# of watchers: 98
| D20: 2 |
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Funny-rating: | 1 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2006-07-12 [Tear]: That would be an excellent idea.
2006-07-12 [De'ladrei]: being a whiney so an so on guards pages could be included in it :)
2006-07-12 [Kaos101]: That could be in it but I still think getting a paper cut on your eye is near the top. Next to farting during the National Anthem while in formation
2006-07-12 [De'ladrei]: Meh. Blame the latter on the person next to you :P Stupidest thing you can do "annoy Dela"
2006-07-12 [Kaos101]: *nods* That's at the very top
2006-07-13 [zoloftzantac]: The very top? What about the guy who wanted to get butt sex from a horse and then died from the internal injuries? http://www.msn
2006-07-13 [Kaos101]: that's close, but annoying De'la....I don't know...
2006-07-13 [RabidSphinx]: i think that is nature's way of weeding out the stupid-pervert
2006-07-13 [kittykittykitty]: XD yeah that's dumb. Horses have like, foot long penises. They should have just bought one of these: http://zoofur.
2006-07-13 [RabidSphinx]: people are some perverted fucks...
2006-07-13 [Kaos101]: Kitty do you try to find those often?
2006-07-13 [De'ladrei]: Oh dear sweet mother of God my eyes why did I click that WHY
2006-07-13 [De'ladrei]: and of course there had to have one for the Cthulhu lovers http://www.zoo
2006-07-13 [kittykittykitty]: Yer..... some of them do look kinda painful >_>
2006-07-13 [Ringbearer]: You never checked out the Thor, did you...
2006-07-13 [kittykittykitty]: You mean the gigantic horse dildo? That's the scariest thing I have ever seen..... "Thor is over 24" long and over 5" across at the flare" o_o;
2006-07-13 [Ringbearer]: Indeed... poor gal who has to use it
2006-07-13 [skullhead]: Come on girls you can’t be really thinking of using that, "Where's the Cream Filling" nothing like the real thing.
2006-07-13 [skullhead]: Come on girls you can’t really be thinking of using that, "Where's the Cream Filling" nothing like the real thing.
2006-07-13 [Tear]: What have I stepped into?
2006-07-13 [De'ladrei]: Depends on the standard of the real thing :P
2006-07-13 [Tear]: Burn! Dela can have my manlove anytime she wants.
2006-07-13 [skullhead]: Baby this is grade A meat ^_~
2006-07-13 [De'ladrei]: I'm picky :P
2006-07-13 [Tear]: I think skullhead wants to slap his meat on someones grill....
2006-07-13 [De'ladrei]: Too bad I'm not that much of a meat eater really ;P
2006-07-13 [Tear]: Is that good for me, if I am into the gentle loving approach?
2006-07-13 [De'ladrei]: Probably :P
2006-07-13 [Tear]: Oh reary? Dis intrigues me.
2006-07-13 [skullhead]: I haven’t had an unsatisfied customer yet!
2006-07-13 [Tear]: Well, if I had to pay for you, I wouldn't complain either.
2006-07-13 [De'ladrei]: *bounces about*
2006-07-13 [skullhead]: Sorry Tear I don’t swing that way, but keep working on De'ladrei
2006-07-13 [De'ladrei]: working? I have his bunneh babys!
2006-07-13 [Tear]: I was saying from a females point of view, dude. El ho el. And yeah, she has my children whom are ravaging the countryside as we speak.
2006-07-13 [skullhead]: That’s cool, my girl is going to be 2 years old in august
2006-07-13 [Tear]: Aww.... I want real kids. Fi, when do I get to ship you to America?
2006-07-13 [De'ladrei]: Eh once I graduate from my free education :P
2006-07-13 [Tear]: Aye, and how many more years of that do you have?
2006-07-14 [De'ladrei]: 3-4
2006-07-14 [Tear]: AACK!.. *wonders if it is worth waiting for*
2006-07-14 [RainCloud]: Out of curiosity, how do people get those elfpack secret service comments on their house (not the bad ones)
2006-07-14 [Tear]: They have a justifiable reason to have one on their house, and they have to ask a guard to put it up without harassing or pestering them about it.
2006-07-14 [De'ladrei]: I still want mine that says "Here there be killer bunnies ruled over by their Queen the one known as De'ladrei. Your head on a pole will be her command if you annoy her bitch. Elfpack herby takes no responsability for the violent psycosis that may be inflicted on other members by this member. We've tried, but she broke free of her restraints and used them to beat her captors in to submission. Besides, you royal ass kicking by the Bunneh one was probably deserved. Savy." but I'm not sure.
2006-07-14 [kittykittykitty]: XD Nice! Total disclaimer .... (*responsibilit
2006-07-14 [De'ladrei]: Hehe yup X)
2006-07-14 [Tear]: I was still waiting for the ending of my comment to say in huge letters "Beware: Verbal Rape"
2006-07-15 [Enneigard Rebirth]: verbal deterimentatio
2006-07-15 [zoloftzantac]: done 'ad a ecliptic scissor, 'got to take 'is peanutbutterba
2006-07-15 [Tear]: You both just confused the hell out of me.
2006-07-15 [zoloftzantac]: Oh, sorry, I was talking about the carrot :p
2006-07-15 [kittykittykitty]: XD I think I'm more confused now
2006-07-15 [zoloftzantac]: heh, it is something a friend of mine used to say, he was an EMT and he showed up on a 911 call once to see some guy on the ground, he asked the guys brother what hapened and that is what his answer was ...
2006-07-15 [Tear]: ummmm.... yeah....about that....
2006-07-15 [zoloftzantac]: oh? what? did he lie to me? Is that really from some pothead movie or something? :p
2006-07-15 [zoloftzantac]: Anyways, the story goes that guy's brother was trying to say that the guy had an epileptic seizure because he forgot to take his phenobarbital
2006-07-15 [Tear]: Maybe...
2006-07-15 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i only call 911 so my boyfriend can fuck me in the ambulance while i black out on the way to the hospital!!! *looks around confused* oh.
2006-07-15 [kittykittykitty]: Your boyfriend is a paramedic? o____O mmmmm uniform.....
2006-07-16 [Dead Inside.]: Randomly sing's "Muttin' Dagger, Old Blind Bob, Hanging Johnny, Fishing Rod, Tallywhacker, Pocket Rocket, One-eyed Trouser, Trout. Ding Dong, Ankle-Spanker, Pork Sword, Engine Cranker, Hairy Hot Dog, Davey Crockett, Let them all hang out! Pet Names for genitalia. You know the girls think of them, and you gotta love 'em. Pet Names for genitalia. There's always something silly, about little Willie! Wang, Wazzu, Weenie, Whacker, Pecker, Peepee, Kidney Cracker, Heat-Seeking-M
2006-07-16 [zoloftzantac]: You left "dorkfish" off of your list, means the same thing as dick in my book :p
2006-07-16 [Dead Inside.]: There's no rule that say's I can not have color's are my house right? That mean's if I do get color's to work on my house I wont get banned for it right?
2006-07-16 [zoloftzantac]: They won't work on your house if you don't donate, [Hedda] controls that
2006-07-16 [Dead Inside.]: But I can still try without getting banned right?
2006-07-16 [kittykittykitty]: You can still write the tags without getting banned as long as they don't work :P
2006-07-16 [Dead Inside.]: Wait, It wont work unless I donate money to Elfpack, If I try to make it work without donating I wont get banned, But if I do make it work without donating to Elfpack I will get banned? 0.o
2006-07-16 [kittykittykitty]: Yep :P Like [zoloftzantac] said, [Hedda] controls it, and for a good reason. That's one of the priviledges one can get for donating money to the site
2006-07-16 [Kaos101]: Yup. I've never donated money though. Only because I've never figured out how paypal works and I don't have a credit card
2006-07-16 [kittykittykitty]: I'm using paypal without a credit card ^_^ It takes about a week for it to process any transfers from my bank account. Can't you do that in the US too?
2006-07-16 [Kaos101]: I have no idea. Probably
2006-07-16 [Dead Inside.]: Are [Sunrose] and [Hedda] married?
2006-07-16 [kittykittykitty]: Ummm... no >_>;
2006-07-16 [Dead Inside.]: Are they dateing?
2006-07-16 [kittykittykitty]: I don't know. I'm not one to speculate
2006-07-16 [kittykittykitty]: .-.- ..-- -.-. >_>;
2006-07-16 [zoloftzantac]: Sorry [Dead Inside.], I don't think [Hedda] is available ...
2006-07-16 [De'ladrei]: *sobs* please, dont remind me that I can't ever have him ;__;
2006-07-16 [Tear]: That's why you have me, Fi.
2006-07-17 [De'ladrei]: Ah yes dear I know, but you cant blam a gal for dreaming *sniff*
2006-07-17 [Tear]: That's okay, when you get to the states, you can look at all the Hedda porn you want, as I have lots on my hard drive, as long as your thinking of me in the sack.
2006-07-17 [De'ladrei]: o-ook *sniff*
2006-07-17 [zoloftzantac]: *learns very fast* pssst ... hey [Tear], I need some of that [Hedda] porn
2006-07-17 [Tear]: *puts it up on Limewire* It's all in my shared folder, go ahead and download it.
2006-07-17 [zoloftzantac]: Sweet! I'll use this to get the ladies of EP in the mood ^_^
2006-07-17 [RabidSphinx]: mmm...[Hedda] porn...my favorite! you have the one with the sheep and the cheese?
2006-07-17 [zoloftzantac]: I just got it from [Tear]'s file share *puts it on to see if it has any sexy effects on RD's mood*
2006-07-17 [Tear]: Are you talking about Goatcheese 1-3? Of course!
2006-07-17 [Dead Inside.]: YOU PEOPLE ARE SICK AND WRONG!!!!
2006-07-17 [zoloftzantac]: Do you smell that? Oh man ... I think I got some [Dead Inside.] on my shoe :p
2006-07-17 [skullhead]: Man you got big shoes, you are always stepping on something
2006-07-17 [Dead Inside.]: kittykittykitt
2006-07-17 [zoloftzantac]: *hides his collection of razor dildos*
2006-07-17 [skullhead]: @_@
2006-07-17 [zoloftzantac]: [Wendy] got me interested in them ;)
2006-07-18 [skullhead]: Sorry bud not on my wash
2006-07-18 [kittykittykitty]: ............
2006-07-20 [RabidSphinx]: um, beastiality is not illegal in all states, but in those that is is, you can get animal-cock dildos...there something wrong [Dead Inside.]??? not judging other people's personal lives ARE you?!!
2006-07-20 [zoloftzantac]: omg! *got excited just hearing [RabidSphinx] say "animal-cock dildos"* ^__^ your voice is so sexy
2006-07-20 [RabidSphinx]: i heard my voice on my voicemail on my cellphone and i sounded 12...>_>
2006-07-20 [zoloftzantac]: I know, and it gets me so hot :p
2006-07-20 [RabidSphinx]: *put hair up in piggy tails, sucks in a lolly-pop while bearfoot and giggles in a little girly way*
2006-07-20 [zoloftzantac]: <3 wowowow <3
2006-07-20 [RabidSphinx]: oh-yeah...
2006-07-20 [Tear]: ZZ likes loli. Lawl! /b& by mods plz?
2006-07-20 [zoloftzantac]: wtf is " /b& by mods " ??
2006-07-20 [RabidSphinx]: it means "take off your pants and bake me cookies bitch"
2006-07-20 [Tear]: Banned by mods. You would have to visit 4chan or some other site like it to know what I am talking about.
2006-07-20 [zoloftzantac]: I like RD's answer better :p
2006-07-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *dramatic music plays* RD!
2006-07-20 [Dead Inside.]: I am so bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. 1-409-363-0998 Someone call me please.
2006-07-21 [RabidSphinx]: what can i call you?
2006-07-21 [Big Brother]: i take calls to ^_^ 1-613-849-8846
2006-07-21 [RabidSphinx]: i have a 1-800 number...but i charge.. :P
2006-07-21 [Big Brother]: lol, how much? -_^
2006-07-21 [RabidSphinx]: it's 20 to connect and about 16 for every hour after that
2006-07-21 [Big Brother]: ok! what's the number?
2006-07-21 [RabidSphinx]: now you are just making fun of me
2006-07-21 [Big Brother]: O.o only if you want me to =P
2006-07-21 [RabidSphinx]: making fun of me is an extra charge
2006-07-21 [Big Brother]: i'm willing to that basic chage you stated......bu
2006-07-21 [RabidSphinx]: hey, i have drug-habits to support here!
2006-07-21 [Big Brother]: maybe we can meet halfway.....
2006-07-21 [Tear]: Drug habits? I have those
2006-07-21 [Larova]: Hang on, how much is the charge?
2006-07-21 [zoloftzantac]: Please post the toll free number :p
2006-07-22 [Enneigard Rebirth]: 1-406-338-3658
2006-07-23 [Enneigard Rebirth]: .........
2006-07-26 [Larova]: Strangely, I know where that number might almost be plausible, if you take off the 406.
2006-07-26 [Asrun]: Hey Jon, what's your area code? :O I'm wonder if you're long distance on my cell-eo
2006-07-26 [zoloftzantac]: wow, I didn't know [Big Brother] was such a playboy, hot chicks never call me anymore ... :p
2006-07-26 [Tear]: OOO OOO OOO!!! I know his area code!!!! It's 613.
2006-07-26 [Big Brother]: 1-613-849-8846
2006-07-26 [Ringbearer]: *makes notes*
2006-07-26 [Big Brother]: it's already posted in other places
2006-07-26 [zoloftzantac]: *ring ring* Hello Sir, can I interest you in a free one month subcription to the Brockville Recorder & Times? You can get all of your local news, sports and weather delivered right to your front door, printed on freshly killed and still warm trees. That is a $15.00 savings! Act now and I'll throw in ...blah, blah, blah"
2006-07-26 [Tear]: Instead of ink, can I get that in Emo blood?
2006-07-27 [zoloftzantac]: That's how it works when you sort of have a girlfriend ...
2006-07-27 [Tear]: Don't you hate those "almost but not quite" girlfriends?
2006-07-27 [Asrun]: wtf.. 613 area code. LONG DISTANCE U SUCK. :(
2006-07-27 [eyes of frost]: Lol.
2006-07-27 [zoloftzantac]: Yeah, I have an "almost but not quite" GF right now. We aren't that happy together most of the time, but since we are together we are both passing up chances of a more desireable relationship with some other person. It is kinda like being stuck sometimes, but there are good times that keep us interested. (and almost happy)
2006-07-27 [zoloftzantac]: do you? haha, when is the last time you called me :p
2006-07-27 [Tear]: Oh my. Methinks she got serious with this, heh heh heh.
2006-07-27 [zoloftzantac]: It was before I got my current cell phone because you aren't in my call log. Are you counting text messages or something? :p
2006-07-27 [Kaos101]: text messages count :P
2006-07-27 [zoloftzantac]: text mesages count as calling someone? no way :) I guess it counts as attention from hot chicks tho :p
2006-07-27 [Big Brother]: no-one text messages me.........cep
2006-07-27 [zoloftzantac]: haha, yep, you sure can. I know not all women would be flattered to be refered to as "a hot chick" :p
2006-07-28 [eyes of frost]: Well B, if I had a cellie I would text you and call up that Tear guy...and maybe become both of your stalkers. Lol. BUT!!! I don't yet have 300 dollars...and when I get that, it's going for a new Wacom 6x8...and then I have to start saving yet again! for meh cellie...phht.
2006-07-28 [Larova]: That's what Skype is for.
2006-07-28 [Big Brother]: can you text with skype?
2006-07-28 [Big Brother]: we don't even know what you look like ^_^
2006-07-28 [Big Brother]: well that's him......doesn
2006-07-28 [Big Brother]: maybe you will!
2006-07-28 [Big Brother]: there are other mysteries! -_^
2006-07-28 [zoloftzantac]: I know I have a photo of you around here somewhere ... :p
2006-07-28 [Tear]: Blackmail!?!?!
2006-07-28 [zoloftzantac]: nope, just teasing :)
2006-07-28 [Tear]: Awwwwwww... that's no fun!
2006-07-28 [Kaos101]: 0.o....me thinks I might have to make a trip soon
2006-07-29 [Kaos101]: well that all depends. where is your hometown?
2006-07-29 [Kaos101]: Ack! i live on the east coast. That's a bit of a drive
2006-07-29 [Kaos101]: lol well you're talking to a marylander right now
2006-07-29 [Kaos101]: yay! I'm your friend* starts to dance*
2006-07-30 [Dead Inside.]: I need a hug...
2006-07-30 [Big Brother]: *hugs [Dead Inside.]*
2006-07-30 [Dead Inside.]: lol Thanks. I needed that.
2006-07-30 [Big Brother]: just don't tell my wife i did that.....
2006-07-30 [skullhead]: <_<' and people say I'm weird.
2006-07-30 [Big Brother]: ^_^
2006-07-30 [Big Brother]: i'm sure she wouldn't care........bu
2006-07-30 [Big Brother]: so is sleep ^_^ *goes to bed
2006-07-30 [Kaos101]: *hugs [~*Astarte*~]* I think hugs are fun too
2006-07-30 [Dead Inside.]: *Wave's to everyone* Hello person's.
2006-07-30 [Dead Inside.]: [Sunrose] *Give's sad puppy eye's* Can I have an S.S. comment above my house that say's "This member is really a 12 year old girl, DO NOT be fooled" Please?
2006-07-30 [Dead Inside.]: http://www.elf
2006-07-30 [Tear]: lawl. The picture is beyond homo.
2006-07-30 [Dead Inside.]: You'r just mad that you don't have the ball's to do that.
2006-07-30 [Tear]: I've done much worse then that thar. When you have a piercing between the legs, talk about having balls, until then, continue with the hilarious pictures.
2006-07-31 [Larova]: I got stabbed in the crotch with scissors once.
2006-07-31 [kittykittykitty]: Yay! Sharing random life experiences :D Um..... I once damaged my pelvic bone by a collision with an iron post while walking by a bunch of French nuns... then they all came over to me to check I was OK >_>; That was such a fun moment in my existance... gotta love nuns
2006-07-31 [kittykittykitty]: Are we all allowed to give you hugs [~*Astarte*~]? :D *bounces on her feet with arms outsretched*
2006-07-31 [kittykittykitty]: *runs off to find her coloured pencils, then returns with a hand-drawn card saying how much she loves hugs, pouncing on [~*Astarte*~] for huuuge cuddles and gives her the card humming a happy song* :D Hugs make me happeee!
2006-07-31 [Tear]: I say this......DOGP
2006-08-01 [Larova]: Oh my god. I'd pay to see that, minus the pelvic damage and all.
2006-08-01 [Larova]: *Summons forth the dog-petses on the pile*
2006-08-01 [Dead Inside.]: *Huggle's [Sunrose]* THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!
2006-08-01 [Tear]: Oh snapz! Dog petses. !
2006-08-01 [Larova]: Damn skr8
2006-08-01 [zoloftzantac]: heh, don't be too happy [Dead Inside.] I gave you a note, but it doesn't say exactly what you asked for :p
2006-08-01 [Larova]: hehehehehehehe
2006-08-01 [Tear]: I just realized the difference, lawl.
2006-08-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: hahahaha hagrid is short...
2006-08-02 [Larova]: And haggis is round.
2006-08-02 [zoloftzantac]: and haggard is tired ...
2006-08-02 [~*Astarte*~]: You are welcome, [Kaos101]! :p
2006-08-02 [Kaos101]: lol *hugs you again*
2006-08-02 [kittykittykitty]: Isn't this nice? :D How we can all play happily together and not say any mean things ^_____^
Number of comments: 10849
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