# of watchers: 98
| D20: 2 |
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Funny-rating: | 1 |
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Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2007-07-15 [Larova]: wewt.
2007-07-15 [Thug Life]: Hey I have a Qustin for you gruds
2007-07-16 [Thug Life]: This girl that u guys and girl have banded from elfpack for good she is a relliy close friend of mine and she anite a fake or any then ("this girl name jesse has being stilling my girls pic's clameing to be Jesse but thoughs pic's are relliy my girl's pic's her name is Candy") she wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone on elfpack guy's and girls so piz if your going to do anything at all band Jesse cuz she is the rele prablom on elfpack not candy also know as Nasher 33
2007-07-16 [Thug Life]: this jesse chick has being doing this for quit some time now to nasher 33 just the other day jesse some how got on candy's myspace and changed her password and delted all of her friends off of there and put a pic up on there of jesse I know it was cuz I ran in to the same prablem with this jesse girl on myspace all ready so what I am proposing is give candy a rellie good chance to prove to you guys and girls of elfpack
2007-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: I don't think any of that was a question, but I'm not sure what you've said in the first place.
If [nasher33] was having her image stolen, she should've reported it. However the other member was reporting her image stolen, therefore logically the images were her's, unless she was lying--though I would imagine [nasher33] would've reported if the images were her's to begin with. We have no authority over myspace and can't use that as "evidence."
2007-07-16 [RabidSphinx]: i was lost on the council wiki too
2007-07-16 [Thug Life]: well just piz read what I have wrote piz
2007-07-16 [RabidSphinx]: what? i can't even understand that.
2007-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: Also, the one person you refer to was not the only member [nasher33] stole images from. Therefore after many warnings, she was banned. She had the opportunity to stop, and she pushed the limits. I'm sorry.
2007-07-16 [Thug Life]: the only reason why she did report it to you guy is cu I was try to help her in the frist plase ok and I know you guys and girls don't have any authority over Myspace but I do cuz I am part of Myspace ok this is why I come froth to you guys and girl I got ever thing satled on Myspace But if you Guys and Girls can help me on this part that would be even better ok
2007-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: Again, she has stolen photos of other members. Not just one. She was warned, and she pushed it.
2007-07-16 [Thug Life]: well here's some thing for you guys and girl to hear if she is banded for that reson only then you guy's and girl's should look at ever one's profile and tell me how many people have the same pic as other people the y stole stuff from other people hell I'v reported people for stuff to but nothing has ever being done about them so what is there for me to do then to fight for some one that I love and that is relley close to me
2007-07-16 [Thug Life]: Ok I will leve it as it is now ok I just thought I would let you guy's and girl's now sorry to wast your time
2007-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: -sighs- The person was warned repeatedly to STOP. She was stealing images from people and breaking the rules. She had a chance to stop, but she didn't. I'm sorry you lost a friend here, but there's nothing we can do about that. Do not assume that every report you've filed has been for naught, most of the time people just receive warnings. Only after continuous warnings do people get banned. We want people to be as happy here as possible, however some people just come here to mess with other people. If someone has stolen someone else's photograph and the other person doesn't want it on that person's page THEY have to report it. The end. Your friend was warned, and she continued to break the rules even after being told she would be banned if she continued to use other people's photographs as her own. She took the risk, and got banned.
2007-07-16 [Asrun]: Sh*t that's a lot of reports on her page. Mothyr is right, if you could see the reports, you could see all of the chances that we gave her.
2007-07-16 [kittykittykitty]: [Thug Life], might I suggest a spellchecker? If you're using the most recent version of Firefox, there should be an inbuilt spelling checker. If you're using Internet Explorer, try
It is from the official website and it's free to download.
Also, do you know how to use these -> ..... (full-stop or period)? They're the most commonly used form of punctuation, and really help people understand what you are writing.
2007-07-16 [Ihsahn]: She was even told that she was going to be banned (three times Might I add) that if she stole any more pictures that she would be banned. Her reports are almost endless, Pushing it is an understatement
2007-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: -nods- Exactly. I think he understands now, though. He messaged me, and it seems he didn't have the full story--only half.
2007-07-16 [Ihsahn]: thats life...
2007-07-16 [Sunrose]: Ooh whoops I deleted some whiny comments by accident..
2007-07-16 [Ihsahn]: damn sunny you got to work on those mouse skills.
2007-07-16 [Sunrose]: It seems so =P
2007-07-16 [Ihsahn]: anyhow change of pace, I am now a weekend warrior :P
2007-07-16 [Sunrose]: What does that mean? :p
2007-07-16 [Ihsahn]: Reserves soldier different branch too.
2007-07-16 [Sunrose]: Oh you meant real life :P
2007-07-16 [Ihsahn]: Yes, luckily it brings in some extra money, walmart ain't cutting it, had to get my hair chopped off though... also have training whenever they manage to send me... prolly next summer since I college.
2007-07-16 [Sunrose]: Hmm I like your hair better this way anyway :P
2007-07-16 [Ihsahn]: My wife says I look more "clean cut and not like I have had a few to many scruffy look"
2007-07-16 [Sunrose]: Ehr ok :P
2007-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: -giggle- I have to agree. Before my hubby joined the military he looked like a fourty year-old hippie. Problem is, he was eighteen (now nineteen). He shouldn't look like a fourty year-old hippie. :P The military has a habit of cleaning scruffy men up.
2007-07-16 [Ihsahn]: I was in the military before long story short got out after being medically discharged and I wanted back in, went to another branch this time however. even if it is Marine reserves.
2007-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: Oof, Marines. That should be fun! ^_^ Scott's in the National Guard...but since we're in a bad area, they keep forgetting that he's a soldier...-_-
2007-07-16 [Ihsahn]: indeed this brings back memories..
2007-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: -blinks- I wonder if Drill Sergeants realize how ridiculous they look when they do things like that...Though I can see how that could scare a person at such a close proximity. T_T I don't like being yelled at, myself. -shivers- There are definitely stronger-wille
2007-07-16 [Ihsahn]: He got yelled at for not saying good afternoon sir to an officer.
2007-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: Wow. That's...incre
2007-07-16 [Ihsahn]: you reffer to officers as "sir" you reffer NCOs as their rank or title.
2007-07-16 [Bookwyrm]: Ooooh, okay. It's all very confusing. I'm glad I've never had to deal with that...it'd be too much strain. XD
2007-07-17 [zoloftzantac]: I bet you would figure it out pretty quick if they yelled at you every time you messed it up :S
2007-07-17 [Ihsahn]: Yes you would they would label it corrective training.LOL
2007-07-17 [Sunrose]: Can't even hear what the fuck they are saying, mainly just yelling for the yelling it seems. Poor vocal chords.
2007-07-17 [Bookwyrm]: Yeah...I don't do corrective training very well. When I get yelled at, I cry, which would make them yell at me more...which would make me cry more. XD It's my reflex reaction to being yelled at, and I haven't learned to control it yet. XD Maybe at some point during the training I would, but it's more likely I'd end up in a psychiatric ward. :P
2007-07-18 [Sunrose]: I've never experienced it like that so I don't know what I'd do..
It's not unlikely that it would piss me off, but I probably would not express that in front of them :p
2007-07-18 [Ihsahn]: You'd survive then yeah, not get hit LOL.
2007-07-18 [Sunrose]: Honestly I don't like the idea of being one of the few females between a whole lot of men :P
2007-07-18 [Ihsahn]: You'd rather have the females? They are scarier, they have female DIs' they are far worse then the men.
2007-07-18 [Sunrose]: Females are bitches yea, probably worse to each other than to men. Even more so because they want to prove themselves. But I think sexual harassment and the likes comes more often from men >_>
2007-07-18 [Ihsahn]: Men Dis' are not allowed to touch female pvts, government law prohibits it, they may even not be allowed to be closer then a foot away.
2007-07-18 [Sunrose]: Yea well, since when did the law stop men from doing these kinds of things? :P
Honestly they don't realise how much it can ruin someone's life permanently. Though some that do don't give a shit either way.
2007-07-18 [Ihsahn]: Meh they are only their to destroy what you are and turn you into a war machine.
2007-07-18 [Sunrose]: Rape pretty much destroys who you are..
2007-07-18 [Ihsahn]: DIs' wouldn't go that far......... are you ok?
2007-07-18 [Sunrose]: You can't know that for sure, there are actually reports of the opposite. Just do a Google search on it :)
Yes I'm OK, just saying...I'm not so sure I'd feel very safe.
2007-07-18 [Ihsahn]: meh yeah some people are just sick fucks.
2007-07-18 [Sunrose]: The scary part is that 2/3 of rapes happens by someone the victim knows..
Anyway, let's talk about something more cheery :P
2007-07-18 [RabidSphinx]: I cut my finger tip off! :D
2007-07-18 [Tear]: It's not rape, it's surprise sex.
2007-07-18 [RabidSphinx]: exactly. :) that's what i tell all my "victims" at least
2007-07-19 [zoloftzantac]: ahh, now I know why you yelled surprise when you jumped out of my closet
2007-07-19 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ......it feels good to be back.
2007-07-20 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, too bad i said that while pulling a gun on you, Zoloft
2007-07-22 [Delirious_Angel]: What is this about now meow?
2007-07-23 [shinobi14]: ZZ got pwned! =D
2007-07-27 [zoloftzantac]: oh, oh, and when you pull the gun on me be wearing thigh high black leather boots with fishnets. Call me a worm, then pistol whip me and tell me to lick your boots.
2007-07-28 [Black*Raven]: Good evening to all, I would like to know to whom I can speak to about getting uploading to wiki rights.
2007-07-28 [Ihsahn]: granted.
2007-07-28 [Black*Raven]: Thank you very much, have a good one.
2007-07-28 [~*Astarte*~]: Please don't shoot [zoloftzantac] - I would miss him too much!
2007-07-28 [Ringbearer]: So lets hope Witch misses him too.
2007-07-29 [Bookwyrm]: Of course I would. <3 I love my ZZ. -clings- ^_^
Oops, wrong Witch. :P
2007-07-30 [Ringbearer]: I idly wonder if we had a good old fasioned Witch Hunt, how many members would turn up to be Witches :P
2007-07-30 [shinobi14]: The idea of witches on Elfpack is preposterous..
Do you know any witches, Traci?
2007-07-30 [Bookwyrm]: Heavens no, Danny! I'm naught but a humble God-fearing woman, living in righteousness with my husband and four cats. We have no witches here, and would never give one safe harbor in our home. That would be sin.
2007-08-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i see no witches here.
2007-08-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i have just seen goatse......a most horrid image.
2007-08-01 [shinobi14]: Yerrrsss... because if we did know any witches, surely by now they would have cursed us, taken our loved ones, and boiled them in a big, cliched cauldron!
...because thats what witches do...
2007-08-01 [FireGypsy]: Burn the witches! =Þ
2007-08-01 [Bookwyrm]: No one is boiling my loved ones in a big, cliched cauldron!...Wa
But there are no witches, [FireGypsy]! o.O Unless, you, yourself are a witch...-holds torch aloft-
2007-08-01 [Ihsahn]: yes [FireGypsy]! there is only one way to find out.. see if she floats in water! what floats in water? wood! what else floats in water???
2007-08-02 [FireGypsy]: You have it all wrong! If I am a witch, I will be the same weight as a duck =)
2007-08-02 [Ihsahn]: Correct, so if she ways as much as a duck?
2007-08-02 [Bookwyrm]: If it weighs like a duck, and floats like a duck...must be a witch. XD
2007-08-02 [skullhead]:
2007-08-02 [FireGypsy]: I want to go swimming =(
2007-08-02 [skullhead]: Can someone really swim with that mermaid suit?
2007-08-03 [FireGypsy]: I can swim twice as fast in that tail than I can without it =) And that is without even using my arms!
2007-08-03 [ღ☆BeL☆ღ]:
2007-08-03 [Bookwyrm]: Because for the most part, it was a page with no purpose but to hurt someone else. That really sort of breaks the guidelines/rul
2007-08-05 [~*Astarte*~]: [~*Astarte*~] was [wiccan1] and I am a Witch ... used to be Dianic - now more Eclectic. This is actually a response I sent to a friend here on EP when he asked why I changed my username ... "I am still a Pagan Priestess, but more of an Eclectic than Wiccan one. I was born a Witch, and have had many past lives as one, including one(s) during the Burning Times. So being a Witch is just who I am. It was not a choice I made - it was something chosen for me many lifetimes ago. Most of my formal trainings and initiations have all been Wiccan. At this stage in my spiritual practice, I am finding I'm drawn to include beliefs/practi
2007-08-05 [~*Astarte*~]: I even taught Catholic Sunday School and co-taught a First Holy Communion class for two years. At some point I realized that Catholicism no longer served me. I'm very much a believer in exposing my children to various forms of religions and letting them decide (or not) as to what serves them and what doesn't.
2007-08-05 [shinobi14]: That seems the best idea, [~*Astarte*~]. I am doing the same with my godaughter. She can decide in what she wants to believe.
Just dont tell [Ringbearer] you're a witch, or he'll hunt you down!! O__O
2007-08-05 [Ringbearer]: *goes in search of a stockpile of torches and pitchforks to hand out*
2007-08-05 [Dead Inside.]: You can't burn her. She hasn't done anything yet. You have to stalk her for a while and catch her being evil BEFORE you can burn her.
2007-08-05 [Ringbearer]: I'll just compare her weight to that of a duck.
2007-08-05 [Kaos101]: ....interestin
2007-08-05 [zoloftzantac]: Eclectic is such a sexy word ;)
2007-08-06 [Bookwyrm]: -simply ADORES [~*Astarte*~]- Can I bring you home with me? XD Sorry, lapse of intelligent thought.
2007-08-06 [~*Astarte*~]: [Bookwyrm], I ADORE you, too, Sweetness! I would love to come visit you, unfortunately right now, I'm still recovering from an auto accident that happened a little over two months ago. :( I had my two youngest sons in the car with me when we were rear-ended. Anyway, enough of the talk about this Witch healing her wounds. If you and Scott are ever in NorCali - you have a place to stay! :)
2007-08-06 [~*Astarte*~]: [zoloftzantac] I was a sexy, Eclectic Witch before the accident ... now um, I don't think so. Thank you for the kind word though! :)
2007-08-06 [~*Astarte*~]: [Ringbearer], I am a Witch. I do not, however, practice black magick. Have I participated in casting a hex and a binding? Yes, to both. And I only did so because I knew what would happen if I did so improperly and without pure, clear intention. If a Witch cannot go into a ritual (either a solitary, private or public one) "In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust" then the aforementioned Witch is asked not to participate. You can gather your torches, pitchforks and any other items to cause me harm - am I worried? No. Why not? Because where I live, being a Witch I am in the majority, not the minority. So I say to thee, "bring it on!" Oh, and just for the record, I outweigh a duck by quite a bit, so your theory doesn't hold water in this case. :)
2007-08-06 [~*Astarte*~]: [Dead Inside.] Don't worry. [Ringbearer] won't burn me - he'd have to find me and catch me first. Given that my broom is turbo-charged, he doesn't stand a chance. To add to that, as you have mentioned, I have not done harm to anyone or anything. We have a saying "An it harm none, do what ye will." Check www.wikipedia.
2007-08-06 [Dead Inside.]: Okay okay. But can we still stalk you?
2007-08-06 [Ringbearer]: The law of three.. isnt that the law that when guy says he had sex with three girls, it means he had with none?
2007-08-06 [Bookwyrm]: ^_^ Aww, I'm sorry about your auto accident. I hope you and your sons are both well, or at least healing quickly! -hugs- And I'll let Scott know. -giggle- We could use a vacation one day.
That's the "rule" of three, [Ringbearer], and is more of a general "guideline" teenagers use. :P
2007-08-07 [~*Astarte*~]: [Dead Inside.] You both are most welcome to stalk me. I actually don't think I have any stalkers! :)
2007-08-07 [~*Astarte*~]: [Ringbearer] I'm a girl, so if "the law of three" is something a guy would use in reference to the number of girls he has (or actually has not) had sex with, I would not know about your version. :)
2007-08-07 [~*Astarte*~]: [shinobi14] It sounds like your goddaughter is blessed to have you as her godfather! I truly believe allowing my sons the choice to choose (or not) their religion or belief system really is the best way ... exposing them to various forms of belief systems or a combination thereof (as long as they're not harmful) is healthy, I believe, and truly one of the greatest gifts I could give them. :)
2007-08-07 [~*Astarte*~]: Hugs [Bookwyrm]! I am still healing, and more likely than not, have a long road ahead of me. With that said, I am and will forever be grateful that my 2 youngest sons and I were not more seriously injured then we were. Please do let Scott know - I think you would both love this area! ^_^
2007-08-07 [Dead Inside.]: *Climb's in to a tree and spy's on [~*Astarte*~]* I prefer the rule of 4 finger's and a thumb. God I'm horrible. Jk
2007-08-08 [shinobi14]: Ohhh... *shakes head at [Dead Inside.]*
That was terrible!! XD
And dont think that Bert is going to get away with hunting you down, Stardust. XD Ive heard (from a reliable source) that Elfpack is full of witches... <_< >_> ... so he'll be up against Elfpack!! =D
And thank you for what you said. ^________^
And i find that Witchcraft doesn't really have any "laws" as such, there are just (as Traci said) general guidelines that a Witch should follow. ^-^
2007-08-08 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- I'm reminded of Pirates of the Carribean..."T
I'm so glad you're healing, at the very least! ^_^ I don't know what we'd do without you. -hugs- And I will let Scott know. ^_^ I bet we would!
2007-08-08 [Ringbearer]: *stalks around* Be vewy vewy quiet. I am hunting witches...
2007-08-08 [Bookwyrm]: -dumps a barrel full of roosters over and crashes cymbals repeatedly- ^_^ Helpful?
2007-08-09 [shinobi14]: Cymbals...?
Thats not normal at all... Which leads me to the clear conclusion...
2007-08-09 [Ringbearer]: Yay!! *helps forming an angry mob*
2007-08-09 [Asrun]: 'cymbols'. :B *spelling wench*
2007-08-09 [Dead Inside.]: *Pulls out Flame thrower's, Grenade launcher's, and Anti Tank launcher's* Special sale going on. Today only. Get them while there here. :)
2007-08-10 [Kaos101]: ....Where in the world did you find a barrel full of roosters?
2007-08-10 [Bookwyrm]: -pokes [Asrun]- No...it's cymbals...you can even check. ^_^
Oh dear. -grabs broomstick and flies away- I'm so frightened.
Where else? Home Depot. Ask about their cock-in-barrel special. ^_^
2007-08-10 [Kaos101]: ...I feel I would get some weird looks and giggles if I did that.
2007-08-10 [Bookwyrm]: Well so did I, but I got my barrel of roosters, did I not?
2007-08-10 [Kaos101]: ...How much did you pay for it?
2007-08-10 [Bookwyrm]: Only $12.23, including tax. ^_^
2007-08-10 [Kaos101]: ....I never thought I'd say this, but I think I would like to get in on the cock-in-barrel special...I think
2007-08-10 [Bookwyrm]: -giggle- Who wouldn't? I mean...what COULDN'T you do with a barrel full of roosters? :O
2007-08-10 [Kaos101]: ...fly.
2007-08-10 [Bookwyrm]: Sure you could! Grab your barrel of roosters and get in a hot air balloon. -nods decisively- Or, of course, you could always hop on my broomstick. ^^ EDIT: I only just realized how incredibly dirty that sounded. I'm going to retract that statement and say "you could always hop on a broomstick."
2007-08-10 [Kaos101]: .....I just don't have a comeback for that.
2007-08-10 [shinobi14]: *bursts out laughing*
THAT was amazing!! =D =D
*pokes Ashy* Tis "cymbals", dear. Tut tut... You are English.
*girlie giggles* Can I hop on your broomstick?! *laughs head off*
2007-08-10 [Bookwyrm]: "Cymbols" isn't even in the dictionary. x_X At least not on merriam-webste
XD I don't think Scott would like that very much. He's rather fond of my broomstick. I could find you another one...XD
2007-08-10 [shinobi14]: Dont worry, Witchy. =] Your broomstick is safe, for now. =D
"Cymbols" is not a word in the English language. Meh. Everyone makes mistakes. =]
2007-08-10 [Bookwyrm]: -giggles- It's okay. We still love [Asrun]. ^_^
Of course my broomstick is safe. I'm a witch...geez...it's magical. XD
2007-08-10 [shinobi14]: I think most people do. Especially Toggery players. ^__^
And i mean safe from me. XD And what will happen if i try to steal it? Will you turn me into a frog? *giggles*
2007-08-10 [Bookwyrm]: Yes. <3
No, not a frog. A goat. -rolls eyes as if everyone should know this-
2007-08-10 [shinobi14]: Cor! Sorrryy!! *rolls eyes, then pounces on Witchy*
Right. *straightens up* Im off to sleep! Goodnight, Traci. *huggleglomp* <3
2007-08-10 [Bookwyrm]: Goodnight Danny! -hugglesnug- I need a break anyway. Been at work all day. XD Correction: Break from the COMPUTER, not you Danny. XD
2007-08-10 [shinobi14]: Hehe... you make me smile. Night!
2007-08-11 [Kaos101]: .......I want a hugglesnug.
2007-08-11 [Bookwyrm]: -hugglesnugs all- ^_^
2007-08-12 [~*Astarte*~]: $12.23, including tax is a great deal for cocks-in-barre
2007-08-12 [~*Astarte*~]: *announces GROUP HUGGLESNUGGING
2007-08-12 [shinobi14]: :O Group hugglesnug?!?! *pounces in hugglesnug* ^____^
2007-08-12 [Bookwyrm]: -group hugglesnugs all happily- ^_^ You should get one! ^_^
2007-08-13 [Kaos101]: *pulls out manual on hugglesnugglin
2007-08-13 [Bookwyrm]: The same way a hugglesnug works, just...in a group. o.O
2007-08-13 [Dead Inside.]: If I started spaming [Hedda] and [Sunrose] with chain messages, would I get banned? *Is not really smart*
2007-08-13 [Bookwyrm]: Quite possible, yes.
2007-08-13 [Dead Inside.]: I going to be a guard. Right after I donate $100,000.00 to Elfpack.
2007-08-13 [Bookwyrm]: Right. I'm sure that'll work.
2007-08-13 [Dead Inside.]: *Take's picture's of [~*Astarte*~] while she's in the shower* These's should sell for lots of cash.
2007-08-13 [Bookwyrm]: I think you should ask Jen's approval next time you think of doing that. -_-
2007-08-13 [shinobi14]: I think he's got the right idea!! =D
And Jen doesn't mind, honestly. ^__^ She just ignores the camera. ;)
2007-08-13 [Bookwyrm]: Still...person
2007-08-13 [shinobi14]: But otherwise...? XD
Kidding, Witchy. =] Naaa... ill make sure those photos wont get sold. ^__-
2007-08-14 [Bookwyrm]: You dirty, dirty man. :O
2007-08-14 [shinobi14]: :O And how did you take that, exactly? =]
Surely me, Danny, would mean nothing like that. XD Id burn them... or give them back to her. ^___^
2007-08-15 [Bookwyrm]: Mmmhmm...Riiig
2007-08-15 [Kaos101]: ...You don't need to sell those pictures. I'll take them for nothing ^_^
2007-08-15 [shinobi14]: Deal!! *takes [Dead Inside.]'s pics from him, and gives them to [Kaos101]*
BUT!! I want a pic of [kittykittykitty] in the shower in exchange! ^__^
2007-08-16 [Kaos101]: *smiles and pockets pics* nope. I keep those locked away safe....that only kitty knows the combination to.
2007-08-16 [shinobi14]: *snaps fingers* Darn. >.<
2007-08-16 [zoloftzantac]: oh! oh! who has the pic of pic of [kittykittykitty] in the shower? I'll pay you $250 for it!
2007-08-16 [zoloftzantac]: *starts counting his money*
2007-08-16 [RabidSphinx]: *pulls a bunch of ones out of my panties* hey, these are yours too. :P
2007-08-16 [zoloftzantac]: nope, you earned those sweetie ;)
2007-08-16 [shinobi14]: *cries* Why did you change your username, Sarah?! Now you're not my Little Mermaid!! >.<
2007-08-16 [RabidSphinx]: sorry. i get bored easily. :( Plus, a certain someone took my love for mermaids and decided to make it their passion to spite me. so while that member looks retarded and ridiculous, i have moved of to be full of happy rainebows. :)
*dances some more* come-on, mama needs a new pair of shoes!
2007-08-16 [shinobi14]: Hehe... ^___^
OOOO! I spied the art on your wiki... and OHH MYY GEE!! Raine is a stunner!!! =D
2007-08-16 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! thanks. ;)
2007-08-18 [Dead Inside.]: Who needs pictures of [kittykittykitty] in the shower when you have a 2 hour movie of her in the shower playing with her "toys"?
2007-08-19 [shinobi14]: ..."toys"...?
You post that on the Guards wiki, and Kittah is a guard. ^__^ She's gonna maul you. XD
2007-08-19 [Dead Inside.]: I hope so. I've been begging and begging her to beat me; But she just wont do it.
2007-08-19 [Kaos101]: ....wow...she was in the shower for 2 hours? That's gonna be a depressing water bill.
2007-08-19 [Bookwyrm]: Of course she plays with toys in the shower...who doesn't love rubber duckies? o.O I see nothing wrong with talking about that...
2007-08-19 [~*Astarte*~]: ... loves rubber duckies ... ^_^
2007-08-19 [Bookwyrm]: -sings- Rubber Ducky, your the one!
2007-08-19 [RabidSphinx]: i take my my little ponies into the bath with me. ^_^
2007-08-20 [shinobi14]: Yerrssss... >_> <_< ...rubber duckies. XD
I love rubber duckies! ^__^ I even have a wiki for them!
2007-08-21 [Dead Inside.]: *Look's around wondering where the hell [kittykittykitty] is*
2007-08-21 [Dead Inside.]: Who's leg do I have to hump to get a beating around here?
2007-08-21 [shinobi14]: I can promise you that if you hump my leg, you will get such a beating, you wont remember why im hitting you. XD
2007-08-21 [Bookwyrm]: I'll just call the cops. Or the local asylum. XD
2007-08-21 [Osborn#67]: hey can someone put that notice thing on top of my house telling people to actually right in english and not short hand anything
2007-08-21 [Dead Inside.]: How about you [Sunrose]? Will you beat me? Or maybe I should hump [zoloftzantac] leg and see what he does this time.
2007-08-21 [Bookwyrm]: [Osborn#67] I don't think that will help (and you know you used the wrong "write," correct?) because most people ignore those entirely. Maybe you could try putting a message on your house or under your image in bold text that states you don't want messages from people who can't write in proper English. See if that helps first. ^_^
2007-08-22 [Kaos101]: *nods* Although if you know the person, they'll most likely repsect that you don't like that anyway. If you don't, you can simply ignore them.
2007-08-22 [Osborn#67]: true, thanks ladies and gents
2007-08-22 [shinobi14]: Good advice ladies. =] I join him in really disliking txt tlk. >.<
Talking about ZZ.. I haven't heard from him in ages...
[zoloftzantac]!!! ZZ!!
2007-08-22 [RabidSphinx]: he has been away forever. i hardly come on here any more because there is no Zoloft for me to take. =P
2007-08-22 [shinobi14]: No... >.<
2007-08-25 [zoloftzantac]: ehh .. don't worry guys, we can get on without him (he kind of smells funny anyways)
2007-08-26 [Dead Inside.]: I claim [zoloftzantac] house and guard rank.
2007-08-26 [Bookwyrm]: [zoloftzantac] "Was last seen 17 hours ago." <-- ^_^ Lurf the ZZ.
2007-08-26 [shinobi14]: YAY!! He was back! ... although now he's gone. But still! =D
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