly after having my braces removed.
2006-10-09 [FireGypsy]: I never wore my retainer, so one of my bottom teeth rotated slightly, but other than that they stayed ^_^
2006-10-09 [Kaos101]: eek
2006-10-09 [zoloftzantac]: my retainer tasted like burned plastic and it made me gag, I tried everything but I could never get the taste off of it, so I didn't wear it and my bottom front teath have all moved a little ...
2006-10-09 [Kaos101]: I'm lucky to have my teeth. They're natural, and seem to be okay. But my two front teeth on my bottom row are crossed over one another. So I try to hide them ><
2006-10-09 [FireGypsy]: I just couldnt stand the fact that I couldnt talk! So I didnt wear it lol!
2006-10-09 [Asrun]: I never wore it either.. I have a permanent one, but the wire snapped right after they put it on, so my teeth separated
2006-10-09 [FireGypsy]: Why didnt you go back?
2006-10-09 [Asrun]: I didn't know until it was too late. It was a clean break that happend right after I got it on. Normally you can feel it snapped because the tension lets go.. But since I wasn't used to it yet, I didn't notice.
2006-10-09 [FireGypsy]: Ooohhh!
2006-10-10 [Enneigard Rebirth]: what?
2006-10-10 [..oops..]: Am I like, the only person who never had to/ never will need braces? lol
2006-10-10 [Kaos101]: I've never had braces ^_^
2006-10-11 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i never had braces either. *tries to absorb into the popularness* really.
2006-10-11 [Larova]: Only had them on the bottom.
*Empathizes with both worlds*
2006-10-11 [De'ladrei]: I had braces, I didn't like my teeth straight. Then my wisdom teeth came in and made them crooked again. Then I was happy ^_^
I didn't like looking like a clone with a smile that was no longer mine.
2006-10-11 [Kaos101]: ....hooray for being unique
2006-10-11 [De'ladrei]: Rather unique than a media whore of "perfection".
2006-10-11 [Enneigard Rebirth]: roar.
2006-10-11 [Kaos101]: lol don't matter to be what media says, you're already plenty perfect, De'la ^__^
2006-10-11 [De'ladrei]: I knew that :p but thanks all the same ^^
2006-10-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lacuna.....
2006-10-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ...coil!
2006-10-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: armor....
2006-10-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ...for...
2006-10-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: .....sleep!
2006-10-12 [Kaos101]: ...what?
2006-10-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ...the....
2006-10-12 [De'ladrei]: ...fuck?
2006-10-12 [RabidSphinx]: ...annoying
2006-10-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ....little....
2006-10-12 [Kaos101]: ...piece.....
2006-10-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ...of...
2006-10-12 [Ihsahn]: poo!.....
2006-10-12 [Kaos101]: ...damn....can
2006-10-12 [De'ladrei]: FLUFF! >.>
2006-10-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: thank you. *bows*
2006-10-12 [Kaos101]: *smiles* awww, thank you ^_^
2006-10-12 [FireGypsy]: ^_^
Number of comments: 10849
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