# of watchers: 98
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Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2006-08-18 [skullhead]: am not cool, am Superfly
2006-08-18 [Larova]: And I can't stand the rain against my window.
2006-08-18 [skullhead]: "<_< somebody get the kid >_>"
2006-08-18 [FireGypsy]: *dances*
2006-08-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: wow, its violent & STupid!
2006-08-19 [zoloftzantac]: *adds this wiki to the freak parade* :p
2006-08-19 [Tear]: Why wasn't it there before?
2006-08-19 [zoloftzantac]: Well, index was way more out of control for a long time, but recently this wiki takes the prize.
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: im confused....
2006-08-19 [Tear]: It's because people like me stopped being Nazi's.
2006-08-19 [zoloftzantac]: about what?
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: O_O
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]:
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: Whos that?
2006-08-19 [Tear]: Aboot everyting sir.
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: Hilary Duff
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: ...?
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: http://www.you
2006-08-19 [Tear]: Sarah, you amuse me. I think I am going to keep you.
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: meow
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: Oh lol it doenst even look like her! Keep me? Wtf?
2006-08-19 [Tear]: I can keep you too, Sasha. But Sarah gets kept definitely. She can live in my closet, and you can live under my bed.
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: i used to sleep in my closet...my mother thought it was unhealthy for me to be so secluded though since i never came out even while awake...she cought me sneeking peanut butter and juiceboxes into my closet in the middle of the night so i wouldn't have to leave even to eat and she put her foot down and wouldn't let me live in my closet anymore......o
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: No! I want the closet! Im naked...just thought youd all like to know lol!
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: the closet is MINE woman....
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: Fine! But the bed must be lifted a foot, and I must get an everlasting supply of chocolate milk!
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: i just need some jello thanks
2006-08-19 [zoloftzantac]: You're naked huh? My imagination isn't so good. :(
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: i smell bad
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: O_O yup, Im naked. Id like to think im online naked about 50% of the time. I hate clothes.
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: i wear clothing, so i don't see me...^_^
2006-08-19 [Tear]: Sasha, I think you have upgraded yourself to living in my bed, instead of under it, lol.
Sarah, I used to sleep in my closet too, at my old house, but it was a 4x6 closet, so I actually had a mattress in there, instead of in the main part of my room.
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: i just had a pile of blankets and this old yellow mettal bread box i used to carry around with myself and keep everything i cherished and felt needed protecting in there...mostly i had drawing and drawing materials in there...and there was a lightbulb with a chain...and some clothing on hangers...it's quite a small cupboard, but for a 40lb 8 year old it was fine...^_^
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: My ex boyfriend's room was in a large walk in closet, so ive slept in a closet too! We should make a club! I dont mind being naked, Its my true form ^-^
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: i hate my true form....>_<
and i'm sure there would be a lot of gay jokes if we made a club about living in a closet
2006-08-19 [zoloftzantac]: haha, I'm glad you came out of the closet Sarah! :p
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...whoo...
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: Lol! I dont mind my true form, as long as there isnt a mirror floating in front of my face im fine lol. I dont mind my body, but my face deserves a paper bag!
2006-08-19 [zoloftzantac]: right, the same reason you say you are fat and ugly, but I already knew all of that :p
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: O_o
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, you all have me figured out...i just want attention.....
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: *keeps her mouth shut*
2006-08-19 [Tear]: lewl. ZZ caught it on the nose.
Sooo... heh heh heh, Sasha, where should I stick ZZ in my room? You have my bed with me, Sarah is in my closet...
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: Stick him in your dresser, the bottom drawer!
2006-08-19 [Tear]: Actually he might bump his head a lot in there, because my top drawer on the left side has a bad habit of coming off it's track, and smacking the drawer under it.
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: Hmm.... I dont know then...
2006-08-19 [Tear]: Maybe he can live with a few less rain cells, and a few more bumps on his head.
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: lol! Sounds good to me! XD
2006-08-19 [Tear]: Wait... I use my closet for fogging out... Maybe Sarah should live under my bed, and you should live in my closet...
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: Yes! Ill fishbowl your closet with you! *dances*
2006-08-19 [Tear]: Huzzah! My closet is faily small, though, at my house. Not like my old monstrous closet.
Then again, it just makes it better for fogging out.
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: Yes! *gets in your closet and starts fogging out*
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: i don't like it under the bed...monsters live under there...and just because i'm a Maefs Muffin Monster doesn't mean i'm not afraid of the other monsters....>_>
2006-08-19 [Tear]: Raine, you could always share the bed with me, lol.
There is no underneath my bed, actually. I have my boxspring directly on the floor.
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: Well how was I to fit under there then! Argh! *is still trying to fill the closet with smoke* I need some help here [Tear]!
2006-08-19 [Tear]: *tosses in a twenty sack* Have fun.
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: No! Join me dummy! Its no fun alone!
2006-08-19 [Tear]: OoOoO*hops in the closet* I have my blueberry tobacco flavoring, care to try it?
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: i do not share beds with people...
besides, i'm a blanket hog
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: Sure! *packs some in with the shwag* *is still naked*
2006-08-19 [Tear]: *gets naked* NAKED CLOSET PARTY!!!
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: Woohooooo! *dances*
2006-08-19 [zoloftzantac]: *is drunk* uhhh ... *thinks about Sarah hogging his blankets* yum! :p
2006-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: ...>_>
2006-08-19 [Dead Inside.]: This is a test of the emergency alert system. In the envent of an emergency, Run around screaming like a man who just had his d*ck and balls cut off.
2006-08-19 [Dwemer]: I never liked tests.
2006-08-19 [FireGypsy]: -_-
2006-08-20 [FireGypsy]: I would really like to know, and think I deserve to know, why [Hedda] found the voting for the Photoalbum Competition to be "not fair". This clearly has been pinpointed on me greatly. And he has deemed me a "cheater" on the mainstuff news. I find this to be "not fair" indeed. But "not fair" to me! I did not cheat. For my spill-my-guts explanation, you may read Sasha's Feelings. I would like someone to please look into this. It has me torn up greatly and I feel that I do not deserve this. Please, Im begging someone, just please help me. Because It seems that nobody cares!
2006-08-20 [Ihsahn]: I think you need to calm down dear.
2006-08-21 [Dead Inside.]: Ohhh. Pretty... *Touch's Electric Fence and is burned to a crisp* That's not the way to be a guard is it...
2006-08-21 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ooooo
2006-08-21 [skullhead]: next!
2006-08-21 [FireGypsy]: Has anyone ever tried peeing on an electric fence? I would love to video tape someone doing that!
2006-08-21 [skullhead]: NEXT!!!
2006-08-21 [Tear]: Been there, done that, the current does not carry up to your urine, and it doesn't shock your cock.
I was disappointed and relieved the first time I did that.
2006-08-21 [FireGypsy]: XD Lol! Cmon now im serious! I have to persuade some idiot to do that someday!
2006-08-21 [FireGypsy]: Awe -_- That makes me uber sad!
2006-08-21 [Larova]: Hehehehe.
I'm reminded of Ren & Stimpy.
2006-08-21 [FireGypsy]: Ren & Stimpy was the best show out there! Omfg I want to watch it now!
2006-08-21 [Larova]: Youtube, my child.
And don't forget to watch Sifl & Olly while you're at it. *Missionary lately*
2006-08-21 [FireGypsy]: lol! what is youtube?
2006-08-21 [Larova]: www.youtube.co
A rather nice site, good-sized video database and all that. You get on it and watch things your TV won't let you.
2006-08-21 [Larova]: Unless you've got Tivo.
Or you're looking for porn.
2006-08-21 [FireGypsy]: Lol!
2006-08-21 [zoloftzantac]: Yeah, youtube is this cool thing that would kick mad ass if it just had some porn on it ...
2006-08-21 [Kaos101]: You can watch Ren & STimpy if you have digital cable. It comes on one of the nickolodeon channels
2006-08-21 [zoloftzantac]: Ren is my hero
2006-08-22 [Larova]: I could do a perfect impersonation back in 2nd grade. I can't anymore.
2006-08-23 [wake}n{darkness]: yea so who do i talk to exactly about gettin like something put on my house that says this member isnt gay cause im having alot of those and im hating it
2006-08-23 [Ihsahn]: Maybe if you didn't upload certain images in the past you wouldn't have that problem :)
2006-08-23 [zoloftzantac]: duh :p
2006-08-23 [Dwemer]: And what's wrong with gay people, what did they ever did to you? Well? Well?? (to state at [wake}n{darkness], dude your picture looks a tat gay :P)
2006-08-23 [skullhead]: lol
2006-08-23 [Dwemer]: Skull every time you say 'lol' God kills a little kitten.
2006-08-23 [Firenze]: Then we should say lol, more often *hates kittens and cats*
2006-08-23 [Dwemer]: lol :P
2006-08-23 [skullhead]: And what happens every time I do, we do this -> :p
2006-08-24 [Larova]: *Likes helpless kittens*
2006-08-24 [zoloftzantac]: :( what did the poor kittens ever do to you? :(
2006-08-24 [Firenze]: Shat on my bike...
2006-08-24 [zoloftzantac]: eh, I had a girl throw up in my lap once and I don't hate girls ...
2006-08-24 [Firenze]: My bike is my baby...besides I am allergic to cats >.<
2006-08-24 [skullhead]: lol, lol, lol, lol, That’s four more down. lol five if you count that one.
2006-08-24 [Ihsahn]: some one needs to take there meds..
2006-08-24 [zoloftzantac]: You guys are mean, besides it seems to me that most cats are nicer than most people ...
2006-08-24 [Ihsahn]: I am not mean I love cats.
2006-08-24 [Firenze]: *shots cat with water pistol*
2006-08-24 [skullhead]:
2006-08-24 [Ihsahn]: time to have some actual fun.
2006-08-24 [skullhead]: That’s a cat I can get to love
2006-08-24 [FireGypsy]: ....?
2006-08-24 [Larova]: Wow, clearly Zezzy (yeah, that's his name) doesn't recall what a helpless kitten is.
Even after all that in the pet store.
*Loves b3ta.com*
2006-08-24 [kittykittykitty]: Poooor kitties ;______;
Hmm... http://img4.pi
2006-08-24 [zoloftzantac]: oh no! :) The furniture finally got even :p
2006-08-24 [FireGypsy]: Hahahaha!
2006-08-25 [FireGypsy]:
Rock out with your cock out! *dances*
2006-08-25 [zoloftzantac]: wrf?
2006-08-25 [kittykittykitty]: Eeek *cries* That picture is scary, somebody make it stop >_<"
2006-08-25 [De'ladrei]: ........I love how its thicker than the rest of his body XD
2006-08-25 [kittykittykitty]: And as long as his thigh :0
2006-08-25 [De'ladrei]: o.O; that'd hurt ><
2006-08-25 [De'ladrei]: "Twitchy "leg" syndrome"? >.>
2006-08-25 [kittykittykitty]: Ok... seriously, does any man have a penis that can twitch like that? >_> Because they should go to the doctor <_<; The anatomy of the stick man XD I'm surpised that guy's still standing with all the blood moving away from his brain
2006-08-25 [FireGypsy]: Hahahahaha! lol! Hang out with your wang out! *dances*
2006-08-25 [zoloftzantac]: [~*Astarte*~]: It was something about how when you get older your "hard drive" turns into a "3.5 inch floppy"
2006-08-26 [Enneigard Rebirth]: hahahaha!
2006-08-26 [zoloftzantac]: Happy Birthday [~*Astarte*~]! :)
2006-08-28 [Larova]: I can make it twitch.
I can make it jump, even nod when questioned.
2006-08-28 [Tear]: I can't beliece that image was posted in here, of all places, but it makes me giggle.
2006-08-28 [zoloftzantac]: mine pretty much does it's own thing ...
2006-08-28 [Dea]: hahaha. can't stop laughing my lungs out! T_T
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: i have good control of mine ^_^
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Hahaha!
2006-08-28 [Ringbearer]: [Big Brother]: can it play dead? Or give paw? ;)
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: damn strait! also knows "stand" and "rollover"
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Hahaha! Lol!
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: sasha, if you are intrested he does private shows of all his tricks. -_^
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Yes yes! Sign me up!
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: sure thing, i'm sure for the most part he will demestrain "stand" and "rollover" he is best at those.
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Lol fine with me! Maybe I can teach him some new tricks huh? ^-^
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: like?
maybe we should move this topic hun -_^ lol.
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Hahaha! Why? I like making people feel uneasy! Like youd have to find out!
2006-08-28 [zoloftzantac]: no need to do that, I want to hear the aspiring penis trainer's ideas :p
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: lol, i wanna know what the new tricks would be
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: I would teach him "vibrate" and "burrow" hehe and many more!
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: he knows "burrow" already, he can get quite deep!
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: He doesnt know my way of burrowing!
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: i see......teach him, please ^_^
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: ^_-
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Damnit you live in Canada! Like 3000 miles away from me! You should come visit me! =(^-^)=
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: that i should! or you visit me ^_^
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Canada = cold = Trying to avoid lol!
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: But then again Id be legal to drink...hmmmm.
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: and our beer is better! but it's not really cold....
go here and see, nice weather!
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Its cold in the winter! I dont know Celcius silly!
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: http://wwwa.ac
and cold is good ^_^ lotsa fun
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: ahhh I see now! Its warmer here!
2006-08-28 [Asrun]: cold is better than hot.
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Not to me! I love the hot, and hate the cold! I never want to see snow again, unless I feel like traveling to Mass to snowboard lol!
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: i could keep ya warm ^_^
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Hehe! But I wouldnt leave the houses for anything! I wouldnt want to go outside at all in the winter! No snow! Except for snowboarding lol!
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: I never want to shovel off my car ever again, never want to shovel a driveway, dont want to rake leaves, dont want to salt the driveway! Its all too COLD! lol!
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: shovel the driveway? got machines for that shit! and as for the car just start driving, the snow blows off.
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Lol yeah and drive into a tree or snowbank! I hated having to run outside in the snow, start my car to warm it up, run back inside, run back outside to clean off the unmelted snow, and to scrape off the 1 inch think ice on it, and then leave! Id have to get up an hour early just to tend to my goddamn car! It sucks!
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: heard of a car starter? go to a window, press a button, go out 15 minutes later.
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: There was this one time where nobody was home and the driveway was nice and clean but the street was still a foot of snow. So the plow comes along and builds this 3 foot wall in front of my driveway. Well Im coming home and see this wall and I dont want to get out of my mildly warm car. So I rammed that wall of snow with my car untill I could get in my driveway lol! I would backup like 5 feet and floor it and hit it as hard as I could and I still had to do that like 5 times before I even dented the wall of heavy snow!
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Yeah you want to install a $200 piece of equipment on a car I got for free? Besides, I heard those things if you put them in aftermarket they go all buggy on ya! My friend had one put it and she would walk outside and her car would randomly be started and her keys would be hanging up lol! And it would do that all the time!
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: get a better car ^_^ most the time we don't clear the driveway, we just drive over it.
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Lol well Im in Florida now, and there is no inspection here, so Ima keep my car and do lots of illegal stuff to it lol! In Mass I would have had to get rid of it because the entire exhaust I put on it was illegal and It would never ever pass emissions! And best of all! No snow or cold weather! *dances*
2006-08-28 [Big Brother]: illegal? so is most every car round here, has a custom exhaust he designed himself, and rebuild everything. with the emission testing all you gotta do is pay the bribe.
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Lol! My I made my exhaust come out before the left rear tire, which is illegal all by itself! I used to only have one muffler on my car, but when I started it, it sounded like a damn dragster, like im talking it was REAL loud. So I welded a second one on, and now it sounds like a stupid Honda! Im definately taking the second one off lol!
2006-08-28 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yes, but is it illegal to drive around with snow on your hood WHILE having 2 mufflers?
2006-08-28 [FireGypsy]: Yes! In Mass youd get a ticket if there was snow on your bumper! Because it would cover the license plate!
2006-08-29 [Big Brother]: lol, never get that here, the cops don't care.
2006-08-29 [FireGypsy]: Well you should come visit me becauses im poor lol!
2006-08-29 [Big Brother]: what's in it for me?
2006-08-29 [FireGypsy]: A surprise ^-^ *bats her eyelashes*
2006-08-29 [Big Brother]: better be something i can eat ^_^
2006-08-29 [FireGypsy]: =(^-^)=
2006-08-29 [Big Brother]: a kitty? i get to eat a kitty? no complaints here
2006-08-29 [FireGypsy]: Yup, and nice juicy kitty!
2006-08-29 [Big Brother]: skin it and start eatin ^_^
2006-08-29 [FireGypsy]: No its pre shaved so you can eat the skin too! ^-^
2006-08-29 [Big Brother]: i see, then all i have to do is cook it, get it all nice and warm first.
2006-08-29 [FireGypsy]: O_o Awe the poor kitty!
2006-08-29 [Big Brother]: well i could eat it raw, but i find it's usually betty warmed up.
2006-08-29 [Tear]: Cat is good.
2006-08-29 [FireGypsy]: Oh, well light it up then! *sqirms at the thought of roasted cat*
2006-08-29 [Larova]: *Likes Chinese*
2006-08-29 [FireGypsy]: Lol!!!!
2006-08-29 [Enneigard Rebirth]: is it illegal to think [FireGypsy] is pretty? please dont hit me with a stick......*cr
2006-08-29 [FireGypsy]: *blushes and hides behind her hands*
2006-08-29 [..oops..]: Eww.... okay, and so our guards talk about eating poor little innocent kitties....I'm hiding mine from you!!!! lol ((please don't ban me, I just think the thought of eating a kitty is mean))
2006-08-29 [FireGypsy]: Its just a joke lol!
2006-08-30 [zoloftzantac]: *bans [..oops..]*
2006-08-30 [FireGypsy]: Lol hahah!
2006-08-30 [Tear]: Victoria, they aren't going to ban you.
Look at the shit I pull off here. I have only been banned once.
And dog meat is better then cat meat.
2006-08-30 [zoloftzantac]: Yeah really, cats don't taste very good :p
2006-08-30 [Tear]: Cats don't have enough meat on them, and what is there is stringy meat. Dog meat has more substance to it, and tastes better.
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