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2012-04-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: [The Goddamn Batman] Do us all a favor and just stop being mean to Sammie, THAT'S MY JOB! *Grr grrr grr!* SAMMIE HE'S TAKING MY JOB FROM ME!
2012-04-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: STFU SAMMIE! you couldn't beat a ballon with a stick! <3
2012-04-01 [sammie h!]: No, but I could beat you lol
2012-04-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: Psh
2012-04-01 [sammie h!]: I win lol
2012-04-01 [Stephen]: *has no idea what Brother Eye said*
So, I'll wing a response.
Sammie, when I find you annoying I tend to tell you, as you may notice. I'm generally pretty good at pointing out when your messaging me becomes a little.. overboard, or when I don't like every page with an official title getting the same comment. ;)
However, I believe as Crew Members, that we should act to a certain level of professional behavior, regardless of what's completely on the said Crew Member's mind. For example, it's completely OK for us to tell you to stop spamming something because it annoys us, but not OK to go off on an angry tangent at you. That's childish and most definitely not the attitude a staff member should show.
I've said before that the entire Council doesn't trust you, and I hope you understand why that is. You and I have had large conflicts in the past and there's times I wonder if you're going to end up turning into that angry girl who threatens to delete her work if she doesn't get her way -- but I worry about that less often. You are making progress, no matter what it may seem like. I actually brought up with the Council the idea of you getting a staff-level Priv, and although as a whole it's not agreed on you should have it, a number of months ago there's no way I would have even mentioned it. When I accepted you, I had said I would not priv you, and you've at least partially changed my mind on that.
As to your fiancee: In order for us to even begin the process of even thinking about trusting him, he'd need to prove to us that we should, which isn't something that you can do. He was allowed back on and not instantly banned on your word he'll keep in line, but anything past that he personally needs to be able to prove himself to us, and that would be a very difficult process, 'specially when it comes to the senior Guards who were present when he was making trouble.
2012-04-01 [Stephen]: PS: I don't care too much if you and Matt share an IP. You can use the same computer/netwo
The reason we've been so slow to priv you, is there's no "undo" button on privs. If you decide to be malicious and use priv-89 to wreck Mainstuff, we can't fix it very easily at all. (On Elf12 we once had a Guard get pissed off and write a news entry with a lot of swearing and calling out crew members he didn't like. We changed it ASAP, but it was there and parents did see it. I've seen the damage it can do.)
With priv-79, you could just empty out the badge slots of anyone you felt like, and then we'd need to try to figure out how to fix that.
Priv-49, you could edit/view/chan
I'm not saying you WILL do things like that, it's just that we need to have complete trust in you to not do things like that. That just takes time, but you're doing well.
2012-04-01 [Cerulean Sins]: +1 :-)
2012-04-01 [sammie h!]: [Stephen] I understand you perfectly, I know I have done well on here and I know your trust issues, that [becca21] did the absolute wrong thing on here and I wouldn't dare do what she did.
I swear on Kians life I wouldn't do anything at all wrong, I take my anger out on Facebook when I get angry lol, I just pick someone who I know longer talk to and give them Shit lol.
2012-04-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: << No comment ANyway, Sammie, you want my opinion? Geta hair cut >> there
2012-04-01 [sammie h!]: Same to you lol
2012-04-01 [HeAVenShallBuRN]: I did recently, like last week
2012-04-02 [Stephen]: I didn't even mention Becca21. o_o'
She was just a normal member who blanked official pages, which is why official pages now are forum protected. :P
Also, it's not just my decision to give you a priv. It's a group decision. While I do normally assign standard-level crew privs without asking everyone's thoughts on it, since there's trust issues I talk to the Council as a whole before giving out privs, in this case.
2012-04-02 [djxmonster]: Sammie, you begged for privs on Cathug. I gave them to you. You said you would fix this and that and get more members (same thing as here). I haven't really seen you do anything with them...
2012-04-02 [sammie h!]: Well maybe if you give me something to do, I would do it straight away, I have done the news on there, I have advertised the website. I submit the website for free web advertisements worldwide. You may not see what I do, but I do do it
2012-04-02 [djxmonster]: ...but you said you had all these great ideas to get members... That's a main reason why I made you council.
2012-04-02 [sammie h!]: And the ideas isn't work, one of them might what I have just asked Michelle to do for me. :)
2012-04-03 [Stephen]: I think his point is:
If it's not working, it's not working. Part of the Council duties are to carry out ideas and make them work, or change them to make them work.
As to Cathug/Elf12, that's why I never go on either of them despite being acting Grand Mog of Elf12 and.. assistant Mayor? (Hell if I know) of Cathug. :P
2012-04-03 [Stephen]: Good idea!
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