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Greenpeace Criticizers [Logged in view]
2005-08-24 03:40:28
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This is a site for those who oppose Greenpeace and wish to expose them for the hypocrates that they are. They are political and social activists who use scare tactics and misinformation to rally up supporters, and rarely can produce actual scientists or professors from Universities to back up their claims.
Here's an article for you..
Sometimes protests are just stupid
2004-08-19 12:43:27 EST \ \ Spin
Dave Noisy brings news of a surprising form of protest from Greenpeace. They wanted to make a point about over-fishing and how it leads to an incredibly wasteful "bycatch" of fish that aren't the right size or species, so they dumped 11,000 dead and dying fish at the foot of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate. According to one article, Greenpeace actually caught the fish, and according to another, they were given the bycatch from a Belgian trawler. In either case, bycatch is normally thrown back, and yes, a lot of these fish die or are irreparably harmed in the process, but at least they have a better chance than if they're dumped in a public place to make a point. I realize that Greenpeace is more concerned with the overall environment than they are about individual lives of animals, but I think they could have found a better way to get the word out in this case.
Patrick Moore, founder and former President of Greenpeace since the 1970's, actually LEFT the group YEARS ago because he claimed that the organization had become to political. Today he promotes nuclear energy and genetically modified foods - and swears he's still fighting to save the planet.
What does it say about a group when their founding father leaves and says that things have gone awry?
Here's more...
By Drake Bennett
Patrick Moore has been called a sellout, traitor, parasite, and prostitute - and that's by critics exercising self-restraint
. It's not hard to see why they're angry. Moore helped found Greenpeace and devoted 15 years to waging the organization's flamboyant brand of environmental warfare. He campaigned against nuclear testing, whaling, seal hunting, pesticides, supertankers, uranium mining, and toxic waste dumping. As the nonprofit's scientific spokesperson, he was widely quoted and frequently photographed, often while being taken into custody.
Then, in 1986, the PhD ecologist abruptly turned his back on the environmental movement. He didn't just retire; he joined the other side. Today, he's a mouthpiece for some of the very interests Greenpeace was founded to counter, notably the timber and plastics industries. He argues that the Amazon rain forest is doing fine, that the Three Gorges Dam is the smartest thing China could do for its energy supply, and that opposition to genetically modified foods is tantamount to mass murder. (to read the rest of this article, go to
Its easy to oppose genetically engineered food when your own children aren't starving.
What is Greenpeace exactly?
Greenpeace is the largest environmental organization in the world, with an international membership of over 5 million and offices in over 20 countries. Forbes magazine once described it as “a skillfully managed business” with full command of “the tools of direct mail and image manipulation -- and tactics that would bring instant condemnation if practiced by a for-profit corporation.” But Greenpeace has escaped public censure by hiding behind the mask of its “non-profit” status and its U.S. tax exemption.
Greenpeace was originally the brainchild of the radical “Don’t Make a Wave Committee,” a group of American draft-dodgers who fled to Vancouver in 1969 and, supported by money from anti-war Quaker organizations, got into the business of forcibly blocking American nuclear tests. Over the years the group has loudly made its feelings known on a variety of issues (nuclear testing, whaling, and global warming, for instance), and its Amsterdam-based activist moguls pull the strings on what is estimated to be a $360 million global empire.
Anatomy of Greenpeace shakedowns:
-Greenpeace activists unlawfully occupy buildings, ships in harbor, and other private facilities to prevent others from going where they have a right to go.
-Greenpeace activists use their media and internet capabilities to denounce their targets and bring pressure using opinionated claims.
-Greenpeace activists negotiate with the target, usually a large corporation, either directly or through a public relations agency that employs or contracts with Greenpeace activists.
darned hypocrates..
The Quaker principle to "bear witness" was not enough for Greenpeace, which tries to make everybody bear witness—with the Greenpeace point of view, of course. Confrontation, civil disobedience, staged films of animal abuse, inflammatory lies and physical harassment are Greenpeace’s methods despite its avowed adherence to Quaker principles of non-violence. It was for many years entwined with the radical organization, Earth First!, quietly sharing staff, activists and offices.
"The secret to [the late Greenpeace co-founder] David McTaggart’s success is the secret to Greenpeace’s success: It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true. You are what the media define you to be. Greenpeace became a myth, and a myth-generating machine."
So said Paul Watson, one of the co-founders of Greenpeace. That squib from a long 1991 article in Forbes magazine gives us the aromatic top-note of what Greenpeace is all about—perception is reality and the facts don’t matter.
According to Canada’s National Post in October 2001, Patrick Moore offered the following critique: “I had no idea that after I left in 1986 they would evolve into a band of scientific illiterates…. Clearly, my former Greenpeace colleagues are either not reading the morning paper or simply don't care about the truth.”
the REAL "Green" in Greenpeace"
The “green” in Greenpeace, it turns out, stands more for money than for the environment. When its anti-biotech scaremongering drove consumers in Brazil away from genetically improved foods, Greenpeace swooped in with its own line of organic foods to fill the demand that its activists created. Greenpeace’s more recent reckless activism is a broader attempt to create the same sort of consumer shift here in the United States.
read the article, "How Telling the Truth Defeated Greenpeace in Brazil" at this website:
another good article about Genetically Engineered Foods and the risks "High Yields, Not High Horses Needed for Africa"
Shaky Science Behind Saving Rainforest Effort
The sky is NOT falling
Patrick Moore on truth and lies
Greenpeace policies keeping Africa poor
More coming soon!

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