Page name: Halloween High [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-04 03:02:32
Last author: HeAVenShallBuRN
Owner: Ritsuka-Kun
# of watchers: 11
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Halloween High

Plot: Yea I took the basic thing from from the halloween town disney movies to make this. Pretty much its based on a school very much like Xavier's school for mutants cept this school is for mutants, creatures, monsters, whatever you want and yes even humans can tend this school. Yea i know this may seem pointless but this has a point!
Mainly the point is the town you live in or its called in the movie Halloween Town is under the threat of being taken over by evil forces and its residents forced into slavery for the dark lord. its up to the characters to band together and try and stop this force. now you can be either good or evil and yes your character may switch sides whenever

The school is funded by Lyra's father not outside sources! so stop assuming that!

Rules:[ya always need em]
1. You can be whatever you want
2. You can be whomever you want
3. No character is all powerful
4. Any sex is to under-detailed or put in here ----> Dirty Secrets of the halls
5. Please use this to fill out ur character info:

Student or Teacer:
Powers [if any]:
Affiliation [good or evil]:
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]:
[pic is optional]
6. be as many people as you want just dont get em confused
7. invite people dammit
8. you can get fired or kicked out of this school duh but you can get rehired or re-enrolled


More rules as i see fit


Name: Lyra Svendora
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Student or Teacer: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Mutant but is really a witch her friends and family always said she was a mutant so she believed them
Powers [if any]: she has healing abilities, she can read minds, phase through objects, she can also raise the dead and work with dark or light magic, spells and spellbooks and she can make and use potions
Affiliation [good or evil]: Good but does have a tiny evil streak in her
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]: her father built and funds the high school, also she used to go to a witch/wizard school with Sirius and the others but there she kept mainly to herself she was taken out of the school by her father when halloween high was built and open

Name: Gackt Camui
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Student or Teacher: Teacher
Grade: graduated
Race: vampire
Powers: vampire powers, seductive voice, mind reading
Affiliation: evil
History: he was recently turned into a vampire he's still tryin to get used to it

Username: [wolvie]
Name: Sirius Black :D (just to switch things up :D)
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Student or Teacher: None he's graduated but not a teacher
Grade: graduated
Race: claims to be a mutant but is really an epic wizard of epicness
Powers [if any]: he can turn into a dog at will
Affiliation: Good
Other Info: He can transform from human to dog at will he's been in prison for years for a crime he didn't commit, he was accussed and convicted of murder and has lived the last 15 years in prison but recently escaped and now he lives outside of halloweentown high, eating rats and trying to find the man responsible for sending him to prison
<img:> human and dog form

Name: Remus Lupin
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi sexual
Student or Teacer: Teacher
Grade: a teacher so clearly graduated
Race: werewolf
Powers: he's a werewolf so werewolfish powers
Affiliation: Good duh :D
Other info: he's one of the schools defensive teachers trying to teach the kids how to better control and defend themselves. Due to what he is remus tends to get depressed very easily possilby more info coming later :)
<img:> <--Remus is the non pink wolf xD

[Slytheirn Snitch Seeker]
Name: Leion Flamel
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: Bi
Student or Teacher: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Wizard
Powers [if any]: He can cast spells, and his learning to control the elements, and can make potions.
Affiliation [good or evil]: He's new and just got here, so not sure
Other info [whatever you want to add it can even be a little bit of ur history]: His family has been knowen for there magic for years, his grate grate grate grandfather was born with out any magic and they gave him up. His family with magic soon died after, and every one thought his family was ead for years till he was born with the ablity to do magic. He's been studding with humans till now.

Username: [HeAVenShallBuRN]
Name: Jerimiah KAzinoth
AGe: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: Straight
Student or Teacher: Student
Grade: Junior
Race: Werewolf
Powers: Ummm SEe race
Affliation: Good
Other info: Jerimiah is one of Lyra's best friends, though he's quite brash at times...she's the one who keeps his temper in check. thing he keeps secret from the fact he's in love with her, or rather has a crush on her.

[Sigyn, The Faithful Wife]
Name:Abigail Lila
Student or Teacher: Student
Powers [if any]:She has a control over spiders...And also can change her size between 2" and 5'3".
Affiliation [good or evil]:Good.... Mostly
Other info: Her mother was a pixie (she was 2" tall) and her father was a fairy. How she came to be is really a mystery, it's just assumed that her father was able to shrink, or her mother grow... No one really knows. She showed up on her aunts doorstep after being born. Her aunt, a fairy, had always wanted kids, but never could have any, so she took Abigail in and raised her as her own. Abi is very spunky and fun, changing sizes at every turn because she hasn't quite gotten the hang of her power yet.

Username (or number or email):


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2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra sighed and frowned and then got up to look for Sirius, "sirius!?"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara nuzzled him

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded and sat by Sirius and rubed behind his ears, "Yep good old Sirius."

Max nuzzled her back as he held her

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius licks James' hand lightly then his ears twitch and he looks to the door, hearing Lyra calling for him

2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah rolled her eyes

2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah also heard her, "Arent you going?" she asked Sirius, laying back on the bed watched james pet him..

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara smiled and took a deep breath. "Max I love you,"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James looked at Bekah as he scrached Sirius's ears, "What never seen a dog and someone pet on?" He jokes

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra shook her head then went to her room to read, "The only thing i can count on is a book"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her shcoked not sure what to say

2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah smiles at james, "Well yeah, but i never saw a dog pet a dog.." she joked back..

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara blushed and looked down. "/i'm sorry.."

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius licks James' hand playfully again then turns and leaves, sniffing around then going to Lyra's room, he nuzzle's the door open and wags his tail, watching her read

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James rolled his eyes

Max kissed her again, "I loved you for years."

2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah sighed and sat up..

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra looked over raising her brow at his dog form, "hello?"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "And you didn't tell me?!"

2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah turned back to James, "what now?"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "Don't know."

Max blushed, "Well what would I say for most of those years you were scared of me because you thoght you were human and some more you were in deliul after getting your powers."

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius wags his tail and trots into Lyra's room, jumping onto her bed then giving her a big slobery kiss :D

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra eeps not realizing yet is was Sirius, "hi doggie?"

2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah stood and streched. "well then, I guess i'm going to go do something else then... care to join me?" she offered with a smile.

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "Max I've always loved you.."

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James nodded gatting up, "Sure."

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max looked at her, "But when you saw me change to a wolf you were so scared of me."

2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah grinned, "To biology we go!" she joked, walking past him and into the hall..

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "I was only scared that you wouldn't want to be around me anymore,"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James rolled his eyes and fallowed her

Max shook his head, "And why would that be?"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "Because I wasn't like you,"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max shrugged, "But you always looked at me like I was going to eat you after that."

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "I looked at you like you didn't feel the same about me,"

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius wags his tail and nuzzles her, shifting to his normal form and grinning as he does it, "Hi ^^" [sorry had to do the dishes really quick]

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max looked down, "I was scared you thoght I was a monster."

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "wow you can shift? hey" she frowned then, "why'd you leave earlier?"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "You're silly,"Akara hugs him

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max hugged her back, "Well I was.":

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara kisses him

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles back and nods, "Yeah I can" he says then drops his smile and looks away, "Cuz...that Bekah person..." he frowns more, "She said something about you being too good for me and...I dunno I kinda think she's right..."

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra rolled her eyes, "well she's wrong no one is better than anybody"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max kissed her back deep

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara smiled

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled back

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles a little, "You think so?"

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles back, "I know so"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara kisses him gently

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max kissed her back

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Well alright then"

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled kissing him lightly.

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: sirius blushes but kisses her back

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara smiled back. "You really love me?"

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles.

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max nodded

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara giggles happily

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max laughed, "Did you just giggle?"

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles back, still lightly blushin

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara smiles. "Yep"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max laughed and kissed her neck

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggled, "so cute"

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius blushes more, "What?"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara moans softly "My neck is sensitive"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max laughed, "Maybe thats why I wanted to kiss there."

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, 'You"

2009-07-21 [fu**(fuse)]: bekah smiled, "soo whatcha wanna do?"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara giggled

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius, "I am?"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: James shrugged, "Im up for any thing."

Max kissed her neckagin

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nodded, "yep"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara moaned softly. "Max!"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max laughed leaving a hickey as he wraped his arms around her

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "Thanks..but your cuter"

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back, "Nope"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara blushed

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Yep"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max laughed in her ear, "Sorry."

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggled, "Nuh uh"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "I don't mind,"

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius growls playfully

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and nussled her, "I think I'm dreaming."

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggled more, "ooh scary"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "Thats my line,"

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "Damned right"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max laughed, "You wwanna umm." He blushed

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara raises an eyebrow

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back kissing him again.

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max blushed redder, "You wanna go to my room?"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: "Um, sure,"Hell yes.

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: Max smiled and took her hand as he walked back to his room

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius kisses back then gently pulls away, "we ought to go see a movie or go out for dinner or something"

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nodded, "alright then"

2009-07-21 [Silverline]: Akara's heart raced

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "Don't want to rush things"

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back and nodded, "true"

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius nods

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled, "well lets go ^^"

2009-07-21 [WASHACKED]: (Here babys Max and Akara :D)

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles back and gets up, stretching, "Lemme go get ready I need a shower"

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nodded, "ok" she got up and started looking through her closet.

2009-07-21 [wolvie]: Sirius goes to hisdorm and smiles

2009-07-21 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, huh what to wear?

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius takes a nice long shower then shifts through his clothes, frowning lightly

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "hmmm nothing that doesnt scream goody two shoes"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles and picks out a pair of faded well worn Jeans and one of his Mettallica shirts :D

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles and puts on her school uniform just minus the vest and tie and she leaves it untucked, "There ^^"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius gets all dressed and ready then looks in his mirror and chuckles, I look like an ass...oh wells :D

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "still look like a little princess all sweet and innocent" she shrugged.

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles then goes out to the coutyard to wait for Lyra

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra heads to the courtyard, "hey"

2009-07-22 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah sits on the bench in the courtyard, she looks up and sees Sirius and scowls..

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James walked out of the school and pulled out his wawnd making Bekah's hair change green

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius doesn't even notice Bekah as he gets up and smiles brightly at Lyra, " look wonderful"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles back, "Really? not to innocent and good?"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius shakes his head, eyeing her body up and down eagerly, "Definatly not" then he looks over and notices Bekah, he chuckles, "Good job James"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled and nodded.

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles back and offers Lyra his arm, "Shall we?"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra put her arm around his, "we shall"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles and starts walking, "Umm...where's the theater?"

2009-07-22 [fu**(fuse)]: Bekah scowled and appered beside James, "Change it back..Now!" ><!!

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back, "this way"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius walks close to her and smiles, "k ^^"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back and got to the theater, "here we are"

2009-07-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: [I ish takeing out Fanta and Lexi.....I will remake Lexi, but not Fanta...]

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [tay then]

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Alright what're we seein?"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "uh you choose"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius nods and chooses a random comedy"

2009-07-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: Lexi picked up her suitcase and stepped inside.

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiles walking in.

Aly sat quietly playing her guitar.

2009-07-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: Lexi goes off to find someone to help her out.

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Aly looked up at Lexi, "you lost?"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles back and follows Lyra

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra sits down to watch the movie.

2009-07-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: Lexi nods. "Yes I am....Im new here."

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Aly smiled, "Need help?"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius sits down close and smiles, watching the mov

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back laying her head on his chest.

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: sirius blushes lightly and puts an arm around her gently

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled and giggled as she watched the movie.

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius chuckles

2009-07-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: Lexi smiled at Aly. "Yes please."

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggled more.

Aly smiled back and got up, "where to first?"

2009-07-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: "Ummm, how about where Im to stay? It say room: 209"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Aly smiled, "awesome im 208 here i'll show ya"

2009-07-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: "Thanks^^" Lexi followed Aly to her room.

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Aly, "welcome, well here we are ^^"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles once the movie's over, "That wasn't half bad"

2009-07-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: Lexi opens the dorr and walks in. "Care to come in?"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back, "it was pretty good"

Aly smiled, "sure" she walked into Lexi's room.

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius nods, "Yes it was"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled kissing him lightly.

2009-07-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: l€exi smiled and pulled out her wand andwaved it a bit, her things putting themselves where they should go.

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Aly nodded, "Cool a witch"

2009-07-22 [Fallen Child Athena]: Lexi nods. "Yep...what are you?"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Aly smiled, "Im a vampire"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles more, blushing lightly and kissing her back

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back, "you blush alot"

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James walked around bored, not wanting to go to the room him and Max shared after he herd what was going on on the out side.

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius, "Sorry" he says and nervously plays with his wand in his pocket, somehow turning James into a monkey on accident

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggles, "dont be its cute" she tilted her head as she saw James turned into a monkey, "You just turned your friend into a monkey"

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James changed back after he took his wand and chnged Sirius into a banana, :D "No hands have fun Sirius."

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggled.

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James smiled and joked, "Now it's not just your pants :D"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: [gah sorry had to go up to the stairs -,-]

Sirius eeps then -,-, how the hell am I supposed to change back now?

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggled mumbling a spell changing Sirius back, "There"

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James frouned and turned and ran, "Shit thants Lyra he;s gonna kill me/|

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles, "THanks Lyra" he starts after James but stops and looks at her, " can do magic?"

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James stoped and turned around wiitha rasied eyebrow at Sirius

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggled, "He wont kill you i promise ^^" then she shrugs at Sirius, "I guess that was magic?"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius nods and smiles at Lyra, "Awesome :D now if you'll excuse me" he shifts to his dog form then barks and catches James, pouncing him epicly

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra smiled back and nodded magic? so im not a mutant? im so confused @.@

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James falls back, "Sirius get off me." He squealed

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius barks playfully then licks James' face

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra watched the two and giggled more, im a witch :D always wondered why they sent me to that one school it was hell there >.<

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James rolled Sirius off and changed to a wolf ficking his tail, "Oh your getting it now."

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius barks playfuly and wags his tail, "I'm terrified"

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James growled playfully and jumped at him

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra sat quietly letting them play.

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius wags his tail, playfully growling back as he dodges the jump and nibbles on James' tail

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James yelped and tuned to Sirius pulling his tail away and nibbled on Sirius ear as he wagged hit tail

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra laid down in the grass looking at the clouds

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius barks and pulls away then growls playfully and rudedly mounts James XD [dogs do it all teh time doesn't mean its sexual..or does it? XD]

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: [sometimes it means dominance.. dogs are weird XD ]

Lyra looked over then frowned what is he doing?... she got up and headed to her room.

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: [i know it doesn't]

James rolled his eyes and tryed to shake Sirius off

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: [yesh dominance is clearly what sirius is establishing XD]

Sirius nips at James' ears then falls off and chuckles before seeing Lyra leaving, he frowns and lowers his ears, "Lyra?"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra sighed as she sat at her desk.

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James whined wanting to play more

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius rudedly ignores James as he goes over to Lyra's window and whimpers

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James whined and rolled on his back as he looked at Sirius

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius rudedly ignores James as he goes over to Lyra's window and whimpers

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra looked up and then opened her window, "yes?"

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James whined more and he got up

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius lowers his ears a little, "what's wrong?"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra, "you were getting to personal for my comfort"

2009-07-22 [WASHACKED]: James watch from the side, To personal? He was telling me he was the dominant male.

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius frowns, "I was just letting James know that I'm the dominant wasn't sexual"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra nods, "im sorry for being jealous, but could ya not do that? sometimes things dont always end where they should"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius frowns more, lowering his ears slightly then noding, "Sorry Lyra"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra sighed, "Im sorry just ignore me im just being jealous"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius wags his tail a little and tries to nuzzle Lyra through the window, "It's ok"

2009-07-22 [Ritsuka-Kun]: Lyra giggled, "Maybe you should shift back to normal to try that"

2009-07-22 [wolvie]: Sirius smiles and wags his tail before shifting back to his normal form and kissing her

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