# of watchers: 98
| D20: 2 |
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Funny-rating: | 1 |
Friendly: | 0 |
Guard Captain![]() (Badge Credits) Malevolent [Stephen] | Guard Sergeants![]() (Badge Credits) Roaring [kittykittykitty] The Obsessed [Orestez] | Guards![]() (Badge Credits) Kinky [Ringbearer] Monstrous [djxmonster] |
2007-02-17 [Cloud Natiion]: Congrats :D
2007-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: ....wow....*wa
2007-02-17 [FireGypsy]: I just found my Iguana that ran away a month ago in the yard and she is in horrible condition -_- *is sad* I hope she will be ok..
2007-02-17 [Hedda]: The secret service message to everyone about the engaging has been written, but unfortunately classified so no one are allowed to read it. We have also written a report on the divorce and that will be made public 50 years after the divorce has taken place.
Apart from that the secret service will neither deny nor confirm if this marriage is a threat to national security.
2007-02-17 [FireGypsy]: Wtf..... O_o
2007-02-17 [RabidSphinx]: i think it will end before they even get married. ten bucks on that. *slaps money down*
2007-02-18 [FireGypsy]: Young kids, they don't know what real love is XD
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: 0.o Maybe [Hedda] really does have a sense of humor. lol
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: LIES!!!!
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: Is not. A lot of people think that [Hedda] does'nt have a sense of humor, But maybe he just proved that he does.
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: he is just leading us on, trying to confuse us so we will be too busy arguing amungst ourselves to see what he's truly upto...!!
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: That does sound like something [Hedda] would do. *stare's at [RabidSphinx] for a minute* How do we know you'r not working for them huh? How do we know you'r not spying for them? How do we know you'r framing us to take the fall for something we did'nt do?
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: *slashes around playfully* would i ever do somethiung like that? *bats eyelashes and adjusts seashells*
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: I don't know. But the little lerprechaun on my shoulder say's you would. He say's I should burn you alive for being a witch. I know what you'r thinking. You'r thinking that I'm crazy, But I'm not crazy, My therapist say's as long as I take my happy pill's I wont be crazy anymore.
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: i have a condition, and it's bad to not take your medicine when you have a condition.
My hands are also bleeding, and I don’t think it’s just my imagination this time.
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: *poke's [RabidSphinx] in the side* Hey round eye. Pull you'r pant's down.
2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: Are you guys still burning witches over there? :(
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: *adjust sea shells again* the Sea Witch is evil
2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: ?? oh, and you do know that mermaids don't wear pants don't you ??
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: That depends on wether there hot or not. If there 60+ and ugly we burn them. If there 20-30 and hot we marry them. No sense in wasting a nice pice of ass.
2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: Yeah, I don't think there are too many good witches in Disney world, but then it seems there are no bad faries either :/
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: I said hot not good.
2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: [Dead Inside.]: oh, my bad, I didn't realize you were an asshole
*stops talking to you*
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: witches are evil. ^_^
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: I'm only an asshole sometime's. The rest of the time I'm asleep. lol
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: And I only mess with people who know how to take a joke.
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: i have human feet at the moment, and i just gave myself a pedicure
2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: Interesting to hear you call others evil, I know some people think that hateful people that spit poison all over everyone and never have anything nice to say are evil :S
I can't call the witches I have know evil because they are all interested in bringing about more goodness in the world, seems to be the opposite of evil to me
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: *poke's [RabidSphinx] on the shoulder* If you'r a mermaid then how do you breath when you'r out of water? All the movie's I have seen and all the book's I have read the mermaid's died after they were out of water for more then five minutes.
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: witches are evil by deffinition, i'm evil by opinion. :)
and the mermaid was never out of the water for more than five minutes at a time except when she was human. :))
2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: by the definition of your mother and her god
I want nothing to do with either of them
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: my God can kick your god's ASS. :)
and my mum is the best, so fuck you!
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: So you'r a human right now huh? Which is better, Being a mermaid or being a human?
I dought it. My god is "Mephisto".
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: mermaid, because merpeople don't suck as much as humans.
2007-02-18 [Dead Inside.]: Okay puddin' pop. *transforms into a chupacabra* What to see something really cool and creepy?
2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: I have no god, but I have listened to yours. His son taught that the second most important thing was to "love your neighbor as yourself"
How exactly does hate for witches and homosexuals fit into that?
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: you must hate what God hates. :) he is a God of love, and he gave us free will, but he set limits on what he feels is acceptable behavior. it's our choice not to listen, but then it's our own blood upon us when it comes to him dealing out punishment. he is blameless and just when he hates. and i hate what he hates, so i'm just as blameless and just.
2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: I must do nothing
God doesn't hate, God is love
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: God is love, but is more than capable of hate/dislike. he is a balance, like all of the universe that he created. read the bible some time, you will see that God hates a lot of things. he calls things "detestable" "perverted" and "wrong" and takes a stand against them.
and no, you "must" do nothing, because that is your own free will, but understand then that God is justified in not loving you. :)
God is love, but he doesn’t extend that love to everyone. You have to earn it, because unconditional love is meaningless.
2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: What? Unconditional love is meaningless? Where did you learn that from, your parents? Would they love you if you were good enough or smart enough or thin enough or whatever ...
Unconditional love is the only true love. True love isn't a reward for being a good little monkey, it just is.
I talk of the bible when trying to make a point to you, but that won't do you much good when you are trying to make a point to me. To me it is a book like any other book.
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: unconditional love given to everyone lacks value. it's like a baseball card with infinite copies and everyone has one. it's worthless.
love is something that is extended to those who will return it. It takes work and effort. If it’s just there, then what value can you give it?
you are a sad sad man.
and don't talk about my parents.
2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: struck a nerve did I?
Love isn't something that god runs out of, or has to make more of like a baseball card. God made us, and god loves us all. Sometimes we make choices that disapoint god, but we will still have gods love, just like a parent will always love thier child, not mattter what.
Am I a sad sad man? My god loves me, you don't even love yourself. That makes you the sadest of us all, and that's why I pray for you.
I love you.
2007-02-18 [RabidSphinx]: talking about my parents is poor form is all.
god's love doesn't stop him from disapproving and thusly rejecting. he says he detests certain things and the doers of those things. take that as him hating them, or not loving them, or what, but it’s still there.
you don't have a god, unless you lied a few comments up.
and there isn’t much about me TO love, so can you blame me? but nice to point that out. see if i ever talk to you again.
2007-02-18 [zoloftzantac]: I know you don't like to hear everything I have to say.
Unless I lied a few comments up? I can talk more about that if you like, I do see how it seems contradictory. I don't believe in a sentient being the way you think of god. As I said, god is love, not that unlike the collective consciousness to me. I do sometimes talk about god as a being, but that is mostly as a means to communicate with others since most don't share my views.
I don't have any interest in your parnets. I was talking about your childhood. We are all products of our envimonment (among other things) and I don't think we can understand ourselfs or each other with out considering ones childhood.
Hate the sin, not the sinner, right? God doesn't hate anyone, "he" loves all of us.
see if i ever talk to you again
I hope that you will. I know some of the topics I bring up can be sore spots and touchy subjects. I guess I'm not interested in talking about nothing but fluffy clouds and pretty flowers all the time, you know? If you can't see it in a posative light then at least know that it isn't just with you so you don't take it personaly.
I was trying to push a bit on the fabric of your beliefs, although I didn't mean to push so hard as to push you away. I'm sorry about that. In case you can't tell, I do care about you and you are important to me.
2007-02-21 [Romantic Rebellion]: so is this member a guard coz he's telling me he is? [Bobdrick]
2007-02-21 [FireGypsy]: No he is not....
2007-02-22 [zoloftzantac]: It is pretty easy to tell who is an is not a guard by the badge on a guards house.
2007-02-22 [skullhead]: humm!
2007-02-22 [zoloftzantac]: You can look at our good friend [skullhead]'s house for a good example ;)
2007-02-22 [skullhead]: Stop it, you're making me blush.
2007-02-22 [FireGypsy]:
2007-02-22 [skullhead]: Ban! ban!, I shot you down Ban! ban!, you hit the ground Ban! ban!, you're kicked out.
2007-02-22 [Dead Inside.]: Would I get banned if I took the guard badge and put it up on my house?
2007-02-22 [Ihsahn]: Yes.
2007-02-22 [Dead Inside.]: Damn. That suck's. :/
2007-02-22 [Ihsahn]: No it prevents people from claiming to be guards.
2007-02-22 [Dead Inside.]: Could I put it up in my house if I say that I'm not a guard under it?
Why am I asking question's when I know the answer will be no?
2007-02-22 [Ihsahn]: No It is also copyrighted and not allowed because it relates to a specific title of power here on Elfpack.
2007-02-22 [FireGypsy]: *snickers*
2007-02-22 [Romantic Rebellion]: ok well i only ask because he is claiming to be a guard and telling me that [Zombiie Natiion] has claimed i have been harassing her except i havent spoken to her in ages and it is infact the other way around. I did ask him why he did not have a badge if he was a guard and he claimed he "didnt want one". I didnt think he was a gaurd i just wanted to make sure before i reported him. Thanx!
2007-02-22 [Hedda]: Important to note: The guard-badge is in the Badge-slot in the house. Other members can of course put a badge elsewhere in their presentation (until we kick their sorry asses out of here). If a guard doesn't want a guard-badge, we will not let them be guards.
If someone claims to be a guard, report them and we'll make sure that they realize that it's a bad idea. The Elfpack guards work for free, so they really want the "privilege" to harass Elfpackers alone...
2007-02-22 [Romantic Rebellion]: yep kewl i reported him and gave the messege numbers that showed it. hmm i may have to fill out an application and see about maybe becoming a guard, could be fun hehe.
2007-02-23 [FireGypsy]: Pffft, I have had an application up for like a year, I doubt it will happen XD
2007-02-23 [RabidSphinx]: Definitely not
2007-02-23 [FireGypsy]: There are 6 people running for guard, most have been up there for a while. So unless a current guard dies, we have no chance ^_^
2007-02-23 [Dead Inside.]: If I donated $250,000 to Elfpack could I be a guard? *Is being sarcastic*
2007-02-23 [FireGypsy]: Probably... Or you could give it to me and I could buy a house for myself, buy a whole new wardrobe, and buy me a hott whip!
2007-02-23 [zoloftzantac]: I'll sell you my user acount for only $100,000
2007-02-23 [Hedda]: If you donate $250,000 to Elfpack, I'm sure we could work something out...
It's not that I'm that easily bribed, but if you donate that much, it's very likely that you're having a great interest in Elfpack's wellbeing.
2007-02-23 [Romantic Rebellion]: heh ok then i dont think i'll bother!
2007-02-23 [FireGypsy]: XD
2007-02-27 [RabidSphinx]: http://www.dev
2007-02-28 [Romantic Rebellion]: [Peeves] has a comment about me in his mood box just because we were having a conversation and i "pissed him off".
is that alowed? im sure its not, is it possible for someone to maybe do something about it?
2007-02-28 [kittykittykitty]: Did you message him and ask him nicely to remove it?
2007-02-28 [Romantic Rebellion]: no but when he did it he was like ive changed my mood box now, are you happy.
i will try and ask first then.
2007-02-28 [kittykittykitty]: Yes, please do. Most problems can be sorted without the use of the Guards :)
2007-02-28 [Romantic Rebellion]: ive sed "would you like to please remove what you've put about me in your mood box?"
but he hasnt been seen for 30 mins
2007-02-28 [kittykittykitty]: So maybe you should have asked him as soon as he did it :P
You know, if you really were pissing him off then I don't see it as out-of-place XD But maybe that's just me :P I usually ignore mood-comments of that calibre anyway...
2007-02-28 [FireGypsy]: I my opinion [Peeves] is a very rude, inconsiderate person and is a liar. He flamed a bunch of wikis including mine and then turned around a few seconds later pretending his account was hacked and that he didn't do it.
2007-02-28 [zoloftzantac]: I don't think his mood is such a big deal, stop pissing him off, and block him if he is getting too annoying.
2007-03-02 [Dead Inside.]: Any one here want to play a game called "Altar boy"?
2007-03-02 [Tear]: I always thought that calling a member out individually instead of making a generalization about a group that a person may belong was part of the "Don't be an asshole" rule.
I had my parade against idiocy wiki, and had it shut down because individual names were brought out.
If the member had said something that described the person, it would be okay, but having the name in the mood, while downplaying it is breaking the rule.
Then again, his mood doesn't exactly say "Hey this member is a bitch" or anything, just that he is getting pissed off by them.
2007-03-04 [zoloftzantac]: Right, it doesn't say anything foul about the person so I don't care. There is no rule against saying another members name.
Besides, I believe that simple, minor things like that are better for people to work out on thier own anyways.
2007-03-04 [Ihsahn]: I dissagree, it would depend on the situation..... the Guards are around for a reason, we are here to solve problems for over members, yet this should be done when all other means have failed, which include blocking.
2007-03-04 [kittykittykitty]: But there is a BIG difference between saying "This member is pissing me off" (matter of fact) and "This member is a bitch/rude/stu
2007-03-04 [Asrun]: Easy solution, don't piss people off! XD
2007-03-04 [Romantic Rebellion]: i didnt mean to. I just asked him why he had someone elses username in his mood box saying fuck them and he answered but got all arsy about it so i stuck up for myself.
2007-03-04 [Ihsahn]: well if he conitnues to harrass other people as I have seen him do, he will be baned.
2007-03-04 [Romantic Rebellion]: ok thanx
2007-03-05 [Dough-Boy_1996]: shit i didnt do anything
2007-03-05 [Ihsahn]: then you don't have anything to worry about.
2007-03-06 [THE CRIP FATHER]: is this where i request a message above my house
2007-03-06 [Ihsahn]: Yes.
2007-03-06 [THE CRIP FATHER]: well i would like to have the message "This Member Is A Juggalo And Loves Talking To Juggalo/Juggal
2007-03-06 [Ihsahn]: No.... it serves no point.
2007-03-06 [FireGypsy]: *dances*
2007-03-06 [THE CRIP FATHER]: well i would like to argu the point,i do not want to talk to people who are not Juggalos or Juggalettes and that would be the easiest way to filter that kind of crowd
2007-03-06 [Ihsahn]: Then put it on your profile if they do not read that then they will not read the ss comment.
2007-03-06 [THE CRIP FATHER]: thank you for your time sir,sorry to bother you
2007-03-06 [kittykittykitty]: Could somebody decipher this message for me please?
"i wont to do you lol with my horse my dicks biger thow lol"
2007-03-06 [Enneigard Rebirth]: deciphered in enneidias' (enneigard custom)
"thy huas benon uema anitmeytru campus scaknatu uema ???? lol"
2007-03-06 [Enneigard Rebirth]: translated into english (english)
"i want to do you lol, with my horse. my dick is bigger though lol."
2007-03-06 [Enneigard Rebirth]: sounds like an illiterate dumbass trying to cyber.
2007-03-06 [kittykittykitty]: Wait... he wants to "do me" with his horse?? 0.o He wants to watch me and a horse? Or he wants to have a penis bigger than that of a horse o.0?
2007-03-06 [Enneigard Rebirth]: him and his horse want to fornicate you, but he is boasting his penis is bigger than the horses...
2007-03-07 [kittykittykitty]: What kind of people are these that message me saying such things?
Any human that has a penis bigger than that of a horse is officially scary
2007-03-07 [Dead Inside.]: I'm not scary...
2007-03-07 [kittykittykitty]: Depends what kind of horse I suppose o.0;
Well that's a lie anyway because you are scary for other reasons :P [17375280@]
2007-03-07 [Dead Inside.]: HEY! I'm not that scary... And find one stright guy that does'nt like to be hit or kicked by a beautiful woman.
2007-03-07 [zoloftzantac]: oh! oh! I want to watch you and the horse too! Please! Oh please oh please!
2007-03-07 [FireGypsy]: O_O
2007-03-07 [zoloftzantac]: err ... I mean, uhhh that's disgusting, what kind of sicko is that guy? freakin' perverts ...
2007-03-07 [FireGypsy]: *hides*
2007-03-08 [Enneigard Rebirth]: this one time, my girlfriend beat me and stuffed me in a box like an animal!
2007-03-11 [zoloftzantac]: ahh, so do you like it when they "beat you" and then "stuff you"?
2007-03-11 [Enneigard Rebirth]: not really. i get a rash.
2007-03-11 [kittykittykitty]: Are all the males on this wiki total perverts? XD *hides with [FireGypsy]*
2007-03-12 [FireGypsy]: Mostly.... *continues hiding*
2007-03-14 [Dead Inside.]: We are only perverted when we are horny.
2007-03-14 [FireGypsy]: Which is..like..all the time....
2007-03-14 [kittykittykitty]:
[zoloftzantac] is my most favorite bunny :D
2007-03-14 [zoloftzantac]: yay! *^_______^*
2007-03-14 [Dog Street Chaos]: How do I get an official Elfpack Secret Service Comment on my house?
2007-03-14 [Kaos101]: A guard has to put it there
2007-03-14 [Dog Street Chaos]: Well I kind of figured that part out :)
But, how does one go about finding a guard kind enough to do so?
[Cloud Natiion] (something like that)
2007-03-14 [Kaos101]: ask nicely and say please
2007-03-14 [Dog Street Chaos]: Are you by chance a guard?
2007-03-14 [Kaos101]: nope. That guards names are all listed above(best not to pester them personally)
2007-03-14 [Dog Street Chaos]: Wow, somehow I read this page, and still managed to miss the badge that clearly reads "Guards", followed by a list of names. *feels dumb*
2007-03-15 [zoloftzantac]: heh ;)
2007-03-15 [Asrun]: I R TEH GAURDS
2007-03-15 [Enneigard Rebirth]: I R TEH DAAAAAAAAAAAAR
2007-03-15 [FireGypsy]: OooooOoo! I love campfires! *grabs her Fire Fans, dunks them, and lights them on fire*
2007-03-15 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *pulls emergency shower chain and douses [FireGypsy]'s fiery fun* Im Deeeeespicable
2007-03-15 [FireGypsy]: *cries*
2007-03-15 [Kaos101]: *pours gas on tip of fans and lights them* I got you covered.
2007-03-15 [FireGypsy]: Yay! But I am still all wet -_-
2007-03-15 [Kaos101]: *stares*....ca
2007-03-15 [kittykittykitty]: *turns on the rain* Now we are all even :D
2007-03-15 [Kaos101]: *presses against Kitty* That's a good plan. But how did you turn on the rain?
2007-03-15 [kittykittykitty]: Turned it on at the switch, of course But I forgot my umbrella :S
2007-03-15 [FireGypsy]: *is melting*
2007-03-15 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *casts FIRE spell on burnout to keep her happy*
2007-03-15 [FireGypsy]: * is engulfed in flames* Yay!!! *dances*
2007-03-16 [Kaos101]: *scratches head* I would imagine that hurts dramatically
2007-03-16 [FireGypsy]: It's magical, therefore it doesn't ^_^
Omfg haha Adam's mom just suggested that I tryout for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders XD The funny thing is, I might just do it O_o
2007-03-16 [Kaos101]: hmmm *sasha in a cheerleader outfit* You should do it
2007-03-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: your probably just thinking that because she might get a little crazy with the fire and you want to watch the fire peel her clothes off...
2007-03-16 [zoloftzantac]: *steals some magic fire and puts it in his pocket*
2007-03-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ....*steals some as well for the hell of it*
2007-03-16 [FireGypsy]: Ehh, I was a cheerleader in school, I was probably the only decent one of the team, all the other girls were slow and fat XD I would try out for the Bucs, but you need a leotard and crap and they dont get paid either, your just in it for the glory haha!
*snickers at the fact that they dont know that if you steal the magical fire, you lose your soul until it is repaced(kinda like POTC)* XD
2007-03-16 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *turns into ghoul* assss yooou commanddd burnnouut happpyyy....
2007-03-17 [zoloftzantac]: ehh ... I wasn't using my soul anyways
2007-03-17 [Tear]: Can't use it if you don't have one can you?
2007-03-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: uuuuaaaaaahhhh
2007-03-17 [Kaos101]: ..darn that flesh
2007-03-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: Rrrraaaaahhhhh
2007-03-17 [Kaos101]: *scratches head* ....are you okay?
2007-03-17 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *deadly stares at [Kaos101] while tongue hangs out of mouth* hhhhhh........
2007-03-17 [Kaos101]: *thinks* Maybe Sasha can help you. She is the fire queen, after all.
2007-03-17 [FireGypsy]: Nahh, this is quite amusing ^_^
2007-03-18 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *tongue falls off*.....fuuuu
2007-03-19 [kittykittykitty]: *tongue crawls around on the floor* Eeek *stomps on it*
2007-03-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *writhes in unpain* AUUUUUUGHHHHHH
2007-03-20 [..oops..]: oh.... fire.
i like to play with fire....
2007-03-20 [FireGypsy]: As do I *evil grin*
2007-03-20 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *undead grin* bbbbburrrrrnnn
2007-03-21 [zoloftzantac]: *picks up squished undead tounge* kitty stepped on this ^_^ *puts it in his pocket with the magic fire*
2007-03-21 [kittykittykitty]: But are you sure you want to touch that? It's been in [Enneigard Rebirth]'s mouth o.o;;
2007-03-21 [zoloftzantac]: but now it is special, I can still see your boot marks on it :D
2007-03-22 [Kaos101]: ...Kitty wears boots?
2007-03-22 [Tear]: Puss in Boots?
2007-03-23 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *squirms* uuuuaaaaahHuaa
2007-03-24 [Dead Inside.]: The world's greatest love song. http://www.you
2007-03-27 [Enneigard Rebirth]: OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOO
2007-03-27 [kittykittykitty]: Puss in boots ^-^ Thigh-high PVC ones :3 Or maybe.... not >.>;;
Is my speaker broken or did that video make no noise? o.0
2007-03-27 [Kaos101]: it has sound...it plays a song
2007-03-27 [Tear]: Latex... oooo
2007-03-28 [zoloftzantac]: Thigh-high PVC ones :3
*drools all over his keyboard*
2007-03-28 [zoloftzantac]: that song was so romantic :D
(the sound was really quiet)
2007-03-28 [Enneigard Rebirth]: dominatrix blackcore-leat
2007-03-28 [Enneigard Rebirth]: the safety word is wiki. *cracks whip*
2007-03-31 [Dead Inside.]: When you donate to elfpack, How long does it take before you get to use colours in you'r house?
2007-03-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: 2 through 4 years. plus you have to pay extra each time you use the colors on your page.
2007-03-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: no, im just BSing. ask.....*looks around*....som
2007-03-31 [kittykittykitty]: Well, I think it's whenever [Hedda] gets online and activates your priv :) Though it won't take longer than a day or so...
Thank you [Sunrose] ^-^
2007-03-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: your welcome. :> or wait [Sunrose]? ...
2007-03-31 [kittykittykitty]: Ummm.... for the changes to the page... o.0; *pets [Enneigard Rebirth]* there, there...
2007-03-31 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *purrs*
2007-04-01 [Dead Inside.]: Hey! How did YOU become a guard [kittykittykitty]?
2007-04-01 [Asrun]: kittykittykitt
2007-04-01 [zoloftzantac]: Yep, kitty is knowlegable about EP, hardworking, trustworthy, dedicated and hawt. I can't think of a better choice. ;)
2007-04-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ahem.
2007-04-01 [Enneigard Rebirth]: YES! I COMPLETED IT!
2007-04-01 [RabidSphinx]: O_o
2007-04-01 [Dead Inside.]: Thank's. But I thought I asked [kittykittykitty]. Maybe I was mistaken though...
2007-04-01 [kittykittykitty]: That Hierarchy is so funny! XD It's so true! XD
Well [Dead Inside.]... I volunteered my time for a lot of wikis and overall maintenence before becoming a guard. I helped out a lot and worked my way into this position. ;P
2007-04-01 [Dead Inside.]: Great. Now I have to be nice to you too...
2007-04-01 [RabidSphinx]: i'm the internet celebrity. fabulous!
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