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Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2007-12-04 [shinobi14]: I had a seagull poop on me once. People say it is good luck... I can't see the logic behind that, to be honest. :/
2007-12-04 [Larova]: Well, the feces of seafaring birds is widely known as an aphrodisiac. Smother your girlfriend with them sometime. See what happens.
2007-12-04 [shinobi14]: Apart from a sudden red cheek and loss of girlfriend? Not much I would imagine. ¬¬
2007-12-05 [Larova]: Damn, you'd be getting off light.
My girlfriend would've taken a boxcutter to my face and stripped it layer by layer.
2007-12-05 [Asrun]: :D
2007-12-05 [shinobi14]: Ashy seems to like the sound of that. ^___^
Wow... the whole idea brings a new meaning to the word "aphrodisiac".
2007-12-06 [Asrun]: Not really.. Just had to make an appearance.. Super busy with real life stuff. :I
2007-12-06 [Larova]: Well, if your girlfriend is all about cutting into you with a boxcutter, you need to hang onto that one. She's a keeper.
That's just hot.
2007-12-08 [shinobi14]: Well, i call her my "girlfriend"..
2007-12-15 [zoloftzantac]: never had a girl get on me with a box cutter, one who liked to use a dental pick on everything but my teeth though.
It's funny, but the whole appeal of a hot psycho girlfriend kind of wears off around the same time that your pain killers do ....
2007-12-15 [Larova]: *Trails off in thought* yeah...
2007-12-18 [FireGypsy]:
2007-12-18 [shinobi14]:
2007-12-19 [Bookwyrm]:
2007-12-19 [FireGypsy]: Haha.
2007-12-19 [~*Astarte*~]: Have I missed something here? A box cutter and dental pick being used on one's sacred body and like that's cool? Um ... How about looking up the definition of Ahimsa http://en.wiki
2007-12-19 [shinobi14]: Well, box cutter or not, let it be said that women as a sex can do much more damage than men. All in agreement, say aye!
2007-12-19 [~*Astarte*~]: Danny ... as one who has been hurt by many a man ... I don't think we can say that one or the other does more damage. Really, if you think about it, we all do damage - most without the intent to do so. It is when one does damage with intention - that's when well ... that person is someone you might consider no longer being around. I truly believe we need to surround ourselves with those who help us to feel good about us. For in my eyes, to do the opposite is toxic to one's being.
2007-12-20 [Larova]: Well, if I believed any of that, that might matter.
But instead, I do enjoy having nails dragged up my shoulders, my body cut, and my blood consumed during intimacy. And it's all consensual, so I myself don't see any defilement of the body.
And I'm a freaking butcher. I hack up the corpses of innocent and defenseless animals while listening to classic rock. And I get paid for it.
And GOD, do I love steak. And even moreso... Kangaroo. Medium rare. No sauce, just the dead hopping beast itself. The juices of its vitality are enough to give it a wonderful flavor.
Then again, I also think karma's just an excuse to sit back and think someone else is going to do your dirty work for you. Personally, I think bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people, and it's on me to be the bad person and beat the everliving fuck out of other bad people who harm the good people I know. So eh.
2007-12-20 [RabidSphinx]: I beat up boys. But I'm no one's girlfriend, so I’m just that violent platonic friend. ;]
2007-12-20 [Larova]: hug j00 <333333333333
2007-12-20 [RabidSphinx]: aww, thanks! *hugs back* guess who's back??
2007-12-20 [Larova]: Wilford Brimley?
2007-12-20 [RabidSphinx]: noooo...guess again!
2007-12-21 [Larova]: Wait a sec...
I think I know this one...
2007-12-22 [RabidSphinx]: yus!!!!!
you are so clever!
2007-12-22 [Larova]: I'll have to agree.
2007-12-22 [zoloftzantac]: clever, but maybe a little slow :p
2007-12-22 [shinobi14]: Like my computer. XD
And i agree, Jen. =] But I meant physical damage, rather than emotional or spiritual harm.
And Larova, some people like that kind of things... But i can't understand why... ¬¬ Crazeh. ^____^
2007-12-22 [~*Astarte*~]: So, Danny, as I understand it, you are saying women can do more physical harm than men?
2007-12-22 [Asrun]: Cause I probably won't be on until after the New Year, HAPPY HOLIDAYS everyone. :)
2007-12-22 [Larova]: Your face is a little slow.
2007-12-23 [Sunrose]: Thai women will cut your penis off if you make them angry..if you're lucky they can reattach it, but most women cut it to pieces or cover it in sand..
2007-12-24 [Larova]: I'll never eat Thai food again.
Until I forget about it, then I'll eat Thai food again.
2007-12-24 [RabidSphinx]: happy christmas everyone.
i can cause a lot of harm apparently. (poor little-matt...
2007-12-24 [shinobi14]: No, Jen. Females just tend to cause more damage, for a number of reasons.
1) They have nails.
2) They pull hair... and
3) They know that as a rule, males don't hit them back. That is not always the case, but lets not think about that. ¬¬
Sunny, how do you know these things?!?! :O
And Merry Christmas/Yule everybody (depending on your religious beliefs). =D
2007-12-24 [RabidSphinx]: no nails and hair pulling for me, i always slugged people...guys are allowed to hit girls, no sexism here with me.
no one should hit anyone else out of anger, however. only in a perfect world, however.
2007-12-24 [Sunrose]: Hmm I think that's not true :P
I saw a clip about it on www.msn.nl :P
2007-12-25 [Larova]: To each its own.
I think it's okay to punch butch lesbians, though.
2007-12-26 [Sunrose]: Butch lesbians, what are those? :P
2007-12-26 [Larova]: Chicks trying to emulate masculinity for their lesbian lovers.
2007-12-26 [Sunrose]: Ah :P
2007-12-27 [~*Astarte*~]: Okay Danny ... men have nails, they also pull hair. And, when they hit - they tend to hit a lot harder than any female I know could. As for other kinds of damage that can be caused, because I know there are those under the age of 18 here, I won't go down that road ... I guess I'll just say that one's perspective is usually affected by one's life experiences. However, I have a favorite quote, "I can be changed by what happens to me ~ I refuse to be reduced by it." ~Maya Angelou
2007-12-27 [~*Astarte*~]: I do not believe it's okay to hit ANYONE!
2007-12-27 [Larova]: Yeah, but it is.
2007-12-27 [Bookwyrm]: Is it? In reality, it cannot be proven that it is or isn't okay to hit anyone. Venture a guess why? It's all about personal beliefs. Therefore to decide what is right for another when it is really only right for yourself is rather pointless, because the other person is likely to have their own beliefs about the situation. Personally, I don't care for the idea of causing another pain without consent or reason to defend oneself. Whether it's right or not is not for me to decide. Simply that it isn't right for me. Men and women are equally lethal, depending on the way they have treated their bodies and themselves. Though it is common for many women to feel that men are more capable of harm, while men believe the opposite. This is, as Jen so appropriately said, because of one's perspective--w
2007-12-27 [shinobi14]: I think I'll go for "both wrong", so we can learn from the mistakes.
Okay, so my beliefs upon the subject are: Guys should in no way hurt girls physically, because women are (mostly) biologically weaker than men. As for hitting anyone, this is not something we can stop. I mean, some people hit people for the sake of it... to "have fun". I don't see the point in this. However, when it comes to seeing your dad being hit with planks of wood by a group of three guys, sometimes people can't help contain their rage. So I would again disagree with Jen, saying it is okay to hit someone, but only when it is not planned. Saying "I'll kick your face in" isd planned violence, and is wrong.
2007-12-27 [Bookwyrm]: Well again, it's all about one's own perception. ^^
2007-12-27 [Larova]: So once upon a time, there was this guy who was suavely manipulating a number of girls around the school. Many saw him as this badass character, this alpha male many strive to be. I saw him as a total piece of crap, waste of air, and someone whose womanizing habits and inflated ego made my stomach turn... But who, ultimately, was part of the general social bullshit of the school and who had no bearing on my life whatsoever, given the select few I cared about weren't socially engaged with the same people as him and the ones that were, I figured, were doing it to themselves with their own stupidity.
All that changed one day, when I was sitting around by myself on the curb, drinking a can of Cherry Coke, and he KICKED IT OVER.
And shrugged and was like "oops" in this assholish way like "you're just collateral damage to the path I'm walking, quit bitching."
And as he walked on, I was thinking about the Cherry Coke I just lost, having already thought of the connotations behind his actions afterwards, and started getting a little twitch as I realized more and more it wasn't an accident. It was some little bestial dominance thing he was trying to pull.
But most of all...
He kicked over my Cherry Coke.
So I walked up to him in gym, said a few words, and then proceeded to pummel his face into a state that reminded me of a cross between silly putty and raw hamburger, with blood leaking out all over the place and probably something wrong with his kidneys and maybe his neck, probably some abdominal organs, and definitely something wrong with the stand-up locker for the football player who kept his stuff on the end.
When the gym coach broke us up, his ego was deflated, save his little "you're lucky he stopped us" speech I laughed at and the attempts at making everyone believe he'd beaten me up.
So here's the good that came of me destroying him.
1) His ego went downhill, and he kinda started getting into this whole emo phase where his self-esteem went down the drain and he had to actually figure out what was worth living for as opposed to just thinking in his prior ubermensch mindset. I don't doubt he's settled down with one girl by now.
2) Everyone started realizing he wasn't what they thought he was, as he had been taken down by the pale scrawny guy everyone always saw talking to himself, staring off into space, and going fishing in class with paper fish, paper clips, and string, countering the insecure people who tried to get him to stop by holding up a finger toward them and whispering "ssh, this is more important than you."
He lost all badass points, and with that went all his appeal.
All the girls who were messed up by what he'd done suddenly realized it wasn't something they should be worrying about.
3) People around started to realize that the quiet ones aren't there to be stepped on. So I heard a lot less about the loners getting picked on.
Tell me, someone, that words would've done ANYTHING to alleviate that situation and bring forth those results. Actions did in somewhere between two and five minutes or maybe one minute because it was all a blur to me what years might hope to ALMOST accomplish.
2007-12-28 [shinobi14]: I like you, Larova. But I'll have to disagree. You beat the crap out of someone for kicking over your drink. ¬¬
I agree with the point that words would not have done anything in that situation... but still. >.< I don't like that.
2007-12-28 [Larova]: Hey, I had to discredit the idea that I might have been doing it for some noble crusader-like purpose somehow.
Just bear in mind that the sum is greater than the parts.
And I was always aware of them.
And in knowing all this... DAMN RIGHT I kicked his ass for kicking over my CHERRY COKE, not just any drink.
2007-12-28 [Bookwyrm]: I can't say I would be entirely happy with those results, to be honest. It's "good" in the sense that he started leaving people alone, but he did lose his self-confidenc
Or perhaps I just disagree with you because you were drinking Cherry Coke. Even I would've knocked that nasty soda over. ^_~
2007-12-28 [Larova]: You did NOT just say that. We're gonna roll now. <3
And yeah, it broke the kid for a while, but I doubt I gave him a lifelong complex just from beating him up. If so, his ego was the big crux point of his life, and thus not only was he living in illusion, but that illusion could have served to eventually get him killed or worse.
Not to mention, a life unexamined is a not life worth living.
Sometimes you just gotta jar someone into thought.
2007-12-28 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i would kick his ass if he kicked over my cherry coke. I'm not sure whether beating the living crap out of anyone is morally acceptable, for the reasons that people don't deserve it, yet deserve it to begin with. it's always the "he's a human being too" crap that gets in the way, when it would make better sense to beat the crap out of a shark for kicking over your cherry coke. Because it's usually okay if it's another species.
2007-12-29 [Bookwyrm]: I don't think it's be okay to kick the crap out of a shark for kicking over your Cherry Coke. Afterall, it's a life too. :( -pats shark- In fact, the shark may "deserve" it less depending on your point of view. I mean...who's to say the shark even knew what the hell it was knocking over? Hell I'd be thankful for not being eaten to be honest. XD
2007-12-30 [Larova]: Well, that's just it. A shark and a human just happen to be equally fair game. In the wild, from which we are just sheltering ourselves by our human establishments
Only thing is, the shark wouldn't learn anything, because it doesn't grasp such concepts as "Cherry Coke" and how knocking over a container of liquid purchased from a vending machine using monetary objects depletes its utility. Instead, you beat it up, and it swims off thinking "wtf?"
Or actually just "hurt. chill out, get food. sweeeet."
The human does. And he thinks of that and more things, all at once. And when the sum of his thoughts is something wrong, he needs to be recalibrated. So bam. Recalibration in the locker room with my fists.
So comparatively, between the human and the shark, you can see who gets the more profound message. The shark might change one tiny behavioral pattern, or maybe not at all.
The human understands why it got its ass kicked so bad. It learns many things, such as the part where it wouldn't hurt to quicken the reflexes a little more, since this guy just danced circles around him, but mainly comprehends what the hell happened, and better yet, the repercussions of his actions and the ones just taken.
So more is accomplished by beating up humans.
2007-12-30 [shinobi14]: Ah, I know what you're talking about, Larova. You're thinking of the baby-radiator lesson. When a baby is curious about the metal object attached to the walls, it wants to know what it feels like. The baby gets burned, and learns not to touch the radiator again.
Replace the baby with the cocky guy with the Texas-sized ego, and the radiator with you. Touching the radiator would be equivalent to knocking over your Cherry Coke (nasty stuff, by the way >.<).
Oh, and I take back what I said. You could have easily done the same kind of damage with words. The problem is, most people don't tend to use language to their advantage. For example, there are torture techniques that involve only the use of language to create an effect of insecurity. You could have (IF YOU KNEW HOW) made him feel just as bad, without mashing his face. Remember, the pen is mightier than the sword.
2007-12-30 [Bookwyrm]: What was that about a Texas-sized something? XD -cannot help herself-
2007-12-31 [Larova]: But question, if you will, which would've felt better.
Surgical incisions by the tongue, or the adrenal ecstasy of battle?
And come on, there's nothing in Texas but steers and queers.
2007-12-31 [Bookwyrm]: I beg to differ. I am neither. :P
There are also whores, guns, bad drivers, guns, oceans of alcohol, guns, cowboy hats, guns, and me. ^_^ YAY ME! XD
2007-12-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: so if a texas-sized shark knocked over my cherry coke, what do i do?
2007-12-31 [Bookwyrm]: Apologize to the shark for leaving your Coke in it's way, and back away as quickly as you can without attracting attention. XD You can always buy another Cherry Coke.
2008-01-01 [shinobi14]: I just shouldn't have brought up Texas, or the size of it. XD
*steals Larova's nose, and bites a chunk out of it*
Would you like some, Traceh? ^__^
2008-01-01 [Bookwyrm]: -licks lips- Yum! Larova-nose! -holds hands out-
2008-01-02 [Enneigard Rebirth]: please sir, may i have some?
2008-01-02 [shinobi14]: *chops it up into pieces, and hands it out to Traci and Enneigard* There! I'm sure he won't mind. ^___^
2008-01-02 [Bookwyrm]: Surely! ^_^ -nibbles her share-
2008-01-02 [Larova]: *Apologizes for the up-and-coming nose-returning bit*
You know, you shouldn't swallow it. I pity the organs that get in the way when it returns. And the ones that get rained on by stomach acid.
2008-01-02 [Larova]: Ugh. I'll be smelling you bastards' organs for weeks.
2008-01-03 [Bookwyrm]: Oh I'm not swallowing mine. Just nibbling and spitting out. T'would be a shame to swallow such a lovely Larova-nose. ^^
2008-01-03 [shinobi14]: I'm chewing mine extensively, to the extent that it loses all shape. ^___^
2008-01-04 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i'm just contemplating all the nasty perverted things i could do to myself with it....or ummmm.....nibb
2008-01-04 [Bookwyrm]: XD I'd pay to see what you come up with...
2008-01-04 [Larova]: It all comes back.
It's always recognizable.
[Enneigard Rebirth], if you do that, you have to return the favor and let me have your eye socket for my pleasure.
2008-01-10 [FireGypsy]: O_o
2008-01-10 [Larova]: Sorry, Sasha, neither of those will work. Bone structures don't stretch the same.
Thanks for the thought though. <33333333
2008-01-18 [kittykittykitty]: XD *wheejoy*
2008-01-29 [Kaite]: May I please have wiki uploading privs?
2008-01-29 [Bookwyrm]: There you go. :D Please don't abuse this feature by uploading things to Elfpack that are against the Uploading Art Rules. Do you need any help learning how to use them?
2008-01-30 [shinobi14]: Can't everybody be that polite? XD
2008-01-30 [Bookwyrm]: Of course not. That would make life easy. :D
2008-02-15 [skullhead]: bip.. bip... bip...
2008-02-16 [shinobi14]: *bop* ^-^
2008-02-20 [Asrun]: BEEP BEEP. :B
2008-02-20 [Bookwyrm]: Boop Oop a Doop--Boop! ^^
2008-02-24 [shinobi14]: Mip mip!!
2008-02-24 [Bookwyrm]: TaruTaru! -dance-
2008-02-25 [shinobi14]: Oh dear... XD
2008-02-25 [Ringbearer]: The bleeps, the sweeps and the creeps X_X
2008-02-28 [Ihsahn]: ROFL she said dink.
2008-02-28 [Bookwyrm]: o.O -wonders who has a dink-
2008-02-29 [Asrun]: I have no dink to lick. :I
2008-02-29 [Ringbearer]: Maybe you do :P It might be a very jummy ice-cream, or a supernice lolly or so.
2008-02-29 [shinobi14]: I have a dink. =] It grows from my belly button. ^-^
2008-03-01 [Bookwyrm]: o.o -is officially afraid of Danny's belly button-
2008-03-11 [Empty~Soul]: can someone put a messege up that tells the guys from ghana to leave me alone?
2008-03-11 [Hedda]: [Empty~Soul]: No, we don't put up such racist messages. We put up messages what kind of messages you want to receive in rare cases, but generally I suggest that you explain what kind of messages you want in your presentation.
2008-03-11 [shinobi14]: AHAHAHA!!! That is a good one!! Why people from Ghana? =] Why not people from any other West African country? XD
2008-03-16 [Big Brother]: I want Canadians to leave me alone....they are weird... O.o
2008-03-16 [shinobi14]: They all seem really friendly... =]
Makes up for the USA, really. ^___^
*waits for imminent gunfire*
2008-03-17 [Asrun]: I want Canadians to leave me alone too. >:(
2008-03-17 [Big Brother]: YA, [Asrun] gets bugged by them just as much as me! maybe more!
2008-03-17 [Asrun]: lol ALL the time. :P
Did I ever tell you how much I hate Toronto? People here are SO rude to me at work. :(~~~
2008-03-17 [Bookwyrm]: -shoots Danneh-
... ... ...That's for trying to set me on fire all the time! :P
2008-03-18 [shinobi14]: Well, you worship the devil. =D So you must burn, Witch! >=]
*luffle hug* Love you really. XD
2008-03-19 [Ringbearer]: *wonders if he should start a sale off on torches and pitchforks*
2008-03-19 [shinobi14]: I'll buy 'em, Bert. XD
2008-03-20 [Bookwyrm]: The devil? You really shouldn't talk about me that way, you know. I mean, sure I'm damn sexy and hot as hell, but people may misinterpret your meaning there, darling. :P
2008-03-21 [shinobi14]: Ohh.. did everyone see what she did there? XD
Luffles. ^__^
2008-03-24 [Bookwyrm]: -Witchy worships herself...:O!- Just kidding, just kidding...sort of...;P
Luffles too. ^^
2008-03-25 [zoloftzantac]: I never got the whole burning witches thing, all the witches I've known are way to hawt to burn :S
2008-03-25 [shinobi14]: Really? I know none...
*glances in Witchy direction* Apart from Traci...
*glances in [Vaughne]'s direction* And Bryony, of course...
^-^ Tell you what, I'll just agree. =D
2008-03-25 [Bookwyrm]: -bows- Thank you, thank you...now here's Tom with the weather!
Of course you must agree. I have yet to meet an unattractive witch. Their loveliness shines from within and beautifies the surface. :D We're just that amazing, donchaknow. ;)
2008-03-26 [shinobi14]: *cough*
2008-03-26 [Ringbearer]: OR you just cast a spell to hide the warts and moles and wrinkles....
2008-03-26 [Bookwyrm]: Molds? o.O I'm allergic to mold...:(
2008-03-27 [shinobi14]: He means moles, and you know it. XD Don't be silly, moo. =]
Are you? That's weird. My friend is allergic to chocolate. Now THAT is bad. >_>
2008-03-27 [Ihsahn]: haha now we know your weakness witch!!!
2008-03-27 [Bookwyrm]: Oh, actually no I didn't even think of moles. I thought he really meant molds. XD
Most people are allergic to mold...:P I would HATE being allergic to chocolate.
It's not a weakness. o.O I can handle the sneezing and watery eyes...I do all year long.
2008-03-28 [Ihsahn]: It is... if it is connected to a pitchfork haha!!!!
2008-03-28 [Bookwyrm]: o.O...-starts to ignore you again-
2008-03-30 [shinobi14]: *pets angry Witchy* There there. =]
I think i may be allergic to dust... but I reckon it is just the usual reaction. ¬¬
2008-03-31 [Bookwyrm]: -is not angry...is ignoring- XD
I don't know what the usual reaction feels like. I'm allergic to dust mites, though. Those things are creepy...-shiv
2008-04-01 [shinobi14]: The usual reaction to dust is a runny/blocked nose, and a sore throat. And occasionally coughing. =] Can't stand dust. >.<
Okay dear. You ignore him. I'm sure you have your reasons.
2008-04-02 [Bookwyrm]: -hides- Meh...
2008-04-09 [Asrun]: i'm bposting drewink!! hi gues, what's i[m/ my thesis is dur in a day!! wooooo whislkey! NIGHBT
2008-04-09 [shinobi14]: Wow Ashy. =] Hope you felt well in the morning. XD
2008-04-09 [Sunrose]: i tink ur speling sux on wiskie, i cunt reed dat! spel lik normal persons plz kkthnxbb
its ur birfdai! i sai patry tim!!!
2008-04-10 [Kaos101]: Ouch....I got a headache reading that, Sunrose.
2008-04-10 [Asrun]: Shit, I posted HERE too? lol
Sorry guys. I was really not feeling to great this morning
2008-04-11 [Sunrose]: *hugs* :P
2008-04-11 [shinobi14]: There there. =] Everybody does it.
2008-05-06 [Hedda]: Hey! I'm not on this page?!? WTF!
2008-05-06 [Hedda]: There! Fixed!
2008-05-08 [shinobi14]: Wow.... you run this site, and yet somebody had the nerve to leave you out? XD
2008-05-08 [Ringbearer]: *hands out torches and pitchforks*
Ok, whom to plague with an angry mob this time? Wasnt it Sunrose who left him out?
2008-05-09 [shinobi14]: Surely it was. *nods* She was the previous author, right?
I notice how you're always the first one to resort to angry mobs. >_>
... And I am always the first one to grab a pitchfork!! >=D Although, this is Sunny we are talking about. You know, almighty and all that jazz...
2008-05-10 [Ringbearer]: Yes, but [Hedda] >>> [Sunrose] in terms of power. I mean, she cant pull the plug on EP.
2008-05-10 [~*Astarte*~]: I'm glad to see someone else getting the pitchfork and angry mob treatment this time ... I was the last lucky maiden! :)
2008-05-11 [shinobi14]: True, but even [Hedda] himself admits that Sunny runs the show. >_>
I can remember. =] Good times. XD
2008-05-11 [Ringbearer]: [Sunrose] is vicemayor of Elftown, so she works under [Hedda].
2008-05-12 [itweetinHEELS]: ^^
2008-05-12 [Sunrose]: @[Hedda]: No, you weren't. Since the beginning your work was more administrative than actual Guarding of the pack :P
And I'm not an ET-vice anymore :)
2008-05-12 [Asrun]: :B
2008-05-12 [shinobi14]: Told you, Bert! In yo' face! XD
[Hedda] runs the admin and brushes up the site, and Sunny is here to be the "Mayor", if you like.
Hell, worship them both!!
2008-05-12 [Ringbearer]: *supports [Hedda] til the bitter end*
You cant trust females in high positions anyway... Way too corrupt. Next thing we know she demands EP should be painted pink!
2008-05-12 [shinobi14]: Dude... Don't give her ideas!!! >_>
2008-05-13 [Ringbearer]: O_o
2008-05-16 [shinobi14]: Guys... what happened to [Sunrose]? Go onto her house, there is nothing there. No badges, no images, nothing. She isn't mentioned... anywhere. She has priv 101. What's going on?!?
2008-05-16 [Hedda]: Well, she's simply not active here anymore.
2008-05-18 [shinobi14]: :( That is sad. >.<
You're not gonna vanish anywhere, are you? =]
2008-05-19 [itweetinHEELS]: i doubt he will lol
2008-05-19 [shinobi14]: Wow Cait! New name?
Wouldn't have anything to do with your application to the crew, would it? ;)
2008-05-19 [itweetinHEELS]: it had to do with......um.
2008-05-19 [itweetinHEELS]: yah yah lol
2008-05-28 [Dead Inside.]: IS back, Is back, Is back, Is back in the United states. Is back, Is back, Is back and It feel's great!!!!
2008-05-29 [itweetinHEELS]: -claps-
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: *Slap's [itweetinHEELS] on the back* Who are you? And what country do you live in?
2008-05-29 [itweetinHEELS]: LMAO, no you didn't just...Now see if i was violent *lies*, then i would have probably had your body hidden somewhere. Fortunatly for you, i'm not going to do that THIS time.
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: I take it you dont like to be touched?
2008-05-29 [itweetinHEELS]: depends on who it is and you slapped, not touched.
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: It was a light slap, kinda friendly. What bother's you more, Good touch or bad touch?
2008-05-29 [itweetinHEELS]: the way you made it seem was kinda harsh, so yeah i'm into detail, like was it a hard...ok this convo is taking my brain energy.
The End.
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: Okay, okay. *Gently pat's your back being careful not to harm you in anyway* Your "brain energy"? Can your brain power thing's? Like a t.v. or toaster?
2008-05-29 [itweetinHEELS]: depends what time of day it is.. *grins big*
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: You'r talking to a guy that's drinking southern comfort out of the bottle for the last 3 hour's. I need more whisky so I'm about to leave to go buy some more.
2008-05-29 [itweetinHEELS]: thank god!
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: What? You want some? How old are you? You dont look 18 to me
2008-05-29 [itweetinHEELS]: well thank you =]
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: You never did answer me. Wich bother's you more, Good touch or bad touch?
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: *Sit's down at a table* Where is my master? She hasnt given me a beating in over 6 month's. I miss my daily beating's from [kittykittykitty]...
2008-05-29 [itweetinHEELS]: yeah i miss her beating you too
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: Master's not here. Will you beat me?
2008-05-29 [itweetinHEELS]: no see if i beat you, you might end up dead.
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: Would you beat me if I made a bad touch with you?
2008-05-29 [itweetinHEELS]: no, if you didnt catch on...i don't beat, i believe in weapons that kill, not ones for BDSM. LMAOoooooooooo
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: Goddamnit!...
2008-05-29 [shinobi14]: [kittykittykitty] is probably on Neopets or WoW or something like that. =] Haven't seen her in a while. =\
And you guys... behave. XD
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: *Stand's behind [itweetinHEELS] and gently rub's her shoulders* Maybe if I'm nice she will be more willing to handcuff me to a bed and beating me.
2008-05-29 [itweetinHEELS]: lol lower you peseant
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: How much lower new master?
2008-05-29 [shinobi14]: [Dead Inside.]... heel.
2008-05-29 [shinobi14]: Dude... you do know that you're almost cybering with a Crew member... in the Guards wiki, right?
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: Yeah. And unless [itweetinHEELS] say's something to the guards, The guards cant do really say or do anything. I think... >>
2008-05-29 [Ihsahn]: Take the cybering to PMs.
2008-05-29 [Dead Inside.]: Yes sir Mr. [Ihsahn].
2008-05-30 [Dead Inside.]: Hey, [shinobi14]. Check it out. I'm going to steal something from [Ihsahn]'s house and post it here. Hehehe.
2008-05-30 [Ihsahn]: ok
2008-05-30 [Dead Inside.]: AAAHHHHH!!!! Bloody hell. The fat man knows what I'm up to. Victory shall be mine!!! *Scampers away laughing evily*
2008-05-30 [Ihsahn]: Aye, leave me be to eating my krispy cream donuts...
2008-05-30 [Dead Inside.]: http://elfpack
2008-05-30 [Dead Inside.]: I have been tring to find more member for a wiki I mad but I'm have trouble finding any...
2008-05-30 [Ihsahn]: Whats the wiki?
2008-05-30 [Ihsahn]: ah you made a love wiki, your not going to find to many fans :P
2008-05-30 [Dead Inside.]: Well, If [Ihsahn] wasnt such an a** most of the time more people would like him. It's too bad [Sunrose] left us. I'd be on my knees hinding behind her like a little scared school girl right now.
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