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Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2008-05-30 [itweetinHEELS]: lol THE most awkward convo ever.
2008-05-30 [Dead Inside.]: I think that [Dead Inside.] just like's messing with [Ihsahn] because he has a crush on him. But that's just me.
2008-05-30 [Dead Inside.]: Hey [itweetinHEELS]. You should read the convo between me and [zoloftzantac] when I was pretending to be a 12 year old girl.
2008-05-30 [itweetinHEELS]: yeah i think i read enough lol
2008-05-31 [shinobi14]: Hey, [Dead Inside.], along side that cool badge of yours in your house, you should have a "EP Creep" badge. =D
2008-06-01 [Dead Inside.]: Do they really have those? And if they do, Why am I just NOW finding about them!?!?!?
2008-06-01 [shinobi14]: I have to laugh at that. XD
That is light-hearted. =]
2008-06-04 [itweetinHEELS]: more like retarded >_>
2008-06-04 [Dead Inside.]: I's aint not isnt a retard. I's just pass-ed the 4th g-rade. My son was so p-roud of me. We is both going to the 5 grade. lol
2008-06-05 [itweetinHEELS]: lmao what the hell?
2008-06-06 [Dead Inside.]: Too much whisky. Sorry >>
2008-06-06 [shinobi14]: Wow... both alkies? Cait, you two will get along just fine. ;)
Love you really. ^__^
2008-06-06 [Dead Inside.]: I like traffic lights. I like traffic lights. I like traffic lights. I like traffic lights. That is what I said. I like traffic lights. I like traffic lights. I like traffic lights. I like traffic lights. But not when they are red.
2008-06-07 [itweetinHEELS]: we're alike? nooooooooo! -pulls out hair-
2008-06-07 [Cloud Natiion]: Heyy [:
Is there like any chance i could get the secret service message at the top of my house changed? Pleeeaseee? Could it please say something like "this member likes to swear a lot, don't talk to her if such language offends you?" hehe.
Cause i have a warning written on my house, but people keep complaining about it. And i'm like "i warned you.." [:
Please & thankyou ^__^
2008-06-08 [Dead Inside.]: *Pet's [itweetinHEELS] head* It's okay. You could do alot worse then me baby.
2008-06-09 [Hedda]: [Cloud Natiion]: OK, fixed!
2008-06-09 [Cloud Natiion]: Thankyou! ^__^
2008-06-11 [Dead Inside.]: Did every one on here die?
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: -lives...but lurks only-
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: *Poke's [Bookwyrm]'s forhead* Haha.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: -gasps...slaps your hand- How rude!
2008-06-12 [shinobi14]: I'm technically dead. >_>
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: lol I'm rude and mean. But I keep it playfull and PG. Because Mr. [Ihsahn] is watching us. And he scare's me.
2008-06-12 [itweetinHEELS]: you know you love him so much you watch his every move. With a telescope..
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: Who told you about that? Er, I mean. No I do not.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Psh...if you think that's rude, wait 'til you see what I do with my finger...
-slaps own hand-
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: OH? Is it something rated R? Or even XXX maybe?
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Could be...no one knows! -waves arms about dramatically-
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: I want to know. Do you have a webcam I can watch you on? *God I'm a horny bastard* lol
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: XD I have a webcam, but reserve it's uses for those who've earned it. XD Just kidding. I do have a webcam, but rarely use it for anything, much less what YOU'RE thinking. :P
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: You don't even know what I'm thinking. And if you think it's anything sexual you'r wrong.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: I'm sure I rarely use it for any of the uses your thinking, as I rarely use it at all. ;)
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: Yeah. Are you a model?
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: LAWL! You're joking, I assume?
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: No. Are you a model? Alot of people I know on here a model's at the mall hoping to be discovered and get rich and famous.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Of course not. And I don't have the potential to be one. Not that I'm not beautiful in my own right, but I'm certainly not model material. For one, I'm only five feet tall, and I have short legs. XD
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: Really? Is that what you think? I for one happen to like natural beauty far more then the skinny twig's that havent eaten anything in 4 four day's because they weigh 85 pound's and think there over weight.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Well I agree entirely, but natural beauty is not desirable in the modeling career. Sad, but true.
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: And that's why I don't buy modeling mag's or watch modeling show's.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Ditto. XD That, and I can't stand most of their attitudes. -has a friend who forced her to sit through one episode of "Top Model"...never again-
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: I feel so sorry for you. I watched that or about 10 minute's and I wanted to shoot my t.v. with my 12 gauge.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: I wanted to shoot my friend...but had no gun to use. XD
2008-06-12 [itweetinHEELS]: i actually auditioned to be a model and i got it.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Congratulation
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: I like short women. Women 4'6 to 5'4 are a huge turn on for me for some reason. I all so like red hair, Green/hazel eyes, Lot's of freckles, Square frame glasses and skin that's whiter then sour cream. Not that you care about what my turn-on's are...
2008-06-12 [itweetinHEELS]: basically you like midgets
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: XD That's priceless. Now, if more men were like that, I'd have had a bigger selection to marry from. XD Just kidding!
2008-06-12 [itweetinHEELS]: -ish scared-
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: *Is a midget lover and damn proud of it* I all so like women that are 6'2 to 6'8 for some reason.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Be afeared. Be gurtly afeared. -glares atchoo-
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: Really? *Kisses [Bookwyrm]'s hand* May I have this dance?
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- Aww, a gentlemen, eh?
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: No. But I can play the part very well.
2008-06-12 [itweetinHEELS]: ewww 'can i have this dance?' cheesy!
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: *Kick's [itweetinHEELS] in her boob/knee*
2008-06-12 [itweetinHEELS]: OMFG !
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: I like cheesy. ^_^ I never get cheesy...in a good sense. It's always cheesy in a stupid sense.
:O That is the first time I've ever seen a boob/knee kick! Wow...that must take talent! -gives Caitlyn chocolate to make her feel better- ^_^
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: It's not my falt she's so old that her boob's hang down to her knee's. j/k
2008-06-12 [itweetinHEELS]: He's so mean...
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: How old are you? 134, 135?
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Ouch...o.o -slaps his hand- You never ask a lady her age, how rude!
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: I was talking to [itweetinHEELS], Not you mylady [Bookwyrm].
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: I know, but still...-minib
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: She's just mad because no one love's her.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: I luff her. o.o
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: I meant in a boyfriend way. She is lonely in bed. I really am a bastard arent I?
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Meh, I'm used to it. I'm married to one. The sex is good, but that's about it. XD -ish a bitch sometimes-
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: Really? So you have to put up with him huh? That's why I'm never getting married. I'm too much of a bastard for anyone to put up with for a long period of time. *Is trying to make [itweetinHEELS] jealous so she will talk to me more*
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: XD Yup. Eighty percent of women (at least in America) are against marriage. I never understood why until I got married. Why buy (or spend eternity with) the pig when all you want is some sausage? (Fuck you to all the cow/milk jackasses :P)
Really, marriage has the potential to be a wonderful thing. But the world is (and people in general are) too stupid to handle the concept correctly.
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: I think [itweetinHEELS] has very beautiful eye's. Do you agree with me [Bookwyrm]?
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Should I have to? Does it matter what I think?
2008-06-12 [Dead Inside.]: I'm just asking if you think she has beautiful eye's. You don't have to answer if you really don't want too. And yes it matter's what you think.
2008-06-12 [Bookwyrm]: Well, I disagree, I think what matters most is what she thinks. :P
2008-06-13 [Kaos101]: While her opinion matters the most, it may also be true that your opinion matters as well....ooooh
2008-06-13 [Bookwyrm]: I believe that my opinion matters. To myself. I couldn't care less if my opinion matters to anyone else. XD
2008-06-13 [Dead Inside.]: You'r opinion matters to me [Bookwyrm].
2008-06-13 [Kaos101]: I meant 'matters to her as well'. And your opinion matter to me too ^_^
2008-06-13 [shinobi14]: TRACI!!! *slaps with wet fish*
2008-06-13 [Bookwyrm]: -feels loved...by everyone except Danny- That's it! I've had it with your halibut! I'm done with your dory! I'll have no more from your albacore! -tackles you and beats you senseless with your own fish-
2008-06-13 [Kaos101]: ...she said nothing of your salmon. Or your tuna. And I'll bet if you used your dace she would never see it coming.
2008-06-14 [Bookwyrm]: I would see a dace, and especially a tuna, a salmon...perha
2008-06-14 [Kaos101]: a shrimp would be odd, yes. But a lobster would be a classic surprise.
2008-06-14 [Bookwyrm]: XD A lobster would not be a surprise. A lobster would be a cliche.
2008-06-14 [Kaos101]: A funny cliche ^_^
2008-06-14 [Bookwyrm]: Eh...an unimaginative one though. :P
2008-06-14 [Kaos101]: I would laugh at it.
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: *Hit's [Kaos101] with a lobster* You were right. This is funny.
2008-06-14 [itweetinHEELS]: lol why are you talkin about me in here?
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: Because the whole world revolves around you [itweetinHEELS]. Therefore we simply must talk about you.
2008-06-14 [itweetinHEELS]: lmao thats what mummy and daddy said ^^
but i grew out of that mentality. >_>
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: *Poke's [itweetinHEELS] in her belly button then run's off laughing like a madman*
2008-06-14 [itweetinHEELS]: *throws my car keys at you*
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: *Catches your car key's then jump's in your car and drive's off* I can get a shiny penny for this car. Maybe even 2 shiny penny's. WEEE!
2008-06-14 [itweetinHEELS]: hhahaa that car is expensive, and plus daddy gave it to me =[
give it back
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: *Drive's back and give's you you'r car key's* That car get's louzy gas mileage. P.S. I found some naked pic's of you in the glovebox so I made alittle mess in your seat. You might want to get your car detailed.
2008-06-14 [itweetinHEELS]: EWWWWWWWWWWW ! Omg what is wrong with you?!
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: I'm a 21 year old male with nude pic's of a very beautiful young woman. Nothing more nothing else.
2008-06-14 [itweetinHEELS]: more like a 21yr old perv
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: All most all 21yr old male's are perv's. Don't you know anything about men? Just ask [Bookwyrm].
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: *Gently pat's [itweetinHEELS] on the back* I'm sorry I stole your car and made a mess in it. No hard feeling?
2008-06-14 [itweetinHEELS]: I do know
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: Your not mad at me are you [itweetinHEELS]?
2008-06-14 [«« F A I L;; to Lovę®]: Awkward.
2008-06-14 [Kaos101]: Interesting.
2008-06-14 [shinobi14]: Bamboo.
See? Random word game is fun. ^__^
And that might be one of the coolest things you have ever done, Traci. =D Love you too!!!
2008-06-14 [itweetinHEELS]: *stares at the Vodka bottle*
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: Where did you get that? Want some everclear to go with that? I still have half a bottle. And a bad hangover...
2008-06-14 [itweetinHEELS]: jeez you lightweights and your hangovers lol.
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: Everclear is twice as strong as vodka. Vodka is only 90 proof while everclear is 180 proof. Pure alcohol is 200 proof.
2008-06-14 [itweetinHEELS]: i have the vodka that costs 1200.00. If thats not strong then nothing is..
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: The cost doesnt matter, It's the proof of the alcohol that matter's. Wether a beer cost's $1.00 or $100.00, It's still only 8-12 proof. Read the side of the bottle and see what proof it is.
2008-06-14 [«« F A I L;; to Lovę®]: not true
2008-06-14 [itweetinHEELS]: Yeah the cost goes up the more proof it is. try Vodka-tastic.
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: http://i1.tiny
2008-06-14 [«« F A I L;; to Lovę®]: thats not the one, she bought one that was $3700.00
It was rather good too.
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: Okay. What's its proof?
2008-06-14 [«« F A I L;; to Lovę®]: 100
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: Everclear is 180 proof. Wich mean's its stronger then 100 proof vadka.
2008-06-14 [«« F A I L;; to Lovę®]: how much does it cost?
2008-06-14 [Dead Inside.]: Mine was $20.00 for a bottle. If you want to learn more click the link. http://www.sho
2008-06-16 [itweetinHEELS]: why's it so cheap?
2008-06-16 [Bookwyrm]: -gigglesnorts at Danny- I was surprised by my own wit there too. XD -goes back to lurkage-
2008-06-16 [itweetinHEELS]: =]
2008-06-16 [Bookwyrm]: -pokes Caitlyn...nods
2008-06-16 [itweetinHEELS]: -glomps tight- HEWWOOO ! How you been?
2008-06-16 [Bookwyrm]: Sick. x_X Laying in bed, holding my stomach, and biting my pillow. XD How about you?
2008-06-16 [itweetinHEELS]: sex would take care of that. *big grin* I've been okay, had some drama, but i'm better. Starbucks takes care of that.
2008-06-16 [Bookwyrm]: Eh...sex would NOT take care of what I had. Trust me. XD In fact, it probably would've made it worse. Sex will take care of a lot of things...but not that. :P And Starbucks would make everything worse for me. Caffeine=dead Witchy. :P But I'm glad you're better after your daily dose of drama, and that your Starbucks cured it. ^_^
2008-06-16 [itweetinHEELS]: lol you said dead witchy. Is that job stressing you out?
2008-06-16 [Bookwyrm]: Yus...sorry. ^_^ I've grown accustomed to referring myself as Witchy. XD David calls me that. Anywho, job? What job? I'm jobless. We moved...so I'm on the hunt again. :P
2008-06-16 [itweetinHEELS]: ohh yeah you did, i forgots XD
no more bar men?
2008-06-16 [shinobi14]: *cough*
2008-06-17 [Dead Inside.]: Everclear is cheap because taking a shot of it is like putting your mouth over the barrel of a flame thrower and having someone pull the trigger. *It burn's like hell*
2008-06-17 [Bookwyrm]: No more bar men. :P Not that I was dealing with them much anyway. Really, there very few hot men that came into my job. -sighs- I always get the jobs that sexy men stay away from. Or maybe I'm just too picky. XD Most of the guys my co-workers pointed out were...not hot. To me anyway. :P
Anywho, I'm not complaining. I'm sick of working in a sucky workplace with no job-satisfacti
-offers Danny a cough-drop-
2008-06-18 [itweetinHEELS]: haha free lunches, mmmmm!
2008-06-18 [shinobi14]: ¬_¬ *glare at Witchy* Suuure... I need a cough drop. XD
Mmmmm... free lunches. ^___^ That sounds good.
2008-06-18 [Bookwyrm]: Free lunches did rock. I had one of the chefs wrapped around my little finger, so all I had to say was "Boo, I'm hungry..." and he'd say "What you want to eat, baby? I'll fix it right up!" XD I told him I needed one of him at home. XD
2008-06-19 [Dead Inside.]: *Pull's out a flame thrower and light's it* I'm going to burn this wiki down. I'LL BURN YOU ALL!!!!
2008-06-19 [itweetinHEELS]: Lmao Witchy, did you really tell him that?
2008-06-19 [Bookwyrm]: Yes, actually I did. XD His nickname was "Boodeboo" (don't ask, I never did), but I just called him "Boo" 'cause it was easier. :P He would help me portion things sometimes in the morning, and wouldn't let me carry anything heavy. -giggles- Such a sweetheart. I miss him, actually. XD And he is a damn good cook.
2008-06-20 [Dead Inside.]: *Start's a fire under [Bookwyrm] and [itweetinHEELS]* Does no one care? *Grop's [itweetinHEELS] tight sexy butt before lighting the fire under her*
2008-06-21 [Bookwyrm]: -takes Caitlyn's hand, jumps from over fire, kicks [Dead Inside.] in the crotch for grabbing without permission- That's not very gentlemanly, now is it?
2008-06-21 [Dead Inside.]: I told you I'm not a gentlemen. I just play one somewhat.
2008-06-21 [Bookwyrm]: Yes well, coming from someone who's sick of men like that, you deserved that. :P
2008-06-21 [Dead Inside.]: HEY! I can be a very nice loving caring person when someone need's me to be. But I also like being a pervert sometime's.
2008-06-21 [Bookwyrm]: Yus, but be a pervert with someone who consents. :P
2008-06-21 [itweetinHEELS]: aww Witchy saved me! *hands her an award*
2008-06-21 [Dead Inside.]: I don't know meaning of that word. (I don't know the meaning of alot of word's. lol) So I would just punch you in you'r stomach/face but you'r a girl so I'll junk punch [Ihsahn] in his man business. lol
2008-06-22 [Dead Inside.]: 01000001011011
2008-06-22 [Kaos101]: his man business....th
2008-06-22 [Bookwyrm]: I didn't know those bits were professionals.
Oh oh! Yus I did! -shows off award- I-i-ima heerooo. H'oh yus. -waves it around in the air trying to show it to as many people as possible like in Fable- XD -is bored-
2008-06-22 [shinobi14]: Well, some guys' "kit" is professional. XD Depends how good they are. =D Some people, however... *looks at [Dead Inside.] have no training with their... *cough* "Man Business". ;)
2008-06-22 [Bookwyrm]: I think all this "professional business" business is ridiculous and you're all making it up. :P But that's okay. -pats-
2008-06-23 [Dead Inside.]: I have lot's of training with my "man business" thank you. I am a professional man-slave.
2008-06-23 [shinobi14]: Again, didn't need to know that. ¬__¬
2008-06-24 [Dead Inside.]: Now that you know it, You can't unknow it. lol
2008-06-24 [Dead Inside.]: Hey [itweetinHEELS]. What was you'r user name before you changed it?
2008-06-24 [Dead Inside.]: Does anyone know why [Sunrose] left elfpack?
2008-06-24 [Bookwyrm]: Because she got annoyed with all your "man business" crap. Geez. Does it make you feel good, running Sunny off? Good job. -__- (Just kidding! <3)
2008-06-24 [itweetinHEELS]: LMAO. No Witchy kept msg'ing Sunny about wanting to cyber,lmao.
2008-06-24 [Ringbearer]: Somehow Caitlyns story makes much more sense. MW even tried her spells but Sunrose has Dutch blood and is thus immune to seductions.
2008-06-24 [itweetinHEELS]: no one can be immune to Witchy's seductions!
2008-06-24 [Bookwyrm]: Caitlyn's right. No one is immune, particularly the Dutch. If I had tried to seduce Sunny (a tempting thought), it sooooo would have happened. XD -hides from any Sunrose wrath that may bear down upon her at any moment-
2008-06-24 [itweetinHEELS]: -humps her for good luck-
2008-06-24 [Bookwyrm]: -snorts- Wow...I don't think anyone's ever done that for luck before. -gives you a shiny medal-
2008-06-24 [Ringbearer]: Lol, indeed... the excuses people make....
2008-06-24 [Bookwyrm]: -laughs- Oh very good. -gives you a shiny medal too-
2008-06-24 [Ringbearer]: YAY!!! *Shows off with it all over EP*
2008-06-24 [itweetinHEELS]: O.o
-keeps going-
2008-06-25 [Dead Inside.]: HEY! I only humped [Sunrose]'s leg like 4 time's. >>
2008-06-25 [shinobi14]: I have already rocks Traci's kazbaa many, many times. ;)
2008-06-25 [itweetinHEELS]: O_O
-hides in corner, covering my ears-
2008-06-25 [Bookwyrm]: -looks at Danny...laughs and laughs and laughs- That was hilarious! Oh my goodness...-gi
Although, I think David's got you topped in that still. XD By far.
2008-06-25 [itweetinHEELS]: i thought i topped both of them?
2008-06-25 [Bookwyrm]: XD I <3 you Caitlyn, but I think the only one topping David at the mo' is mah hubby. You and Danny can fight for third though. XD -snug-
2008-06-25 [itweetinHEELS]: -aims at danny-
2008-06-25 [Bookwyrm]: -grins at Caitlyn- I'm just kidding! I don't know who has who topped...it's too much trouble to keep track. Y'all are makin' that up on your own. :P
2008-06-25 [itweetinHEELS]: -blinks at witchy- meanie pie!
2008-06-25 [Bookwyrm]: Yus I am. ^_^ And yet, you love me still. XD
2008-06-25 [itweetinHEELS]: -smiles huge-
2008-06-26 [Dead Inside.]: *Throw's a bag over [itweetinHEELS] and drag's her in to the wood's and bury's her 6000 feet underground* All problem's are solved forever.
2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: -sighs...kicks him...grabs shovel to dig up Caitlyn- Why must people make my job so hard?
2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: HEY! I'm trying to make the world a better place by getting rid of people who screw it up.
2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: And you didn't think to bury yourself?
OMG MEAN! -bites self-
2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: *Dig's a hole* How tall are you Witchy?
2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: If'n yeh can't remember what I told you, I won't tell you again. :P And I wouldn't try burying me, it wouldn't go over well in your favour.
2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: *Dig's a hole 4'6" deep* Now what make's you say that?
2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: Er...right...l
2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: *Ninja sneaks up behide witchy and kick's her in to the hole and burys her with only her head showing then runs off laughing like a retard* VICTORY WILL BE MINE!!!!
2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: -spits dust out of her mouth-...-sigh
2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: WAIT! If you dig out, The spell wont work. Just hold on a minute please?
2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: Certainly not.
2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: I'm trying to make a tornado that will suck the whole world into a huge blackhole ending all human life in the universe. But I need a willing soul that's pure of mind and heart.
2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: Oh, well you've got the wrong person there, doll. I'm pure of neither mind nor heart. Close in the heart subject, but nowhere near close in the mind. -taps side of head against a twig- Pervert.
2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: Why do you keep doing that?
2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: Slaping you'r hand. Taping you'r head against a twig. It's weird.
2008-06-27 [Bookwyrm]: I slap/bite my hand/self when I do something bad. 'Tis a joke. I tapped my head against a twig because, if you'll remember, I'm still pretty much buried up to my head in dirt and I couldn't tap it with my finger. :P It's a gesture indicating my brain/mind. :P
2008-06-27 [Dead Inside.]: *Dig's you out* You didnt do anything bad. God you'r worse then I am.
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