# of watchers: 98
| D20: 2 |
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Informative: | 1 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 1 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: Ninjas! Get them! *runs after the Ninjas*
2006-08-09 [RabidSphinx]:
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]:
This would be me as a Ninja!
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: cept a girl ninja....
2006-08-09 [RabidSphinx]:
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]:
Ninja Kitteh!
2006-08-09 [RabidSphinx]: lol
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: =D
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]:
This came up under Ninja O_o
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: How stuff goes missing at work...
Its a video......CLI
2006-08-09 [Larova]: GASP. That ninja kitty is great.
2006-08-09 [De'ladrei]: Is it worrying that I can say "I knew a Santa that did that"
2006-08-09 [kittykittykitty]: Santa man scares me >_>
2006-08-09 [Zombiie Natiion]: how do i give out my little donor prize thingys?
2006-08-09 [Tear]: I would imagine you just give [Hedda] the names of those whom you want to give the donor privs out to.
2006-08-11 [Elf_Person]: hello i have encountered a wiki that i think is a hate wiki and i want it shut down cause its offensive to me and my friends fuck emo
2006-08-11 [Ringbearer]: Told member to makea report on the owner and send it trough the right person.
2006-08-11 [Sunrose]: Eh, that wiki doesn't attack any member personally, it isn't against the rules.
2006-08-11 [Asrun]: Exactly what Sunrose said.. Not to mention, it's not like it has any following... One member. The owner. :p
2006-08-11 [Ringbearer]: Well, I was more of the impression that it still was hateful... and I dont think how many people are member is a line for concluding if its hate.
2006-08-11 [RabidSphinx]: it is a generalized hate....it's like the "rap sucks" wiki...it attacks a music and a way of dress
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: No because you cant use the term "rap" to describe a person, Im bashing the music and the dress, not the people who listen and practice it. If i said "rappers suck" , then i would be hating the people, because then that would be generalized toward the people who practice it, but I dont, I hate the music and the dress. The wiki is alright because it doesnt say "emos suck". That would be a hate wiki because it is generalizing all the people who practice emo, but "emo sucks" just generalizes toward the lifestyle, not the people.
2006-08-12 [Dead Inside.]: Go and read Jynx the Deer Mouse. You'll like it, I promise.
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: ...?
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: i think the emo wiki is fine the same way rap sucks is fine because both wikis hate on music. it is only a misfortune that "emo" is also a term for a person when "rap" is not. if that is the only thing that makes the emo wiki SO bad and the Rap Sucks wiki okay, then that is stupid and neither wiki should be alowed.
2006-08-12 [zoloftzantac]: So, why did the wiki get deleted? I thought [Sunrose] said it was okay.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: yeah...
2006-08-12 [Big Brother]: rap is a type of music, emo is a type of person. hating a type of music is one thing hating a type of person is another. i'm sure if it was "fuck wiccans" it would be gone real fast. or "fuck (insert style of belief/culture
2006-08-12 [Tear]: That was beyond retarded. I mean, if it were something like Lynch The Bitch or something like that, I could understand, but it it is a harmless wiki, and if you are really offended by it, that again would be retarded that you would classify yourself. I mean, it is one thing if other people do it, but doing it to yourself is beyond sad. Go find a hobby or something, instead of "taking offense" to a wiki that was not directed at you in the least. Whether it was or not is up for interpretation
2006-08-12 [Big Brother]: thanx, i suck and fail at life....that was nice. it doesn't matter if it was aimed at me or not, it was aimed at someone. i'm done explaining myself. if [Sunrose] wants to take me up on it, fine.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: emo is a music...music first, clothing style second, a person last.
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: Okay - I know this is off your topic, but I'm not sure where to ask about this. I clicked on one of the ads that have been placed on exported wikis, and it took me to a porn site. I had no idea that's what it was, and it was very very obvious what it was from the imagery. I know it is "our discretion" what we click, but the ad didn't make any mention/warnin
2006-08-12 [Big Brother]: put it in the proper forum, or message [Hedda]
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: Okay, thank you [Big Brother].
2006-08-12 [Tear]: I was refering to the person who was offended by the emo page. Jon, you are soooo not emo.
2006-08-12 [Big Brother]: i was offended, i was goth and can relate seeing as how i was treated when i was... not fun being hit by strangers, knocked to the ground, and just in general hated. i may not like emo's but i will not stand for hate wiki's against them, it goes the same for all hate wiki's in general. so yes [Tear], you were refering to me.
2006-08-12 [Tear]: Aww.. boo, that's not cool. I don't see you as that, though, which is probably why I didn't think of you when I commented that. but still, why classify yourself?
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: Why classify others?
2006-08-12 [Tear]: Most people do it without thinking about it. I rarely do it, as I classify people as people in general, unless they make some outstanding reason for me to classify them or they have a trait or something that just makes me think a certain way.
2006-08-12 [Big Brother]: well put, i didn't classify myself. i dressed the way i liked and acted the way i wanted....but that was not "normal" so ppl. classified me. i still dress it at times, most of my cloths are black and my favorite coat is a trench and i have all my chains including custom made chain-mail bracelets
2006-08-12 [zoloftzantac]: they called me "stoner", "rocker" and "freak"
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: i was a lesbien in school...you deal with it and get over it. if i cried over all the times i was beaten up i would never have a dry eye. being beat up builds character, so let the people hate the emos. fuck'em, who cares.
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: I do. I don't like it when people are hateful and cruel. Being beat up often ruins people's lives. It may not ruin everyone's life, but it still does for some people. Especially when it's continual abuse.
2006-08-12 [zoloftzantac]: I have trouble believing that being beaten up is some how a posative thing. Hate crimes are fucked up, and anyone who hits someone else for any reason is an asshole.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: i'm an asshole then.. ^_^
and hey, my life aint fucked up, and i know none whose lives are, but who cares anyways? if your weak enough to be fucked up by a beating then you are too weak to be allowed to live long enough to breed and pass your worthlessness on to the next generation of retards.
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: Again, I state: I care. And being beaten is not only a physical attack, but an emotional one. And if someone is emotionally scarred after that, they're not weak, they're human. Particularly if it's a hate crime. And hatred doesn't stop at beatings.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: Again, I state: if you are weak enough to be emotionally scarred by a beating you are a WEAK human. and worthless on top of that. every beating is an act of hate...i can't imagine it being an act of love...so calling it a "hate crime" is just redundant and retarded.
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: Well then, I apologize for disagreeing with you. However my stance on this does not change. It's wrong to intentionally cause pain because of hatred, or any reason. At all. And if you consider these people to be weak simply for being emotionally scarred, then fine. However you can be scarred, and still a strong person. You may always feel that pain, however you can function, and you can be better for it. Some people may never recover, and it's completely understandable
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: why do you need to apologize? was i upset that you were disagreeing with me? don't get testy and angry that i have a different opinion and then turn the whole thing around and make it out to be as though it was *I* that was bothered in the first place.
People that are strong enough to live on despite being "emotionally scarred" are tough enough to make it in the world. If they cannot then they best get out of the world quick because things do not miraculously get easier.
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: I'm not getting "testy" and "angry" because you have a different opinion. I'm offended that you insulted me, again. No, things do not "miraculously" get better, and most people know that, without ever having to be beaten. I simply cannot see hatred as a good thing.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: when did i insult you in the first place?
it not being a good thing? well, i can't see it as a bad thing either. it is a natural balance of life.
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: ...::sighs:: I'm not continuing this conversation.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: while you avoid my question of when i insulted you in the first place.....nice ^_^
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: No. You insulted me on I Hate Hate for quite a long time. I simply didn't want to bring it up.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: heh...really? hold a grudge much?
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: When people continually insult me because of my religion and then justify it with "I had a bad day", yes.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: i don't recall insulting you for your religion, i recall insulting your "religion" in general for being (in my opinion) silly. you took it personally and i did not care.
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: What you said, was not "your religion is silly". What you said was incredibly insulting, and was meant personally. "Fuck you witch" and "all witches are foul", is not impersonal. And now, I am no longer continuing this conversation.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: that was a direct response to something inflammatory YOU said, so don't play it off like i walked into a wiki, saw you, and went off on you for no apparent reason. and pointing out that your "religion" was founded in 1953 is only insulting if you know the truth behind it's origins. You getting offended by that only proved my point.
2006-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: I am not continuing this conversation. That is all. Period.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: then leave this wiki...having the last say in the matter by simply repeating yourself is just childish.
2006-08-12 [Tear]: What the fuck? I leave Eo for like ten minutes, and then BAM, huge conversation ensues.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: nothing worth reading. what's up? i can't feel my toes. i took my temp and i'm 96.. e_o
2006-08-12 [Tear]: Life is life, I just live it.
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: WHOA comments! Holy crap! Lesbians who hate homosexualy? Confused here! Anywho, whats done is done, leave it be. *dances*
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: i hate my ex GF Tiffany with the power of 10,000 suns.. ^_^
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: wait wait wait! Im confused! *falls over* YOU used to be a lesbian?
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: maybe....
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: But you hate homosexuals...
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: i love jello...*eats the green kind happily*
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: I once made two HUGE bowls of jello, and tried eating them both with Adam, and now jello makes my tummy sad...
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: Or maybe it was all those jello shots?
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: i had a jello shot once. it was blue... :P
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: I dont remember what colour they were, but thats expected, since I had a lot.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: i did not like the taste....i think they were made with rum and i hate rum.
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: They are made with Vodka. The only hard liquor I can drink strait is Whisky. I dont know why but I like it =) Everything else I use shots.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: i dun drink... *shrugs* it is bad for the diseases i have apparently
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: I dont do it a lot, only once in a while =)
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: my BFF drinks sometimes...sh
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: Yeah I throw big parties once in a while, but since im leaving for Florida today, I wont have friends anymore, and no parties.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: party with people you don't know...that's what i do since i have but one friend.. ^_^ she takes me to places where i have no fucking clue who anyone is and i just laugh as they get drunk :P
that could work for you too, only you would be getting shitfaced at the same time, so i guess you would be having fun too in your own way.
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: But we wont have a friend there to affiliate us with any parties, so that wont work.
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: party crash...once people are smashed they wont know that they don't know you...and you can make friends while there
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: Yeah but how will we know when the parties are? lol!
2006-08-12 [RabidSphinx]: well, i have always seen fliers, and you can usually hear them...lol...b
2006-08-12 [zoloftzantac]: As a gal, all you have to do is walk up to the party and smile at a few guys and you will be the hit or the party.
2006-08-12 [FireGypsy]: Ive never ever seen a flier for a party, because the parties usually consist of underage kids, and a flier would be self incriminating to the police lol! Yeah right, Im not THAT good looking!
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: you have tits and all guys assume a girl at a party is willing to hit it...trust me, they will talk to you. and go to parties with OLDER people, like i saidm college kids. there are fliers and emails and all sort's of things, and if all else faits, hit a club and get some numbers. if *I* can do it YOU can
2006-08-13 [FireGypsy]: Ill do it =) Im a party aminal! I love parties. Lol Adam's dad just told me that I should start a website that people will pay 20 bucks a month to watch me prance around in my underware around the house from like 11-5 lol XD Im scared! Though I could make a lot of money doing it and it would be sooo very easy. All id need is a bunch of cameras lol! The scary thing is, he was being 13746238576% serious!
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: that is an interesting thought, though that would be putting the toe PRETTY close to the line of a "webcam show" and you know men logging in to see that will want to see titty and pussy action...if they don't get to see you touchin' yourself or at least making out with an atractive female friend of yours they will likely not renew their subscip to the site.
i hate parties. and clubs. and drinking. and people...>_<
2006-08-13 [FireGypsy]: Yeah but I wouldnt be doing anything but prancing around in my underwear lol ^_^ so what if they dont renu it lol! I love people. I like making friends!
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: i hate people...i think i'll be a hermit when i grow up, or a serial killer...
as much as i think women are whores for doing that kind of stuff online, if i had any kind of decent body and no inhabitations i would go for it.
2006-08-13 [FireGypsy]: Like imagine. I make a site, set up some cameras. For a month it would be let say 30 bucks. If i get 10 people that watch in one day, thats 300 bucks! And Its just me, in my underwear, doing dishes and laundry lol! It would be awesome! I could make like 200,000 a year!
2006-08-13 [FireGypsy]: Ok Im leaving now, driving to Florida!! =(^_^)= *dances*
2006-08-13 [zoloftzantac]: Like [RabidSphinx] said, not many people are going to pay $20 more than once to just see you walk around and do dishes in your underware. Most of those gals put on shows a certaint times. They take a shower on camera everyday at 6pm or something like change their underware infront of the camera every morning at 7 am, etc, etc. I agree with [RabidSphinx] also that most guys will also want to see you doing sexual things, touching yourself or making out at least. Also, don't hold your breath for $200,000, this isn't a brand new idea, there are already thousands of websites out there doing this and you have to compete with those girls for the business, how will you get people's attention?
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: i always wanted to be in playboy....
2006-08-13 [zoloftzantac]: I'd pay to see you naked ;)
2006-08-13 [Larova]: *Blinks*
2006-08-13 [Larova]: I always wanted to be in Archie Digest.
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: it wont happen for me
2006-08-13 [Larova]: Nah, you just have to kill off Veronica or hook up with Jughead. He's a nice guy, if you get to know him and all. You could do it just fine.
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: i was talking about playboy...
2006-08-13 [Larova]: When I overthrow Hefner, I'll see what I can do.
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: his daughter runs the company....
2006-08-13 [zoloftzantac]: I would have thought that you wouldn't like the bodies of the women in playboy ... aren't they too big for you?
2006-08-13 [Larova]: Step ahead of you, ace.
2006-08-13 [FireGypsy]: I lied, im leaving for Florida now lol. And it was his dad's idea lol!
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: the women in playboy are all skinnier than me.. >_<
2006-08-13 [FireGypsy]: I wouldnt do playboy, too much for me. I wouldnt get naked for people to jerk off to ^_^
2006-08-13 [FireGypsy]: *waves* talk to you again when Im in Florida!
2006-08-13 [Larova]: Not the nice full-figured ones.
2006-08-13 [Larova]: Not even if you have a good article?
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: i would do playboy because playboy is the quintessential definition of beauty today. To be in that mag would mean you are beautiful and desirable…and those are things I have always wanted but never been/had. The magazine is iconic and momentous.
2006-08-13 [zoloftzantac]: All of the women I have ever seen in playboy weight more than you Sarah. Also, for the record, I do not care for the plastic, fake blonde playboy look.
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: they have a smaller waist than me therefore are skinnier. and you may not like it, but them millions of subscribers to playboy disagree
2006-08-13 [Larova]: I wouldn't call it quintessential
Lots of history behind that one.
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: 50 years.
2006-08-13 [Larova]: It's not about skinny. It's about healthy.
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: well, since i'm not, and cannot be, healthy reguardless of how i look, i guess i'll strive to look attractive until i die my early death. thank you.
and guys don't get all excited over fat chicks unless they had a disturbing fettish, and i want no part in such things.
2006-08-13 [Larova]: No problem.
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: read "Perfect Ten Magazine"....n
2006-08-13 [Ł â Đ ŷ √IN Р ι п Ķ]: i found a very disgusting hardcore porn image in [×÷·.·´¯`·)»dj azza in da ouse«(·´¯`·.·÷×]'s housepage, i reported him,but that image really needs to be taken down like immediately.
2006-08-13 [Big Brother]: it's gone.
2006-08-13 [Larova]: What was it?
2006-08-13 [Big Brother]: nothing
2006-08-13 [RabidSphinx]: was it of me again? :P
2006-08-13 [..oops..]: I have a question for the Guards to answer please? It's about the classification of Nudity pictures and wikis.
2006-08-13 [FireGypsy]: Im in Virginia! And really bored....
2006-08-13 [skullhead]: Virginia humm..
2006-08-13 [Dead Inside.]: I would pay $20.00 a month to watch [FireGypsy] walk around in her bra and panites.
2006-08-13 [Dead Inside.]: http://www.geo
2006-08-13 [FireGypsy]: Im in south carolina now ^_^ 80 miles till Georgia! *dances*
2006-08-14 [kittykittykitty]: [..oops..] what is it you need to know about the classification of nudity?
If it's sexual, it's pornography, and it cannot be linked to in public places on Elfpack. If a wiki is private and has no links that can be accessed publicly, you can inline onto it whatever you like. If the nudity is artistic it's fine to have on your house or wikis with no problem, though you may need to ask on this page for an artistic nudity warning. Nudity of minors is never allowed, as stated on the Uploading Art Rules.
If any house breaks these rules you should make a report on that house. Does that clear up whatever you needed help for?
2006-08-14 [FireGypsy]: Im going to die....
2006-08-14 [zoloftzantac]: [..oops..]: If you have a question you can just ask you question. You don't need say that you want to ask.
Kitty's answer seems pretty clear to me, did that answer your question?
If it was private you can message one of us about it.
2006-08-14 [zoloftzantac]: [FireGypsy]: huh?
2006-08-14 [FireGypsy]: Adam's trucks fuel pump died on the highway, now im stuck at a gas station because of sheer luck we were able to keep enough velocity to take an exit and end up here. Meanwhile, we are still near Jacksonville, and are about 200+ miles away from where we want to be. At 5 in the morning, with no money to fix it, and noone to call for help. Yeah, I want to die...
2006-08-14 [Tear]: <3 You're getting closer to me!!!
2006-08-14 [zoloftzantac]: huh? you have no money? Seems strange to me because moving is very expensive. Well, no one would be able to fix it at 5 am anyways, sorry hun. Can you sleep in the truck and deal with it tomorrow?
2006-08-14 [FireGypsy]: We have money for gas to get here, thats it. We might be able to get a fuel pump for free because we JUST put this one in last year and it is still under warranty, but we cant install it here at the gas station, which we would, but we cant. So we have to pay a shitty fucking garage like 300 bucks to install it for us, and they better be snappy about it, or I'll eat them!
2006-08-14 [FireGypsy]: And im still here....
2006-08-14 [FireGypsy]: and im STILL here, but the truck is fixed now, so i am leaving.
2006-08-15 [FireGypsy]: And im finally at my destination!
2006-08-15 [Larova]: ^_^!
2006-08-15 [FireGypsy]: Well, 48 hours of driving and 1600 bucks later, Im in Florida!
2006-08-15 [Larova]: Are you away from the elderly?
2006-08-15 [FireGypsy]: Im trying to be XD
2006-08-15 [Enneigard Rebirth]: :P
2006-08-15 [FireGypsy]: *dances*
2006-08-15 [Tear]: NEVER!!! Ash, you too, will come to me. In due time, my precious, in due time.
2006-08-15 [Asrun]: lol :O
2006-08-15 [FireGypsy]: huh?
2006-08-15 [Tear]: See, you did not deny it. You laughed. Innocently, even.
This is a good sign.
2006-08-15 [FireGypsy]: confused?
2006-08-15 [Tear]: Very. I can see this. Sasha, when we get our dream house, Ash is going to move in with us, and then we can start our own United Nations. I mean, what kinda of UN would it be without a Canadian? Especially without a hot one.
2006-08-15 [FireGypsy]: wtf?
2006-08-15 [Larova]: I sense a reality show forming.
2006-08-15 [FireGypsy]: HAHA
2006-08-15 [Asrun]: now I'm confused. :/
Sasha: I said to turn away from Tear, cause he lives in Florida. :O STAY AWAY! :d
2006-08-16 [Tear]: Not a reality show. Probably something more like That 70's Show.
2006-08-16 [FireGypsy]: YES!
2006-08-16 [Ihsahn]: Brush your teeth with it!
2006-08-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: [okiyt1]! llll7opts.
2006-08-17 [Dead Inside.]: Ihsahn The Great I'm still working on. We need member's. And picture's of [Ihsahn]
2006-08-17 [Dead Inside.]: Yes or no. Is [Ihsahn] cooler then [skullhead] or [zoloftzantac]?
2006-08-17 [Ihsahn]: good god your killing me XD
2006-08-17 [Dead Inside.]: I'm REALLY bored...
2006-08-17 [Dead Inside.]: I WANT TO PARTY LIKE ITS 1699!!!
2006-08-17 [Tear]: Amish Paradise. Weird Al Yankovic.
2006-08-17 [zoloftzantac]: bored? you could dork your fish ...
2006-08-17 [FireGypsy]: Im cooler than all of you! You may all bask in my coolness if you wish!
2006-08-17 [Tear]: Naw. I still got you beat there.
2006-08-17 [FireGypsy]: No way! Im WAY cooler than you are!
2006-08-17 [Larova]: But nowhere near as cool as I am.
2006-08-17 [FireGypsy]: Im way over you on the coolness scale!!
2006-08-17 [Larova]: The coolness scale goes sideways, ties in with greatness.
Maybe you're just on your own special level?
2006-08-17 [FireGypsy]: No, I broke the coolness scale, because I'm so cool, so your reading is inacurate. Im way cooler!
2006-08-17 [Larova]: Waaaaaaaaait a minute. Were you that kid I saw stalking around the scale dressed up like a ninja last night?
Because I swore I saw a golf club-shaped outline, but just didn't put it together...
2006-08-17 [Larova]: *Senses conspiracy*
2006-08-17 [FireGypsy]: No conspiracy here! That would be uncool! And I am the coolness!
2006-08-17 [Larova]: Uncool? Depends on the conspiracy.
2006-08-17 [FireGypsy]: all conspiracies are uncool!
2006-08-17 [Larova]: Until you're in on them.
2006-08-17 [FireGypsy]: no...well yes, since im the definition of cool, if the coolness creates conspiracy, then it is cool aswell. But the coolness isnt conspiring, so it is uncool.
2006-08-17 [Larova]: *Long since sensed a cover-up*
2006-08-17 [FireGypsy]: because eggs arent that cool. And the coolness does not conspire. Especially with eggs.
2006-08-17 [Larova]: WITH eggs?
Lumpsy will only be an information gatherer, thank you.
2006-08-17 [FireGypsy]: huh?
2006-08-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: eeeek.
2006-08-17 [zoloftzantac]: I would never conspire with eggs, heck, I don't even talk to them.
2006-08-17 [..oops..]: I like eggs.....that'
2006-08-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yesh.! coolpoint for you!
2006-08-18 [skullhead]: lol
2006-08-18 [FireGypsy]: Yeah and fun to throw at houses! Im cool! Give me coolpoints damnit!
2006-08-18 [zoloftzantac]: hmm ... I used to think [FireGypsy] was cool, but then she asked for coolpoints :p
2006-08-18 [FireGypsy]: Lol Im only kidding, I just got reall bored and decided to feel cool! Lol!
2006-08-18 [..oops..]: thank you....? :?/
::ish confuzzled::
lol, burnout.
very good analagy, zoloft! XD ((no offense to anyone))
2006-08-18 [FireGypsy]: huh?
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