# of watchers: 98
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Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2007-08-26 [Kaos101]: He's as elusive as big foot.
2007-08-26 [~*Astarte*~]: giggle ... I know where he is
2007-08-26 [Bookwyrm]: My husband is big foot. o.o Oh wait...that has nothing to do with the conversation. -hides-
2007-08-26 [shinobi14]: Bigfoot is real!!! Sasquatch!!! <3
Wait!! Do you know where ZZ is, Stardust? Or where Bigfoot is? =]
2007-08-27 [~*Astarte*~]: Yes, I know where ZZ is ...
2007-08-27 [RabidSphinx]: he probably has a GF and is all busy. *is So jealous*
2007-08-27 [Larova]: I have a GF and is all busy.
No, that's a GigaPet.
2007-08-27 [shinobi14]: Hmmmm... *ponders* Ill give you 20 togs for ZZ's whereabouts!! ^___^
2007-08-28 [~*Astarte*~]: ZZ does not have a gf ... Danny, as a matter of fact, he is online right now chatting with me =]
2007-08-28 [FireGypsy]: *pokes*
2007-08-28 [shinobi14]: ZOMGWTFBBQ?!
He's online...? >.< Obviously doesn't like us then. He thinks we smell. >.<
2007-08-29 [FireGypsy]: Pfft, whatever...
2007-08-29 [Bookwyrm]: Did someone mention BBQ? -salivates-
2007-08-29 [shinobi14]: Oh yeah, Traci. I had one last night. ^___^ Delicious.
*pokes Sasha back*
2007-08-29 [Bookwyrm]: Mmpf! -sits here, barbeque-less and hungry-
2007-08-30 [~*Astarte*~]: barbequed portabello mushrooms sound good right now - yummy!
2007-08-30 [Bookwyrm]: -mouth opens, drooling- Y'all are killing me.
2007-08-30 [FireGypsy]: Mmmmmmm
2007-08-30 [shinobi14]: Oh yeah... the whole shabang!! Mushrooms, shish-kebabs, burgers, hotdogs, chicken...
I would offer you some, guys... but you are a few thousand miles away from my reach. XD
2007-08-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: wow, a year and it's the same ole' elfpack, except with a new name.
so how is everyone doing?
2007-08-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: what did battlefield (big brother) change his name to now?
2007-08-31 [FireGypsy]: It is still [Big Brother] O_o
2007-08-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: oh....i get it.
2007-08-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: so what has become of burnouthappy? i don't see her anywhere on here.
2007-08-31 [FireGypsy]: It's me!!
2007-08-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: yay!!! your still here, and not banned for your erotic pyromaniacy! -hugs-
2007-08-31 [FireGypsy]: I wouldn't call it erotic, but it can be pretty sexy =) Yup, I'm still here! *hugs*
2007-08-31 [Asrun]: She keeps changing her damn name, that's what! :P
2007-08-31 [FireGypsy]: I think I am going to stick with this one, it has been my myspace name for a long time.
2007-08-31 [Kaos101]: Oh? hooray, perhaps this one will last a whole month!
2007-08-31 [FireGypsy]: Pfft, oh please! I have had 3 usernames!
2007-08-31 [shinobi14]: Burnouthappy, FireMermaid, and your current one. I prefer the first. ^___^
2007-08-31 [Kaos101]: don't forget Vonduchess ^_^ that was before burnout.
2007-08-31 [shinobi14]: Gah!! >.< *slaps self* Dammit!
2007-09-01 [Asrun]: I like this one. Suits you more.
2007-09-01 [FireGypsy]: and Ravendark =)
2007-09-02 [shinobi14]: ZOMG, that reminds me of that aweshome Toggery card of yours. ;)
2007-09-02 [Kaos101]: There wouldn't be any connection, would there?
2007-09-02 [shinobi14]: ^______^
2007-09-04 [zoloftzantac]: Don't forget "Quoth the RavendarK" :p
2007-09-04 [shinobi14]: *dies*
2007-09-04 [shinobi14]: Oh, by the way, one of you guys needs to get rid of the alarm... The Smile Contest voting is closed. I would, but i dont have the privs. :)
2007-09-04 [FireGypsy]: Well I have had 3 steady names, Vondutchess, Ravendark, and Burnouthappy. The rest were just test names that didn't stick very long =)
I took care of it Shinobi.
2007-09-05 [Larova]: Your face took care of it.
2007-09-06 [Bookwyrm]: -steals [Larova]'s nose and runs away with it- Bwuaha...and I took care of your face!
2007-09-07 [Bookwyrm]: Nah, because he and his nose are both luffed by us. <3
2007-09-09 [shinobi14]: Ahhhh... Well, in that case, good! ^___^
2007-09-09 [zoloftzantac]: cool, just like Tycho Brahe :D
2007-09-12 [zoloftzantac]: ... you know, the Swedish astronomer from the 1500's?
He lost his nose in a duel and made himself a removeable one out of metal.
*realizes he is a science history nerd*
2007-09-12 [FireGypsy]: Sweet!
2007-09-13 [Larova]: *Already knows of Brahe, but not this tidbit of info*
2007-09-13 [shinobi14]: Wow... coolio! Metal nose.... I wonder what I could do with a metal nose... *daydreams*
2007-09-13 [Bookwyrm]: I could pretend I was a Taru Taru! <3
2007-09-14 [zoloftzantac]: you might get along with this guy :p http://www.met
2007-09-14 [Bookwyrm]: Oh my God! -clings to ZZ- THAT WAS SO CUTE! -bookmarks- Taru! ^_^
2007-09-15 [shinobi14]: It was! I love it!! =D
2007-09-15 [Kaos101]: What game is that from again? I know I've seen it before.
2007-09-15 [zoloftzantac]: O_O
2007-09-15 [Bookwyrm]: It's from Final Fantasy XI. <3 I love TaruTarus. I keep watching that video over and over. XD -attaches self to ZZ- You are an endless supply of entertainment. <3 I heart you.
2007-09-15 [zoloftzantac]: omg! this guy is my new hero!! http://www.kip
2007-09-15 [Bookwyrm]: :O Dude...he must be really bored...
2007-09-15 [zoloftzantac]: he kicks ass, in one of his videos he teaches how you can pull the laser out of a CD burner and rig it into a pen light. Then he uses this laser to start a fire from about 3 feet away :D
2007-09-16 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah, I saw that. Totally...awes
2007-09-16 [Sunrose]: The things he does are too complicated, you have to buy a lot of particles to do them :P
2007-09-16 [Bookwyrm]: For me, I'd have to have step-by-step instructions written down along with the video...but it is still really neat.
2007-09-16 [Sunrose]: I don't have the equipment he uses, let alone those particles..
2007-09-16 [Bookwyrm]: I don't have a soldering gun...
2007-09-16 [Sunrose]: Exactly, that's just one example..
2007-09-16 [Bookwyrm]: And I don't think I'm allowed...hubb
But again, he's fun to watch. Like Elfpackers. -watches Elfpackers create more and more drama while rotting their brains with mindless tv, video-music, and corn nuts-
2007-09-16 [zoloftzantac]: heh, well, I guess females aren't really his target audiance anyways :p
2007-09-16 [Bookwyrm]: -just found out this morning that the Emotaru guy was the College Saga guy- He's a genius! A GENIUS I TELL YOU! :O
I did try the little hidden test thing on my 3D pinball. -giggle- That was interesting.
2007-09-16 [Big Brother]: the hidden test? i have known that one for a while, it's fun ^_^
2007-09-16 [zoloftzantac]: I wanna try the walk/don't walk light trick, and don't really buy that one. If he is right I should be able to stand on the corner and make the lights click back and forth every 5 seconds or so
2007-09-16 [Bookwyrm]: XD That's just wrong! Poor victims of ZZ's entertainment.
Yus. The hidden test is fun. XD
2007-09-17 [Big Brother]: i know the light one could be real, there are codes for everything, that would just be for emergence response teams that have to control traffic in a pinch. i know a few codes for other things, the most common code is for coke machines with a display, the code 4231(may be wrong, i haven't used in in a while) brings up the machine menu and you can check out how much money is in the machine and how much has been sold, what's left and all that. it doesn't work with some newer ones, but i have used it on quite a few.
---- Button 1, Press last
---- Button 2, press second
---- Button 3, Press third
---- Button 4, Press first
B1 B2 B3 B4
--- --- --- ---
B5 continued
--- --- --- ---
2007-09-17 [Big Brother]: BTW, those 4 buttons in the menu are up,down,confir
2007-09-17 [zoloftzantac]: I tried it on the stop light by my house and couldn't get it to work. (it is the only on I really use while walking)
2007-09-17 [FireGypsy]: Wait, I need in on this =)
2007-09-17 [zoloftzantac]: then watch this http://www.met
2007-09-17 [FireGypsy]: I watched every video, effing sweet!
2007-09-18 [shinobi14]: Really good. ^___^ Genius!
2007-09-20 [Dead Inside.]: Just asking. Who changed the search engines above everyones house and why?
2007-09-20 [Osborn#67]: yea i was wondering that, i got some things saying bung hole and referneces to ship talk
2007-09-20 [zoloftzantac]: Arrr!
2007-09-20 [Bookwyrm]: El em ARRR oh!
2007-09-20 [Big Brother]: O.o, i though i pressed edit....but that was delete....well my comment was removed for no reason.......i go get sleep now.....
2007-09-20 [Bookwyrm]: -pats Jon- Ish okay. We still lurf you. <3
2007-09-22 [shinobi14]: Well... Obviously you didn't read the public alarm saying "Honour Talk Like A Pirate Day"... If you did, you might have put two and two together... ¬¬
2007-09-27 [FireGypsy]: Who is reporting me for wiki harassment? Wtf lol. XD
2007-09-27 [Ihsahn]: I guess you'll find out whenever some one decides to take care of your report.
2007-09-27 [Larova]: Someone call for some wiki harassment?
2007-09-27 [Bookwyrm]: -detaches [Larova]'s nose again- It's like a magnet. I swear. It sneaks away in the night and returns to your face. -_-
Oh. Wiki-harassmen
2007-09-27 [zoloftzantac]: [FireGypsy]: You post on this wiki a lot and are part of the crew, I don't think it is appropriate for you to come here and make public comments that make your reports seem like a joke or something.
Members need to know that they can report crew members and that those reports will be taken seriously.
2007-09-27 [shinobi14]: Okay, so maybe Sasha has a bad way of sorting out problems... but a report might not have been needed.
2007-09-27 [FireGypsy]: I didn't say it was a joke, just kinda random and unexpected since I haven't said anything to anyone that would cause someone to report me for wiki harassment. It is the same reaction I would have had if someone reported me for a hardcore porn image. You know?
Hey let me see that! *steals [Larova]'s nose and plays with it* Her [Bookwyrm]! Go long! Haha =)
2007-09-27 [Larova]: *Sets nose return sequence for 3:01 AM*
You know, if they want wiki-harrassme
2007-09-27 [Bookwyrm]: -catches nose and dunks it in a fish bowl- Is it the smell or the water that drowns you? :P
2007-09-27 [Larova]: Well, if it was CONNECTED TO MY BODY, I'd actually breathe in the water, and maybe I would drown.
2007-09-28 [Dead Inside.]: Wow. I've had 4 guards look at my house in the last 2 days. Wait... Thats not a good thing is it? Okay, Who filed the report against me?
2007-09-28 [Ihsahn]: not telling.
2007-09-28 [Dead Inside.]: Yes or no. Was it [Pandora♥xcore], [My Sky's The Limit] or [Demon in my View]?
2007-09-28 [Ihsahn]: Can't say.
2007-09-28 [Dead Inside.]: Can you tell me what it's about then?
2007-09-28 [Ihsahn]: It's nothing.
2007-09-28 [Dead Inside.]: Why do I have the feeling you'r just jerking me around?
2007-09-28 [Ihsahn]: Maybe I am. :P
2007-09-28 [Dead Inside.]: Lol. Asshole. Can you get banned for calling a guard an asshole?
2007-09-28 [Ihsahn]: Yes, But I already know what I am. :) I don't care either.
2007-09-28 [Dead Inside.]: Shit!! >< Oh well, It take's an asshole to know an asshole. And I'm the asshole king. *Sit's on my thrown that's made out of shit*
2007-09-28 [Dead Inside.]: Hey, Do I have an secret service commit above my house?
2007-09-28 [Ihsahn]: No.
2007-09-28 [Dead Inside.]: Can I have one please? Or did I blow my chance's of getting one when I jokingly called you an asshole??
2007-09-28 [zoloftzantac]: Why do you think you need one? Most people on this site can't read anyways so they really don't help ...
2007-09-28 [Larova]: You could always do the whole remus thing and spell it out with pictures.
I should have one.
Something like... "This member owns all the petses."
2007-09-28 [Ihsahn]: I don't show biasedness against people, however, it would depend on what you wanted to be said. if it is meaningless and could be said on a profile, then no. sadly.
2007-09-28 [FireGypsy]: Haha that whole convo was hilarious! I like you [Dead Inside.] =)
Omfg [Larova] don't start that again! XD
2007-09-29 [Larova]: Oh, it's SO started.
Because, after all, I owns them. I owns them all.
2007-09-29 [Dead Inside.]: I was thinking of something like
"are you dumb? Are You dumb? ARE YOU DUMB? You are dumb. You are loser.
P.S. This member called [Ihsahn] an Asshole and got away with it. Don't try it yourself, You wont get away with it. lol" And I would like it in decimal please.
2007-09-29 [Dead Inside.]: Realy [FireGypsy]? You didnt like me three months ago when I was humping your leg. >>
2007-09-29 [Ihsahn]: nah don't think that will work out to well.
2007-09-29 [Kaos101]: P.S. Push to hard, and Ihsahn might show his....ebil side.(yes, ebil)
2007-10-01 [FireGypsy]: What? O_o
2007-10-01 [shinobi14]: Well, Sasha. Its quite clear what we are talking about. ^___^
Assholes, leg-humping, and ebilness.
2007-10-02 [zoloftzantac]: Sorry [Dead Inside.], but I change your profile to grant you the official title of "Beggar" ;)
2007-10-02 [Dead Inside.]: So that would be a "No" or maybe a "Hell no" to the S.S. commit?
2007-10-02 [Bookwyrm]: Commit? We're committing to S.S.?
2007-10-02 [Ihsahn]: Of course, you haven't heard? were committing our website to the socialist Nazi regime
2007-10-02 [Bookwyrm]: No! I hadn't heard! O_O Why has no one told me this? :P
2007-10-02 [zoloftzantac]: heh, yeah ... my guess is that is much less funny in Europe :S
2007-10-02 [Bookwyrm]: It's actually not funny here either. -_- It's becoming a big thing here, it's sickening.
2007-10-02 [Ihsahn]: No one has told you because it was supposed to be a surprise :O
2007-10-02 [Bookwyrm]: -huffs- Nice cover up...y'all are just leaving me out of the loop 'cause you're mean. T_T
2007-10-02 [Ihsahn]: No it is because your never on yahoo for me to be able to tell :P
2007-10-02 [Bookwyrm]: XD I rarely get on anyway. XD I'll start getting on more.
2007-10-02 [Ihsahn]: I blame sunrose
2007-10-02 [Bookwyrm]: [Ihsahn] and I have already had this discussion elsewhere. :P Don't worry, we're not insane or trying to offend anyone. Edit: Well, maybe a little insane, but not in that sort of way. ^^'
2007-10-13 [Enneigard Rebirth]: he his commiting his website to a nazi regime
blaming the goddess of the EP, letting out some steam
i never knew that the guards wiki was still great
but now that i am here, what beith my fate?
2007-10-13 [Ihsahn]: You shall bring me a shrubbery!!!!
2007-10-13 [Ringbearer]: NI!
2007-10-31 [FireGypsy]: We are no longer the knights who say ni! We are now the knights who say ekki-ekki-ekki
2007-10-31 [Hedda]: Let's get back to the ni-saying, I say! That's easier!
2007-10-31 [Hedda]: "ni" is, by the way, "you" (plural) in Swedish. So walking around saying "YOU!" makes some sort of sense...
2007-10-31 [Hedda]: But... At the time of the knights, the word was "i" (spoken as in "ee"). The N came later. So it doesn't fit with the medieval theme.
2007-10-31 [FireGypsy]: ekki-ekki-ekki
2007-10-31 [skullhead]:
2007-10-31 [FireGypsy]:
2007-10-31 [skullhead]:
2007-10-31 [FireGypsy]: *dances*
2007-11-02 [shinobi14]: I agree with [skullhead]'s rather bemused emotion... ^_____^
And i enjoy [Hedda]'s teachings. :] I propose that he should teach Swedish in the Elfpack College. Who will second that?
2007-11-02 [zoloftzantac]: err ...
2007-11-02 [shinobi14]: Valuable contribution by ZZ... ;D
2007-11-03 [zoloftzantac]: heh, I didn't know what to say, I was wondering if Sweds get tired of being confused with the Swiss ... :p
2007-11-04 [~*Astarte*~]: ZZ speechless ... hmm
2007-11-04 [Kaos101]: You don't have to be swiss to teach swiss cheese ^_^
2007-11-04 [Hedda]: Just try to speak Swissish and then you'll see that it's just a made up country...
Sweden is real though and Swedish is easy. Just say after Lilo: Mjau!
2007-11-04 [shinobi14]: Mjau!!! =^.^=
Thanks Hedda!
2007-11-04 [Ringbearer]: Duktig katt :)
2007-11-04 [shinobi14]: Gesundheit!
2007-11-05 [~*Astarte*~]: Danny - you live in England, yes?
2007-11-05 [shinobi14]: I do indeed! ^-^
2007-11-05 [~*Astarte*~]: I will share something you'll get a kick out of ... I was at a Handfasting (in my area) for a High Priestess/Frie
2007-11-07 [shinobi14]: WOW! Thats really interesting. =D A lovely lump of history and fascinating fact, aren't you? XD
Hell yeah, i got a good kick out of that. XD Thanks. ^___^
You seem to have a lot of Wiccan contacts. ;)
2007-11-08 [~*Astarte*~]: *giggle* "A lovely lump" eh!? I've been called many things in my lifetime, but never a lovely lump! :p I'll take it as a compliment, and send a big THANK YOU! your way.
Yes, I do have many Wiccan contacts - both here and abroad. Have you ever read anything written by Starhawk? The first ritual I took my middle son to (at the time he was 9 y/o) was a Winter Solstice ritual officiated by Starhawk. He LOVED the Spiral Dance (the actual dance - he has not yet read the book by the same name) ... My favorite book authored by her (although it might be a tie when I finish The Earth Path) is The Fifth Sacred Thing ... I LOVE that book!
2007-11-08 [shinobi14]: No, i have not heard of that author. I may, however, look her up. ^____^
Oh, your welcome. ^_^
2007-11-16 [zoloftzantac]: Something about lovely lady lumps?
2007-11-18 [~*Astarte*~]: I love listening to Alanis Morissette's music! ^_^ And I do have lovely lady lumps, if I do say so, myself! ^_~
2007-11-18 [shinobi14]: Oh aye?! ;)
2007-11-18 [Larova]: The Smyrk did a cover of My Humps.
They did a show in New Haven where the lead singer was wearing a dress and making passes at the bassist, I believe it was.
2007-11-21 [zoloftzantac]: http://www.you
2007-11-22 [Larova]: Okay, so not the bassist. But points to you for finding it.
2007-11-23 [Enneigard Rebirth]: that isn't rickroll, is it?
2007-11-24 [Larova]: http://www.you
2007-11-24 [living doll.]: HELP!
2007-11-24 [living doll.]: i was trying to message my friend and it logged me out. ]= what happened?
2007-11-27 [sexytits!]: i no u like it
2007-11-29 [~*Astarte*~]: Just an FYI ... today is [zoloftzantac]'s birthday! Happy Birthday, Joseph!!! ^__^
2007-11-29 [Bookwyrm]: -grins and dances- Yus, yus, yus! Happy birthday ZZ!! ^_^
2007-11-29 [Larova]: I got you a sphinx.
2007-11-29 [Sunrose]: Ahw the one where Obelix broke the nose :o
2007-11-29 [Asrun]: I recently watched this really great program on the sphinx... It was on discovery civilization.
2007-11-29 [Larova]: Your face broke the nose. Wanna fight?
2007-11-30 [Bookwyrm]: Poor nose...-weeps for the nose-
2007-11-30 [Larova]: Oh, you're going to weep for THAT stolen nose. *Grumbles to himself*
2007-11-30 [Sunrose]: The entire sphinx looks like it's probably covered in birdpoo..
2007-11-30 [Larova]: GODDABBIT
2007-12-01 [Bookwyrm]: Bwuahaha...and so the saga continues. ^_^ And why should I weep for your nose, [Larova]? I love your nose! -tackles Danny to play with teh nose-
Iz drobbatizig.
2007-12-02 [Bookwyrm]: I don't just steal anyone's nose, dahling. I steal your nose. Because it's so special. ^_^ -squeals and holds nose up next to cheek-
2007-12-02 [Larova]: DAB YOU ALL
2007-12-03 [Sunrose]: How do you know? Did you ask it? :P
zamgz wez arez damnedz :O
2007-12-03 [Larova]: Doomed to suffer all your doomy fates.
Except Zezzy, who gets a sphinx.
2007-12-03 [shinobi14]: Well... I think I will get ZZ a nice woolly hat for his new sphinx. ^___^ With a bobble. XD
Awwww... Very cute, Witchy. ;)
And Sunny, I would think that the big bad sphinx would do something about it, if it didn't like it. ;)
2007-12-04 [Sunrose]: I think it needs a plastic cover against the birdpoo :P
Hmm would you like birds pooping on you? So why are they still there? :p
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