# of watchers: 98
| D20: 2 |
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Informative: | 1 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 1 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2006-08-02 [Kaos101]: *nods* Oh! Would you like a hug too, kitty? They're free ^_^
2006-08-02 [kittykittykitty]: Would I ever say no to free hugs??? *grabs [Kaos101] round the middle and squeezes him* :D
2006-08-02 [Kaos101]: *smiles and cuddles Kitty* Aww *starts to tickle your sides a little*
2006-08-02 [kittykittykitty]: ^____^ *licks at your face and gives you an apple to eat* Because all my friends get an apple today :D
2006-08-02 [zoloftzantac]: I didn't get an apple :(
2006-08-02 [Kaos101]: *takes apple and nibbles lightly* Okay, you win. No more tickling. Thanks for the lick, though ^_^
2006-08-02 [kittykittykitty]: That's because it's still early in the morning for me [zoloftzantac] ^_^ Many more to go *gives him a super big and tasty apple*
2006-08-02 [zoloftzantac]: okay ^__^ thanks! *was getting worried because it is almost midnight here* ;)
2006-08-02 [RabidSphinx]: i have an apple...
2006-08-02 [zoloftzantac]: some one stole your pikaapple ;)
2006-08-02 [RabidSphinx]: aww...*slits wrists*
2006-08-02 [RabidSphinx]: Pikachu took it...*points up*
2006-08-02 [kittykittykitty]: I cant find the pikaapple either :( *rolls another apple towards [~*Astarte*~]* ^____^
2006-08-02 [RabidSphinx]: is the image just not showing up? my computer is being a penis'
2006-08-02 [zoloftzantac]: Yep, Pikachu is back now. Maybe he had to leave for a battle ...
2006-08-02 [RabidSphinx]: maybe...the little bastard took the apple with him though
2006-08-02 [Enneigard Rebirth]: DVD!
2006-08-02 [RabidSphinx]: VHS! :P
2006-08-03 [Larova]: Beta.
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: Atrack
2006-08-03 [Larova]: *8-track
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: shhh...that's not what my uncle thinks.. ;) he and i got in a "debate" over "Atrack" and "8Track" and to make him feel better i told him i would call it Atrack from then on. i have. lol...though, in three years i think it has only come up 4 times... lol! each time people tell me i'm wrong XD
2006-08-03 [Larova]: With the words "eight" and "track," I give you the power to burn truth into the eyes and ears of ye unrepentant sinners against enlightenment.
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: my uncle is crazy (littlerally) he eats silly puddy. it's best to not try and argue with him
2006-08-03 [Larova]: Ooh, I had an uncle who hacked the secret service's databases and hid from the radar until the day he died.
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: wow...i think everyone needs a crazy uncle
2006-08-03 [Larova]: You're not crazy if you're right.
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: my uncle wasn't right.. :P
2006-08-03 [Larova]: Of course not. Nobody who disagrees with me is.
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: I know violence isn't the answer, I chose to get it wrong...
2006-08-03 [Larova]: Ssssssssh. Violence is good. Don't let the Europeans and hippies tell you otherwise.
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: fucking hippies!
2006-08-03 [Larova]: Yeah, that's what they're probably doing. It's not so bad when they're the ones who shower.
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: *shudders*
2006-08-03 [Larova]: I trust that's a shudder at the ones who don't? *Does shudder at this*
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: hippies in general are disgusting, and i was actually suddering at the "fucking" part
2006-08-03 [Larova]: *Goes a little faraway* You clearly haven't fucked a hippie chick.
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: i'm Asexual, i have not, nor will not fuck anyone...sorry
2006-08-03 [Larova]: Oh well. Your loss, frustration's gain. Depending on outlook, of course.
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: there is NO loss in not having sex.
2006-08-03 [Larova]: Hence the outlook comment. Enlightenment'
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: but i disagree with BOTH outlooks since it is not a loss, nor is it a gain of frustration.
2006-08-03 [Larova]: You assume that was an either/or statement, love.
2006-08-03 [RabidSphinx]: you implied it thusly.
2006-08-03 [Larova]: Nah, I implied the entire post is subject to opinion.
2006-08-03 [Yudan333]: Sorry to be a bother but I dont know how i can get something like this one my page: {Elfpack secret service has made this comment about this member: "Stop asking if she is JEWISH she hates being asked and it's gettinf really annoying, she is NOT jewish so lay off! ><} Oo Yea i know i can be mean but if someone can help me with this THANK YOU!
2006-08-03 [zoloftzantac]: I put it on your page for you ...
2006-08-03 [zoloftzantac]: *waits for it ...*
2006-08-03 [Kaos101]: [Yudan333]: Wait a minute. If you're not jewish than why do people keep asking you?
2006-08-04 [Larova]: DAS YUDAN! *Mauser out*
2006-08-04 [Yudan333]: well [Kaos101] >> Yudan in german is Jewish... T_T but i meant in in the japanese way, meaning Underestimate.
2006-08-04 [Kaos101]: Wow....I take german and I didn't know that.
2006-08-04 [Yudan333]: > *shrug* well now u do?
2006-08-04 [Kaos101]: *nods* Indeed I do. Though i'll probably forget tomorrow
2006-08-04 [zoloftzantac]: *looks around* You are thanking me? I thought you would be mad ....
2006-08-04 [kittykittykitty]: [zoloftzantac] I can't see the SS comment you wrote on [Yudan333]'s house.... are you sure you didn't write a guard comment instead? >_>
2006-08-04 [kittykittykitty]: Oh.... OK ^_^ Well why didn't she just write it on her description in the first place? o____O
2006-08-04 [Larova]: Jews. Go figure.
2006-08-04 [Tear]: http://www.dea
2006-08-04 [zoloftzantac]: Muahaha! I just cut and pasted the exact text that they asked for right into their house like they asked. :p
2006-08-04 [Zombiie Natiion]: i dont surpose i could maybe have a little warning thingy on the top of my house could i please?? maybe just to say that i could chew any 1 word message senders fingers off? XD
2006-08-05 [Larova]: Can I have one that says "This member owns the mean streets of Funkytown"?
2006-08-05 [kittykittykitty]: Can I have one that says 'Get off my loofah boat, I'm going for a bath'?
2006-08-05 [Larova]: The loofah is among the greatest inventions in the history of the human race.
2006-08-05 [kittykittykitty]: Um... except it wasn't a human invention. Damnit, can't our race do anything themselves?
2006-08-05 [Larova]: Ssh. I invented the loofah.
2006-08-05 [Tear]: How about in big bold letters "Pervert"?
2006-08-05 [kittykittykitty]: [Larova] aka mother nature doesn't come across as much of a pervert.... are there any <huge> SS comments in existance?
2006-08-05 [Tear]: I don't know about <huge > but mine has something in big bold letters. I am not sure what, though.
2006-08-05 [Larova]: Dude, mother nature AKA me INVENTED sex. I put schoolgirls in this world for a reason, you know.
2006-08-05 [Tear]: Kittykittykitt
2006-08-05 [Larova]: *Blinks*
*Chibi eyes*
2006-08-05 [Tear]: If you steal that idea, I will murdalize you.
2006-08-05 [Larova]: Oh, I just want the pic with the pigtails. A Tootsie Pop would really set the picture off, though.
2006-08-05 [Tear]: Plaid skirt, and braided pigtails. Yum.
2006-08-05 [Enneigard Rebirth]: :O
2006-08-05 [zoloftzantac]: yum yum kitty! I want to see! ^__^
2006-08-05 [Hedda]: Please don't babble so much here!
2006-08-05 [Sunrose]: There has never been a rule against that on Elfpack though :P
2006-08-05 [Hedda]: Rule and rule... You should keep the babble down on this page at least.
2006-08-05 [Hedda]: On the other hand: I guess if something really important comes up, then the offended one will write a report...
2006-08-06 [Sunrose]: We've never forced people to keep the babble down on this wiki :P
That is pretty much the idea yes.
Consequently this wiki and the Council-wiki have been one of the most popular commentwikis on Elfpack. It has benefitted relations between crew and members :)
Those who can keep up with it do so, when an urgent matter comes along it will be brought to our attention..
2006-08-06 [Hedda]: OK, then ;)
2006-08-06 [Asrun]: I keep up with it. :O
It's like this...
Hi [Hedda] how is the weather over there in Sweden? It's very warm here. The other day it was 43 degrees here when the humidex was included. I nearly died. Canadians are not use to such hot weather. Plus, we've been having sudden storms and tornados touching down. I think mother nature is angry at us for destroying her. :(
2006-08-06 [Hedda]: The temperature in Linköping is on Mainstuff...
2006-08-06 [Asrun]: Why is it so nice and cool in Sweden, and not in Canada? :( And Tornadoless?
2006-08-06 [Dead Inside.]: I'M BACK! Bwahahahahahah
2006-08-06 [FireGypsy]: O_O
2006-08-06 [Dead Inside.]: My computer crached, But now I have a new one.
2006-08-06 [FireGypsy]: Cool!
2006-08-07 [skullhead]: what?
2006-08-07 [zoloftzantac]: damn it! [Dead Inside.] got back online again ...
2006-08-07 [kittykittykitty]: ..... >_>;
2006-08-07 [zoloftzantac]: now I have to firgure out how to kill his computer again ...
2006-08-07 [De'ladrei]: napalm :)
2006-08-07 [FireGypsy]: XD haha!
2006-08-07 [SHADEY.J]: wut the my 9 year old cuzz wus on the computer win i wuss gone im sorrey that wont happen agean {:
2006-08-07 [FireGypsy]: I see, you type like him too XD
2006-08-07 [De'ladrei]: Hahaha.
2006-08-07 [FireGypsy]: lol
2006-08-07 [De'ladrei]: and what was with the HUGE space o.O
2006-08-07 [FireGypsy]: Yeah I know! Its like he pushed enter 5 times thinking it would send the comment and then realized it isnt working XD
2006-08-07 [De'ladrei]: Yup.
2006-08-07 [FireGypsy]: lol
2006-08-07 [Dead Inside.]: I had Commodore 64 with a 286, And it finaly crashed. Now I have a HP with 250+ gb.
2006-08-07 [FireGypsy]: O_o
2006-08-08 [Asrun]: Hi! :D
2006-08-08 [Dead Inside.]: Hello [Asrun]. *Waves*
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]:
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: Bruce Lee Kicks Ass! *does karate moves*
2006-08-08 [Tear]: That image is getting saved.
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: i <3 bruce lee, and birthdays...^_
2006-08-08 [jnmnmng]: ok can someone give me a title above my name.... something that pretty much calls me a asshole and if people dont like it dont message me.. not those exact words but something that tells that
2006-08-08 [Tear]: No.
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: back down [Tear] YOU are not a guard and other people have the right to request SS Comments. i have two by request.
2006-08-08 [Tear]: Remove my name from your mood now.
2006-08-08 [skullhead]: I got it how about something like
2006-08-08 [Tear]: That would be mine. And it seems as if I have a wannabe. Skullhead, could you do something about his mood? I do not want him to be using my username at all like that.
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: he is signed off. fix his mood, but i think the SS comment is fine. he would enjoy it and i bet people would leave him alone like he desires. ^_^
2006-08-08 [skullhead]: did you ask him kindly
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: :P be flattered then [Tear] and stop worrying about it so much. you have him blocked, you can go on with your life now.. ^_^
2006-08-08 [Tear]: He is logged off, and I blocked him. I am not going to message him, especially since I blocked him for attempting to provoke me. And the SS comment that Skullhead put up is the exact same one as mine, and as you can see, it already discriminates against himself. "...along with flash requests and improper English will earn you a flaming session..."
2006-08-08 [Tear]: And I do not need some random retard trying to be like me.
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: [Tear] why do you persist in finding fault and discrediting this guy while he is not even around to instigate it? did he threaten your masculinity that much that you feel intimidated?
2006-08-08 [skullhead]: lol
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: sorry, that was a bit mean... :P
2006-08-08 [Tear]: Not at all. He will see it when he comes back online.
Now why do you persist in trying to get yourself involved in the affairs of other members when the issue does not concern you in the least?
2006-08-08 [Tear]: Do the right thing, remove yourself from the issue, and everything will be just peachy.
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: they concern me because i am friends with both parties involved [Tear].
and by you saying "He will see it when he comes back online." you are only proving you are instigating a fight, which is a very dumb thing to confess to on the Guards wiki. Just a personal opinion though.
2006-08-08 [Tear]: If you hadn't noticed, that comment was in response to [skullhead] asking me if I asked him nicely to remove my name from his mood. Not me directing an insult at the other member. It was meant for [skullhead], no one else.
2006-08-08 [Tear]: End of conversation.
2006-08-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: BEGINING OF A NEW!!!! *begins to sing that weird spanish song*
2006-08-08 [jnmnmng]: heh..
2006-08-08 [jnmnmng]: Short Tempered
This member has a reputation for being an ass when he gets mad at someone for being a idiot. if you do not want this member to argue with you or get mad and start flamming you then do not get this member mad at you. now by knowing this info if you get this member mad at you and he flames you.. then you can not report him because this is a warning.......
2006-08-08 [Sunrose]: No, your SS doesn't grant you the right to be an asshole to random people, because you happen to feel they are idiots. If you are violating the asshole rule, they are allowed to report you.
2006-08-08 [jnmnmng]: lolz ok :P atleast i tried :D.. but can i get that caring about propper english part out and something like if somone gets me mad. then they will be flammed?
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: oh geez
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: Mine just says im flat out crazy, so that people see it and are scared away. Ive had people message me saying "are you really crazy?" Its kinda funny =D So without me threateneing to flame people for being morons or even warning morons, I scare away most of the morons just with my SS Comment. Im so cool! *dances*
2006-08-08 [Sunrose]: If you flame people you can end up banned, whether that SS is there or not.
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: Right =)
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: Harassment is harassment, there is no going around it =)
2006-08-08 [jnmnmng]: thats a risk im willing to take.. hell u can even put if the flamming gets to be to much then to repoort me
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: *shakes head*
2006-08-08 [jnmnmng]: lolz y shake headn at me.. its just some words that really dont mean aything at all
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: *shakes head*
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: mine just says i'm just sarcastic and opinionated
2006-08-08 [Dead Inside.]: Mine say's I'm a 12 year old girl...
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: are you not? :P
2006-08-08 [Dead Inside.]: Nope. I'm only 4 1/2. Hehehe.
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: explains your spelling.. :P
2006-08-08 [Dead Inside.]: I'm so bad... *Hump's a chair*
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: wow...only four year olds i have seen do that are four year old dogs...>_>
2006-08-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: im so badd *begins raping a coatrack with a cordless phone*
2006-08-08 [Dead Inside.]: *Grinds my crotch against the chair leg* I think people like the free show.
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: *humps mall victoria secret mannikin*
2006-08-08 [RabidSphinx]: *sits quietly*
2006-08-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *humps a termite infested tree* aAAAAGhghhhhh
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: *humps a toaster*
2006-08-08 [Dead Inside.]: What else can I hump? *Look's around* Where did [Hedda] go?
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: lol XD
2006-08-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *begins humping a bear* uh oh....
2006-08-08 [Tear]: *mannequin.
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: oh well dictionary.com told me it was mannikin... look it up
2006-08-08 [Tear]: Google and wikipedia say mannequin, lawl.
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: well...wtf!
2006-08-08 [Tear]: We're both right http://en.wiki
2006-08-08 [FireGypsy]: XD
2006-08-09 [Dead Inside.]: *Grab's [Tear] and try's to hump his leg*
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: hahaha!
2006-08-09 [zoloftzantac]: el yuko
2006-08-09 [Dead Inside.]: HEY! [zoloftzantac] is back. *Run's up to [zoloftzantac] and french kiss's him. Hey lover, Whats new?
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: WTF! *dies laughing*
2006-08-09 [zoloftzantac]: Hey [Dead Inside.], I got you some new flavored shaving cream for your ass. Now bend over and take it like a man!
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: XD You guys are a riot!
2006-08-09 [Dead Inside.]: Anal so soon huh? Damn, You ARE kinky.
2006-08-09 [zoloftzantac]: Why wait? There is nothing that gets me hotter than thinking about anal with a 12 year old girl :p
2006-08-09 [Dead Inside.]: *Strip's naked and bend's over* I'm ready master.
2006-08-09 [zoloftzantac]: *gets close enough to smell you and then throws up all over your ass* whoa, sorry dude, I guess my imagination can only go so far ...
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: Hahahaha! OMFG! *dies*
2006-08-09 [Dead Inside.]: [FireGypsy], You know my girlfriend?
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: huh?
2006-08-09 [Dead Inside.]: [une histoire d'amour] is my girlfriend. You know her? She said she know's you.
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: Yeah! Im telling on you!
2006-08-09 [Dead Inside.]: What did I do?
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: "HEY! [zoloftzantac] is back. *Run's up to [zoloftzantac] and french kiss's him. Hey lover, Whats new?"
"*Strip's naked and bend's over* I'm ready master."
2006-08-09 [Dead Inside.]: I already told her that. She all most died laughing.
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: well... meh!
2006-08-09 [Dead Inside.]: DORKFISH069: im cheating on you with zoloftzantac and hedda
Camille Paccaly: arent they guys?
DORKFISH069: yes
DORKFISH069: told you im bi
Camille Paccaly: i know...
Camille Paccaly: wait... is this like serious?
Camille Paccaly: or are you just messing around
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: haha!
2006-08-09 [RabidSphinx]:
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: Mua Hahahaha!
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: Damnit why isnt anyone awake! Im not tired yet -_-
2006-08-09 [RabidSphinx]: meow
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: *purrrrr* *rubs back on an armchair*
2006-08-09 [RabidSphinx]: i'm fucking cold.. >_>
2006-08-09 [RabidSphinx]: it is cold in here.
2006-08-09 [FireGypsy]: That is why Im moving to Florida, far far away from the cold.
2006-08-09 [RabidSphinx]:
Number of comments: 10849
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