# of watchers: 98
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Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2006-05-28 [skullhead]: [Dead Inside.] and [Dea], sitting in the tree. KISSING First comes love, then comes marraige. Then comes [Dea], with a baby carraige!
2006-05-28 [Amalaswinta]: now why does the girl automatically have to walk behind the baby cariage???
2006-05-28 [Amalaswinta]: ;-)
2006-05-28 [RabidSphinx]: hey, i have a request...coul
2006-05-28 [Amalaswinta]: she should ask for it herself
2006-05-29 [skullhead]: She's a chip of the old block RD part 2
2006-05-29 [RabidSphinx]: i told her i would handle it because she is scared of the guards after getting banned last year>>
2006-05-29 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, she's more annoying, and skinnier than me...
2006-05-29 [skullhead]: May god have mercy on our souls
2006-05-29 [RabidSphinx]: :P
2006-05-29 [former user#4]: hey! i think [Dea] wouldn't like that at all skully. a Ball Head might get mad. lol
2006-05-29 [Dea]: what is it about me?
2006-05-29 [kittykittykitty]: [Dead Inside.] and [Dea], sitting in the tree...
2006-05-29 [Dea]: NO WAY!!!! my heart belongs to one person only and i just want to be by his side for eternity
2006-05-29 [Amalaswinta]: [RabidSphinx]: even so, if she wants a comment on her house, she's gonna have to face her fears and ask it herself. Besides, if she's not misbehaving, what 's there to be scared for?
2006-05-29 [tazz]: i was going thru some home pages and i found this kid that has his dick out, he is 16 and i dount think that is right my 11 year old syster is on elfpack and she dos not need to see that , so can some one do something about that his name is [kd7zno]
2006-05-29 [skullhead]: It was a disgusting job but somebody had to do it, why me *I think am going to vomit*
2006-05-29 [tazz]: you see what im talking about
2006-05-29 [kittykittykitty]: Drat! Missed it again! Though by the sounds of things I really didn't want to see that one.... :P
2006-05-29 [skullhead]: No take my word for it you did not want to see that
2006-05-31 [Dead Inside.]: Who the HELL is [Dea]? And why are we sitting in a tree? I dont like trees...
2006-05-31 [skullhead]: lol
2006-05-31 [Big Brother]: i have a geat idea. it seems that [Dead Inside.] and [Dea] don't get along so well so i'll take [Dea] off his hands ^_^
2006-05-31 [tazz]: can i get an ss-comment saying i am protected by [Sia Tasha] and i dont cyber ... if it is ok
2006-05-31 [kittykittykitty]: Why don't you write it on your house instead? It doesn't say it anywhere
2006-05-31 [tazz]: what do you mean sorry im still learning dont get mad
2006-05-31 [kittykittykitty]: Write it where you have all those wiki links. That is your house, or your description, or whatever you might call it. Don't forget that help has a lot of useful pages...
2006-05-31 [tazz]: thank you
2006-06-01 [654dghs]: can you give me the email address of one of my friends that got banned?
2006-06-01 [kittykittykitty]: The guards aren't allowed to disclose those kinds of details. He should have been considerate enough to give it you before he got banned (or not get banned at all so he could still talk to his friends here)
2006-06-01 [Dead Inside.]: Okay, Whatever. *Walks off*
2006-06-08 [654dghs]: hey i'm leavin can u put a note on my house that says i left?
2006-06-08 [654dghs]: well i won't be here anyways to see it so it doesn't matter cya to all the guards here
2006-06-08 [kittykittykitty]: You really don't need an SS comment. Just an empty house. You can even change your username to something like 'I've left elfpack for good'.... then why am I bothering answering the question if you left already...? x_x'
2006-06-08 [zoloftzantac]: You won't get an SS comment for that, just change your mood to say you left
2006-06-12 [Zombiie Natiion]: oh my gosh what happend to this place???why was it down for 2 days???
2006-06-12 [kittykittykitty]: ... they've been changing things... pretending it's the server's problem when they have been here all along... counting and filing the data ready for the time when we are no longer required... o_o
2006-06-12 [Zombiie Natiion]: oh ok then.. whats that mean?
2006-06-12 [kittykittykitty]: Each time a little more ceases to exist. Each time we believe what they want us to believe. They tell you "run with the pack"... that is exactly what they want: for you to follow blindly. Don't be fooled by the niceties! Escape while you still have your mind intact or the affliction will spread until it is beyond our control
2006-06-12 [Zombiie Natiion]: errrrm.... ok then.. will do ^__^
2006-06-12 [Osborn#67]: hey for some reason each time i open a message, it still says its unoppened
2006-06-12 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i know, same here. *message jumps back in envelope* damn you little ''''''''.
2006-06-13 [Larova]: all work and no play makes jack a dull boy
2006-06-13 [zoloftzantac]: *bans [kittykittykitty] for working with [NE0]*
2006-06-13 [Larova]: The One stole mine petses?!
2006-06-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: o
2006-06-13 [kittykittykitty]: Jack needs to dowload some porn.... *ish banned* o_O
2006-06-13 [Osborn#67]: what does waking up people from elfpack mean?
2006-06-13 [kittykittykitty]: The answer is out there. It's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to...
2006-06-13 [Osborn#67]: what the hell are you preaching woman?
2006-06-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: a time for WAR!!!!!!!! *marches around* warwarwarawrwa
2006-06-13 [Larova]: Jack needs to get in on a little 3-way action. Forget the porn.
2006-06-14 [Tear]: E-sex? I'm in.
2006-06-14 [Enneigard Rebirth]: FGHIJKLMNO SEX
2006-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: sex sex sex
2006-06-14 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i think im on my period or something today
2006-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: that's just FANTASTIC information to sare
2006-06-14 [Enneigard Rebirth]: hahahahahaha
2006-06-14 [Zombiie Natiion]: just to let ya all know im always open for a guard posistion if you need me ^_^ just keep me in mind if you ever think about recruiting people!! xx
2006-06-14 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *shakes head* they arent going to hire you if you ask or hint at it in anyway
2006-06-14 [kittykittykitty]: Indeeed. I'm sure all the current guards insisted they would have hated it
2006-06-14 [Big Brother]: lol, you gotta earn gaurd. that is why it says under the gaurd listing "Do Not ask to become a guard. If we need you, we will ask you."
2006-06-14 [Big Brother]: you have to work your way up. at least apply for crew or something.
2006-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: *raises hand and waves it in the air* ooh ooh ooooh! pick me!!!
2006-06-14 [Big Brother]: ummm......mayb
2006-06-14 [RabidSphinx]: *pouts*
2006-06-14 [Enneigard Rebirth]: :P
2006-06-15 [Tear]: i r gt ideuh. JU MAK MEH TEH GARDZ!!!11ONE5
2006-06-16 [Juggalette Ryda]: Why isnt ET working??
2006-06-16 [skullhead]: Don’t know but I recommend not using the blade just yet
2006-06-16 [RabidSphinx]: cut yourself!
2006-06-16 [Sunrose]: x)
2006-06-16 [RabidSphinx]: do it do it do it! *peer pressure*
2006-06-16 [eyes of frost]: You know...I swear some people just have a nuron misplaced or something because they don't read...or they can't...Phht..
2006-06-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: pool
2006-06-16 [Tear]: A nueron?
2006-06-16 [Big Brother]: oh one of those! the ones with 5 legs and those creepy eyes! i like those bugs.
2006-06-16 [eyes of frost]: Yea...that thing...so I forgot a letter...sue me. *pokes tear*
2006-06-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: tear!
2006-06-16 [skullhead]: It’s the desperation of feeling that you’d lost everything you’d worked so hard on creating in the past couple of years. It can bring you down on a heart bit
2006-06-16 [eyes of frost]: Huh?
2006-06-16 [Tear]: Hello.
2006-06-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: sure, id love sume.
2006-06-16 [Tear]: ***Sure, I'd love some.
2006-06-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: okay! *gives her the furry thing*
2006-06-16 [kittykittykitty]: I think it's spelled neuron.... // *huggles [skullhead] randomly* ^__^
2006-06-16 [skullhead]: I got hug yahoo!!!, *hum why was I hug… you what something don’t you?... that’s ok I sale out for a hug specially from the beautiful kitty*
2006-06-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: kitty? do you think if i win a ticket for a unique giffy, i can have my furry thing as a pet?
2006-06-16 [kittykittykitty]: Hide your pets! Skully's after the cats... o_o
2006-06-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *hides furry thing*
2006-06-16 [skullhead]: thers only one furry thing am after and trust me its not that thing Enneigard.
2006-06-16 [Osborn#67]: hey there is something wrong with elfpack
2006-06-16 [kittykittykitty]: Maybe it was a backup (as explained by [27853] and [krill]).... *gives [skullhead] furry dice to hang in his car* ^__^
2006-06-16 [Osborn#67]: ya but whatever it is, its cause everything to be the same as like a few minutes ago i mean
2006-06-16 [kittykittykitty]: Ooooh déjà vu ^___^
2006-06-16 [Osborn#67]: what?
2006-06-16 [kittykittykitty]: Day-jhaa-voo? Paramnesia? French for "seen already"? .....
2006-06-16 [NE0]: It's a glitch in EP, it happens when they change something ...
2006-06-16 [Dead Inside.]: *Stabs [Neo] in the back* Stop trying to make people "Wake up" from Elfpack.
2006-06-16 [kittykittykitty]: Uh... you stabbed the wrong guy, there :P
2006-06-16 [NE0]: ahh ... my decoy saved me again. Drops some Kung Fu on [Dead Inside.]'s ass.
2006-06-16 [Dead Inside.]: I love Elfpack and Elftown. All my friends live here.
2006-06-16 [kittykittykitty]: You can't speak! [NE0] dropped kung fu on your ass! Weren't you paying attention to the terrible beating you had?
2006-06-16 [Dead Inside.]: What beating? I have taken worse hits and kicks from my little sister.
2006-06-16 [Kaos101]: Hey! Any guards willing to answer a question for me?
2006-06-16 [kittykittykitty]: You don't need permission to ask a question. Guards watch this page, so if it's something only they can help with then you will get an answer ^_^
2006-06-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *floats in the air in slow motion wearing glasses & a black overcoat* there is no spoon.......bu
2006-06-16 [Kaos101]: well yeah but just checking if they're on so i can get a quick answer
2006-06-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: Kaos...do you wish to wake up from elfpack?
2006-06-16 [kittykittykitty]: You will get an answer eventually... where's the rush?
2006-06-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: right here! *holds up *
2006-06-17 [Kaos101]: *looks both ways* My lawyer said I wasn't allowed to talk about it...but anyway...can the good word of a member of Elfpack have any influence on the any particular people trying to become a member?
2006-06-17 [skullhead]: I suppose it depends on the person we are talking about and that is for [Hedda] or [Sunrose] to decide.
2006-06-17 [Big Brother]: if you are talking about if someone apply's to become a member, as long as they have a good profile made-up and a few other things most members are acepted.
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: oh! so, only people with good profiles & stuff are accepted, all others are just kindof...ignor
2006-06-17 [RabidSphinx]: it's "tomorrow" now...may i be a guard now? :P
2006-06-17 [skullhead]: ???
2006-06-17 [RabidSphinx]: Jon said "maybe tomorrow" yesterday.. :( :P
2006-06-17 [skullhead]: But was that Eastern Time or fairy tale time?
2006-06-17 [RabidSphinx]: EP time... :P
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: It's not tomorrow yet... 'tomorrow' will be tomorrow :P
2006-06-17 [Big Brother]: it's true, it's not tomarrow yet. and as for the apply thing. i'm sure they accept others but it helps alot if you at least try to have a good profile.
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lol, tomorrow was the day after the onomatapia.
2006-06-17 [kobe vryan]: tomorrow, tomorrow, it is a different day. hey ya hey ya hey ya hey ya,,,,maybe tomorrow
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *dur* OoO
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: onomatopoeia..
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: same here. *eats an onomatapia* mmmhmmm. good for the bones, good for the kids.
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: Onomatopoeia. You can't eat them. They are not physical beings >_>
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: can i eat a donut *looks at furry thing* DONT MOCK ME!!!
2006-06-17 [former user#4]: i know onomatopoeia but not onomatapia. maybe there is really something like that... that you can eat. ^.^'
2006-06-17 [Kaos101]: onomatopeia is a word that denotes a sound...an onomatapia is a large, green and blue fruit that is commonly referred to as in the shape of an umbrella. It has many seeds, like that of a strawberry, and can be found in most of South America
2006-06-17 [Kaos101]: lol that's because I made that up
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: Oops. I believed you for a minute there... I was busy searching for it :P
2006-06-17 [Kaos101]: ROFL!! and to think I was about to humor and say things like 'look on wikipedia.org' or give you a fake link.
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: Oh, I already checked wikipedia... and dictionary.com and yahoo search as well as google, even urbandictionar
2006-06-17 [Kaos101]: wow...lol sorry I made you go through all that trouble...mayb
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: I quest for knowledge and long words ^_______^
2006-06-17 [Kaos101]: well nobody has claimed that word...let us claim 'onomatapia' for ourselves. I'm going to make a cross fruit between strawberries and, lime, and blueberries.
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: Wow... that would be some feat of genetic engineering. I'll stick to eating the fruit
2006-06-17 [Kaos101]: I wouldn't envy your job. It could end up tasting pretty grotesque
2006-06-17 [eyes of frost]: Is anyone else having a horrid day... O_o *sighs and goes to hide under Debby's bed*
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: Who is Debby?
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: The wondeful [Sunrose] I expect :)
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: *Backs off* I dont want any probles. *Hides behind [Asrun]* I havent done anything, Please dont ban me...
2006-06-17 [eyes of frost]: Yea...sunny...
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: HEY! I'm only 19, I'm not old. And I live in Texas.
2006-06-17 [Kaos101]: And I'm even younger than that. ^_^ *takes out a cookie and offers it to Rachel* Here you go
2006-06-17 [eyes of frost]: ...I said old people...as in like 50 and older...
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: Please dont have me banned. I wasnt sitting outside your bedroom windo watching you sleep last night. I swear I wasnt.
2006-06-17 [eyes of frost]: *Starts to laugh* Thanks...Lol. I needed that. But I can't have you banned. I am not a guard...yet.
2006-06-17 [Kaos101]: lol but my money is she will be so watch your back
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: I like older men ^________^
2006-06-17 [Kaos101]: *looks at Kitty* Woah
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: Oops... I must have left the page for a few minutes before sending that :P
2006-06-17 [Kaos101]: well we haven't left the subject entirely...but that doesn't mean that wasn't a umm...odd sentiment
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: can i have some?
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: have some....?
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: and then this one time
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: [eyes of frost] will be a guard one day? *Thinks to self "If I suck up to her now and be her friend, She can help me late when shes a guard"*
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: And put cruel SS comments on people you don't like :D
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: guards get to do that!?
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: NO! I want one above my house but [zoloftzantac] and [skullhead] wouldnt but one up.
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ENNEIGARD : warning, this member is stupid & ugly & is not in favor of orelinde
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: Yeah right. I know your lieing... But thanks for trying anyway. (P.S. What the hell is "orelinde"?)
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: Guards are not allowed to abuse their privs..... I wouldn't ask them to do such a thing if I were you because I imagine it's very annoying to get SS comment requests :)
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: All I wanted it to say is that I am really a 12 year old girl.
2006-06-17 [Big Brother]: i abuse mine.........b
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: Guards can get banned? And whats a mood war?
2006-06-17 [Big Brother]: we are able to change a members mood if there is something in it that is not allowed. and sometimes when me and a few others get bored we change eachothers moods to something else and such... but we know who is changing it and it's all in good fun. other than that i only touch the special buttons for work related stuff. and yes we can get banned but if anything we normally just have our jobs taken away. but we are just members too.
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: its like this, they are just peasants like us, only with swords & a badge.
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: am i slightly right?
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: O.O *Looks at the "special" buttons* Pretty... *Press's them all at once and blow's up Elfpack* Opps.
2006-06-17 [Big Brother]: ya i guess...... i started off like any other member and i worked my way up....took a long time ^_^
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *pulls a paper out of his pocket, writes elfpack on it, & posts it up on the site* now noone will ever know dorkfish blew up elfpack. :P
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: Thanks [Enneigard Rebirth]. I know that my tome stone will say, "I promise thats the last time I will ever play with matches."
2006-06-17 [skullhead]: Who are you calling a peasant… Peasant!
2006-06-17 [skullhead]: Yea good old mood wars I remember my first one was with [zoloftzantac]
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: Can I an ss comment above my house please? Telling people NOT to ask me to cyber.
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: mowe work? *grabs pickaxe & begins cultivating*
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: I miss my weird Uncle Joe. Aka [zoloftzantac]
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: :( He needs to quit his job.....
2006-06-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: poop
2006-06-17 [Romantic Rebellion]: r there any gaurds here?
2006-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: I am not a guard, But I'm pretty good at pretending to be a ninja.
2006-06-17 [kittykittykitty]: If you need help with anything just ask here [Romantic Rebellion] and someone will help you
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: like, how come there is no spoon?
2006-06-18 [Kaos101]: ???
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: and, if your the one, where did the zero go?
2006-06-18 [Kaos101]: Ack! I am so confused
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: plus, why doesnt the architect have a bathroom in his dome of TVs? and how in the hell does he watch all of them & change the channels with a remote that doesnt have any buttons?'
2006-06-18 [~*Astarte*~]: [zoloftzantac] is a really good guy... yep, yep
2006-06-18 [RabidSphinx]: matter of opinion
2006-06-18 [~*Astarte*~]: You are correct...
2006-06-18 [Larova]: *Blink*
2006-06-18 [~*Astarte*~]: Perfect he is not, no one is. But he is genuine, sincere, and does the very best that he can.
2006-06-18 [~*Astarte*~]: [RabidSphinx] - it sounds like you feel J did something to upset or hurt you - am I correct?
2006-06-18 [RabidSphinx]: you are correct sir! i mean, mam...>>
2006-06-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: [zoloftzantac] is cool & [Big Brother] is funny
Number of comments: 10849
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