# of watchers: 98
| D20: 2 |
Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
Informative: | 1 |
Artistic: | 0 |
Funny-rating: | 1 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2006-06-18 [RabidSphinx]: Jon is the best...*huggle
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: they are fighting, with thier tanks & thier bombs eee a heya eee a heya
2006-06-18 [skullhead]: cranberries with the song zombie
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yes!
2006-06-18 [skullhead]: That’s one of my all time favorites
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: same here
2006-06-18 [Larova]: Christ. I love that song. All time favorites, indeed.
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *head bangs & deadswings* :P
2006-06-18 [Dead Inside.]: What would happen if I were to stalk a guard? Some one like say, [Sunrose] or [Hedda]?
2006-06-18 [Dead Inside.]: [Asrun] IS ON! *HUGGLES [Asrun]* I missed you. Where have you been? Who have you killed?
2006-06-18 [kittykittykitty]: You might have better luck stalking a guard than stalking most other ElfPackers because they're here more often ;)
2006-06-18 [Dead Inside.]: I want to stalk [zoloftzantac], [skullhead], [Sunrose] and [Asrun]. But I dont want to get banned for it. Is that legal?
2006-06-18 [Kaos101]: Its the most fun
2006-06-18 [kittykittykitty]: Stalking isn't illegal ;) If they know you're doing it you must be a bad stalker..... unless you want them to know you're following them. You just blew your cover because I think they all watch this page :)
2006-06-18 [Kaos101]: Pretty much. But do it anyway. just for fun
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: AAHH!! where the hell did this ad come from?!!?! --------------
2006-06-18 [kittykittykitty]: [27992]
2006-06-18 [Kaos101]: Ehh...it's not too bothersome...a
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: it just scared me thats all
2006-06-18 [Kaos101]: it changes too...I'm refreshing the page overand over just to see what happens next...but it stays the same alot too
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *buys 800 large pizzas with sano's credit card* BWUHAHAHAHAHA
2006-06-18 [Larova]: Prowling's illegal.
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: eep.
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: coffee!!!
2006-06-19 [Dead Inside.]: *Dress's up like a ninja and stalks [Sunrose], Secretly following her every movement* I'm a stalker now.
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: *throws a dust pan at Trueno's head* Darn those raccoons.
2006-06-19 [Dead Inside.]: *Yells "OWWWW! I am NOT a raccoon, I am a ninja stalker following [Sunrose] around. Now leave me alone."*
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: *scratches head*
2006-06-19 [Dead Inside.]: *Stabs [Kaos101] in the foot with my ninja sword* Go away, Cant you see I am "SECRETLY" stalking [Sunrose]?
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: *pulls out sword and moans* I should report you.
2006-06-19 [Dead Inside.]: Go ahead. I dont care. I'm going to be banned for stalking [Sunrose] anyway. If you really want to get me in trouble, Tell [Hedda] I am stalking his girlfriend.
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: lol That would get you killed
2006-06-19 [Dead Inside.]: So? I have no fear of death. Real ninja's would rether die in combat then run and live like a coward.
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: I know. I've had to study the guidelines my entire life
2006-06-19 [Dead Inside.]: Your a ninja too? I challenge you to ninja combat. *Takes ninja pose*
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: I don't have time for this.
2006-06-19 [kittykittykitty]: Hmm.... very mature :D
2006-06-19 [Larova]: *Photographs* The camera loves you, [Dead Inside.] baby.
2006-06-19 [Dead Inside.]: *Pose's for the camera for a minute* Oh shit, [Sunrose] is getting away. *Stalk's after [Sunrose] again* Where did [Asrun] go?
2006-06-19 [Ringbearer]: She's hiding in [Fanta gurl]'s wardrobe.
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: is it tomorrow yet? can i be a guard now?
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: today is today. Tomorrow is tomorrow, honey
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: damn it///i was told yesterday that tomorrow i would be aguard...today is yesterday's tomorrow...>_<;
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: he didn't say yesterdays tomorrow. He said tomorrow
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: damn-it...>_<
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: I know how you feel, man. I want to be a guard too
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: lol...i am mostly joking about that...>> Council would so suit me better.. :P
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: well I just want to be something...SO
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: hahahaha...you can be my friend...^_^
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: *smiles and laughs* Yay! I'm important
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: damn right you are...i'm a very important and influential person on this website... >_>
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: So I've seen. But I can be quite influential too. When...wehn I choose to be
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: what have you seen? i thought i took those nude pictures down...>_>; *runs to take them down*
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: Oh those pictures are old news. Now they're plastered on thirty different websiteds in high definition and high resolution
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: what! Oh-NOES!!!
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: lol well they were anyway. I already took them down. I jsut said that to scare you.
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: *kicks you*
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: *grabs my shin in pain* OOOWWwww..I'm sorry.
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: you best be...^_^
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: lol you know I would never do nuffin to you, Sarah
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: Whoa...you called me sarah...that means you must die...>>;
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: What? No I didn't...I said...'Sarah soda in the fridge, I'm really thirsty
2006-06-19 [RabidSphinx]: *puts leg behind head*
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: *runs and hides under pile of newspapers*
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: *crawls out and stands up, brushing myself off* Okay. I'm sorry about that
2006-06-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: something weird has been happening since ive been logging on. this morning it said i was banned, no reason was said, then it said my username didnt exist, even though i typed it perfectly right, and then when i logged in a couple of minutes ago the screen was white & there was only the koala banner showing on the left. is there a bug in the login screen?
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: No bug that I have seen.
2006-06-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: heh. must be my ISP or what do you call them again?
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: I have no idea what you're trying to say.
2006-06-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: hui nagata nasudia.
2006-06-19 [Dead Inside.]: My anger management class pisses me off.
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: wow...how ironic
2006-06-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: hahahahaha
2006-06-19 [Dead Inside.]: My sex ed class turns me on.
2006-06-19 [Kaos101]: ....o...okay
2006-06-19 [skullhead]: lol
2006-06-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: my biology class is ugly. (its an inside joke, because im ugly)
2006-06-20 [kittykittykitty]: An inside joke... for biology XD *giggles to herself*
2006-06-20 [Ringbearer]: *facepalms* gettin lamer by the minute.. :P
2006-06-20 [Kaos101]: *shakes head* tell me about it. ^_^
2006-06-20 [zoloftzantac]: I thougt the bio class joke was way better than the old, over told and tired anger management class joke ....
2006-06-20 [kittykittykitty]: Anger Management class joke?
2006-06-20 [Kaos101]: 'Anger Managment class pisses me off'....that one
2006-06-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: kayla is hot & she wants to date me
2006-06-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: her name is [~*KaY~KaY*~]
2006-06-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: [~*KaY~KaY*~] loves me
2006-06-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: HAHAHAHAHA
2006-06-20 [Dead Inside.]: YAAY! It's my weird Uncle Joe. *Runs up to [zoloftzantac]* Did you get me anything or do I have to stalk you again?
2006-06-21 [zoloftzantac]: huh, who are you? You kinda look like dorkfish, except weirder looking :p
2006-06-21 [Kaos101]: *rubs my chin* Nope...I think he looks just as weird
2006-06-21 [RabidSphinx]: is it tomorrow YET?
2006-06-21 [Kaos101]: Don't ask me. I don't know
2006-06-23 [Dead Inside.]: I use to be [Dorkfish69], But I changed my name. It's Indian. It means "Thunder".
2006-06-23 [skullhead]: hum that’s interesting...
2006-06-23 [Dead Inside.]: *Stands behind [skullhead] and pokes him in the back of the head* I am bored. Bored, Bored, Bored.
2006-06-23 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lol.
2006-06-23 [skullhead]: *Gets in front of [Dead Inside.]’s face and slaps him with a rubber chicken* “Knock It Off! thunder boy”
2006-06-23 [Kaos101]: lol nobody F***s with Skull man
2006-06-23 [Enneigard Rebirth]: skull! at the disco
2006-06-23 [skullhead]: Yea come on people, close the god damn door already!
2006-06-23 [Enneigard Rebirth]: where?
2006-06-23 [skullhead]: -.-!
2006-06-23 [Enneigard Rebirth]: .......
2006-06-24 [Dead Inside.]: Damn [skullhead], What crawed up your ass and died?
2006-06-24 [kittykittykitty]: Maybe he just had the urge to slap you with the rubber chicken! :D I know a lot of people would relish the opportunity
2006-06-24 [Dead Inside.]: *Puts out sign that says "Slap me with a rubber chicken, $5.00 per hit"*
2006-06-24 [kittykittykitty]: So you'll give me $5 every time I hit you with the rubber chicken? Is this your excercise regime or are you some kind of masochist with lots of money to spare?
2006-06-24 [Dead Inside.]: NO! You pay me $5.00 to get to slap me with a rubber chicken.
2006-06-24 [zoloftzantac]: hmm ... how about I pay kitty $5 everytime she hits you with a rubber chicken, but she has to wear her kitty suit and be bare foot while speaking french
2006-06-24 [kittykittykitty]: *puts on her kitty suit* Vous voulez le poulet maintenant? :P
2006-06-24 [skullhead]: 'Tish, that's French!'
2006-06-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: does anyone want to know what crawled up my ass & died?!?!?! *lifts up skirt*
2006-06-24 [zoloftzantac]: yeah, don't forget to take your shoes off *gets his wallet out*
2006-06-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: hahahaHRIBBIT
2006-06-25 [Dead Inside.]: *Backs off* If I dont get the money, You dont get too hit me.
2006-06-25 [Dead Inside.]: I use to steal peoples riding lawn mower's and ride it down the street's naked.
2006-06-25 [kittykittykitty]: o____O I don't think [zoloftzantac] cares if you don't like it :P But I'm a little rusty on my French :(
2006-06-25 [Dead Inside.]: Dont make me report you all to the guards...
2006-06-25 [Larova]: I'll ban you.
2006-06-25 [kittykittykitty]: :0 Je ne porte plus des chausseurs [zoloftzantac] :D J'espere tu aimeras la autant que j'ai *slaps [Dead Inside.] with the rubber chicken*
2006-06-25 [Dead Inside.]: You cant ban me [Larova]. I didnt do anything.... yet
2006-06-25 [Dead Inside.]: *Kicks [kittykittykitty] in the twat* How do you like that?
2006-06-25 [kittykittykitty]: Merci [Dead Inside.].... c'etait tres mur
2006-06-25 [Dead Inside.]: Do I look like a give a damn?
2006-06-25 [Dead Inside.]: Mordre mon derrière [kittykittykitty] *Is bored and trying to start a fight*
2006-06-25 [Tear]: Wrong place to do that.
2006-06-25 [eyes of frost]: Rachel has a question: If ASCII art is not illegal, why is there a button on the *report ro the guards* that says, "Very huge and annoying ASCII art"...?
2006-06-25 [skullhead]: I think because not all ASCII art are annoying.
2006-06-25 [eyes of frost]: So what ascii art is?
2006-06-25 [Larova]: hehehehehehehe
2006-06-25 [zoloftzantac]: "*Kicks [kittykittykitty] in the twat*" // WTF?!?! Grrr! *Bites [Dead Inside.]'s fucking arm off!*
2006-06-25 [Larova]: Wait, what? *Twitch*
2006-06-25 [Larova]: You're SO cabbaged, [Dead Inside.].
2006-06-25 [kittykittykitty]: *claps* Yay! :D
2006-06-25 [skullhead]: lol
2006-06-26 [Ihsahn]: Can we act a bit more grown up now? and as for [eyes of frost]'s question the answer is because it has that function on all heddate sites, doesn't mean it is illegal and to me, all ASCII is annoying :)
2006-06-26 [zoloftzantac]: Acting "grown up" is good for somethings, but I'm really not sure that EP is one of them ...
2006-06-26 [De'ladrei]: I go a way for a while and I come back to see a giant tiger on the page mauling someone, wtf o.O
2006-06-26 [Kaos101]: Don't worry, no one else understands it much either
2006-06-26 [zoloftzantac]: Okay, I'll help you understand, I will be mauling the hell out of anyone who is rude to cats. [kittykittykitty] included ;)
2006-06-26 [De'ladrei]: Fair enough.
2006-06-26 [zoloftzantac]: :D
2006-06-26 [De'ladrei]: Even the bunny? *big wide eyes*
2006-06-26 [kittykittykitty]: So if I am rude to any feline you will maul me zz? :O What if I push my cat off her favourite chair? Is that being rude enough? Because I do that a lot. I can call her names if that's worse....
2006-06-26 [zoloftzantac]: [De'ladrei]: hmm ... I have heard that rabbit tastes great :p // [kittykittykitty]: Okay, that's it for you! *takes kitty back to his place for a private mauling* ;)
2006-06-26 [De'ladrei]: You can go on imagining all you want on that count :p
2006-06-26 [zoloftzantac]: Okay :) *goes on and on imagining what [De'ladrei] might taste like* :p
2006-06-26 [Larova]: That's already all over my mind.
2006-06-26 [De'ladrei]: oh my o.O
2006-06-26 [Kaos101]: ...awkward
2006-06-26 [De'ladrei]: No less awkward than walking in on an orgy...oh wait...
2006-06-26 [Larova]: It's not so awkward if you join in.
2006-06-26 [De'ladrei]: yea but I'm thinking of the poor non kinkeh folk
2006-06-26 [Kaos101]: lol well I don't think any of those people are commenting here at the moment
2006-06-26 [RabidSphinx]: ewww
2006-06-26 [De'ladrei]: Nah, they have all ran away :p
2006-06-26 [zoloftzantac]: I thought they all went back to ET ...
2006-06-26 [Larova]: Yeah, and joined "Kinky People United."
2006-06-26 [zoloftzantac]: oh, except for RD ofcourse ;)
2006-06-26 [De'ladrei]: Apart from her yes ^^
2006-06-26 [RabidSphinx]: ;>_>
2006-06-26 [De'ladrei]: Bless :p
2006-06-26 [eyes of frost]: What's wrong with Kinky?
2006-06-26 [zoloftzantac]: hahah, nothin' ;) kinky.com was taken so [Hedda] named it elfpack :p
2006-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: *Stabs [zoloftzantac] in the eye with a really hot french fry* Take that punk bitcha. *Knows he just screwed himself with that one and hides behind [Sunrose]*
2006-06-27 [zoloftzantac]: *eats the french fry* heh, no need to hide, I couldn't care less if you pick on me
2006-06-27 [De'ladrei]: Because the pet bunny will maul joo! Bunnily Wrath *launches self through air and scratches [Dead Inside.]'s eyes out*
2006-06-27 [zoloftzantac]: wow, that flying violent bunny is really hot ;)
2006-06-27 [Ringbearer]: *sticks thermometer in Dela's mouth* Yup, 38,2. A fever!
2006-06-27 [zoloftzantac]: she must be burning up, because she is even making me hot :p
2006-06-27 [Ringbearer]: Yeah... right....
2006-06-27 [zoloftzantac]: I guess violent, flying bunny foot pr0n goddesses just do it for me, but then I also like the thorn as much as the rose ;)
2006-06-27 [Ringbearer]: Or her blood-sucking fangs?
2006-06-27 [De'ladrei]: Mwhahaha
2006-06-27 [Kaos101]: Uh-oh...now we've done it...we've turned her evil
2006-06-27 [Kaos101]: no but that laugh is
2006-06-28 [Larova]: Yes, you've turned her very evil... Bwahaha...
2006-06-28 [De'ladrei]: Turned? Mwhaha oh the innocent minds that believed anything other than that.
2006-06-28 [Ringbearer]: She was born evil... she is the definition of evil!
2006-06-28 [Kaos101]: It's true....I looked it up
2006-06-29 [Larova]: *Checks* So it is.
2006-06-30 [Dead Inside.]: ITS PAYDAY! I'm six hours short on my pay check, But $3,657.50 isnt bad for 94 hours of work isnt bad.
2006-07-01 [De'ladrei]: Well evil had to find a body to inahbit, why not a deceptively hot blonde ;)
2006-07-01 [Kaos101]: and there isn't one girl who fits that better than you, my dear
2006-07-01 [De'ladrei]: Thank you dearest.
2006-07-02 [Tear]: OoOoO, Well then, if you are Miss Sin, then can I repent? I have been a bad boy.
2006-07-02 [De'ladrei]: *chuckles* if you want :P
2006-07-02 [Dead Inside.]: Hey [De'ladrei], Who are you calling a "deceptively hot blonde"?
2006-07-02 [De'ladrei]: who do you think dear :P
2006-07-02 [Dead Inside.]: Ummm, [Tear]?
2006-07-02 [De'ladrei]: Try again dear.
2006-07-02 [Dead Inside.]: I am not a "deceptively hot blonde". Why does everyone keep saying I'm hot when I'm not?
2006-07-02 [De'ladrei]: We were talking about me dear, but thats ok, you'll learn to recognise my awesomness one day.
2006-07-02 [Dead Inside.]: All I could see were your feet. I have no idea what color your hair is...
2006-07-02 [De'ladrei]: Exactly, you'll learn.
2006-07-02 [Dead Inside.]: Do you have a picture of your face that I can see please?
2006-07-02 [De'ladrei]: No, that would ruin the whole deceptive part.
Number of comments: 10849
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