Page name: Guards [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-07-17 05:34:06
Last author: Stephen
Owner: Stephen
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Elfpack was originally created for members of Elftown who were either banned, or who were not interested in art and sci-fi. The rules on Elfpack are not as strict as they are on Elftown, but you should still look at the Elfpack Rules. Remember, not knowing a rule doesn't excuse breaking it.
The Guards are here to answer any rule or banning based questions you have about Elfpack, and to help members having difficulties on the site.

Guard Captain

(Badge Credits)

Malevolent [Stephen]

Guard Sergeants

(Badge Credits)

Roaring [kittykittykitty]
The Obsessed [Orestez]


(Badge Credits)

Kinky [Ringbearer]
Monstrous [djxmonster]

Why so many Guard Positions?

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_green_blob.png> The Guard Captain is the person you complain to if you think a Guard is being unfair or biased.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_green_blob.png> The Guard Sergeants are the people who handle message harassment reports.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/book_green_blob.png> The Guards handle the rest. ;)

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Don't annoy the Guards by asking to be one. It's not even their decision.

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2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: Oh I wasn't tapping my head because I did anything bad. :P It's just a gesture. :P I was tapping the side of my head and said "Pervert," stating that my mind is perverted. ^_^ -climbs out of hole- But thank you for digging me out. ^_^

2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: You'r welcome. But I was the one who buried you in the hole to begen with. You really are a very nice person.

2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Don't go saying that nonsense! You've not gotten to know me well enough yet to say that. Wait until I bite your head off for being an idiot. You'll change your mind. ^_~

2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: Really? *Run's into a brick wall at full speed cracking my head open* < Like that? <img:modd37-gif.gif>

2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: Mmm, no not like that...good job there...o.O

2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: What would it take to make you "Bite my head off"?

2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: I'd most likely have to know you a while, and you'd have to do something really stupid. And it would have to be after you've asked me for advice a hundred times over, most of the time ignoring my advice for your own decision of what's best (which is perfectly understandable), messing up your life further, then coming to me and repeating the process. Eventually I'd get worn out. :P Did that make sense?

2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: Yes it does. And if I come to you for advice it is because I have tried every thing that I know to do and now have no idea what to do and I need help. And the only reason I would ignore you'r advice would be because I already tried what you told me to try. In wich case I would tell you that I have already tried it. So I guess I will never get to have you bite my head off.

2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: XD Damn...well, perhaps you'd earn it another way. There's always room for improvement in my method.

2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: Really? I love it when a "Little person" yells at me and hit's me. >>

2008-06-28 [Dead Inside.]: Captain Morgan's ship is poking my stomach. >>

2008-06-28 [Bookwyrm]: "Little person?" We prefer midgets or elves...thank-you-very-much.

Then perhaps you should remove the bottle from your lips--or gut. :P

2008-06-28 [itweetinHEELS]: goodness i missed alot!

2008-06-28 [Bookwyrm]: Yes you did! SHAME! :P

2008-06-29 [Dead Inside.]: *Walk's up to [itweetinHEELS] and hand's her a box* Enjoy.

2008-06-30 [itweetinHEELS]: -throws it back- no i think i'll pass, knowing you..who knows what it'll be.

2008-06-30 [Dead Inside.]: Are you sure? I promise it's nothing bad

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: I think "bad" is relative...while you may find a langolier in a box a lovely thing, other people may not agree. :P

2008-06-30 [Dead Inside.]: Does no one trust me?

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: Mmm...Santa?

2008-06-30 [Dead Inside.]: Fine. I try to be nice but I guess no one here want's a 3 week old cute little wolf puppy. I'll just take it to some one who does want a cute little 3 week old wolf pup. *Leave's*

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: -waves- Have a nice day. ^_^

2008-06-30 [Dead Inside.]: Brat. Lol

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: I am not a brat. ^_^ I am a wonderful, magnificent specimen of a human being. That being said...that's not saying much. XD

2008-06-30 [Dead Inside.]: You are a brat. Deal with it. *Hugs [Bookwyrm]* Dont worry, I love brat's. Especially if there as beautiful as you and [itweetinHEELS] are

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: -shakes head- I'm not a brat, I should know. :P

2008-06-30 [shinobi14]: Creeeepy, huh? *shivers*

And yeah, Traci will smite you down for being an idiot. >.< Tis teh truuufff! ^___^

And I'm glad I made you giggle, Witchy. XD

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: -is teh mighteh smiter of idiocy- Mmmhmm! ^_^

2008-06-30 [itweetinHEELS]: -eats a Muffin and a shot of Wheat Grass-

2008-06-30 [Bookwyrm]: Wheat Grass? Ugh.

2008-07-01 [Ringbearer]: Would it be insulting if I would call her a cow ;)

2008-07-01 [Dead Inside.]: Yes it would.

2008-07-01 [itweetinHEELS]: *gasps* heeeey you be quiet you ....imbecile >.<

2008-07-01 [Dead Inside.]: Who are you talking to Caitlyn?

2008-07-01 [itweetinHEELS]: Ringbearer

2008-07-01 [Dead Inside.]: Awwww [itweetinHEELS]. You do care about me. I knew it. *Feel's loved*

2008-07-01 [itweetinHEELS]: i do? >.>

2008-07-01 [Dead Inside.]: Oh you. Pretending you don't care about me. Sorry about the "Mess" I left in you'r car. I'll pay the dry cleaning bill if you want me too.

2008-07-01 [itweetinHEELS]: its ok cause i'm about to make a bigger mess when i run you over.

2008-07-01 [Dead Inside.]: Haha. I wrapped my car around a tree saturdaynight. I'm still a little sore so please be gentle with me. <img:mood21-gif.gif>

2008-07-01 [itweetinHEELS]: thats not gonna spare any sympathy XD

2008-07-01 [Dead Inside.]: Really? You are so mean. I like that. Hehehe

2008-07-01 [itweetinHEELS]: lol i am soo nice, i swear.

2008-07-01 [Dead Inside.]: Sure you are. >> *Hand's you a loaded shotgun* Let's see how nice you really are. :p

2008-07-01 [itweetinHEELS]: -aims at your crotch-         -_o

2008-07-01 [Dead Inside.]: I have the feeling this wont end well for me. >> Damn my kind nature. If you werent a girl I'd kick you.

2008-07-01 [itweetinHEELS]: i dare you =]

2008-07-01 [Dead Inside.]: I can't kick you. I don't care what you say or do to me. I will never hit or kick a girl for any reason ever. And I will kill any guy that I catch hitting or kicking a girl for any reason. I don't any one say's. It is NEVER okay to hit or kick a girl.

2008-07-01 [itweetinHEELS]: well i guess its a good thing im not a guy cause some girls, OH EM GEE! -punches one-

2008-07-01 [Dead Inside.]: Lmao. That I like to watch

2008-07-01 [shinobi14]: *kicks [itweetinHEELS]*


2008-07-01 [itweetinHEELS]: -aims my rocket launcher at shinobi, and fires!-

2008-07-01 [shiome18]: hi my name iz shiome18 u wanna b friends? miss infamous?

2008-07-01 [itweetinHEELS]: lets...not

2008-07-01 [Dead Inside.]: When a guy hit's/kick's a girl, He is a worthless piece of sh*t. When a girl hit's/kick's a guy, She is just throwing a fit.

2008-07-02 [itweetinHEELS]: nice..

2008-07-02 [Dead Inside.]: You changed you'r name again...

2008-07-02 [itweetinHEELS]: more than you use your brain ^^

2008-07-02 [Dead Inside.]: HEY! Let's see you get a master's degree in electric engineering in only 2 year's smartass.

2008-07-02 [itweetinHEELS]: dude i dont need a degree i have money already, who needs education? i already went to Oxford in England, and i dont wanna go to school anymore.
*sticks tongue out*

2008-07-02 [Dead Inside.]: NO! You'r dad has money, NOT YOU! And he made his money BECAUSE he has an education.

2008-07-02 [itweetinHEELS]: yeah well i still dont have to go to school, OWNED!


2008-07-02 [Dead Inside.]: I go to school because I choose to go to school to get an education. Money can not get you intelligence. But intelligence CAN get you money. I'm willing to bet you $1,000.00 that if you dad gave you $1,000,000.00, Within 1 year you will have spent every penny of it and be in debt by over $100,000.00. But I on the other hand will have turned that $1,000,000.00 in to over $50,000,000.00. (I started off with only $500.00 and in 1 year I had alittle over $11,000.00. Yeah, I'm that good.)

2008-07-03 [itweetinHEELS]: wow an essay....yep too much brain use..SKIP.

2008-07-03 [Dead Inside.]: Brat. :P I don't care, If I cared, I'd ball it up and shove it down you'r throat. lol

2008-07-03 [itweetinHEELS]: and once i swallow it, i'd shove my knife up your ass.

2008-07-03 [Dead Inside.]: Oh. Kinky are you? Do you alway's swallow? :p

2008-07-03 [itweetinHEELS]: no, only humans XD

2008-07-03 [Dead Inside.]: Hey [itweetinHEELS]. You know what I think. I think that [shinobi14] couldnt get to thirdbass with a bowling ball. lol

2008-07-03 [zoloftzantac]: *wakes up, reads many pages of junk, goes back to sleep*

2008-07-03 [Dead Inside.]: WOW! He's alive. *Throw's a party for [zoloftzantac]* I knew you didnt die.

2008-07-04 [itweetinHEELS]: lmao actually he has

2008-07-04 [shinobi14]: What was that, [Dead Inside.]?

2008-07-04 [Dead Inside.]: You couldnt get to to third bass with a bowling ball. :p

2008-07-07 [evil flying zombie]: hey, if any of you know [cpt.jack sparrow24] i would really like it if you would tell him to take my pics off of his page.. im not mad at any of you if you know him, but i am FUCKING FURIOUS at him for doing that .. you can see for yourself that the pics were taken from efz wreck pics
i have already reported him, but i would like some more immediate action if possible...
sorry for the language, im just pissed off right now

2008-07-08 [zoloftzantac]: This was also posted on Captains and reported and it has already been taken care of anyways, next time you can just make the report so you don't waste more than one person's time.

2008-07-08 [Big Brother]: i know i saw the report before the comments, and i'm sure most guards did. i usually do tickets before comments

2008-07-08 [evil flying zombie]: sorry about that, it just pissed me off a bit.. if anything else ever happens then ill just report it and leave it at that.

2008-07-18 [zoloftzantac]: OK, you are forgiven ;)

2008-07-19 [Bookwyrm]: Psh! No! No forgiveness! There is no forgiveness on Elfpack! -brandishes her punishment stick- Who can I punish today?! (Just kidding, you really ish forgiven. Afterall, ZZ said so. ^_~)

2008-07-19 [itweetinHEELS]: WitchY!

2008-07-19 [Bookwyrm]: -bows- 'Alo...'alo...^_~

2008-07-19 [itweetinHEELS]: yay hows are you?

2008-07-19 [Bookwyrm]: Pretty good...and you?

2008-07-23 [Dead Inside.]: You can "punish" me if you wish.

2008-07-23 [Bookwyrm]: fun if you want to be punished. -turns away- :P

2008-07-24 [Dead Inside.]: Pretty please? With ice-cream and cherries on top?

2008-07-24 [Kaos101]: It's technically not punishment if you like it.

2008-07-24 [Dead Inside.]: I've got ball's of steel. It's time to chew gum and kick ass. And I'm all out of gum. lol

2008-07-24 [itweetinHEELS]: wow thats...disturbing lol

2008-07-24 [Bookwyrm]: Wow...that's five and a half minutes of my life I'm never getting back. -palmface-

2008-07-24 [Dead Inside.]: I thought it was funny.

2008-07-24 [Bookwyrm]: The first two seconds might've been entertaining. :P After that it was just kind of..."Okay...? The point?"

2008-07-25 [zoloftzantac]: that guy is my hero

2008-07-25 [Kaos101]: He is an asshole....but also very hilarious at the same time.

2008-07-25 [Bookwyrm]: -shrugs- Maybe it's 'cause I live with an asshole I didn't find it that funny. XD I mean, yes, for a few moments it was hilarious...then it just got old.

2008-07-25 [itweetinHEELS]: but i thought u were married?

2008-07-25 [Bookwyrm]: -smiles- I am married.

No really, I love my husband, but you can even ask him and he'll tell you honestly--he's an asshole. XD

2008-07-25 [itweetinHEELS]: im not too sure if thats a good thing.

2008-07-25 [Bookwyrm]: ^-^ I never said it was. He's learning not to be an asshole around me so much, though. Bad things happen when he's an asshole around me.

2008-07-26 [Kaos101]: you or to him?

2008-07-26 [Dead Inside.]: Get off vent or I'll have you bent.

2008-07-26 [Bookwyrm]: Both. ^-^

2008-07-26 [Ihsahn]: Blow it out your ass. B-b-b-ball ball, balls of steel.

2008-07-30 [Dead Inside.]: You know who I can't figure out, [itweetinHEELS]. She added me to her msn and promised me she was fun. But I have yet to see her be fun. Most of the time she does'nt even talk to me. Or leave's right after I ask her something without answering me. *Poke's [Bookwyrm]'s nose*

2008-07-30 [Kaos101]: I'll admit, I do that sometimes to. While I don't claim to be fun, I will say that sometimes my ADD kicks in and I find myself ditching my msn people or aim people to go do something else....a bad habit.

2008-07-30 [itweetinHEELS]: LOL i am fun, but it depends on the person im talking to...or sometimes i mess with them just to open them up and yeah if your boring i will leave and do something else. =]


2008-07-30 [Bookwyrm]: Mm...I do the same thing occasionally. But usually it's a distraction in the form of a hubby. XD

-bites [Dead Inside.]'s finger- No! Bad finger!

2008-07-30 [itweetinHEELS]: oohhh hubby distraction...yummy

2008-07-30 [Bookwyrm]: ^-^ Hubby distractions are very yummy, and well worth abandoning MSN/AIM/anything. :P

2008-07-31 [Dead Inside.]: You know. I could own you [itweetinHEELS] by spaming you're hot mail e-mail address in all 234 wiki's I am in. OWNED X10!!!

2008-07-31 [Dead Inside.]: < Funny to anyone that has watched the new Batman movie. lol

2008-07-31 [Bookwyrm]: -hasn't been able to yet /whinge/ so will not watch- T__T

2008-08-01 [Big Brother]: i love it!

2008-08-01 [Dead Inside.]: It has nothing to do with the movie so it wont ruin in for you. It just wont make since if you havent watched the movie yet.

2008-08-01 [Bookwyrm]: Well exactly...I want it to make sense. Senseless things are senseless. Unless they're fun. :D And then they're stupid.

2008-08-01 [Dead Inside.]: It's funny as hell wether you have watched the movie or not. But it's even funnier it you have watched the movie. So just watch it.

2008-08-01 [Bookwyrm]: XD I will...once I turn my iTunes off. :P

2008-08-01 [Dead Inside.]: Are you speaking bat? Is that what bat sound's like?

2008-08-02 [itweetinHEELS]: -fans myself-

2008-08-02 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Wow, there are some very bored people out there.

2008-08-02 [itweetinHEELS]: people have found the light at the end of the Elfpack tunnel


2008-08-02 [Bookwyrm]: o.o Is there cake?

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: -Call's in over a radio "THERE'S COCK IN THE SMOKE PIT!!! I'M GOING DOWN FAST!!!"-

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: ...-waits patiently- Is there cake?

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: -Land's in a huge fire ball-

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: -is tapping foot impatiently-

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: -Is burned to a crisp- Thank you so saving me [Bookwyrm] >>

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: ^-^ You're welcome. -waits for cake-

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: -Die's and goes to Heaven- Why is it so hot here? And how come the Angel's are stabbing my with pitch fork's?

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: -revives- Well I can't have any of that now. Otherwise who would I torture and chat with? Seriously.

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: -Lick's [Bookwyrm]'s hand then poke's her nose- Thank you. <img:shadN-gif.gif>

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: -shivers- Eww...-wipes hand off on your shirt-

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: -Hand's you a razer sharp hunting knife and close's my eye's-

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: Meh...-turns knife into a flower and tucks it behind your ear- ^-^

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: 0.0 You did'nt stab me? I will be your loyal pet. -Hug's you'r feet-

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Socks are like hugs for your feet. XD

So now I have a loyal pet...what to do with him? -considers- XD

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: -Move's up to you'r knees- Anything you wish. I am you'r pet now. ^^

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah you can stop there. :P

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: -Stand's up and hugs your neck then kisses your forhead-

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: -blink-...-blink-...-waits for cake-

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: -Hand's [Bookwyrm] a piece of chocolate cake-

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: Huck yus! -runs into closet and nibbles it-

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: -Pull's out a german chocolate cake- If you are in the closet you can't have any...

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: :O Have you ever had German chocolate cheesecake? I mean the good kind...that's a slab of German chocolate cake underneath a slab of cheesecake slathered in caramel and chocolate sauce with pecans on top?

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: Hmmm, Never made one like that. But I'll try. -Pre-heat's the oven to 350-

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- I've only ever had it at one place. It was the most delicious, sinful cake I've ever eaten in my entire life. I want the recipe so bad...XD

2008-08-03 [Dead Inside.]: I have a bachelors degree in cooking. I don't know why I took the class.

2008-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: That's just awesome. <3 -needs someone to cook for her- XD

2008-08-04 [shinobi14]: Wow. You two seem to be getting along well, for once. =]

Don't let David find out. >_> Or Scott for that matter...

Naaaaa... Belgian chocolate gateau. ^_________^ Yum!

2008-08-04 [Bookwyrm]: I'm not getting along THAT well...XD

I've never had gateau...what's it like? XD

2008-08-07 [shinobi14]: Errrrm... Imagine a double layer chocolate cake with chocolate cream in the middle, and chocolate cream on top, with chocolate shavings to decorate. And of course, Belgian's are world-renound for making the best chocolate in the world. ^__^ Put all that together... Yum. Damn yummy!

2008-08-07 [Bookwyrm]: -drools- Danny...send me some? XD

2008-08-07 [shinobi14]: Errrrm... no. XD Come over here, and then you can eat some. =]

2008-08-07 [Bookwyrm]: Hah! -is broke- XD

2008-08-08 [shinobi14]: Ahhh... see, this poses a problem. I don't get Witchy, and you don't get cake. >.<

2008-08-08 [itweetinHEELS]: -does a TKO to everyone in this room- OWNAGE!

2008-08-08 [Bookwyrm]: -lays on floor-...-is really broke now XD-

2008-08-08 [itweetinHEELS]: aww man

2008-08-27 [Dead Inside.]: Who's being nice to who?

2008-08-28 [Dead Inside.]: Did everyone die?

2008-08-29 [Bookwyrm]: Actually...:P

2008-08-29 [Dead Inside.]: Who is being so nice to who? And who is getting along so well?

2008-08-29 [Bookwyrm]: I believe he was talking about you and me. :P

2008-08-30 [Dead Inside.]: Hey [shinobi14] <img:>

2008-09-02 [shinobi14]: Sorry. But I was looking at Traci too long. >.< *blushes*

2008-09-02 [Bookwyrm]: -gigglesnort- Your pants have very pretty eyes. XD

2008-09-05 [Dead Inside.]: -kisses [Bookwyrm]'s cheek and then lick's her nose- TAG! You're it! -run's off and hide's-

2008-09-06 [Bookwyrm]: -blink-...-blush-...-girly giggle-

2008-09-06 [Dead Inside.]: -pokes my head up- You do know how to play tag?

2008-09-06 [itweetinHEELS]: -shoots [Dead Inside.]- your it!


2008-09-06 [Dead Inside.]: -tackle hug's [Bookwyrm]- Did you die withcy?

2008-09-08 [Bookwyrm]: Yus I know how to play tag. :D I'm just better at the hiding than the running. XD -is tackle-hugged by a bleeding person- o.O Hai...

2008-09-08 [itweetinHEELS]: O.O

2008-09-09 [Dead Inside.]: -ninja kick's [itweetinHEELS] in her butt then run's away laughing like a madman draging [Bookwyrm] with me- [itweetinHEELS] is it now, Run away

2008-09-09 [itweetinHEELS]: -aims at [Dead Inside.] with my shotgun and starts shooting- wooo! 1700pts!

2008-09-09 [Dead Inside.]: -use's [Hedda] as a shield and watch's [itweetinHEELS] blast two hole's in [Hedda]'s stumach- You're gonna get it now. -hide's behind [Ringbearer] still draging [Bookwyrm] with me-

2008-09-09 [Kaos101]: You guys have too much fun...

2008-09-09 [Dead Inside.]: -grab's [Kaos101] and throw's him behind [Orestez]- You hide there.

2008-09-09 [Kaos101]: -runs back and shoves [Dead Inside.], hiding behind [Ringbearer]- I want to hide here!

2008-09-09 [Dead Inside.]: DAMN! -Run's off hinding behind [Ihsahn] tossing [Bookwyrm] behind [Big Brother]- Hide and seek is so much fun!

2008-09-09 [Bookwyrm]: -has been dragged, scraped, and tossed-...T___T Never played hide and seek like this...-snaps fingers and disappears into ground- Bwuahaha...Find me now!

2008-09-09 [Kaos101]: ....I don't have to. I'm not it!

2008-09-09 [Dead Inside.]: It's more fun when more people play. -jump's into [itweetinHEELS] car and hot wire's it the step's on the gas taking off at 125 mph- Damn this car is slow. P.S. [itweetinHEELS] is it

2008-09-10 [itweetinHEELS]: lmao omg, my car is not slow, its an aston martin, thank you!

2008-09-11 [Dead Inside.]: My car is a 1965 shelby cobra 3.5 leader 5 speed manual transmission that top's out at 215 mph.

(Ran a quarter mile in 3.6 second's and got kicked off for not having a roll cage)

2008-09-11 [itweetinHEELS]: eww who buys or would ever own something that old

2008-09-12 [zoloftzantac]: "eww who buys or would ever own something that old "

only people who like things that kick ass

2008-09-12 [Tear]: I will believe that when I see a picture of you in it.
I would give one a a half testicles for that vehicle.

2008-09-15 [Dead Inside.]: Mine's cherry red and it's a topless. (The car was made without and doesnt have a top that can be put on it) And [Tear], How would you like me sitting in the car? I'll take more then one picture of me in it from differnt angle's if that's what you want.

Mine look's like this but it's cherry red and doesnt have the pipe's on the side

2008-09-15 [itweetinHEELS]: and its old ...eww. :D

2008-09-15 [Dead Inside.]: Says the person that think's you can get a virus from a computer...

2008-09-15 [itweetinHEELS]: lol you know what, susan?! i'm tired of your typing (or mouth)!

2008-09-15 [Bookwyrm]: I would love your car. One, it's cherry red (my dream car colour), two...-drools over it-

2008-09-16 [itweetinHEELS]: what about a Maserati ?

2008-09-16 [Bookwyrm]: To be honest, I'd drool over just about anything better than my Toyota P.O.S. '99. XD

2008-09-16 [shinobi14]: [Dead Inside.], my foot you have that car. I want pictures, and your name in the book. =]

2008-09-22 [nolanvoid]: I want a banner that says
"I am ninja, hear me sneak *shuffle*"
"This member loves his Aerial so back the hell off ^^"

2008-09-22 [Bookwyrm]: Then make one! ^_^

If by banner you mean secret service look at that, my wand is out of juice. Guess I better let it recharge...>.>

2008-09-22 [Ringbearer]: Ooohhhh... innuendo....

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